Unipd W of the MdIands May 6, 1994 IOQ Main Sfrel FC. BOx 152 S.0 29202 Qaiurn (803) 733-5400 Mr. David A. Paradine PreSident United Way of the Co1umbia-Wi1lamette 718 West urnside Street Portland, OR 97209-3522 (02) 77$.7Q (FaX( CI-IAIRMAN 1P THE BOARD Lwrncc M. Graa1le, it. Lawrenc,e Dark who will I am writing to introduce Executive Officer become the new President and Chief He has been an active of your Urban League in June. Midlands, having volunteer for United Way of the Advisory Board, as served on our Project Blueprint and as a member chairman of a special agency study, Lawrence has of our Volunteer Services Diviion for a long time. been a strong United Way supporter his strong support of He is interested in continuingto Portland. I am the United Way when he moves strengthen the certain that he will work to and the Urban relationship between the United Way once he has I encourage you to seek him out League. You will find him assumed his position this June. to be an asset and ally. CHAIRMAN.LT OF THE BOARD W, <iry one PRESIDENT ihn I., Hnfr SECRETARY Caph J, Millard TREA.OVRER Lan S. inr VICE CHAIRMAN AGENCY RLrioHo Miiicn KImpon VICE CHAIRMAN CAMPAIGN RcAgrI . SInIon VICE CHAIRMAN MARKETINQJCQMMUNICATIQH$ T. InriJLo VICE Ci-IAIAMAN LLH&k PLANNING Ann T. IMriry Via CHAtMAN ..VOLLJN1E .ER VIcES chrIon Lvnair Entry cct Lawrence Dark Afli 15 7) a ''L4 V11V .Jr.h)L .Afr 4II ) LAURA GLOSSON 422 N.E. 69th PORTLAND, OR 97211 (503) 253-2046 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH LAURA F. BROOKS GLOSSON - Native Texan and retired Portland Public School District. Involvement since retiring. 1993 - 1994 Urban League of Portland Board of Directors, Secretary. 1990 - 1993 Tcainerftr Portland/Multnomah Commission on Aging.j AACT Training (Aging Advisory CommiSion Training). 1987 - 1993 Chair and Vice Chair of Advisory Committee Multicultural Senior Services Center. 1988 - 1990 Delegate to Governor's Conference on Aging. Also active at Hughes Memorial A. M. Church, Presently - member of Board of Trustees. Past Chair of Council of Ministries. Oregon-Idaho United Methodist Women's Race Relation Committee 1993 Chair of Scholarship Committee - Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. 1989 Finance Chair of American Bridge Association National Tournament hosted by Portland Unit. Hold BS Degree - Wiley College, Marshall, Texas MiDegree - Oregon State University. 1(1 A The t.Jrban Leaguc of Porfiand URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street Portland, Oregon 97227 FAX (503) 281-2612 BOARD OF DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1994 7:30 A.M. LUIZi :1_i I ;J I!& E. SHELTON HILL CONFERENCE ROOM A NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE AFFILIATE A United Way Agency 0 (503) 280-2600 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING E. ShELTON lULL CONFERENCE ROOM - URBAN PLAZA Thursday, May 26, 1994 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. AGENDA 7:30 - 7:35 a.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Action) 7:35 - 7:40 a.m. REPORT FROM THE INTERIM DIRECTOR (Action) 7:40 - 7:45 a.m. UPDATE NEW C.E.O. 7:45 - 8:00 a.m. REPORT FROM THE CHAIR COMMITTEE REPORTS Joan Brown-Kline, Chair 8:00 - 8:15 a.m. NOMINATING 8:15 - 8:30 a.m. FUNDRAISING - Duane Bosworth, Chair 8:30 - 8:45 a.m. FINANCE/PERSONNEL 8:45 - 9:00 a.m. COMMUNITY RELATIONS/ADVOCACY - - Rian Brown, Treasurer and Chair - Judi Pitre, Chair GROUND RULES OPEN MIND + EVERYONE PARTICIPATE + ONE SPEAKER AT A TIME + HONOR ALL QUESTIONS BE FLEXIBLE + BE TIME CONSCIOUS + IF CONSENSUS IS REACHED, IT WILL BE HONORED + BE GOAL-ORIENTED + NO PERSONAL ATTACKS + NO HIDDEN AGENDAS!!! URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S MEETING APRIL 20, 1994 MINUTES The Urban League of Portland's Board of Director's Meeting was called to order at 7:50 am. by Vice Chair, Duane Bosworth. Members present: James Boehlke, Louis Boston, Duane Bosworth, Rian Brown, Faye Burch, James Francesconi, Laura Glosson, Bryan Hicks, Joan Brown-Kline, Michael Lewellen, Charu Nair-Manchanda, Rita Lucas, Judi Pitre, Peggy Ross, Emmett Wheaffall. Members absent with excuse: Kevin Fuller, John Holley, Elizabeth Kutza, Terry Rogers, Gina Wood, Bill Wyatt. Staff present: Larry Fottz, Esther Hinson, Herman Lessard, Cletus B. Moore, Jr., Michael Pullen, Brenda Sherman-Sanders, Don Chalmers. NEW BOARD MEMBER WELCOME Duane Bosworth, Vice Chair welcomed new Board member Emmett Wheaffall. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION WAS MADE TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES AS AMENDED. THE MOTION PASSED. AMENDMENTS TO THE MARCH 17, 1994 MINUTES. NO REPORT FROM CHAIR. Chair Gina Wood, late and had no report. FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Jim Boehike reported that the presentation of the revenues was very good. It shows where our dollars come from and our expenditures. Our revenues are higher than we budgeted and expenses are higher than budgeted because the Street Academy was added to the budget. Additional funding is needed, but we are moving in the right direction. Board of Directors Minutes April 20, 1994 Page 2 FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Cont'd) Mr. Dark signed his Employment Agreement. His final schedule takes him to May 23, he will be here on that day. He will visit April 13-April 20. Community and social events are scheduled. Suggest board meeting be changed to April 20th so Mr. Dark can attend. Cletus and I have spoken to Lawrence Dark and he has some good ideas. With the growth of the Street Academy and the Employment Department, we are beginning to look at space requirements or other sites for program expansion. No action to be taken at this point. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Michael Lewellen elected Chair, Judi Pitre elected Vice Chair, Rian Brown elected Treasurer and Laura Glosson elected Secretary. Acknowledgement of former Chair, Gina Wood's letter of congratulations to new chair and appreciation to other board members that she served. REPORT FROM THE INTERIM DIRECTOR Cletus Moore reported that the second check from Meyer Trust for the Senior Center's GrandParent program had been received. The transition book is being prepared for Lawrence Dark by Cletus Moore. MOTION WAS MADE TO APPROVE THE INTERIM DIRECTOR'S REPORT. THE MOTION PASSED. COMMENTS FROM LAWRENCE J. DARK, PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER I wish to extend to this Board my extreme gratuity and this organization for providing the opportunity for me to lead such a tremendous organization. I definitely want thank Judi Pitre and Michael Pullen for the tremendous program that they put together for me to meet with community leaders, for these past 8 days. The people are pleased with this organization. I met with the President of Portland State University, Judith Ramaley. She gave me a blank check and stated that anything that this organization needed to be successful, that she would give it to me. I have passed out a booklet, "Discover Total Resources" A Guide For Nonprofits by the Mellon Bank Corporation which I plan to use in my 90 days assessment of this organization. I hope that you will allow me select 8 internal board members, a couple BdminApr] Board of Directors Minutes April 20, 1994 Page 3 of community people to really do a planning process for the first 90 days. We will also need your input. This book comes highly recommended. Also, I passed out a sheet to you about Fund Raising, which 1 will be stressing a lot at meetings that I will be attending. Membership is another important issue, it makes a statement to be a member of the organization. On the boards that I have served on it was required that you be a member of the organization before you were on the Board. You definitely could not hold an office if yoy were not a member. It makes it so much easier when I go to a Funders and say everyone one of my Board members and staff are members of the organization. One of the challengers that I put out, "why not buy a membership for a youth?" There has been a lot of response. Ed Dewald was the first person. He gave a check for 2 youth membership of the Urban League. Rep. Gordly bought 4 memberships. My wife and I are going to buy 10 memberships, six will be for youth and 4 for senior citizens each year. I truly appreciate how everyone has tried to make it comfortable for me to move into this position. And the staff has been tremendous. YouaII have a top flight staff. COMMENTS FROM NEW CHAIR No comments at this time from the Chair. NOMINATING COMMITTEE Joan Brown-Kline has submitted 2 (two) candidates for the National Urban League Board. The candidates are: Kevin Fuller and George Richardson, Jr.. These 2 (two) candidates certainly meet the requirements of the National Urban League Board. They are both community involved. Kevin Fuller is a member of our Board and is involved with youth and the school system. George Richardson is with Northwest Natural Gas and is involved or on the board of quite a few community organizations. We have sent their Blo's with their applications. MOTION MADE TO ACCEPT KEVIN FULLER AND GEORGE RICHARDSON, JR., AS CANDIDATES FOR THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE BOARD. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED AND PASSED. member of the Nominating Committee; suggested enforcing the BYLAWS Absenteeism - 3 unexcused absents and you are off the board. Chair noted Faye Burch re: , comment. FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Jim Boehlke reported that the Finance/Personnel Committee did not meet this month, however, the Finance Report continue to look as before. There have been a lot of new activities, as we discussed early from the Minutes from the last meeting. New programs starting up and the expenses involved with those programs are creating a fairly difficult [BdminApr94] Board of Directors Minutes April 20, 1994 Page 4 situation in trying to analyze these things. Personnel Policies that we approved, a couple of months ago, we found a couple of minor modifications that need to be made. We also had Duane Boswcrth from a legal standpoint, had his Firm take look at the legality-and there were a few things that need to be changed. We are not prepared to present them at this time. Approval of the Amends to our Personnel Policies will take place at the next meeting. MOTION MADE TO APPROVE THE FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT THE MOTION PASSED. FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE Mike Lewellen submitted a proposal to the Board of a possible Furidraising Event George Frasier, Author, "Success Runs In Our Race" A complete Guide to Networking In the African American Community. He is on a 10-city Book Tour, also Television Shows bookings and would add Portland to the schedule, as a possible Fundraising Event. His publishing company is willing to lend marketing assistance. I would like full authorization to submit a proposal for a possible August or September Benefit. This would be announced at the Annual Meeting. MOTION MADE FOR MICHAEL LEWELLEN TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL OF THE FUNDRAISER BOOK TOUR OF GEORGE FRASIER. THE MOTION WAS SECOND AND PASSED. COMMUNITY RELATIONSIADVOCACY COMMITTEE Judi Pitre extended a Thank You to Terry Rogers for opening up her home for the Reception for Lawrence J. Dark, President and Chief Executive Office of the Urban League of Portland. Also, the committee, along with Michael Pullen, are to be commended on the assembling of the community for Lawrence Dark to visit. Criteria for Urban League position on Ballot Measures and Issues. To recommend issue and ballots measure to the full board that will further our mission statement. This is the Committee recommendation and we are asking for an endorsement from the board. THE MOTION WAS MADE TO RECOMMEND ISSUES AND BALLOTS MEASURES TO THE FULL BOARD FOR ENDORSEMENT THAT FURTHERS OUR MISSION STATEMENT. THE MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED. URBAN LEAGUE GUILD REPORT Peggy Ross, thanked the Board for sending her to the Western Regional Conference in Colorado. Seattle, Tacoma and Portland will be working in a joint venture and supporting each other. [BdminApr94j April 20, 1994 Board of Directors Minutes Page 5 The "Jar The Floor" Play and Reception netted approximately $500.00. The African Art Benefit, which will be held May 14, 1994. We have about $5,000 donation. This is just about clears the expenses. The full budget is about $8,000. This is the main Fundraiser this year. Daughters Day, April 28, 1994 Is another