Science and Technology Studies Page 1 of 2 ..DEPARTMENT OF ..SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STUDIES UCL Home ›› Sts ›› Whatson STS Fifth Annual Research Day STS main page STS syllabi STS staff STS location STS maps Information ..current BSc students ..current PhD students Admissions ..BSc courses ..MSc/PhD courses UCL main page UCL directory Google (search UCL) Tuesday 22 May 2007 Malet Place Engineering Building, room 1.20 . Programme: Welcome coffee/tea (10.30-11.00) SESSION 1: History of Science (11am-12pm) Catherine Jackson “Making Substances Speak: the public and private voices of Justus Liebig's organic chemistry"” Christine Aicardi "Experimentalism at the Paris Institution for the Deaf-Mutes, 1760-1830" SESSION 2: Science Studies Across Boundaries (12pm-1pm) Chiara Ambrosio “Iconicity as Homomorphism: The Case of Picasso's Guernica” Sophia Efstathiou "Found Science: Installing an Ordinary Entity in the Context of Science" BREAK SESSION 3: Science communication (3-4pm) Allan Jones “Science on the BBC: A Historical Battleground” Declan Fahy "ESCW ––A Model for Science Communication Training for Scientists" BREAK SESSION 4: Philosophy of Science (4.30-6pm) Grant Fisher "Why taking account of all (or even more) evidence isn't always better for scientific practice" Donald Gillies “Causality and Linking Mechanisms” Hasok Chang "Pluralism: epistemic and political" Drinks and dinner This page last modified 15 May, 2007 by Helen Wickham . University College London - Gower Street - London - WC1E 6BT - +44 (0)20 7679 2000 - Copyright © 1999-2005 UCL Disclaimer | Accessibility | Privacy | Advanced Search | Help file://D:\\whatson\research_day.htm 15/08/2008