, Lo fOt. ~ ,.- o(es fA c, , If It , ,.., a~ ;>, ..a During the 1960s, Canadian rates of inilation seemed to lie along a Phillips curve. Inflation rose and unemployment fell fairly steadily during this decade, and policymakers had apparently decided to live with higher inflation in order to reduce unemployment. Source:Adapted from the following: Unemploymentrate:Historical Statistics of Canada, Series0233; Inflationrate,1960-61: Calculated using GNP deflator, Historical Statistics of Canada, SeriesK17; 1961-69: Calculated using GOP deflator,StatisticsCanadaCANSIM II, seriesv1997756. ~ ~ 1:,0 6 1966 5 a; ••'~" ='-' 4 .;:; .po <:: t:: ....:; 3 2 The figure shows the combinations of inflation and unemployment experienced in Canada each year from 1970 to 2006. Unlike the situation during the 1960s (see Figure 13.1), after 1970, the relationship between inflation and unemployment seemed to change from what it had been in the 19605. Source:Adapted from the following: Unemploymentrate,1970-75: Historical Statistics of Canada, Series0233; 197&-2006:Statistics Canada CANSh'v\ II, series v2461224;Inflationrate:Calculated usingGDPdeflator,Statis',jcs Canada CANSIMII, seriesv1997756. _:t _ 9 10 11 12 Unemployment rate (percentage) p ",. C.,v 1 ~I \ Pit\- " o.c2~1 - ~ re ,. .~ •.... \ "- -••.,,~. l\A-~') n • ~ .~,) \ fila N.~c.t. ~ ~ '" I 0 I Figure 14.7 The expectationsaugmented Phillips QJrve in Ci,lnada. 1963=1997 The exp@ctations-augm@nt@dPhillips curve is a negative relationship between unanticipated inflation and cyclical unemployment. The figure shows this relationship for the years 1963 to 1997 in Canada. Unanticipated inflation equals actual inflation minus expected inflation, where expected inflation in any year is measured here as the average inflation rate for the preceding two years. Cyclical unemployment for each year is the actual unemployment rate minus an estimate of the natural unemployment rate for that year (see Fig. 14.9). Note that years in which unanticipated inflation is high usually are years in which cyclical unemployment is low. Source: unemployment rate, 1963-1965: Historical Statistics of Canada, Series D233; 1966-1997: Canadian Economic Observer, Historical Statistical Supplement, of Table 8; natural rate unemployment: see Fig. 14.9; (PI inflation rate: Canadian Economic Observer, Historical Statistical Supplement. Table 12. .1981 -,I .2~~~5 1 • 1965 .1969 1964 1967 • .19 1970· -1 1988. .1979 1995 • .1980 1963 • 1111996 .1990 1987 .1997 .1977 .1986 ·1971 1994 -2 11985 • 1993 .1984 -3 - ·1982 -4 -5 - -6 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Cyclical unemployment rate (percent) Tl~ V 3.5 '1t<!' ~., \, •• •• • •• • • sl.~.,,, •• P"iU", CIt,,~ I.) -r).~N)f,N t~,,+,'"tAe J,..,., .)t"", ,ue.,fs (i.e.) w1t~."..,1ft) J ..,Ae e.,t>"0It11i tAhe"" pl.). """"t rA+e. ;, " ••• , .,. tlte ~.~""I.,~ +e. il\-F 't.'" "'" ,•..f1,. l. "e,.+,'CA I .or ~"'" .f\ ,. ,f.~ 1.) T~e S~~.•.•)f ••", ')0) 1•••1" to. •~ ri e ,~,'JJ,-'J.~ H. f.l. ,i Ie ) • r P~.JI.'J'~fVe. ~~:.)f"s G--f4ft ;"fusech +~e. ta,,,,,,· ~'" A+ fJ,e. e~pt.","" ,...l-e· of. ,'., ~ J•• ·J·io~ • A Vt(~'tAJ L.••.•,.je••••p~,')I,.,J CMfVC /s esst",h.•l1~ -H.e 3a~& H.,••.• ; QS ~ ~e,J.,·tAl Lf(ArS 1:.MtVe.. Te,+i~ +he N~H C.fA~ we t!.tt ~o-\cJ 'W\ '7T C ': L.~ =1 "'Fr. ~ £3 V .•• - tA C2 -t : 11: to~ : _ ~--) tt, , '-". \. + ,";)1", c-Ne : • 7~1i•. "'~\AS I \I\))(I±. ro~I •."" -IYwt? 7T "'",-'CA I ~ke" -<. De~1 IV~»' ~.1J;.- ell (tA+- wIt) 11': : SI.,e ~ ~ 'r.t, H.e W~f,H.ef tJ(. • is f. , I) ",~o'ser"" LIe. ..• r.u.."'"cIt Ass~•••t 11:: ~I~' 7f..., LE.p"~'-s ==911+: tt.(~'~t+~T,.." .•.... ) ·_,t~..•.• ~ P,. ble",· : "'0 -.~ {}. 's ''''''''0+ • e sep~t•.okr, ~S+"oM eJ ~ : r~pose +~e '. ;••.J..,'J,·~c" rfs+r,e"...,·o\'\ (A T).,.+ ~~;:: I ft'", c .'.rt cn..se I;" '"~~~~''' eve,.,l-,l/~ &eu..,.s pet WI,. WIflit'" f•.. lI; 0 I'l" 6"",,' c,;,c./-fa ). Sol l,'Ol1 ~ ASS\AMe. I, )Q.,4,' hGt} &.,.c.I..~' s,. Est;~•.~e rke ~,', ~"", ,e-I of•..J. J ArJ I~po)e -H..t,c v./~tJ i~ ~t IJ'R.# re.,ress1v)I\ •