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I s I Wh"c,~ Go"s,.tlet i~ ~QC.t"oc.c.o~~Mic.s we i~-k"Gtc.ho~ ~W\GrI~ -II fNtI<m i,. tJ.e eCllI'I"wtj. ~o;,to J"~lJe/"f T~t MO()tl we. _it to Gilt se.s 0~ i ¥t hIA .MG~ MIl,".. 1:.I~qt M.,lc(+ W-1S ~ e.,'o~""'e"" (ft.~~t-k $¥",,> ~------ /t#tfA tlah : 'I Gross Domestic Productt expenditure-based c E ~ ~ " - .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,-" E ,. ~ ~ ~ ~ E ~ .. ~ ;;.~ ", ~ ~ " " Canada; 2002 constant prices; SeasonaUy adjusted at annual rates; Gross Domest. .. " " -I- m ~ I B I I- m ~ '--/ ()) CJ) c m ..r: U J-J C ()) U I- ()) 0.. (fj I- m 0 -0 c Canada; 2002 constant prices; Seasonally adjusted at annual rates; Gross Domest. .. rvlultifactor productivity in the aggregate business sector and major sub-sectors 0 0 ....-l II '35 N 0 0 0J X(1) \J .£; '30 Growth rate, 1960-2000 0.050 Japan Portugal 0.035 • • •Ireland Belgium Spain 0.030 Greece Austria Italy r ./ / Norway / ( Iceland FI"nland./ France • Netherlands • Turkey 0.020 • Luxembourg United Kingdom Canada • • •\ • United States Denmark Austra J"fa SWitzerland. Sweden New Zealand 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16.000 Per ca.pita GDP, 1960 FIGURE 5.8 Growth Rates in the OECDt 1960-2000 Macroeconomics, Charles I.Jones Copyright © 2008 W" W. Norton & Company Growth rate, 1960-2000 0.06 South Korea. Thailand. Japan China. b d Malaysia Bar a os • • •• I Ireland Mauritius Portuga Br~zil • •• Indonesia Pakistan. India Lesotho Zimbabwe - ~ •• Chile •• • ••• • Mexico • Costa Rica .:. Israel Belgium • • Luxembourg / Netherlands • France United Kingdom· .uruguay canada • United States •• Denmark \ Australia Switzerland Sweden ~l Jamaica.!, Kenya"-- if). - Ethiopia . • Igena •• Madagascar •• • Guinea • Comoros Bur~ Togo N' Sout~frica E'· . quatorla t Gumea Mozambique • . Niger 2,000 Argentina • • Venezuela eN"Icaragua 4,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 Per capita GDP,1960 FIGU 5.9 Growth Rates around the World, 1960-2000 Macroeconomic I Charles I.jones Copyright © 2008 W. W. Norton & Company Canada; Unemployment rate; Botl1 sexes; 15 years and over [v2091177] 15 ------,--------~---------r--------T--------,--------~---------r--------T--------, I t t. I I I 1 I I I I I' • I f 1 I f I I 'I I I t I " I I I I I "f I I I I I I tit • I I I 't I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I t I I I' 't , I • I I I I I I I , I t I , I I I I I I I I , I. t I I I , I I I I I , 'I 1 I 1 I f •• I • • I' I t • t I 1 I, 1 l I I I I I I , t I' I I 1 I I I I I I J I J I I I I I I , I , , ---------------~---------~ I I I I , , I I I I 1 I I I , I I I I I I I I I , I , I I I I , I I , I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I , 'I I ,t I I , I , , 'I, I lit I r I I , - -----r- I I I ---1--------~---------;--------r-------I I , I I I t , I I , I' I I I I , I t I t I I t 'f t I I I I · I I I I I J I I I I t f I I I I I I , I -~---J1- - --------~--------~--------~ , I I , , I V' I I I I I II I I , I I I I I , I I I t I I t , J I f 'I I I I 1 f I -~--------t.----t I I ,t I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I , I -, t · ,, I ,, , ..,.,. ., ,. ., .. , I I I Balance of international payments" current account, goods Balance of international paymentst current account, seasonally adjusted -----~ o S:.':~( ~ ~ Canada; Balancesl seasonally adjusted; Total current account [\1114421] International investment position ~ m -200,000 (5 "'0 -400,000 1960 Canada; Canada's net international investment position; All countries [v235422] U.S./Canadian Exchange Rate: U.S $ per Can $ 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65 292008 o · 60 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 TIle Pili, ,I'~ (t'R\f 'I':) r--..0: 6 QI Till C\\. \Il! \\. !( ( ()\\) ;., ••<:I ~ During the 1960s, Canadian rates of inflation seemed to lie along a Phillips curve. Inflation rose and unemployment fell fairly steadily during this decade, and policymakers had apparently decided to live with higher inflation in order to reduce unemployment. Source:Adapted from the following: Unemploymentrate: Historical Statistics of Canada, Series0233; Inflation rate, 1960-61: Calculated using GNP deflator, Historical Statistics of Canada, Series K17; 1961-69: Calculated using GOP deflator,StatisticsCanadaCANSIM II, seriesv1997756. QI >:ll ... 1966 5 d = QI ~ ~ Ql '-' = 4 i ...!!:= 3 2 The figure shows the combinations of inflation and unemployment experienced in Canada each year from 1970 to 2006. Unlike the situation during the 1960s (see Figure 13.1), after 1970, the relationship between inflation and unemployment seemed to change from what it had been in the 1960s. Source:Adapted from the following: Unemploymentrate,1970-75: Historical Statistics of Canada, Series0233; 1976-2006: Statistics Canada CANSIM II, series v2461224;Inflationrate:Calculated usingCOPdeflator,StatisticsCanada CANSIM II, seriesv1997756. -2 4 9 10 Unemployment 11 12 rate (percentage) Sector accounts, all levels of gOI-lernment Federal government debt 1.) What are the sources of economic growth? 2.) Why does growth fluctuate? 3.) Can economic policies enhance growth and moderate fluctuations? 4.) Why has the price, level increased over time? 5.) Why has inflation come down over the past decade? 6.) Why is there unemployment? 7.) Is Canadian unemployment "too high"? . 8.) What can the government do about unemployment? 9.) Why has the Canadian dollar appreciated recently? 10.) Does a strong currency help or hurt the economy? 11.) What determines the trade balance? 12.) Are trade deficits bad for the economy? 13.) Is government debt a burden on future generations?