event. The reception at the Urban League. URBAN LEAGUE YOUNG PROFESSIONALS REPORT Young Professionals is plafining on forming a committee with the Guild. No activity at this time. Meet adjourned. SUBMITTED BY: oy\ APPROVED BY: ftLQ14L&1vl- Don Chalmers Acting Administrative Assistant Urban League of Portland [BdminApr94] Lau1ra Glosson / Secretary Board of Directors THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND ***FIN&T REPORT*** The Report of Interim Director for April 11, - May 23, 1994 This is my last report as Interim Director. I thank the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Search Committee, and Operating Committee for the confidence entrusted to me to run this agency for the past almost seven months. Thanks for the opportunity! General Administration: Primary focus this month has been on transitioning the agency to the new C.E.O. to arrive May 22, 1994. It should be noted that more than 80% of the staff has had performance evaluations. The personnel policy manual is completed and reviewed by legal counsel. All jobs within the agency have been reviewed and updated materials are now available to rewrite all job descriptions for the agency. It is important for the Board to be aware that more than $225,000 has been awarded to the agency in the past 8 months that was not a part of this fiscal year's budget. These additional programs will impact the current year's financial condition as well as change the budget prepared last January for the coming fiscal year, beginning July 1, 1194. See the attached Grant Status Report prepared by Mike Pullen. We do not have any indication as to the funds we will receive from United Way. There is some sense that some programs may face a major reduction. I wifi keep the Board and C.E.O. advised. TQM training for staff was completed Friday, May 13, 1994. Plans are now underway for introduction of Efficacy into the performance evaluation system, setting up a planning committee for the 50 year celebration (this wifi require board involvement), annual dinner, and last but not least, prepare for end of year audit. The management team had its second retreat. Part of the workshop materials were to continue to improve team performance and efficiency and learn about non-profit board of directors' responsibilities. A video film was shared with the management team that helped the program directors understand the relationships and responsibilities of staff and board. It was an exciting experience for the management operating committee. Look for more good things from the management operating team and staff as the Board's strategic plan is integrated into the operational plans of the agency and the new C.E.O. comes on board. Planning, Program, and Service Development: The management team is working on departmental operating plans. The program directors did an outstanding job in meeting deadlines for department analysis reports and job evaluation. A transition reference document has been prepared for Lawrence Dark to assist him in getting acquainted with the agency and its history. All departments have been active in community outreach and integrating various community meetings into our schedules. A 'state of the Agency Report" will be available at the board meeting. This document represents the state of the Urban League of Portland at the time of transition from the Interim Director to the new President and Chief Executive Office. A summary report of program activities is not included in this report this month. Please review the "State of the Agency Report11 for current information. A copy of all department monthly reports are on ifie and available upon request. A copy of all reports is sent to the Program Planning Committee Chair. Fiscal Administration: See financial statements for current operations. Community Relations/Advocacy/Meetings/Communications: I have continue to act as a Liaison in various organizations for the League. Also staff has represented the League in various committee activities as it relates to their expertise. There are community issues that are being shared wtih respective committees. Respectfully, Interii'6tor C.Moorc'" J (File: IDRptApr.94) Fall 1992 Fall 1992 Oregon Senior & Disabled Services: $10,000 for Alzheimers Program (1 year) Phone call, 3/15/93 NA CORRESP. DATE Burden Foundation $45,000 to "Grandparent Program" (Esther/Mike) Senior Programs Passage" PortlandTrail Blazers (Player's Fines Fund); $10,000 for "Rites of (Herman/Mike) Male Responsibility IDS Financial Services ($10,000) (Mike) General Purpose GRANT AREA, KEY STAFF, FOUNDATION NAME, PROGRAM & GRANT AMOUNT Fall 1992 N/A NA DATE RESPONSE Application Guidelines required One-page proposal NA MATERIALS REC'D None 4/30/93 NA NEXT DEADLINE NO 4/12 AWARDED $10,000 (Pending Letter) 3/15/94 $250 AWARDED $3,000 Gold Mem. AWARDED NOTIFICATION DATE 9/13/93 4/16/93 6/18/93 APP. SENT (Summary of grant activity for fiscal year beginning 7/1/93, including pending applications and grants awarded which are still active. Table does not include annual contracts and awards from government, United Way or corporations.) URBAN LEAGUE GRANT APPLICATION STATUS REPORT MAY 2, 1994 -- CONFIDENTIAL -- RFP materials RFP RFP Private Industry Council: JTPA Older Workers Training (Computers) $27,700 Private Industry Council/Mt. Hood Commty. College: Dislocated Worker Program ($70,000 for 1 year) Hatfield Job Training Fund (Federal): Short trainings at UL (no budget yet) Guidelines 6/1 7/93 N/A In process 6/16/93 Fall 1992 (second application) In process None 5/5/94 (VOA staff are writing grant) 1/15/94 (by PSU) 111 5/94 Guidelines $8,000 1/15/94 1/15/94 Dec. 1993 $70,000 AWARDED Training project with Nordstrom approved DENIED $300,000 over 3 years 4/1/93 AWARDED APPLICATION PENDING PRE- AWARDED NOTIFICATION DATE APP. SENT NEXT DEADLINE MATERIALS 1991 DATE RESPONSE 1991 Aug. 1993 Dec. 1993 CORRESP. DATE Meyer Memorial Trust $300,000 (over 3 years) for Employment Dept. & Computer Training Center (Brenda/Herman/Mike) EmploymentlCareer 0ev. AARP Fdn. $200,000 (partnership w/ PSU) (Grandparents) Public Welfare Fdn. $40,000 (tent. amt.) (Grandparents) Meyer Memorial Trust: Adult Day Care Center, in partnership with VOA, Alz. Assn.: 3-year gcant; No budget yet Meyer Memorial Trust $8,000 (Grandparents) GRANT AREA, KEY STAFF, FOUNDATION NAME, PROGRAM & GRANT AMOUNT PENDING 4/94 Irwin Foundation: $20,000 for Street Academy Portland Public Schools: $236,000 for Street Academy Dec. 1993 Dec. 1993 Dec. 1993 12/9/93 Oct. '93 8/15/93 Guidelines Black United Fund: $5,000 for Whitney Young Center 12/31/91 & 9/24/92 ARCO lost appl: draftN/A Guidelines FaIl 1991 FaIl 1991 ARCO Foundation: $30,000 for Whitney Young Center 12/9/93 8/1 3/93 ing new 5/31/93 ($5,000) AWARDED (Up to $202,800 per year) AWARDED ($5,000) AWARDED DENIED AWARDED 4116194 3/94 In process NOTIFICATION DATE APP. SENT N/A NEXT DEADLINE Guidelines MATERIALS REC'D Spring 1993 DATE RESPONSE Spring 1993 CORRESP. DATE US WEST Found.: $86,000 for Whitney Young Center (Hemian/Mike) (Computer). Possibly agency-wide. Education Intel Corp.: In-kind donation Contractors: Fee for Service Computer Training ($500/student) Boeing Co.: In-kind donation (Computers) Minority Business GRANT AREA, KEY STAFF, FOUNDATION NAME, PROGRAM & GRANT AMOUNT 1/20/94 NEXT DEADLINE 12/93 1120/94 1/94 APP. SENT 2/94 2/94 US Forest Service: Summer Youth Employment: $82,000 Private Industry Council: Summer Youth Employment support services: $4,000 staffsupport: $6,400 4/94 12/93 REC'D MATERIALS Private Industry Council: Summer Youth Employment 12/93 February 1993 DATE RESPONSE 11/93 12/93 February 1993 CORRESP. DATE MuIt. County: Gay/Lesbian Youth Support Gp.: $2,000 Empowerment: $10,000 Mutt. County: Youth Employment & Cityof Portland: $10,000for GayYouth Support Group McDonalds Corp: $3,000 (NULITES trip to 1993 NUL Conference) (Larry FJMike) Youth Srvice Center Southland Corp.: $25,000 for WhitneyYoung Center Portland General Electric: $8,000 for Street Academy GRANT AREA, KEY STAFF, FOUNDATION NAME, PROGRAM & GRANT AMOUNT I $4,000 AWARDED $82,000 AWARDED $6,400 AWARDED $2,000 AWARDED (1194) $10,000 AWARDED $10,000 AWARDED (8/93) $3,000 AWARDED PENDING ($8,000) AWARDED NOTIFICATION DATE Unibeci Way of the Midlands May 6, 1994 IQ MIn Iit P. Bx 102 Calum Mr. David A. Paradine President 29202 (60) 733.5400 (09) 77$'7G United Way of the Colunthia-Willarnette 718 West urnside Street Portland, OP. 97209-3522 CHAIRMAN OP ThE 0ARD Lwr,ca 1.4. 113.$eIIe, .Ij.. Dear Dave: I am writing to introduce Lawrence Dark who will. become the new President and Chief Executive Officer of your Urban League in June. He has been an active volunteer for United Way of the Midlands, having served on our Project Blueprint Advisory Board, as chairman of a special agency study, and as a member Lawrence has of our Volunteer Services Division, been a strong United S7ay supporter for a long time. He is interested in continuing his strong support of I am the United Way when he moves to Portland. certain that he will work to strengthen the relationship between the United Way and the Urban I encourage you to seek him out once he has League. assumed his position this June, You will find him to be an asset and ally. CHA4MAM..IT OF THE 0ARO W, KIly PRESIDENT .4ahn I,, H&n SECRETARY CQptv5 .J }4flhlard TR!AURE Pip4, L VICE CNAIRMAM AGENCY IN MiIIo i<lmp3Qn VICE CHAIRMAN CAMPAIGN Rçborj . :3iIQa VICE CHAIPMAN MARKETINWCOMMUNICATIQN$ har1Bs Hope everything is going well. VICE CJ4AIMAN PLANNING Sincerely, Mi 1. Henry VICE CHAtMAN ..VUNYEgJ $EFiVrc ChrIoti L'nir dent 7)1 cct Lawrence Dark AR11S '-' LA !--- LQJJ V'TT V J-'' II .. , EDTHE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND ©E June 14, 1994 12:30 pm. Multicultural Center Annual Celebration Senior Center Lawrence Dark June 16, 1994 Portland Street Academy Graduation Uriban League June 24, 1994 Fishing Derby (Tontative) Urban League Annual Dinner Convention Center July 14, 1994 6:15 p.m. Reception Dr. Rudolph Crew, Guest Speaker 7:15p.m. Dinner July 24/27, 1994 National UL Conference Convention Center Indianapolis, IN August 19, 1994 Grandparent's Conference (Td?ntative) The Urban League of Portland URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street Portland, Oregon 97227 FAX (503) 281-2612 (503) 280-2600 May 21, 1994 The oard of Directors Urban League of Portland Dear Members of the Board: Presented here are April, 1994, Combined Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenue and Expense and Changes in Fund Balances Report, and the Comparative Statement of Support Revenue & Expense History (Fiscal years 1992 & 1993) for the Urban League of Portland. Please note in the Comparative Statement of Support Revenue & Expense History that the line items headed "Special Events" represents gross funds raised in revenues and cost in expenses for each year. These reports are for management use only and are unaudited. These reports do present fairly the actual revenues and expenses for the period except as noted in financial statements. Though it is not shown in these combined financial reports, separate accounts are maintained for each fund to ensure the observance of limitations and restrictions placed on the use of resources available to the League. These accounts are maintained in accordance with the principles of fund accounting. The staff, in cooperation with the Finance Committee, is continually working towards developing uniform standards on special projects and accountability for restricted contributions. SPECIAL NOTES: Explanatory notes and comments accompany the financial statements to clarifr the statements and enhance the fairness of their presentations. These notes are an integral part of the statement. I would like to bring to your attention specific changes in footnotes 3, 7 and 10. (3) Special events expenses include salary allocations for the respective event which may not show in committee reports or summaries that do not include payroll allocations for major events. (7) For your convenience I have detailed two major categories for supplies. These accounts are interchangeable. Some of the larger tickets items included a camcorder, T.V., VCR and peripheral equipment (specific funds received for purchase for Employment Department), books and text or computer materials for the training center or educational programs. Just this fiscal year alone the League has spent more than $5,000 in educational materials for its program. As we gain more experience in our new programs it is hope that these costs wifi level out andlor we become more proficient at estimating A NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE