Science and the Public 6 Annual Conference: 2-3 July 2011

Science and the Public 6th Annual Conference:
‘A Quarter Century of PUS: Retrospect and Prospect’
2-3 July 2011
Kingston University
Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey
Saturday 2nd July 2011
Registration and coffee
Session 1A: Contesting Science in the Public Sphere (Chair: Lorraine Allibone)
Rm: JG0003
Inga Kroener (Lancaster University)
‘“Caught on Camera”: the Media Representation of CCTV in Relation to the 7th July 2007
London Underground Bombings.’
Hauke Riesch, Chi Kong Chyong and David Reiner (University of Cambridge)
‘Public Perceptions of Carbon Capture and Storage: Results from the NearCO2 Survey.’
Angela Cassidy (University of East Anglia)
‘“Evidence Based” to “Evidence Led” Policy? Science in Public, Expertise and Policymaking
in the Bovine TB Debate.’
Session 1B: Narrating and Visualising Science in the Arts (Chair: Bipana Bantawa)
Rm: JG2009
Kate Roach (University of Nottingham)
‘Enchanting Science.’
Marek Kukula (Royal Observatory Greenwich)
‘Deep Impact, Dark Matter and the Deficit Model.’
Miguel Gomes (University of the West of England)
‘New Forms of Art, New Forms of Engagement?’
Session 2A: Science and Discursive Contexts (Chair: Simon Locke)
Rm: JG0003
Guiseppe A. Veltri (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies)
‘Viva la Nano-revolución! A Semantic Analysis of Spanish National Press.’
Mark Fielder (Kingston University)
‘Talking to the Media: A Scientist’s Perspective.’
Catharina Landstrom (UEA)
‘Why experts fail to change public misunderstandings of scientific uncertainty.’
Simon Lock (UCL)
‘Lost in Translation? Discourses of Public Engagement and Legitimacy in the UK.’
Session 2B: Strategies of Informal Science Communication (Chair: Chris Toumey)
Rm: JG2009
Sai Pathmanathan (Ignition*)
‘Informal Science Education vs. Informal Science Education.’
Bruce V. Lewenstein (Cornell University)
‘Natural Science meets Social Science: The NRC’s 2009 Report on “Learning Science in
Informal Environments”.’
Alice Bell (Imperial College)
‘On the Tribes of Science Blogging: “ScienceBlogs is a High School Clique, Nature Network
is a Private Club”.’
1.00 – 2.00pm
Plenary: Jane Gregory (UCL)
Rm: JG0001
Rm: JG2002
Sunday 3rd July 2011
Session 1A: Citizen Science (Chair: Simon J. Lock)
Rm: JG0003
Chris Toumey (USC NanoCenter)
‘Public Knowledge of Science.’
Beverley Gibbs (University of Nottingham)
‘The Role of Intermediaries in the Making of Scientific Citizenship.’
Bipana Bantawa (University of Oxford)
‘How can ‘dialogue’ be reconceptualised in a citizen science context?’
Elizabeth Bohm (British Medical Association)
‘Take Two Aspirin and Call Me in the Morning – The Public Understanding of Health and
the Role of the Patient in Modern Medicine.’
Session 1B: Translating Technoscience from Research to Museums (Chair: Alice
Rm: JG2009
Ana-Maria Raus and Ines Hülsmann (Maastricht University)
‘Following the Story of the Pacemaker: from ‘Clean Room’ to Exhibition Space.’
Miguel Gomes and Pedro Casaleiro (Science Museum of the University of Coimbra)
‘Behind the Glass.’
Claudia Geyer, Katrin Neubauer and Doris Lewalter (TUM School of Education)
‘Public understanding of science via research areas in science museums – the evaluation
of the EU-Project Nanototouch.’
Session 2A: Scientists and Publics: Developing Participatory Dialogues (Chair:
Hauke Riesch)
Rm: JG0003
Christophe Boete (Unaffiliated)
‘Genetically Modified Mosquitoes for Malaria Control: Relations between Scientists and
Public Opinion, Consultations and Critical Engagement.’
Daniel Peplow (University of Washington) and Sarah Augustine (Suriname Indigenous
Health Fund)
‘Community-Directed Participatory Action Research by Native Amerindian Wayana in
Southeast Suriname.’
Stephen Sillett and Jennifer Jiminez (Aiding Dramatic Change in Development)
‘Socio-Drama Topography: A Method to Engage Communities in Dialogue and Inform
HIV/AIDS Programming.’
Miquel Carandell Baruzzi
‘The “Orce Man” Against the “Deficit Model”.’
Session 2B: Communicating and Deliberating Uncertainty (Chair: Simon Locke)
Rm: JG2009
Robert Hatch (Kingston University)
‘“Organic = Good, GM = Bad”: A Case Study of Science Education Mismanagement.’
Lukas Otto, Marion Rahnke, Joachim Marschall and Michaela Maier (University of KoblenzLandau)
‘Effects of Science TV-Shows on People’s Understanding of Science: Results from an
Online Field Experiment.’
Oliver Escobar (University of Edinburgh)
‘Science, Deliberation, and Policymaking: The Brain Imaging Dialogue as Upstream
1.00 – 2.00pm
Plenary: Jon Turney
Rm: JG0001
Roundtable: ‘Science and Public: Researchers in Practice?’ (Convenor: Angela Cassidy)
Rm: JG0001