The Harmony of the Sphere Kant and Herschel on the Universe and the Astronomical Phenomena International Workshop 20 May 2011 University College London Nebulae, Star Clusters and the Milky Way: From Galileo to William Herschel Michael Hoskin 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 2 Nebulae, Star Clusters and the Milky Way: From Galileo to William Herschel Nebulae The Milky Way Herschel’s Cosmology 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 3 Nebulae Among the stars listed by Ptolemy in his catalogue in the Almagest are some seven that he describes as nepheloeides, ‘cloudlike’, from nephele, cloud (in Latin, nebula). Their diffuse shape distinguished them from normal stars, which appeared as points of light in the sky. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 4 Galileo Galilei Galileo’s Sidereus nuncius (1610) “A cluster that contains the nebula called Praesepe ... is not one star only but a mass of more than forty small stars. […] The stars that have been called by every one of the astronomers up to this day ‘nebulous’ are groups of small stars set thick together in a wonderful way; and although each one of them, on account of its smallness, or its immense distance from us, escapes our sight, from the commingling of their rays there arises that brightness which has hitherto been believed to be the denser part of the heavens and able to reflect the rays of the stars or the Sun”. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 5 Christiaan Huygens In 1656 Christiaan Huygens (1629–95), took the important step of making a careful sketch of a nebula, namely the Orion Nebula. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 6 M42 as depicted by Christiaan Huygens, Systema Saturnium (The Hague, 1659), 8 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 7 Edmond Halley Edmond Halley in Philosophical transactions (1715): “[nebulae are] nothing else but the Light coming from an extraordinary great Space in the Ether; through which a lucid Medium is diffused, that shines with its own proper lustre”. Orion Nebula, the Andromeda Nebula, the galactic cluster M11, and three globular clusters: M13, M22, and the southern Omega Centauri which Halley himself had observed at St Helena in 1676–78. It was during Halley’s visit to St Helena that the Magellanic Clouds first came under scrutiny from a competent observer. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 8 Edmond Halley Halley to Sir Jonas Moore (November 1677): “The two Nubeculae called by the Saylors the Magellanick Clouds, are both of them exactly like the whiteness of the Milky Way lying within the Antartick Circle; they are small, and in the Moon shine, scarce perceptible; yet in the dark the bigger is very notable.” 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 9 Two Questions Could star-like points of light be confidently identified with authentic stars? When could success in resolving some nebulae into stars justify the claim that all were formed of stars? 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 10 The Nature of Nebulae How could one, then, ever be sure that a given nebula would never be resolved into stars by a more powerful telescope? The most obvious answer was: if it was known to have changed shape more rapidly than would have been possible, had it been a vast star system. A star system will appear nebulous only if it is both so remote that the individual stars cannot be detected, and so large that despite its distance it appears to us to extend some distance across the sky. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 11 Changing Perspective By the 1770s Nebulae were known in considerable numbers, and competing theoretical explanations had been advanced for them. But so far no astronomer had dedicated himself to the observing of nebulae for their own sake, and to the construction of the great reflectors which alone could collect enough light from these faint objects to bring them under serious examination. With the arrival on the scene of William Herschel, this situation would change dramatically. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 12 The Milky Way 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 13 The Milky Way from Galileo to Lambert Galileo’s telescope confirmed that the Milky Way is composed of innumerable faint stars, but the threedimensional structure of the star system that generates the milky effect seems to have been of curiously little interest to him, or indeed to any competent astronomer of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. In about 1720, William Stukeley (1687–1765), a physician and antiquarian but no astronomer, suggested to Newton that the Sun and the bright stars formed a spherical cluster and that this cluster was surrounded at a distance by the stars of the Milky Way which together formed a flattened ring. But his words fell on deaf ears. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 14 Thomas Wright Thomas Wright (1711– (1711–86) published An original theory or new hypothesis of the universe in 1750: the long public silence on the structure of the Milky Way was at last broken. - struggle to reconcile astronomy with his highly personal theology (to integrate the limited region of the universe that is is observable, into a cosmology that embraces the supernatural). - The centre of the universe in the moral order (which is referred to by such titles as “the Sacred Throne” Throne”) is also the centre of the universe in the physical order — the gravitational centre and the source of the laws of nature. nature. The rest of creation is arranged, both morally and physically, about the Sacred Throne. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 15 Two attempts by Thomas Wright to convey his earliest conception of the universe. All creation was centred on the Abode of God, here represented by a triangle as symbol of the Trinity. The Sun with its planets, and the other stars with theirs, were distributed around this centre on every side, occupying a volume of space in the shape of a spherical shell. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 16 Thomas Wright “... Upon all sides the principal stars of the visible creation are exhibited in their natural order as seen from ye Earth by ye naked eye. Those of ye first magnitude nearest to our own system, and the rest proportionable removed according to their respective phenomena. Beyond these are others more remote crowned with a penumbral shadow such as we call telescopic stars and again without them more, supposed to be at immense distance & by no means perceptible to ye human eye. At a certain distance from ye Sun equal to a visual ray of ye smallest visible star is a faint circle of light terminating the utmost extent of ye visible creation, in a finite view from ye Earth....” 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 17 The outer sphere in this diagram portrays Wright’ Wright’s preferred model of the star system to which the Sun and the visible stars belong. These visible stars form a small segment of a spherical system whose radius is so vast that the boundaries of the segment approximate to parallel planes. An observer at A sees only a handful of nearby stars when looking towards B or C, but innumerable stars whose combined light creates an impression of milkiness when looking towards D, E, … From An original theory, theory, Plate XXVII. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 18 Thomas Wright The radius of the shell he believed to be very great, so that the shell curved imperceptibly and the restricted segment accessible to observational astronomy therefore approximated to a flat disk. Not through science, but only with the aid of theology, do we discover that our star system is distributed about a supernatural centre. It is a supernatural centre, but no longer the supernatural centre. Our star system (he now holds) is one of innumerable such systems, each of which has its own supernatural centre. The other systems we see as nebulae. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 19 Thomas Wright In 1750 Wright acknowledges the possibility of an alternative model for our star system, though it is one that lacks the spherical symmetry on which he has hitherto set such store. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 20 Wright’ Wright’s alternative model of our star system. The local Divine Centre is here shown as a sphere reminiscent of Saturn, and around it is the flattened flattened ring of stars to which the Sun belongs. An observer looking around within within the plane of the ring sees the impression of milkiness. milkiness. As we shall see, Immanuel Kant did not realize that Wright imagined there to be a local Divine Centre, Centre, and therefore saw no reason why the ring should not extend without interruption interruption from one side to the other, thereby becoming a diskdisk- shaped assembly of stars. From An original theory, theory, Plate XXVIII. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 21 Wright’s Influence on Kant Wright’s theory was published in 1751 as a summary in a Hamburg periodical. This summary (no illustrations) came to the eyes of the young Immanuel Kant (1724– 1804). In the summary Wright seemed to be offering two alternative models for our star system: either it was spherical, or it had the shape of a flattened, hollow ring. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 22 Some Open Questions How one is to reconcile Kant’s cosmogony with the cosmology he derived from his creative misunderstanding of An original theory is unclear. Nor is it clear how influential were Kant’s ideas, for the work in which he set all this out — his Universal natural history and theory of the heavens — was on the point of publication in 1755 when the bookseller went bankrupt. The influence of the book is hard to assess. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 23 Kant and Lambert Lambert explains that the visible stars form a system that is flattened and circular, and which we see as the Milky Way. This system is made up of innumerable sub-systems, one of which comprises the Sun and those stars that we see as individuals. The remaining sub-systems are scattered in the plane of the Milky Way. Being finite in number, they must avoid gravitational collapse by orbiting about a central body. His hierarchy extends distantly upwards; but unlike Kant’s, Lambert’s hierarchy is finite — it has, he suggests, perhaps a thousand steps. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 24 Lambert Lambert’s attempt to explain the Milky Way and its role in the structure of the universe belonged to the era when cosmology was still largely the preserve of religiously-motivated speculators, and the impact of these explanations on the science of astronomy was minimal. But a dedicated observer was soon to build massive reflectors explicitly in order to investigate “the construction of the heavens”. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 25 William 20 May 2011 Herschel M. Hoskin 26 William Herschel’s Early Investigations of Nebulae William Herschel (Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel, 1738– 1738–1822) opened his first observing journal on 1 March 1774. The opening page of his first observing book shows that on 1 March 1774, in addition to Saturn, he “Observed the Lucid Spot in Orions Sword belt; but the air not being very clear it appeared not distinct” distinct”. On 4 March: “Saw the Lucid Spot in Orions Sword, thro’ thro’ a 5 foot reflector; its Shape was not as Dr Smith has delineated it in his Optics [that is, the sketch by Huygens]; tho’ tho’ something resembling it; being nearly as follows. From this we may infer that there are undoubtedly changes among the fixt stars, and perhaps from a careful observation of this Spot something might be concluded concerning the Nature of it.” it.” 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 27 William Herschel Smith’s book encouraged Herschel to experiment with telescopes. In May 1773 he tried observing with a refractor of long focus, but the following month he hired a small Gregorian reflector. Mirrors were expensive to buy: he determined to make reflectors for himself, with Smith’s book as his guide and help from his resourceful brother Alexander. Herschel’s epoch-making achievements as a builder of what we might term ‘cosmological’ telescopes were the foundation for his investigations of “the construction of the heavens”. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 28 William Herschel Committed to astronomy beyond the solar system, and in particular to the scrutiny of nebulae in the hope of solving the riddle of their physical nature. This inevitably called for the building of reflectors with mirrors of a size hitherto undreamed of. Herschel recognized that to study the distant objects that might reveal the large-scale structure of the universe he must first be able to see them, and for this his telescopic mirrors must be large so as to intercept as much as possible of the light from these objects. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 29 William Herschel He alone had access to the observational evidence on which he based his theories, and this established a gulf between him and his contemporaries, who had to take his word for what was to be seen in his monster telescopes. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 30 William Herschel Herschel increased the number of known nebulae from the hundred or so listed by Messier to over two-and-ahalf thousand. His contemporaries were baffled by an astronomer who broke all professional norms by importing into astronomy the methods of natural history, and labouring on an heroic scale to increase the number of recorded specimens of a range of astronomical species. These data cried out for classification and explanation, and classification had had virtually no place in astronomy. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 31 William Herschel Herschel, then, was in the first rank as telescope builder, as observer, and as theorist; and so it is not surprising that he altered the face of astronomy dramatically. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 32 William Herschel In December 1781, his neighbour and ally William Watson Jr sent him a copy of Messier’s 1780 list of 68 nebulae. In his first major paper on cosmology Account of some observations tending to investigate the construction of the heavens published in Philosophical transactions (1784), Herschel claims that as soon as Messier’s catalogue “came to my hands, I applied my former 20feet reflector of 12 inches aperture to them; and saw, with the greatest pleasure, that most of the nebulae, which I had an opportunity of examining in proper situations, yielded to the force of my light and power, and were resolved into stars”. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 33 William Herschel Herschel did not look at another nebula until August 1782. Even then his observations of nebulae were desultory at first, perhaps because of the limitations of the mounting of his 20-ft reflector, serious nebular studies would have to await the completion in October 1783 of the “large” 20-ft with its 18-inch mirrors and — more importantly — its stable mounting. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 34 William Herschel A discovery of exceptional importance: “Septr 7. 1782.... A curious Nebula, or what else to call it I do not know. it is of a shape somewhat oval, nearly circular, […]. It is of the same shape with 278 [magnification] but much less in appearance. with 932 it is still the same shape but much larger. So that its appearance seems to follow the law of magnifying, from whence it is clear that it is of some real magnitude in the heavens and not a glare of light. The brightness in all the powers does not differ so much as if it were of a planetary nature but seems to be of the stary kind, tho’ no star is visible with any power. It is all over of nearly the same brightness. The compound eye piece will not distinguish it from a fixt star, at least not sensibly”. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 35 William Herschel This discovery of what became known as the “Saturn Nebula” was momentous. It was the first example of what Herschel chose to term ‘planetary nebulae’, anomalous and mysterious objects that seemed to have the circular disks of planets but the pale light of nebulae. For a long time planetary nebulae would refuse to fall into any simple theory of nebulae that Herschel could devise: they kept their unchanging place in the heavens as did the ‘fixed’ stars, and he wondered if they might be a completely new species of celestial body. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 36 William Herschel Herschel’s fine new 20-ft reflector was nearing completion, and he resolved to use it to examine the whole of the sky visible from England — a task that was to occupy him and Caroline for twenty years and result in two catalogues of one thousand nebulae and a third of over five hundred. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 37 Herschel’ Herschel’s ‘large’ large’ 2020-ft reflector, completed in October 1783. This engraving, which he he published in 1794, shows the instrument equipped with an observing observing platform which allowed the observer to drag the tube from side to side and so track an object in the sky. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 38 Herschel’ Herschel’s conception of how star clusters increasingly condense over time time under the action of gravity. These diagrams come from his 1814 paper on “The sidereal part of the heavens” heavens”, but he arrived at this conception in the 1780s. We see here the start of the transition from the stable, clockwork universe of Newton, to the universe of modern astronomy in which everything, even the cosmos itself, has a lifelife-history. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 39 William Herschel Herschel was now in some confusion as to the nature of the nebulae. The only nebula he had examined repeatedly over the years, the Orion Nebula, had (he believed) altered shape and was continuing to do so. In January 1783 he noted that “the nebulous part is quite different from what it was last year. The 9th star very strong, the nebula about it and the 8th being much dispersed”. There could therefore be no question of its being a vast star system. He was still dealing in appearances rather than explaining the underlying physical realities, and from this point of view the visible nebulae and clusters could be graded into a continuous series, with a cluster of individual stars at one extreme and a uniform appearance of nebulosity at the other. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 40 William Herschel This procedure made Herschel very experienced in the distribution distribution of nebulae across the sky, and this was to have important implications for his theories of the nature of nebulae. For example, example, on 30 December 1783 he commented: “It appeared to me remarkable that in and about the place where the many Nebulas began there was an uncommon scarcity of stars so that many fields were totally without a single star. If these Nebulae should be clusters of stars it should seem as if they were collected together from the neighbouring spaces”. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 41 William Herschel Herschel was beginning to view the Milky Way as the optical effect of the solar system’s membership of a (compound) layer or ‘stratum’ of stars, the stars having been drawn together from a more primitive and scattered distribution of stars by the action of gravity or other attractive force. Herschel’s 1784 paper on the construction of the heavens was read to the Royal Society on 17 June. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 42 William Herschel The feature that Herschel was provisionally using to distinguish the Orion Nebula and other true nebulae from star systems disguised by distance: A true nebula appeared milky, while a distant star system betrayed its nature by displaying a ‘resolvable’ appearance. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 43 Herschel’s First Cosmological Synthesis Just five days after his paper was read to the Royal Society, Herschel came across M17, or Omega Nebula. Seen through his telescope, it appeared to contain both the milky nebulosity that was supposedly characteristic of a true nebula and the resolvable nebulosity of the distant star cluster. He decided that if the appearance of the nebula was confirmed, he would have to reverse his earlier judgment that true nebulosity existed, and instead see resolvable nebulosity as characteristic of star systems in the middle distance, and milky nebulosity as characteristic of systems in the far distance. The Omega Nebula would then be “a stupendous Stratum of immensely distant fixed stars some of whose branches are near enough to us to be visible as resolvable nebulosity, while the rest runs on to so great a distance as only to appear under the milky form” form”. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 44 Herschel’s First Cosmological Synthesis Independent confirmation of the implications of the Omega Nebula came a month later, when Herschel examined M27, the Dumbbell Nebula. But what of the changes that Herschel was so convinced had taken place in the Orion Nebula, and which conflicted with his new theory? His solution for the dilemma they now posed was simple: total silence. In 1785 Herschel’s universe had a simplicity that he was quick to exploit. Since all nebulae were star clusters, nebulae such as those of Andromeda and Orion, which were so very distant as to appear milky and yet despite this distance extended across the sky, must be vast indeed. This being so, these systems might well be independent galaxies in their own right. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 45 Herschel’s First Cosmological Synthesis Furthermore, clustering implied that gravity or other attractive forces were at work. Herschel now made attraction the foundation of a complete cosmogony. In words that must have astonished his readers, he declared his intention of investigating the universe “from a point of view at a considerable distance both of space and of time” time”. “Let us then suppose numberless stars of various sizes, scattered over an indefinite portion of space in such a manner as to be almost almost equally distributed throughout the whole. The laws of attraction, attraction, which no doubt extend to the remotest regions of the fixed stars, stars, will operate in such a manner as to produce the following remarkable effects” effects”. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 46 Herschel’s First Cosmological Synthesis Where there happened to be a single star larger than the rest, this star (he argued) might pull those about it so as to generate a globular cluster. Where a number of stars were unusually close together, they too might pull in surrounding stars and so generate an irregular cluster. In practice, both these effects would occur in all manner of combinations. The reader was not to be alarmed about the possibility of a cosmic gravitational collapse, for the sidereal heavens extended indefinitely; but in individual clusters a star might now and then be destroyed, “as perhaps the very means by which the whole is preserved and renewed. These clusters may be the Laboratories of the universe, if I may so express myself, where the most salutary remedies for the decay of the whole are prepared”. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 47 Herschel’s First Cosmological Synthesis But how did the planetary nebulae fit into this scheme? Were they really true nebulae? In his 1785 paper Herschel is frank about the mystery surrounding these objects, “that from their singular appearance leave me almost in doubt where to class them”: 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 48 Herschel’s First Cosmological Synthesis “The planetary appearance of the first two [of his list] is so remarkable, that we can hardly suppose them to be nebulae; their light is so uniform, as well as vivid, the diameters so small and and well defined, as to make it almost improbable that they should belong to that species of bodies” bodies”. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 49 Herschel’s First Cosmological Synthesis “If we would suppose them to be single stars with large diameters we shall find it difficult to account for their not being brighter brighter ...; so that after all, we can hardly find any hypothesis so probable as that of their being Nebulae; but then they must consist of stars that are compressed and accumulated in the highest degree. If it were not too hazardous to pursue a former surmise of a renewal in what I figuratively called the Laboratories of the universe, the stars forming these extraordinary nebulae, by some decay or waste of nature, being no longer fit for their former purposes, and having their projectile forces, if any such they had, retarded in each others’ others’ atmosphere, may rush at last together, and either in succession, or by one general tremendous shock, unite into a new body.” body.” 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 50 Herschel’s First Cosmological Synthesis The explosion of Tycho’ Tycho’s nova of 1572, he suggests, might have come about in this way. In his third great cosmology paper of the 1780s, Herschel reflects reflects further on this cosmogony. He hints at how gravity might combine with repulsive forces to bring each star cluster eventually into globular form, the cluster finally becoming a planetary nebula which “may be looked upon as very aged, and drawing on towards a period of change, or dissolution”; and he closes this period of his career with a ringing declaration of how his method of placing each cluster at the appropriate stage in its life-cycle will give to mere humans an insight into the workings of the cosmogonical processes. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 51 Herschel’s Investigation of the Milky Way It is doubtful whether Herschel, when he first turned his mind to the problem of explaining the Milky Way, knew anything of the mid-eighteenth-century speculations on the Milky Way proposed by Wright, Kant or Lambert (all of whom in different ways saw the milky effect as resulting from our immersion in a layer of stars). 