AFFILIATE A United Way Agency what new programs will cost. During the year we have received specific donations for individual items outside the budget. Donations are recognized as Support Contributions in most cases and the required purchase as expense. Such items would put us over in selective categories or line items. A work sheet is being prepared to share with the Finance Committee the details of those contributions reflected in this year's financial reports. In addition to the detail provided in this footnote, McDonald Corporation has provided funds for our youth to attend the Urban League National Conference. During this fiscal year that accounts for more than $2,300. This is a non-budgeted item where (10) the cost of the trip is covered by a specific, restricted, contribution. Sometimes even our best guess on what it will cost: to maintain building and equipment will not account for the unexpected, e.g. broken water pipes, major vehicle repairs outside of routine maintenance. All these events are document in our payable files. As of April 30, 1994, before depreciation and C.E.O. Search expense, revenues exceed expenses by $61,444. It is also important to note that our educational department had funds that were carried forward from last fiscal year in excess of $40,000. This was the continuation of last years summer program that crossed fiscal years. These funds help support our Male and Female Responsibility Programs. A special feature in this months report are three charts, "Revenues, year to date", "Expenses Year to Date", and "Change in Cash Balance, Month to Month". Each of these charts give a visual prospective in proportion of the whole. I hope you find them helpful. If you have any questions regarding these reports, please give me a call before the Board meeting. Respectfully submitted, Vice President, Finance Administration (File: BoardApr.94) Revenues, Year to $172632 Special Events $179,390 Contributions/Grants $205,670 United Way $207,744 Other $576,719 Federal, State, local Ex pens . es .. Yearto Date $819,586 Salaries/Benefits $65,896 $135,303 Occupancy $72,244 Special Events $229,538 Other $50,193 Equipment/Maintenance Mar31 to Apr30 Feb 28 to Mar 31 Jan 31 to Feb 28 Dec31 to Jan 31 Nov 30 to Dec31 Oct31 to Nov30 Sept30 to Oct31 Aug 31 to Sept30 July 31 to Aug 31 June 30 to July 31 -100 -50 0 50 100 Thange in Cash BaIance, Month toont 150 The Urban League of Portland Consoildated Balance Sheet April 30, 1994 (See Accompanying Accountant's Compilation Report) Current Funds Restricted Unrestricted Land, building and equipment fund Custodian Fund Total IASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Cash (note 1) Investments Accounts receivable $7,464 $200,134 $2,912 - $2,680 $13,734 - - $12,089 - Interfund receivable (payable) ($101,415) $101,415 - Total Current Assets: $101,631 $120.968 $2,680 $224,012 $2,912 $12,089 - $13,734 $239,012 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT: Land, buildings and equipment, net - - $701,430 $701,430 Land held for resale - - $1,000 $1,000 - $702,430 Total property and equipment TOTAL ASSETS $101,631 $120,968 $69,803 $15,481 $705.110 - $13,734 $702,430 $941,442 IUABIUTIES AND FUND BALANCES Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Capital tease obligations payable - Deferred revenue - Funds held on behalf of others - TOTAL UABIUTIES FUND BALANCES TOTAL UABIUTIES AND FUND BALANCES $69,803 $31,828 $101,631 - $110,000 - $125,481 ($4,513) $120,968 - $503,803 - - $503,803 $201,307 $705,110 - $85,284 - $503,803 - $110,000 $13,734 $13,734 $13,734 $712,821 - $13,734 $228,621 $941,442 The Urban League of Portland Consolidated Statement of Support, Revenue and Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances For The Ten-Month Period Ended April 30, 1994 (See Accompanying Accountant's Compilation Report) Current Funds ISUPPORT I Unrestricted Restricted Land, building and equipment fund Total $26,665 $167,330 - $193,995 Special events (note 3) $168,387 $4,245 - $172,632 United Way allocation $199,320 $6,350 - $205,670 $5,000 $557,114 - $562,114 $399,372 $735,039 - Contributions (note2) Federal, state and local grants Total Public Support: $1,134,411 IREVENUE Membership Dues Investment Income $73,180 $73,180 - $2,850 $136 $2,714 Rental Income $56,632 - Indirect cost recoveries (note 5) $61,649 - $56,632 - $61,649 $7,936 $5,496 - $13,432 Total revenue: $202,111 $5,632 - $207,743 Total support and revenue: $601,483 $740,671 - $1,342,154 Program Services $192,191 $755,271 - $947,462 Supporting Services $346,853 $65,896 $412,749 Total Expenses: $539,044 $65,896 $1,360,211 Other IEXPENSES: I EXCESS OF SUPPORT AND REVENUE OVER EXPENSES: FUND BALANCES AT BEGINNING OF YEAR: OTHER CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES: (Reduction of capital lease obligations) litJWD BALANCES AT END OF YEAR: - $755,271 $62,439 ($14,600) ($65,896) ($18,057) $2,374 $10,087 $234,218 $246,679 $32,985 ($32,985) $31,828 ($4,513) $201,307 $228,622 The Urban League of Portland Comparative Statement of Support, Revenue and Expense8 and Changes In Fund Balance Fiscal Years 1992 Through 1994 (See Accompanying Accountant's Compilation Report) 1993-94 RemaIrng Budoet Budget ($12,518) $22,632 $12,863 ($53,131) $261,826 $150,000 $177,632 $778,020 $56,156 ($22,632) ($1,758) $201,301 $1 .134.411 (s30,1 54) $1,367,478 $60,000 $0 $70,445 $0 $0 $0 $73,180 $2,850 $56,632 $61,649 $13,433 $0 $13,180 $2,850 ($13,813) $61,649 $13,433 $0 $60,000 $0 $84,534 $0 $0 $0 ($13,180) ($2,850) $27,902 ($61,649) ($13,433) $0 $232,585 $130,446 $207,744 _$77,299 $144,534 ($63,210) $1,376,453 $1,655,484 $1,295,010 $1,342,155 $47,145 $1,512,012 $887,662 $132,783 $56,036 $23,385 $8,419 $77,489 $33,823 $8,574 $29,029 $4,643 $55,587 $11,317 $4,500 $17,876 $21,202 $679 $931,663 $162,686 $32,521 $23,404 $9,123 $80,797 $43,128 $5,415 $14,990 $9,677 $107,621 $11,814 $2,725 $16,914 $23,442 $1,126 $813,203 $52,903 $24,324 $20,299 $7,728 $121,173 $28,723 $4,208 $20,935 $2,208 $73,170 $10,800 $167 $13,940 $24,933 $0 $819,586 $41,404 $40,234 $20,051 $8,261 $135,303 $50,193 $6,320 $25,908 $4,591 $72,244 $10,024 $1,500 $13,050 $32,062 $0 ($6,383) $11,499 ($15,910) $248 ($523) ($14,130) ($21,470) ($2,112) ($4,973) ($2,383) $926 $776 ($1,333) $890 $0 $976,844 $63,483 $29,189 $24,369 $9,274 $145,407 $34,488 $5,060 $25,122 $2,650 $73,170 $12,960 $200 $16,728 $29,920 $0 $1,373,004 $1,477,047 $1,218,714 $1,280,711 ($61,997) $1,447,824 $60,021 $0 $73,126 $0 $53,490 $0 $65,896 $13,603 ($12,406) ($13,603) $64,188 $0 $1,433,025 $1,550,173 $1,272,204 $1,360,210 1$88,0061 $1,512,012 ($56,672) $105,291 $22,806 ($18,055) ($40,861) SO N/A $184 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 N/A FUND BALANCES AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD $197,776 $141,388 $248,679 $248,679 N/A $246,679 N/A IFUND BALANCES AT END OF PERIOD 414L388 $246,679 $269,485 $228,624 N/A $246,679 N/A 1993-1994 1993-1994 Actual 1991-92 Actual 1992-93 Actual $222,683 $114,126 $121,672 $800,200 $258,893 $123,478 $289,399 $751,109 $218,188 $150,000 $166,527 $629,860 $205,670 $172,632 $178,390 $576,719 $1,258,581 $1,422,879 $1,164,565 Mmbership dues (note 4) $25,970 Investment Income Rental Income (note 16) Indirect cost recoveries (note 5) Olner $3,721 $88,181 $0 $0 $0 $70,925 $3,663 $80,931 $0 $20,818 $66,147 $117,872 Budoet _Varlance ISUPPORT: United Way allocation Special Events (note3) Contributions /Grants (note 2) Federal, State, and local grants (note 15) Total Support: IREVENUE: I Unfunded revenue Total Revenue: Total Support and revenue: IEXPENSES: $233,067 $169,857 I Salaries, benefits, and taxes (note 6) Professional Services Supplies (note 7) Telephone Postage and shipping Occupancy (building and grounds)(notes 6 and 8) Rental and-maintenance of Equipment (note 9) Pri'iting, artwork, publIcations, oct. Travel and transportation (note 10) Conferences, conventions, meetIngs (notel 0) Special events (note3) Membership dues Awards and grants (note 12) Interest (note 11) Insurance Other expenses Total expenses before depreciation: Depreciation of building and equipment (note 12) CEO search expense (note 13) Total Expenses EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF SUPPORT AND REVENUE OVER EXPENSES OTHER CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES: I ($7.1 19) $166,258 $22,079 ($11,045) $4,308 $1,023 $10,104 ($15,725) ($1,270) ($786) ($1,941) $926 $2,936 ($1,300) $3,678 ($2,132) $0 $167,113 ($1,708) ($13,603) $151,802 THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Selected Information--Substantially All Disclosures Required by Generally Accepted Accounting Principals (GAAP) Are Not Included April 30, 1994 1. CASH Cash held by the League at April 30, 1994 is summarized as follows: Unrestricteth Operating Cash stabilization fund (Board designated) Unrestricted Total: $140,134 $60,000 $200,134 Restricted: Expendable for restricted purposes Stevenson trust account Restricted Total: $10,144 $13,734 $23,878 $224,012 Grand Total: 2r CONTRIBUTIONS During the ten-month period ended April 30, 1994, the 1..eague recognized $76,000 in contributions from the Meyer Memorial Trust. 3. SPECIAL EVENTS The following summarizes the Leagu&s special fund-raising events as of April 30, 1994: Support Expenses Net $3,671 $31,297 $63,218 $23,559 Metro Fundraiser Other $34,968 $101,766 $28,737 $4,095 $1,763 $1,303 $841 $67 $1,236 Total: $172,632 $118,982 $53,650 Annual Dinner, 1993 Equal Opportunity Dinner, 1994 Career Connection, 1994 Career Day, 1993 - NOTE: $171,867 support total DOES NOT INCLUDE $11,600 of unearned revenue received that is related to the July 1994 Annual Dinner. Expense includes salary allocations. 4. MEMBERSHIP DUES Membership dues represent all dues payments received through April 30, 1994 for the 1993-94 fiscal year. In addition, because the 1993-94 membership campaign has conciuded, the reader wiii note that the year-to date budget and the annual budget for this revenue category are equal. $38,548 $5,178 $4,095 THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Selected Information, Continued 5. INDIRECT COST RECOVERIES Indirect cost recoveries relate to internal charges allocated to certain League programs for their share of office rent and other facility and operational costs. An equivalent amount of revenue is recognized in the unrestricted current fund. 6. SALARIES AND WAGES Salaries include costs associated with the Key Bank project and the Extended Divergence program. Salaries were anticipated to be over budget during the first six months of this fiscal year. Scheduled staff reductions were postponed per board action at the November 18, 1993 meeting. No provisions have been made to fund the extention. The major areas that would be affected by any reductions are administration and employment support staff. 7. SUPPUES The accompanying financial statements include certain supply and other costs related to the start-up of the Street Academy and the Computer Training Center, and the upgrade of other League computer equipment to accommodate new programs. In addition, The League has received spcific donations for individual items outside the budget (but recognized as an expense in the financial statements). Year-Tn-Date Variance Budget Actual Office Supplies Program Supplies $12,262 $12,062 $26,036 $14,198 ($13,774) ($2,136) TOTAL: $24324 $40,234 ($15,910) 8. OCCUPANCY Occupancy expenses include costs related to office rent, garbage collection, utilities, real estate taxes, and various building supplies and other building operating costs. This category does not include the cash outflow related to payments of principal to Mr. Eder on the League's outstanding lease obligations. These costs are reflected as "reduction of capital lease obligations" on the Consolidated Statement of Support, Revenue, and Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances. Note that certain 1991-92 occupancy costs and other amounts presented herein have been reclassified to conform to the 1992-93 and 1993-94 presentations. 