Consumption and Saving 2009

Consumption and Saving
• Many decisions involve an intertemporal tradeoff; e.g.,
— consume now or tomorrow (saving), work now or tomorrow (schooling),
tax now or tomorrow (government finance)
• To interpret these types of decisions, we need a dynamic model (a model
with an explicit time dimension)
• We will start with the simplest dynamic model: a two-period model (current period vs. future period)
A 2-Period Model
• There are two periods;  = 1 2 (current period and future period)
• There are two goods (1 2); current consumption and future consumption
— interpret  as a time-dated good; so (1 2) is a commodity bundle
• People have preferences  (1 2) with usual properties (note: forward
• People have a nonstorable endowment (1 2); an exogenous lifetime earnings stream
Robinson Crusoe
• Choice problem is
max { (1 2) : 1 ≤ 1 2 ≤ 2}
• Solution is easy: 1 = 1 and 2 = 2 (consumer demand functions)
• Crusoe is constrained to live within his means on a period-by-period basis
• Note: 1 depends on 1 but does not depend on 2 (expected future
An International Bond Market
• Imagine now that Crusoe can trade with other economies
• Crusoe may want to import or export output
• Question: how can Crusoe pay for imports; how can foreigners pay for
• Answer: by issuing debt for imports; by accepting debt for exports
• Debt: a promise to repay in the future
• Let  denote the interest rate for risk-free debt; let  ≡ 1 +  denote the
gross interest rate
• If Crusoe imports one unit of output today, he must repay  units of
output tomorrow (principal plus interest)
• If Crusoe exports one unit of output today, he will be repaid  units of
output tomorrow
• Define  ≡ 1 − 1; i.e., saving (today)
• Note:   0 (positive saving means exporting) and   0 (negative saving
means importing)
• So Crusoe now faces the following constraint
2 ≤ 2 + 
• Combine this with the definition of saving  ≡ 1 −1 to derive the lifetime
budget constraint (LBC)
1 + 2 ≤ 1 + 2
• Note: Crusoe no longer constrained to live within his means on a periodby-period basis; but must live within his means on a lifetime basis
• Note: If Crusoe imports today, he must export tomorrow (to pay off debt);
if he exports today, he can import tomorrow (calling in his debt)
• Choice problem is now given by
max  (1 2) : 1 +
≤ 1 +
• Solution is a pair of consumer-demand functions (1  2 ); as function of
exogenous variables ( 1 2 )
• And a desired saving function  ≡ 1 − 1
• Mathematical characterization is
 (1  2 ) = 
1 +
= 1 + 2
• or (1 −  2 + ) = 
• Example: let  (1 2) = ln(1) +  ln(2) where  is a preference
parameter called the discount factor (interpret as patience)
• Then   is given by 2(1); so
1 2
=  and 1 +
= 1 +
 1
• Solution is
1 +
1 =
2 = 
1 + 2
• Use definition of saving to derive desired saving function
• Or solve directly using
• Solution is
 =
1 (1 − )
 (2 + )
1 −
• Then compute 1 = 1 −  and 2 = 2 + 
• This is a small open economy (SOE) model (small because  is exogenous)
• Can interpret as an individual, or a collection of individuals; e.g., desired
domestic saving is
 =
(1 2 )
• or using log utility function
 =
where  =
1 −
  is GDP at date 
NIPA Accounting
• Recall income-expenditure identity  ≡  +  +  + 
• In this model economy,  = 0 and  = 0; therefore,  ≡  +  
1 ≡ 1 + 
2 ≡ 2 − 
•  is the current period trade balance (net exports)
• − is the future period trade balance
Properties of the Consumption/Saving Function
• A transitory increase in earnings (∆1  0 ∆2 = 0)
— leads to 0  ∆1  ∆1 and 0  ∆  ∆1 (so ∆2  0)
• An anticipated increase in future earnings (∆1 = 0 ∆2  0)
— leads to ∆1  0 and 0  ∆  ∆2 (so ∆2  0)
• A permanent increase in earnings (∆1 = ∆2 = ∆  0)
— combination of two previous effects (stronger consumption response;
weaker saving response)
• Consumption expenditure should exhibit less volatility than GDP
• Trade balance should react positively to transitory increase in GDP and
bad news over future GDP
• Trade balance should react negatively to transitory declince in GDP and
good news over future GDP
• There is no logical connection between trade balance and economic welfare
• Capital controls (trade restrictions) are a bad idea
A Wedding
• In this section, we assumed (1 2) exogenous
• Here, we make output endogenous; refer to our earlier theory of the determination of output and employment and view (1 2) exogenous
• So now preferences are given by (1 1 2 2) with production function
 =  and time-constraint  +  = 1
• Choice problem is now
 
max  (1 1 − 1 2 1 − 2) : 1 + 2 ≤ 11 + 2 2
• Solution is characterized by
1. Equating  between  and  to  (for  = 1 2)
2. Equating  between 2 and 1 to 
3. Lifetime budget constraint
• Example: let  = ln(1) +  ln(1) +  [ln(2) +  ln(2)] ; so
and  21 =
  =
1 − 
• Then solve
1 − 1
1 − 2
1 + 2
= 1
= 2
= 
 
= 11 + 2 2
• But no need to solve completely in order to deduce qualitative properties
of solution
• We know, for example, that
1 =
11 +
• Now combine first two conditions to derive
(1 − 1 )2
(1 − 2 )1
• And use third condition to derive
(1 − 1 )
 =
(1 − 2 )
• So, relative labor input depends on  and 21
• An increase in  means 1 increases relative to 2
• An increase in 21 means 1 decreases relative to 2
• Note too that a permament increase in productivity (wage rate) leads to
no change in the labor input (consistent with secular observation)
• Labor supply responds to transitory changes in productivity (consistent
with seasonal variation; but perhaps business cycle variation too)
• Collectively, these propositions are known as the intertemporal substitution of labor hypothesis