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 52 Herschel’s Investigation of the Milky Way On the other hand, there is no reason why Herschel should not have independently perceived that the optical effect we term the Milky Way may be due to our immersion in a layer or ‘stratum’ of stars. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 53 Herschel’s Investigation of the Milky Way In his papers on the construction of the heavens, Herschel realised that to achieve his goal two assumptions were inevitable: The first assumption, naturally, had to be that his most powerful telescope, the ‘large’ 20-ft reflector, could reach to the borders of the stratum in every direction. The second assumption would allow the observer to convert the visual information reaching him through his telescope when pointed in a particular direction, into knowledge of how far the stratum of stars extended in the direction. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 54 Herschel’s Investigation of the Milky Way Herschel set out to determine the shape of the Galaxy, which he declared was “A very extensive, branching, compound Congeries of many millions of stars”. But counting stars took time, which he could ill afford to spare from his long-term campaign of sweeping the sky for nebulae. He therefore had to content himself with giving a full explanation of his procedure and implementing it around a great circle of the sky. The result was his famous sketch of a cross-section of the Galaxy. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 55 The crosscross-section of the Milky Way, from Herschel’ Herschel’s 1785 paper on the construction of the heavens 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 56 Herschel’s Investigation of the Milky Way In later years Herschel found himself forced to abandon both of the assumptions on which his crosscross-section was based. The completion of his monster 4040-ft reflector in 1789 brought many more stars into view and proved that the 2020-ft had not in fact succeeded in reaching out to the borders of the Galaxy in every direction. Nor was there there any good reason to argue that the 4040-ft was succeeding where the 2020-ft had failed: the Galaxy, he conceded, was in some directions “fathomless” fathomless”. As the number of star clusters in his catalogues grew year by year, year, so he became increasingly conscious of how far from uniform is the the distribution of the stars, until at last he had to admit that a large star count was more likely to be a sign of clustering than of greater distance to the border of the Galaxy. His diagram of the crosscross-section of the Galaxy had therefore to be abandoned. But popular science, like nature, abhors a vacuum, and and Herschel’ Herschel’s sketch was being reproduced in print well into the second half of the nineteenth century. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 57 Herschel’s Second Cosmological Synthesis Herschel’ Herschel’s cosmogony of the later 1780s had provided him with a theory of nebulae that was satisfactory except in two respects: first, the soso-called planetary nebulae remained a puzzle; and second, he had had to disregard the changes he himself had (he believed) observed in the Orion Nebula. But on 13 November 1790 he came across “a most singular phenomenon! A star of about the 8th magnitude, with a faint luminous atmosphere...” atmosphere...”. It was in fact the object known to modern astronomy as the planetary nebula NGC 1514, which is near enough to us for its diameter to be measured in minutes of arc rather than than seconds, and has a bright central star that Herschel could clearly clearly see. Its appearance was therefore quite different from the tiny, seemingly seemingly uniform disks of the objects for which he had invented the name of planetary nebulae. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 58 The planetary nebula NGC 1514, which Herschel encountered on 13 November 1790 and which convinced him of the existence of ‘true’ true’ nebulosity. He interpreted it as a star “with a faint luminous atmosphere” atmosphere” out of which the star was condensing. Photograph courtesy of Martin Martin C. Germano. Germano. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 59 Herschel’s Second Cosmological Synthesis This, he decided, was a star with a luminous halo, a ‘nebulous star’ star’ in the categories of his later classification. Herschel’ Herschel’s misgivings about his current cosmogony had by now grown so strong that he accepted the implications of this new evidence: the the ‘nebulous star’ star’ must be a single, partiallypartially-formed star condensing out of surrounding nebulosity through the action of gravity; and this nebulosity was was therefore truly nebulous, and not merely a star cluster disguised by its great great distance. However, this development did nothing to undermine the fundamental role of gravity as the agent of change in his universe: universe: he simply extended its operation back in time to embrace the newlynewly-discovered embryonic stage in the life history of stellar systems, a stage before the formation of discrete stars out of true nebulosity. In this his final cosmogony, which he was still expounding in Philosophical transactions as late as 1818, the universe was the setting in which light as a physical body cycled cycled eternally through a sequence of forms under the influence of gravitational gravitational attraction. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 60 Herschel’s Second Cosmological Synthesis The sequence began with thinly scattered light, which collected here and there under the action of gravity to form diffuse clouds of nebulosity; these then condensed further and would usually split into a number of smaller clouds. Further condensation led to stars being being born out of the nebulosity, and these stars then gathered into scattered systems, which gravity condensed further and split into into smaller and more compact systems, culminating in globular clusters, clusters, where “the exertion of a clustering power has brought the accumulation and artificial construction of these wonderful celestial celestial objects to the highest degree of mysterious perfection” perfection”. In various ways — through the steady shining of starlight, and perhaps through cataclysms at the end of the evolutionary sequence sequence — light was diffused back into distant regions, to start the whole whole sequence over again. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 61 Herschel’s Second Cosmological Synthesis His methodology was set out with simple clarity in lengthy papers papers published in 1811 and 1814, where he drew on his catalogues of nebulae and clusters for specimens at various stages of development, and devoted an ‘article’ article’ or section to each stage, saying: “... it will be found that those [celestial objects] contained in one article, are so closely allied to those in the next, that there is perhaps not so much difference between them, if I may use the comparison, comparison, as there would be in an annual description of the human figure, were it given from the birth of a child till he comes to be a man in his prime” prime”. He also applied this concept to our Galaxy, which he saw as in process of fragmenting under the action of gravity. The clusters of stars in the Galaxy, he explained in 1814, would become ever more more concentrated. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 62 Herschel’s Second Cosmological Synthesis “Till they come up to what may be called the ripening period of the globular form, and total insulation; from which it is evident that the milky way must be finally broken up, and cease to be a stratum of scattered stars. We may also draw a very important additional conclusion from the gradual dissolution of the milky way; for the state into which the incessant action of the clustering power has brought it at present, is a kind of chronometer that may be used to measure the time of its past and future existence; and although we do not know the rate of going of this mysterious chronometer, it is nevertheless certain, that since the breaking up of the parts of the milky way affords a proof that it cannot last for ever, it equally bears witness that its past duration cannot be admitted to be infinite”. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 63 Herschel’s Second Cosmological Synthesis There was a price to be paid for the success of his second cosmogony: Herschel had no way of telling whether a milkylooking nebula was a nearby cloud of true nebulosity or a distant and vast star system. The Orion Nebula, because it altered shape, must be the former; but there was no means of identifying which of the unchanging nebulae were the latter. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 64 Herschel’s Second Cosmological Synthesis In 1813 the poet Thomas Campbell had a conversation with Herschel in which the astronomer told him that “if those distant bodies had ceased to exist millions of years ago, we should still see them, as the light did travel after the body was gone”. “I really felt at the moment”, wrote Campbell to a friend, “as if I had been conversing with a supernatural intelligence.” 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 65 Herschel’s Second Cosmological Synthesis Herschel’ Herschel’s speculations, based on evidence to which he alone had access and guided by methodologies as novel as the questions he posed, found little support among serious astronomers. He had been at the centre of controversy from his first entry onto onto the London scientific scene, when he knew neither how to define the position of a star nor how to organize a scientific paper, and when when his claims seemed so preposterous that some declared him fit for the insane asylum of Bedlam. But his achievements as a telescope builder and as an observer were indisputable — he was, after all, the first man since the dawn of history to discover a planet. Yet his standing was such that he was given virtually free access to the pages of Philosophical transactions, transactions, and this ensured that his ideas were available worldwide — to contemporaries and, more importantly, to future generations, who would not find his hypotheses so farfar-fetched nor his methodology so outrageous. 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 66 Nebulae, Star Clusters and the Milky Way: From Galileo to William Herschel Thank you Michael Hoskin 20 May 2011 M. Hoskin 67