9. RENTAL AND MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT The League has incurred abnormally high costs servicing its aging computer network due to recurring repair and maintenance of aging computer equipment. Rental and maintenance costs for the ten-month period ended April 30, 1 994 are summarized as follows: Computer network maintenance Other equipment supplies, rental, and maintenance costs $15,480 $34,712 $50,192 THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Selected Information, Continued 10. TRAVEL AND CONFERENCES The accompanying financial statements include travel costs associated with staff attendance at the National Conference. Also, the variance noted is partially due to unscheduled major maintenance and repairs for the Senior Services van and insurance for the new Tn-met van for Seniors'. Travel expenses for the new CEO will also contribute to the variance. Local Travel Out of Town Travel Vehicle Expense TOTAL $4,940 $5,737 $4,904 $5,882 $6,319 $5,083 $15,581 17,284 ($942) ($582) ($179) (S1,703 11. INTEREST Interest expense relates to the League's property leases. See the League's annual financial statements and audit report for a more detailed presentation of the League's overall lease commitments. 12. AWARDS AND GRANTS The variance in this category is due to scholarships awarded by the League in fiscal 1993, but not paid to the recipients until the current fiscal year. 13. DEPRECIATION Depreciation of certain capital lease improvements completed in the final quarter of fiscal 1993 were not contemplated when the fiscal 1994 budget was adopted. Accordingly, the variance noted is due to the depreciation of these items. After review with the Board Treasurer and discussions with the League auditor, it was decided to adjusted the depreciable life of our computer equipment from a useful life of 3 years to 5 five years. This represents a change in accouting estimate that has been accounted for in the financial statements using a propective approach. As of January, depreciation was adjusted from $55,824 to $45,309. The difference of $10,515 included a $7,790 adjustment for the current year and a $2,725 adjustment for prior years. 14. CEO SEARCH EXPENSES This is a new account. Direct costs incurred in connection with the League's CEO search are not considered a part of routine operations and are, therefore, segregated from general operating expenses. 15. BUDGET REVISION, GRANT REVENUE VARIANCE The budget in the "Comparative Statement" is revised. It reflects a $202,800 increase for "Street Academy" and $17,600 for the "Parent Enrichment Program". Average daily attendance in the Street Academy has run below the budgeted amount of 60 students for most of the year. The League receives revenue based on average daily attendance. This has reduced expected revenue by about $13,910. This amount is being off setby leaving one teaching position vancant, resulting in year to date saving of about $14,583. 16. RENTAL INCOME Rental income is behind in comparison to last year. A.M.A. has reopened their facilities; they have ended the subleasing of 4 units from the Urban League for their homeless program. The Urban League of Port'and BOARD OF DIRECTORS Here are the edited Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting May 26, 1994 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S MEETING MAY 26, 1994 MINUTES The Urban league of Portland's Board of Director's Meeting was called to order at 7:35 a.m. by Chair, Michael Lewellen. Members present: James Boehlke, Louis Boston, Joan Brown-Kline, Faye Burch, Laura Glosson, Elizabeth Kutza, Michael Lewellen, Charu Manchanda-Nair, Rita Lucas, Terry Rogers, Peggy Ross, Emmett Wheatfall, Bill Wyatt. Members absent with excuse: Duane Bosworth, Rian Brown, James Francesconi, Kevin Fuller, Bryan Hicks, John Holley, Judi Pitre. Staff present: Lawrence J. Dark, Cletus B. Moore, Jr., Larry Foltz, Esther Hinson, Herman Lessard, Michael PuIIen, Brenda Sherman-Sanders, Don Chalmers. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING OF APRIL 20, 1994 Correction of Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of April 20, 1994 have been made and are on file in the Administration office. THE MOTION WAS MADE BY JOAN BROWN-KLINE TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES AS AMENDED AND SECOND BY JIM BOEHLKE. THE MOTION PASSED. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 26, 1994 Minutes approval. RECOMMENDATION FROM THE CHAIR Michael Lewellen recommended in regard to the Committee Reports, instead of voting on the individual report, that we entertain committee reports collectively, ask questions, entertain discussions to the point of that period and at the end of all Committee Reports, entertain a single motion to approve Committee Reports. REPORT FROM THE INTERIM DIRECTOR Cletus Moore reported he has put together a transition of the Agency for Mr. Dark. It is the State of the Agency. It actually summarizes all of the programs in the Urban League, where we are with our contracts, staff, and major funding for each program, with a history of the programs, where they are now and projected future. This document is still in publication. Board of Directors Minutes May 26, 1994 Page 2 REPORT FROM THE INTERIM DIRECTOR Cont'd Another accomplishment that the Board wanted was a personnel committee for personnel evaluations. We have about 80% of the staff evaluated including all of the managers. All jobs in the Urban League have been analyzed, so we can write up job descriptions. It is important for the board to be aware that more than a quarter of million dollars has been awarded to this Agency in the past 8 months, that was not forecasted in our budget, it will impact it this fiscal year, as well as next fiscal year. MOTION WAS MADE TO ACCEPT THE INTERIM DIRECTOR'S REPORT BY TERRY ROGERS AND SECONDED BY ELIZABETH KUTZA. THE MOTION PASSED. UPDATE FROM THE NEW CEO Lawrence Dark reported on 2 pieces of information from the National Urban League. On Monday, a conference call from National for all 113 affiliates around the country with the CEOs, there were 150 people involved. It was a press conference announcing the new president, Hugh Price. Quite a few of CEOs knew him. He is a graduate of Amherst College, Yale Law School, about 52-year-old and current a senior executive at the Rockerfeller Foundation. Among his goals are youth issues, economic development and employment job training and intergroup relations. Mr. Dark would like to have Mr. Price speak at our 50th Anniversary, something to work on. The second item was the National Convention to be held from July 24th to 27th. We will have a good representation. REPORT FROM THE CHAIR Michael Lewellen stated that a request had been received to from a local public relations firm for the Urban League's Board of Directors mailing list. Michael PuIlen, Director of Marketing of the Urban League said release of the list needs CEO approval and we do not do it for commercial purposes. Cletus Moore also commented that we never sell a list, as it is confidential. There are occasions when other non profit organizations working with us, we will supply the labels and these labels are merged together to send out. We are extremely careful about the list in terms of getting into other peoples hands and using it for marketing purposes. Mr. Lewellen stated that the request had to do with the President of Weyerhauser's visit to Portland, and holding a public meeting around the environmental issues. [BdminMay] Board of Directors Minutes May 26, 1994 Page 3 Mr. Boston suggested request for Board of Directors mailing list be sent to the Chair of the Board and the President/CEO and let them decide and inform the Board of their decision. Michael Lewellen agreed with the suggestion and stated that request would be handled in this manner. The U.S. Department of Labor is putting together a series of town hail meetings around the country, that will begin later this year and Portland has been selected as a site. The theme is "Dialogue on the Disadvantaged," it is in conjunction with the National Urban League office. The government office notified us to respond to this request and submit names to participate in these meetings, no actual dates have been set. We did fax names for participation. The Board Chair was out of the state on the 20th of May, when the press conference was held to release the report by Edward Petersen, who chairs the Task Force on racial issues was held at the Justice Center. Terry Rogers stated that it was in Sunday's paper, and a complete copy should be gotten, as it is quite damming the criminal court system, criminal justice in particular, with racism and unequal treatment of minorities. Lawrence Dark reported that the League did have a copy of the Report. The American Bar Association had a conference on Racial and Ethnic Issues in the Justice System and he was moderator and this was a perfect tie-in. In May, there was a Just Solutions Conference, the discussion was what needs to be done in the legal education. His wife, Okainer, is Chair of the Minority Affairs Committee for Law Schools around the country. Mr. Dark thinks that it is a great time to do some things in the League, with the American He read the Report and made good Bar Association support behind us. recommendations. Michael Lewellen, regarding the Fund Raising Committee Report, stated that he got a direct response from Jim Currans, CEO of First Interstate and he has agreed to Chair our Fund Raising Activities. The other item, that was discussed by the Executive Committee was regarding "Standup Portland". Urban League has been approached about being its fiscal agent for the '94 version, which comes up in August. Cletus was asked to get further clarification from them in terms of their expectations, are we merely a past through for their dollars, are they living off our 5013, why do they want us to do this, oppose to having an accountant service? Cletus - shared this information with the Finance Committee and provided a background of it. We received lot of exposure being a part of it, before. This will be handled as a separate bookkeeping arrangement, from the Urban League's bookkeeping and from [BdminMay] Board of Directors Minutes May 26, 1994 Page 4 working with the committee, there are no disadvantage to the League, other than time. They would have their own check signers, their own checks, we would make sure the money gets to the bank, is accounted for, and they authorize payments, based on their instructions. This is the first try at acting as fiscal agent. This is part of the long term plan of the Finance Department. MOTION MADE BYJIM BOEHLKE AND SECOND BY LAURA GLOSSON TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL SENT TO "STANDUP PORTLAND". THE MOTION PASSED. NOMINATING COMMITIEE Joan Brown-Kline reported that the committee discussed 3 areas in filling the vacancies on the Board. At present the committee, have 17 possible candidates. They are looking for individuals who have experience and knowledge of the trends and issues that face our constituency. The areas are: Funding/Finance, Representation of constituency, Representation of minority groups. Two nominees were presented to the board, Carol Chisum and Amoy Williamson. Amoy Williamson, who is a CPA, currently works for the City of Portland as an auditor, she has also done work for the State of Oregon, Housing Authority for the City of Los Angeles. She has experience working with a number of boards. She is a member of National Assoc. of Local Govt. Auditors, Blacks in Government, Managerial in Professional Women, she is a member of the Portland Credit Union, VP of Finance Board Walker Institute, Financial Secretary. Carol Chisum's resume will be presented at our next meeting. THE MOTION MADE BY JOAN BROWN-KLINE AND SECOND BY JIM BOEHLKE TO ACCEPT AMOY WILLIAMSON AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. FUND RAISING COMMITTEE Jim Boehlke gave the report in the absent of Duane Bosworth. A number of items was discussed: Creating a 3rd annual event to go along with our dinners, increasing individual memberships, increasing corporate memberships, initial a capital campaign and maximizing fund raising opportunities surrounding the 50th Anniversary next year. Michael Lewellen stated we are still in the process of planning an event with George Fraser, Author, 2 dates submitted for usto consider August 11th and August 12th, we are checking to make sure that he will be in Seattle speaking to the Bar Association National Convention. LBdminMay] Board of Directors Minutes May 26, 1994 Page 5 Michael Pullen said they are going to try and extend the membership of the Fundraising Committee to include non-board members, who can bring expertise, in areas like public relations. FINANCIAL/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Jim Boehlke filling in for Rian Brown who is absent. In looking at the comparative statement, the committee remains concerned, we look down the expense line, we see every line over budgeted. There are two major reasons for this, there are new programs in here and sources of revenue and the expense for these programs are not delineated, we need a comparison of those two items, especially for the new fiscal year. Another item at the Finance Committee meeting, but we need to bring attention to the Board and Mr. Dark, we put off some staff reductions that was scheduled for January 1, in light of the fact that we did not have a CEO in place, we didn't want to make a wholesale personnel changes until Lawrence had an opportunity to look at staff because of that, we are over in personnel, and payroll expenditure because of that, even with the savings from the vacancy from the CEO position. ResDonse to comments: Michael Lewellen in response to comments made that would envision the Fihance Committee reviewing essentially the fiscal plan and what is spent on the fiscal of the building. Entertain the motion made that an AdHoc Committee of Board Members and Staff be assigned the responsibility of reviewing our physical plan expenditures of all varieties and assessing its strengths and weaknesses as well as making specific recommendations to the Board. Michael Lewellen commented you would envision that committee reviewing essentially the fiscal plant and what is spent on the fiscal of the building. Jim Boehlke stated another item wasn't mention is the expense of occupancy will be reduced by about $2,000 a month, later this year, when we acquire the building, the cash standpoint will be $2,000 per month better off. With the new mortgage, with PDC, than lease payments that we have now. THE MOTION MADE THAT AN ADHOC COMMITTEE OF BOARD MEMBERS AND STAFF BE ASSIGNED THE RESPONSIBILITY OF REVIEWING OUR PHYSICAL PLANT EXPENDITURES OF ALL VARIETIES AND ASSESSING STRENGTHS' AND (BdminMay] Board of Directors Minutes May 26, 1994 Page 6 WEAKNESSES AS WELL AS MAKING SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION WAS MOVED BY LOU BOSTON AND SECONDED BY CHARU MANCHANDA-NAIR. DISCUSSION AFTER THE MOTION: Request from Lawrence J. Dark Mr. Dark asked for the AdHoc Committee specific charge be written out from the Board in order that he would know specific direction in what you want and looking for. Michael Lewellen Michael Lewellen recommended a physical plant auditor, essentially, where we are looking at expenses, associated with maintaining our facility. As part of that audit, we will come back with recommendations where we can save money, recommendations where additional expenditures might be needed, but most importantly, ways to get a better system of checks and balances around expenditures. Terry Rogers Do you also want the committee after that is done, to evaluate how many more years in relations to programs and activities of the League, this building is going to have enough space and make recommendations in terms of 5years for space needs? THE MOTION PASSED. COMMUNITY RELATIONS/ADVOCACY COMMITTEE Judi Pitre is out ill today and Terry Rogers will give a brief report. The committee will finally start looking at some of the blank spots of the Long Range Plan. In the Fall, we will need to look at numerous ballots measures for making recommendations to the board on positions. URBAN LEAGUE GUILD REPORT The fund raiser with the Portland Art Museum, we had about 200 in attendance, the speaker was very good, we made approximately $800, concern of the Committee was the lack of support from the Board and the Guild members. They did have a de-briefing that will be brought to the Committee meeting next month. We did discuss sending myself, Faye Burch and possible another Guild member to the [BdminMayj Board of Directors Minutes May 26, 1994 Page 7 National Convention, and I have figure, we are looking at $1500 per person, that's including Air, Hotel, Registration and some of the other events that are going to be there. We are going to try to put together a letter, Mike and I, to try and get some sponsorships, maybe some corporations to raise some money that way. Michael Lewellen ask the need for sending 3 people from the Guild and Ms. Ross stated that it would be nice if we could send even more, most Guilds in other areas send over 3 or 4 people to the Regional and National Convention. Funding and cost by the League for Guild members differs. Faye Burch stated that her reason for going, she is running for a Regional office and needs to be there, in the past she has paid her own way, she was absent at the meeting when they selected her. Ms. Ross stated that we need as much presentation at the Meeting as possible, with us having the Regional next year. She also attended the Seattle Urban League Dinner that was held May 13 and it was well attended by their people. It was the 10th Anniversary of their CEO. John HoIIey of the Young Professional and also Clif Jones have talked, but they are still discussing if they want to be involve with the Guild. Michael Lewellen asked Cletus Moore to take, a look at what the Urban League can afford, so action can be taken at the June board meeting. He also stated that if there was a need to take the line item that is set aside for the Chair to go, that he would already be at the convention on company business and want be necessary his case and those dollars could be re-allocated for a Guild representative to go. Lou Boston recommended that the Executive Committee look at this matter. Faye Burch - I think that her report was that the Guild would like to send 2 members and raise funds, and I made my other option, paying my own way as I have in the past, so I don't believe, but she was asking for only 2. THE MOTION MADE BY LOU BOSTON AND SECONDED BY FAYE BURCH FOR THE MEETING TO ADJOURNED. THE MOTION PASSED. SUBMITTED BY: cj\1 APPROVED BY: -t&Jv1 Don Chalmers Acting Administrative Assistant Urban League of Portland [BdminMay] Secretary Board of Directors The Urban Leaque of PoUand URBAN PLAZA 10 North RusseU Street Portland, Oregon 97227 FAX (503) 281 2612 BOARD OF DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1994 7:30 AM. URBAN PLAZA E. SHELTON HILL CONFERENCE ROOM A NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE AFFI LIATE A United Way Agency (503) 2802600 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETThIG E. SHELTON BILL CONFERENCE ROOM - URBAN PLAZA Thursday, June 16, 1994 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. AGENDA 7:30 - 7:35 a.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Action) 7:35 - 7:40 a.m. REPORT FROM PRESIDENT AN) CEO (Action) Lawrence J. Dark (Report to be distributed at meeting) 7:40 - 7:45 a.m. REPORT FROM THE CHAIR Michael Lewellen, Chair COMMITTEE REPORTS 7:45 - 8:00 a.m. NOMINATING COMMITTEE (Action) Joan Brown-Kline, Chair 8:00 - 8:15 a.m. FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE (Action) Duane Bosworth, Chair 8:15 - 8:30 a.m. FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITfEE (Action) Rian Brown, Treasurer and Chair 8:30 - 8:45 a.m. COMMUNTTY RELATIONS/ADVOCACY (Action) Judi Pitre, Chair 8:45 - 9:00 a.m. URBAN LEAGUE GUILD REPORT (Action) Peggy Ross, Chair URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S MEETING MAY 26, 1994 MINUTES The Urban league of Portland's Board of Director's Meeting was called to order at 7:35 a.m. by Chair, Michael Lewellen. Members present: James Boehike, Louis Boston, Joan Brown-Kline, Faye Burch, Laura Glosson, Elizabeth Kutza, Michael Lewellen, Rita Lucas, Charu Manchanda-Nair, Terry Rogers, Peggy Ross, Emmett Wheaffall, Bill Wyatt. Members absent with excuse: Duane Bosworth, Rian Brown, James Francesconi, Kevin Fuller, Bryan Hicks, John Holley, Judi Pitre. Staff present: Lawrence J. Dark, Cletus B. Moore, Jr., Larry Foltz, Esther Hinson, Herman Lessard, Michael Pullen, Brenda Sherman-Sanders, Don Chalmers. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING OF APRIL 20, 1994 Correction of Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of April 20, 1994 have been made and are on file in the Administration office. THE MOTION WAS MADE BY JOAN BROWN-KLINE TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES AS AMENDED AND SECOND BY JIM BOEHLKE. THE MOTION PASSED. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 26, 1994 Minutes approval. RECOMMENDATION FROM THE CHAIR Michael Lewellen recommended in regard to the Committee Reports, instead of voting on the individual report, that we entertain committee reports collectively, ask questions, entertain discussions to the point of that period and at the end of all Committee Reports, entertain a single motion to approve Committee Reports. REPORT FROM THE INTERIM DIRECTOR Cletus Moore reported he had put together for Mr. Dark. He has put together a transition of the Agency. It is the State of the Agency. It actually summarizes all of the programs in the Urban League, where we are with our contracts, staff, and major funding for each program, with a history of the programs, where they are now and projected future. This document is still in publication. Board of Directors Minutes May 26, 1994 Page 2 REPORT FROM THE INTERIM DIRECTOR Cont'd Also, another accomplishment that the Board wanted was a personnel committee for personnel evaluations, we have about 80% of the staff evaluated. All of the managers. All jQbs in the Urban League have been analyzed, so we can write up job descriptions. It is important for the board to be aware that more than a quarter of million dollars has been awarded to this Agency in the past 8 months, that was not forecasted in our budget, will impact in this fiscal year as well as next fiscal year. MOTION WAS MADE TO ACCEPT THE INTERIM DIRECTOR'S REPORT BY TERRY ROGERS AND SECONDEDBY ELIZABETH KUTZA. THE MOTION PASSED. UPDATE FROM THE NEW CEO Lawrence Dark reported on 2 pieces of information from the National Urban League. On Monday, a conference call from National for all 113 affiliates around the country with the CEOs, it was a press conference, there were 150 people involved on the conference call announcing the new President Hugh Price, quite a few of CEOs knew him. He is a graduate of Amherst College, Yale Law School, about 52-year-old and current a senior executive at the Rockerfeller Foundation. Among his goals are youth issues, economic development and employment job training and intergroup relations. Mr. Dark would like to have Mr. Price to speak at our 50th Anniversary, something to work on. The second thing is the National Convention will be held in July 24th to 27th, and I know that we will have a good representation. REPORT FROM THE CHAIR Michael Lewellen stated that a request had been received to from a local public relations firm for the Urban League's Board of Directors mailing list. Michael Pullen, Director of Marketing of the Urban League said release of the list needs CEO approval and we do not do it for commercial purposes. Cletus Moore also commented that we never sell a list as it is confidential, there are occasions when other non profit organizations working with us, we will supply the labels and these labels are merged together to send out. We are extremely careful about the list in terms of getting into other peoples hands and using it for marketing purposes. Mr. Lewellen stated that the request had to do with the President of Weyerhauser visit to Portland, and holding a public meeting around the environmental issues. [BdmlnMay] Board of Directors Minutes May 26, 1994 Page 3 Mr. Boston suggested request of Board of Directors mailing list be sent to the Chair of the Board and the President/CEO and let them dec[de and inform the Board of their decision. Michael Leweilen agreed with the suggestion and stated that request would be handled in this manner. The U.S. Department of Labor is putting together a series of town hail meetings around the country, that will begin later this year and Portland has been selected as a site. The theme is "Dialogue on the Disadvantaged" and it is in conjunction with the National Urban League office. The government office notified us to respond to this request and submit names to participate in these meetings, no actual dates have been set, We did fax names for participation. I was out of the state on the 20th of May, when the press conference was held to release the report by Edward Petersen, who chairs the Task Force on racial issues task force was held at the Justice Center. Terry Rogers stated that it was in Sunday's paper, and a complete copy should be gotten, as it is quite damming the criminal court system, criminal justice in particular with racism and unequal treatment of minorities. Lawrence Dark reported that the League did have a copy of the Report. The American Bar Association had a conference on Racial and Ethnic Issues in the Justice System and he was moderator and this was a perfect tie-in. Then in May, there was a Just Solutions Conference, the discussion was what needs to be done in the legal education. His wife, Okainer is Chair of the Minority Affairs Committee for Law Schools around the country. Mr. Dark thinks that it is a great time to do some things in the League. With the American Bar Association support behind us. He read the Report and made good recommendations. Michael Lewellen, regarding the Fund Raising Committee Report, I did get a direct response from Jim Currans, CEO of First Interstate and he has agreed to Chair our Fund Raising Activities. The other item, that was discussed by the Executive Committee had regarding "Standup Portland". Urban League has been approach about being its fiscal agent for the 4 version which comes up in August. I ask Cletus to get further clarification from them in terms of their expectations, are we merely a past through for their dollars or they living off our 5013, why do they want us to do this oppose to having an accountant service. Cietus - I did share this information with the Finance Committee and provided a background of it. We get a lot of exposure as being a part of it before. This will be handled as a separate bookkeeping arrangement from the Urban League bookkeeping [BdminMay] May 26, 1994 Page 4 Board of Directors Minutes arrangement and from working with the committee we saw no disadvantage from the League, other than time. They would have their own check signers, their own check, we just make sure the money gets to the bank, accounted for, and they authorize payment, based on their instructions. This is the first try at acting as fiscal agent. This is part of the long term plan of the Finance Department. MOTION MADE BY JIM BOEHLKE AND SECOND BY LAURA GLOSSON TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL SENT TO "STANDUP PORTLAND". THE MOTION PASSED. NOMINATING COMMITTEE Joan Brown-Kline reported that the committee discussed 3 areas, filling the vacancies on the Board, at present we have 17 names we are working on. We are looking for individuals who have experience and knowledge of the trends and issues that face our constituency. The areas are: Funding/Finance, Representation of constituency; Representation of minority groups. At present I have two nominees to bring to the board, Carol Chisum and Amoy Williamson to the Board. Amoy Williamson, who is a CPA, currently works for the City of Portland as an auditor, she has also done work for the State of Oregon, Housing Authority for the City of Los Angeles. She has experience working with a number of boards. She is a member of National Assoc. of Local Govt. Auditors, Blacks in Government, Managerial in Professional Women, she is a member of the Portland Credit Union, VP of Finance Board Walker Institute, Financial Secretary. Chisum to our next meeting. I will bring Carol THE MOTION MADE BY JOAN BROWN-KLINE AND SECOND BY JIM BOEHLKE TO ACCEPT AMOY WILLIAMSON AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. FUND RAISING COMMITTEE Jim Boehike gave the report in the absent of Duane Bosworth. A number of items was discussed: Creating a 3rd annual event to go along with our dinners, increasing individual memberships, increasing corporate memberships, initial a capital campaign and maximizing fund raising opportunities surrounding the 50th Anniversary next year. Michael Lewellen stated we are still in the process of planning an event with George Fraiser, Author, 2 dates submitted for us to consider August 11th and August 12th, we are checking to make sure that he will be in Seattle speaking to the Bar Association National Convention. [BdminMayj Board of Directors Minutes May 26 1994 Page 5 Michael Pullen said they are going to try and extend the membership of the Fundraising Committee to include non-board members, who can bring expertise, in areas like public relations. FINANCIAL/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Jim Boehlke filling in for Rian Brown who is absent. In looking at the comparative statement, the committee remains concerned, we look down the expense line, we see every line over budgeted. There are two major reasons for this, there are new programs in here and sources of revenue and the expense for these programs are not delineated, we need a comparison of those two items, especially for the new fiscal year. Another item at the Finance Committee meeting, but we need to bring attention to the Board and Mr. Dark, we put off some staff reductions that was scheduled for January 1, in light of the fact that we did not have a CEO in place, we didn't want to make a wholesale personnel changes until Lawrence had an opportunity to look at staff. We are over in personnel, and payroll expenditure because of that, even with the savings from the vacancy from the CEO position. Response to comments: Michael Lewellen in response to comments made that would envision that committee reviewing essentially the fiscal plan and what is spent on the fiscal of the building. Entertain the motion made that an AdHoc Committee of Board Members and Staff be assigned the responsibility of reviewing our physical plan expenditures of all varieties and assessing strengths and weakness as well as making specific recommendations to the Board. Michael Lewellen commented you would envision that committee reviewing essentially the fiscal plant and what is spent on the fiscal of the building. Jim Boehlke stated another item that wasn't mention is the expense of occupies will be reduce by about $2,000 a month, later this year, when we acquire the building, the cash standpoint will be $2,000 per month better off. With the new mortgage, with PDC, than lease payments that we have now. THE MOTION MADE THAT AN ADHOC COMMITTEE OF BOARD MEMBERS AND STAFF BE ASSIGNED THE RESPONSIBILITY OF REVIEWING OUR PHYSICAL PLANT EXPENDITURES OF ALL VARIETIES AND ASSESSING STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESS AS WELL AS MAKING SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION [BdminMay] Board of Directors Minutes May 26, 1994 Page 6 WAS MOVED BY LOU BOSTON AND SECONDED BY CHARU MANCHANDA-NAIR. DISCUSSION AFTER THE MOTION: Reuuest from Lawrence J. Dark Mr. Dark asked for the AdHoc Committee specific charge be written out from the Board in order that he would know specific direction in what you want and looking for. Michael Lewellen I am recommending a physical plant auditor, essentially, where you are looking at expenses, associated with maintaining our facility, as part of that audit, you will come back with recommendations where we can save money, recommendations where additional expenditures might be needed, but most importantly ways to get a better system of checks and balances around expenditures. Ter Rogers Do you also want the committee after that is done, to evaluate how many more years in relations to programs and activities of the League, this building is going to have enough space and make recommendations in terms of 5 years for space needs. THE MOTION PASSED. COMMUNITY RELATIONS/ADVOCACY COMMITTEE Judi Pitre is out ill today and Terry Rogers will give a brief report. The committee will finally start looking at some of the blank spots of the Long Range Plan. In the Fall, we will need to look at numerous ballots measures for making recommendations to the board on positions. URBAN LEAGUE GUILD REPORT The fund raiser with the Portland Art Museum, we had about 200 in attendance, the speaker was very good, we made approximately $800, concern of the Committee was the lack of support from the Board and the Guild members. They did have a de-briefing that will be brought to the Committee meeting next month. We did discuss sending myself, Faye Burch and possible another Guild member to the National Convention, and I have figure, we are looking at $1500 per person, that's [BdminMay] Board of Directors Minutes May 26, 1994 Page 7 including Air, Hotel, Registration and some of the other events that are going to be there. We are going to try to put together a letter, Mike and I, to try and get some sponsorships, maybe some corporations to raise some money that way. Michael Lewellen ask the need for sending 3 people from the Guild and Ms. Ross stated that it would be nice if we could send even more, most Guilds in other areas send over 3 or 4 people to the Regional and National Convention. Funding and cost by the League for Guild members differs. Faye Burch stated that her reason for going, she is running for a Regional office and needs to be there, in the past she has paid her own way, she was absent at the meeting when they selected her. Ms. Ross stated that we need as much presentation at the Meeting as possible, with us having the Regional next year. She also attended the Seattle Urban League Dinner that was held May 13 and it was well attended by their people. It was the 10th Anniversary of their CEO. John Holley of the Young Professional and also Clif Jones have talked, but they are still discussing if they want to be involve with the Guild. Michael Lewellen asked Cletus Moore to take a look at what the Urban League can afford, so action can be taken at the June board meeting. He also stated that if there was a need to take the line item that is set aside for the Chair to go, that he would already be at the convention on company business and want be necessary his case and those dollars could be re-allocated for a Guild representative to go. Lou Boston recommended that the Executive Committee look at this matter. Faye Burch - I think that her report was that the Guild would like to send 2 members and raise funds, and I made my other option, paying my own way as I have in the past, so I don't believe, but she was asking for only 2. THE MOTION MADE BY LOU BOSTON AND SECONDED BY FAYE BURCH FOR THE MEETING TO ADJOURNED. THE MOTION PASSED. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: iL Don Chalmers Acting Administrative Assistant Urban League of Portland [BdminMay] Laura Glosson Secretary Board of Directors THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND ED I I ii June 14, 1994 12:30 p.m. Multicultural Center Annual Celebration Senior Center Lawrence Dark June 16, 1994 Portland Street Academy Graduation Urban League June 24, 1994 Fishing Derby (Tentative) July 14, 1994 Urban League Annual Dinner Convention Center 6:15 p.m. Reception Dr. Rudolph Crew, Guest Speaker 7:15p.m. Dinner I July 24/27, 1994 National UL Conference Convention Center Indianapolis, IN August 19, 1994 Grandparent's Conference (Tentative) URBAN LEAGUE GUILD OF PORTLAND MINUTES June 8, 1994 Attending: Peggy Ross, Yollanda Nins, Gwen Johnson, Marjorie Russell, Kristina Noell, Karen Bell, Karla Sykes, Kimberly Webster, Bernard Rene Walker, Joan Graebel, LaVerne Brown, Cliff Taylor, Pat Daniels, Brenda Sherman-Sanders, Gloria James, Michelle DePass, Russell R. Reed, Bobbie Nunn, Mike Pullen, Thelma Golden. President Peggy Ross presided over a mini retreat, with a very short business meeting. The minutes were approved as mailed. Peggy announced the dinner at Doris' cafe and attendance at a play on Friday evening, June 10, for all members and friends. Mike reviewed the financial report and critique sheet from The African Homecoming event at the Art Museum. While the event was enjoyable and successful, the income was disappointing. Suggestions for future successful events included larger committees and better targeting of appropriate markets for each event, as well as more support from the Guild and the Board. Peggy opened the mini retreat portion of the meeting by asking where both the Guild and the Young Professionals were going as organizations. She also asked what we would like to see accomplished by the two groups. 1. 2. 3. 4. More information on organizations to old and new members. Can the groups work together, or should they merge? Do more things together. Schedule another retreat. Cliff Taylor summarized the Young Professional history. They began with good membership and a set of goals that included development of skills to be used in business, professuional development and social events. They were successful with the first two goals, less so with large social events. Membership has declined over the past 18 months. They now wish to redefine their goals, perhaps have a public relations firm work with them. The Urban League Board approved the Young Professionals organization as an auxiliary of the League, and accountable to it. There has been some difference of opinion among YP members regarding the amount of independence they should, have. Peggy gave a brief history of the Guild, which was revived under the leadership of Pat Warren as President. She was succeeded by Faye Burch, and now Peggy. The financial base was rebuilt, and the Guild is now working supportively with the League. Those attending discussed where the two organizations should go in the future. Suggestions included: More membership, more active committees to involve people. Spread the word about the Guild thru the entire Metro area, attract people to the Urban League and the Guild, which can provide a link to the African American community. Promote specific projects of the League and their fund-raising and involvement opportunities for members. More social, networking. All programs at the League need more people who will be expected, as members, to support them. Mike summarized the activities of Guild Committees. The following people signed up to become members of those committees: Historian--Bobbie Nunn Membership--Pat Daniels, Michelle DePass, Gwen Johnson Public relations--Pat Daniels Fund-raising--Gwen Johnson Bernard Walker would like to know more about the Guild and what a future relationship between the two organizations could be, ranging from merger to mutual support. Brendas Sherman-Sanders suggested more working together, which could lead to a close relationship. There is no shortage of things to do. There was discussion of what YP members expected of their own organization, and what changes becoming allied with the Guild might bring. Peggy commented that there seemed to be some misperceptions about the Guild, and several people suggested mutual benefits from a closer relationship. The consensus seemed to be that both organizations are interested in learning more about each other and working together closely as they do this. Mike will send Guild meeting notices to the Young Professionals so that they may attend our meetings. Before adjourning the meeting, Peggy distributed several informational handouts about the Urban League, its programs, and the Guild. BOARD OF DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1994 7:30 A.M. URBAN PLAZA I, E. SHELTON HILL CONFERENCE ROOM A NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE AFFI LIATE A United Way Agency URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING E. SHELTON HILL CONFERENCE ROOM URBAN PLAZA Thursday, July 21, 1994 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. AGENDA 7:30 - 7:40 a.m. APPROVAL OF ItvIJNUTES (Action) 7:40 - 7:55 a.m. REPORT FROM CEO - Lawrence J. Dark 7:55 - 8:10 a.m. REPORT FROM CHAIR - Michael Lewellen COMMITTEE REPORTS 8:10 - 8:20 a.m. NOMINATiNG - Joan Brown-Kline, Chair 8:20 - 8:30 a.m. FUNDRAISING - Duane Bosworth, Chair 8:30 - 8:40 a.m. FINANCE/PERSONNEL - Rian Brown, Treasurer and Chair 8:40 - 8:50 a.m. COMMUNITY RELATIONS/ADVOCACY - Judi Pitre, Chair 8:50 - 9:00 a.m. URBAN LEAGUE GUILD REPORT - Peggy Ross, Chair URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S MEETING JUNE 16, 1994 MINUTES The Urban League of Portland's Board of Directors Meeting was caVed to order at 7:40 a.m. by Vice Chair, Judi Pitre. Michael LeweHen conducted Meeting via conference telephone from Boston. Members present: James Boehlke, Louis Boston, Duane Bosworth, Joan Brown-Kline, Rian Brown, Faye Burch, James Francesconi, Kevin Fuller, Laura Glosson, Bryan Hicks, Rita Lucas, Judi Pitre, Emmett Wheatfall, Amoy Williamson. Members absent with excuse: Elizabeth Kutza, Charu Nair-Manchanda, Terry Rogers, Peggy Ross. Members absent with no excuse: John Holley, Bill Wyatt. Staff present: Lawrence J. Dark, Cletus B. Moore, Jr., Larry Foltz, Esther Hinson, Herman Lessard, Michael Pullen, Brenda Sherman-Sanders, Don Chalmers. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING OF MAY 26, 1994 Corrections of Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting of May 26, 1994. THE MOTION WAS MADE TO RE-WRITE THE MINUTES FOR SENTENCE STRUCTURING, MOVED BY LOU BOSTON AND SECONDED BY LAURA GLOSSON. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 16, 1994 Minutes approval. REPORT FROM PRESIDENT AND CEO Lawrence Dark presented the Board a listing of his Appointments and meetings with community and business leaders. There was a meeting held with the Chairman of the Board of Meier & Frank, President of Meier & Frank, Helen Williams and with Herman Lessard regarding Parents Organized To Stop Racial Harassment regarding the Lloyd Center incidents. The meeting went very well. Since one of the parents had filed a lawsuit, the Urban League felt a neutral position should be maintained at this time. Continuation meetings will be held. Board of Directors Minutes June 16, 1994 Page 2 Lawrence Dark met with Jeff Miliner, who would like for the Urban League to become involved with the Oregon Supreme Court Task Force on Racial Ethnic Issues and the Judicial System. There has been a committee formed and Rep. Margaret Carter is one of the 8 people selected. Last week, the Urban League staff was involved in Focus Group sessions, to determine their needs, their views of the organization. One of the results from this Focus Group sessions is that the Urban League staff is a very dedicated group. Dr. Ethel Simon-McWilliams and Lucious Hicks were announced as Co-Chairs of the Annual Dinner, and the theme for the Annual Dinner is "Education: The Key To Equal Opportunity". In appreciation of the Urban League staff, they are to be given 1 ticket to the Annual Dinner and an opportunity to buy another ticket at cost. MOTION MOVE TO APPROVE THE REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT/CEO BY JOAN BROWN-KLINE AND SECONDED BY FAYE BURCft REPORT FROM THE CHAIR Michael Lewellen ask the Board to select the Chair as the official delegate and alternate delegate to the National Convention and discussion who is representing the Guild. The Board selected Michael Lewellen as Delegate and Peggy Ross as an Alternative Delegate to the '94 National Convention. MOTION MOVED TO HAVE MICHAEL LEWELLEN AS DELEGATE AND PEGGY ROSS AS ALTERNATE DELEGATE TO THE '94 NATIONAL CONVENTION BY JIM BOEHLKE AND SECONDED BY JUDI PITRE. Discussion of the 50th Year Anniversary, the need for research and preparation to begin. Contacting some of the past Urban League staff, former Board members in the community. Faye Burch stated that the Community Relations had done some work and Michael Pullen had some information. A committee was formed to specifically work on this project. Michael Lewellen welcomed Amoy Williamson to the Board of Directors. NOMINATING COMMJUEE Joan Brown-Kline presented two nominees to the board. Carol Chisum and Jim Hill. Carol Chisum is Executive Director for the Community Health, Program Director at that [BdmlnJune94] Board of Directors Minutes June 16, 1994 Page 3 Agency before becoming Director. She also has been in private practice, a member of the National Assoc. of Social Workers, The Oregon Mental Health Provider Assoc. Her expertise is in mental health and has published several articles and has been presented at national conferences. Jim Hill is the second nominee, who is Oregon State Treasurer, formerly of Oregon Senate and Oregon's House and former attorney and has experience working with Mentor Graphics. MOTION MOVED BY JIM BOEHLKE AND SECONDED BY LOU BOSTON TO ACCEPT CAROL CHISUM AND JIM HILL AS MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Discussion was held regarding Certificate of Appreciation or Plaque be given to members who have served on the Board and ended their term in the last year, be given this award and a special plaque be given to Cletus B. Moore, Jr., who served as Interim Director, while the search for new president/Chief Executive Officer was being conducted. It was decided that this presentation be made at the Annual Dinner on July 14, 1994. FUND RAISING COMMITTEE The Fund Raising Committee has developed 5 goals for the year: (1) To increase the approximate 320 Individual members to 5,000. (2) Maintain Corporate Membership, each Board member has been asked to submit a list of 5 businesses and corporations that should be added and to review the handout list and see who is not on the list; (3) Major Event - Multicultural Ball, to be added as the third major event of the year; (4) Capital Fund Drive, with a prominent committee, with a Chair to be selected and establish a case statement; (5) Author George Fraser event, scheduled for August 11th and August 1 2th to be announced at Annual Dinner, possibly a Public Lecture and a Power Breakfast Seminar with a panel discussion. Board members will be notified in the next 2 weeks. FINANCIAL/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Rian Brown stated that no final decision had been made of the employee grievance, but will report to the Board at the next meeting on the final decision. In reviewing the Financial Statement (which was handed out) showing the cash position for the last 3 years; 11 month statement, 40,000 deficit still excessive due to CEO search and excessive salaries due to non-reduction of staff. MOTION MOVED BY JOAN BROWN-KLINE AND SECONDED BY DUANE BOSWORTH TO APPROVE THE FINANCIAL/PERSONNEL REPORT. [BdmInJune94J June 16, 1994 Page 4 Board of Directors Minutes COMMUNITY RELATiONS/ADVOCACY COMMITTEE Project Downpayment Request for Endorsement - Judi Pitre stated in reviewing Project Downpayment request for endorsement, whose program is originally Portland Organizing Project, a project that solicit funds for downpayment cost of closing cost for homes in specific target areas in the community. There had been some concerns by ShaRee Rhonde of the NAACP regarding this program. Ms. Pitre has been unable to contact Ms. Rhonde to find out her concerns. Also the Skanner had an article regarding one of the funders - Key Bank and their possible merger with their parent company. Project Downpayment would like the endorsement of this program by the Urban League. Michael Lewellen suggested.that until more facts regarding Project Downpayment are known that endorsement not be acted upon by the Board at this time. URBAN LEAGUE GUILD REPORT No report given. MOTION TO ADJOURN, SO MOVED BY LAURA GLOSSON AND SECONDED BY RITA LUCAS. Meeting adjourned. SUBMITTED BY: dhaIm' Acting Administrative Assistant Urban League of Portland (BdminJuneø4J APPROVED BY: Lira Glosson Secretary Board of Directors A7TENTION MEDIA RESERVE T1-HSE DATJiS ON YOUR CATJ1NDAR JULY 24-2 7, 1994 -I "I" "Ii" "Ii" 'Ii' NATION4L URBAN LEA(UE CONFERENCE AT THE INDIANAPOLIS CONVENTION CENTER INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA FOR iNFORMATION CALL: NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE, iNC. PUBLIC RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS DEPAIITMENT (212) 310.923, 9026 OR 9131 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JULY 21, 1994 (Transcription of tapes) Michael Lewellen You received your minutes, but also you will note that there was an insertion of edited Board minutes from the May meeting there's no need for action when we approved the minutes. We approved them with the changes that was submitted at the time. However, we will entertain any discussion at this time of the June Meeting Minutes as submitted, if there is no discussion, we will entertain a motion to approve. Moved by Lou Boston, second by Elizabeth Kutza Lou Boston - I have a question. Moving May's Minutes. Mike - This is June, May's was approved at the May meeting with the changes that were submitted at time of discussion. That's purely a FYI copy that's in there. Lou -there's a couple, Mike - it's May Lou - still May, there are two things that are missing, one Directors without absents without excuse; I think also, Bill Wyatt was at the meeting, at the May meeting. Mike - Which he was not? Lou - he was not. Mike - Any discussion of the June Minutes? Lou Boston On June, my onlyproblem is regarding the portion on the Financial Report, indicating that we have a deficit, excessive salaries, CEO search, I really take .....to that, for this reason, if you go back and look at expenses, you will find that the majority our completely out of line and it's not just one line item only or 2 line items, if you look at that deficit, the deduction of salaries, all along we have intended, that we have been talking about making sure that we are not in a deficit situation, we would have a balance budget, this Board. voted on that, at last month's meeting, we were notified we would have a budget deficit, I don't quite understand that and I don't see anything in place that says that, one, what happen?, two, how we can prevent this from happening as we go into 94, 95 and I am very concerned about this, the last meeting I didn't say too much, other than to raise that fact. 2. I noticed also, there's no Financial Report for this month, I don't know where we stand, whele we ended up the year. Now, we are $40,000 deficit or is it more? That's all I have to, say. Mike - When we get to the Report from the Finance Committee, then we can certainly raise, Lou, we can address those issues at that point. We got a bit of a timing issue with this particular meeting in that it ran headlong into our National Convention, and that is part of, that is really the main culprit why there is so little staff in attendance, but certainly this meeting is coming right on the heels of the Annual Dinner and I want at least get some preliminary readout from that, as well as discuss our August fund raising event, saw a need to go ahead hold the meeting anyway. But when we get to the Finance Committee Report, we will discuss that in greater detail. I Duane Bosworth The other correction I would make on the Fund Raising Report, the fifth (5) Goal of the Fund Raising Committee is 50th Anniversary events and the George Fraser event is an extra added on. Mike Any other discussion regarding the June Meeting Minutes? We do have a motion on the floor that has been seconded, since there has been some corrections that motion does die due to lack of vote. I will entertain a motion to approve the June Minutes with the corrections as submitted. So move, seconded. Move by John Holley, seconded by Rian Brown. All those in favor, I, those oppose Mike Lawrence Dark has submitted his Report, in writing, you have it in front of you, most, I think all of us, just now receiving it, will allow a couple of moments, if you haven't already to glance at the Report. The CEO's were required to get in earlier than everyone else at the National Conference and that does contribute to Lawrence Darks' absence, the kind of information that you see mention, or the kinds of things that most of us were aware of including the Annual Dinner, pay special note to the Meier & Frank item on the second page, that meeting was held this week, I did not participate in that meeting, Mike Pullen you are the only person here from staff, were you in the meeting at all. I Mike Pullen - I haven't heard anything at all. I beenasked -rn Put dollars and it's primarily made of wages of $18,000, unscheduled repairs which do, due to time, I couldn't go back and separate the un-scheduled from the scheduled, the depreciation of $8500, CEO search of 13,600 and we anticipate that number to double, if we are allowed to book the anticipated liability that we know that we are going to incur for the moving of his family. As it relates to back up one bullet, and it talks about salaries etc., we anticipate to be overbudget the first 6 months of the fiscal year, that was the original plan and the original plan was that after December 31 st those positions would be eliminated with and would balance out the latter 6 months. In January, in the 3rd quarter, January to March, the Board had discussed in it's November meeting, and it's December meeting, and it's May meeting that these positions were un-funded, however, due to transition period, in fact, I was doing a double duty, they didn't want to cut staff in the areas that would have been effected by the original scheduled cuts. It would have paralyzed us for the services totally. So the Board had endorse the fact that or was aware that we would go over in positions that we weren't going to cut. Others areas related to being over, we are going to be changing our procedures in the coming year dealing with budget changes. We have some modifications in the budget there were only two that were formally taken thorough the all the process, that was Street Academy of $202,000 and reinstatement of Parent Enrichment Program which was $17,500 however, during the last quarter of the this fiscal year, we had been awarded additional contracts, which the budget was not amended for, such contracts are dealing with Youth Employment, with PlC, with the Forest Service, the first portion of the Key Bank projects for this summer which end of the last fiscal year, and Dislocated Workers, all of these hit during the last fiscal year which was not scheduled in this budget, part of the budget and individually they were not material, but when you put them all together, they show up. And the thing that the Finance Committee has dicussed with me, in terms of the coming year is that we will put together a systems in which when we get these small types of projects that we will put thorough to the Board notification that we are going to change the budget and let the Board know that Budget is being changed, because we have been awarded a new contract for sort of service even tho the contract may not be material to the whole scope of things, its the cumulative of small projects that will make the difference in some of the things. The other thing, that needs to be realized is that impact of non-cash items and the major non-cash item that we have is depreciation, when we did last year's budget, we have budget something like $65,000 for depreciation, in the first month of the new fiscal year, we have received $85,000 in donations of new equipment by IBM and when that was placed on the books, we originally placed on the books, three year depreciation rate because the technology of computers changes so rapidly, however, the Finance Committee instructed me and felt and we verified with our Auditors that it wouIt1e legitimate to extend that from 3 to 5 years, so we did do that so the impact that additionally $85,000 equipment would not be so strongly felt in the bottom line of our financial statement, however, it still made a $6,000, $8,000 difference for this fiscal year and does make a difference with United Way that we do want to show the depreciation on United Way budget, so that was something that was not anticipated, that is one reabn that area is open, if you take as we currently stand, if you take the deficit of $47,000 against the noncash item of depreciation, that leaves us with a cash basis $25,000, that $25,000 was applied against our principle payment on this building, in other words, the reduction of our lease old obligation, which is about $32,000 a year. So the net effect of that combination puts us actually at a cash that's about $7,000. There's some other things that coming into play as we cross over into the fiscal year line. We just had an Annual Dinner, so as a end of the year adjustment will be going thorough and looking thorough at any dollars that was collected in the last fiscal year that apply to this year event. We will also, be looking at splitting programs across the line, so that the program dollars in correct fiscal year which needs to be adjusted, in the area of occupancy which is a real big ticket item, it takes almost $200,000 a year to operate this plant, and that item area there is one major program that has not received it's allocation of occupancy expense that is the Street Academy that came on in the Fall and we will be making an end of the year adjustment in which that will be recognized. Also, in occupancy and in equipment we will be analyzing both those accounts to look for any major equipment purchases, any major equipment purchases during the year, for example, when you had to replace major parts of our computer, to the tune of almost 2 grand by the time we got done that will be a depreciation item so all the items that are major, or we consider them material will be extracted from equipment and building expenses, for example, the canopy over the patio area, so the smokers can be in the courtyard instead of the street in front, and the police stopping by and looking and seeing what people are doing, we will pull the cost of that out, it will not be reflected as an expense on that line item and will become a part of the building, part of our assets and will be depreciated over a period of time. So that will reduce some of the expenses that we have, two other line items that will effect the bottom lines at the end of the year, scholarships, anywhere in which we have awarded a scholarship typically is paid out of the general fund, at the end of the year we look at all the scholarships that we have paid for the year and we make a one time adjustment to the scholarship fund which is rereimbursing our unrestricted monies for something that has already been set aside. Career Day for Students for example, that we run a liability on because of the fact, the student does not get the scholarships for year necessarily for the year that it is awarded. Maybe a year or two down the road before they actually take the scholarship. So, we just go ahead and pay it whenever they ask for it whenever the time frame with allow. So, we typical think about $1500 a year will go out in that area. The apartments, we have a fund of remaining balance of about $2800, for the apartments which was given to us by Washington Mutual Savings Bank, that $2800 balance of $3000 given to us 2 years ago and the only thing we can spend it on is for equipment and furnishing type things for the Apartments, so we will also, go thorough facilities and look for anything like we made a major repair replacement of a refrigerator, stove or washer or 5.' dryer in the laundromat. And those items will also be adjusted at year-end. The other adjustment dealing indirect cost will help our general fund, is dealing with Career Day, the committee, the committee that handles that, the Volunteers work with that, has allowed the League to re-imburse itself for administering that program, in past, we did not do that, but we do that at year end when we see that we have covered everything else, and we will also charge that program to reduction out of its funds, to help with cost of administering the program. So that's some of the major things will be taking place as we close out the fiscal year and do a audit. Jim Boehike this one. The bottom line, the final financial statement looking somewhat better than Cletus I anticipate that the statement will look better than this one. Borrowing one line item that I have no control over, the act of the Board in terms of hiring the new CEO, you said you would move his family and amount of that cost higher than we had anticipated would be, we based everything on averages, we said if the candidate came from NY, Los Angeles or Seattle, we have a candidate whose was hired came from the East Coast therefore we went to the extreme end of that average and it's going to cost us about $14,000 to move his family to Portland, so that's an expense that going to added on top of $13,000 that's there, that $27,000 was not budgeted in the program, So you offset some that cost to the fact that you did not CEO here, but again, against that, same dollar amount, the staff that you kept, during the interim time, so you would not paralyze the organization, I have by the way, spoken with our auditors, I have postpone the audit, to be in September rather than August, each year I have been traditionally earlier and earlier, but with the fact of a new CEO, fact that I have been doing interim, coming out of that, fact we have had some significant changes in the financial staff, by changing accountant, changing bookkeeper, also the fact I have been involve in the National Urban League, I have been nominated to be President of the CFOs, the National UL, which takes will be take place this coming Saturday. And so those involvements, I have been 4 1/2 years until the last 6 months, I have never travelled for the UL and the last six months, I have been to Phoenix, Seattle twice, Chicago and going to Indianapolis and Colorado Springs, during that 10 months also acting as interim director and vice president. Mike - These are required activities. Cletus - Required activities. Mike - I see puzzled looks and I am sure there are going to be plenty of questions, John, I know that you have to leave, do you have a question? John - No. Mike Lou 6. Lou - Well you know that I was going to say something Mike Well, I have questions myself. Lou My purpose, is not to make you defend yourself, what I really look at this $47,000 deficit and ways to explain it, its kind of a misnomy to me in this respect, we got 3 items in here which contribute to the deficit as you pointed out. But deficit is made because you don't have enough money, you got a lot expenses, Correct? Cletus - Correct. Lou - When I look back at our expenses (Cletus speaking, or you have something you are doing that you have not planned on doing). Lou Well, I understand that, but when I look at expenses itself and saying this roughly 3 items in there which account for about 50% of our expenses or I should say over ride on our expenses of $81,000 is where expenses over, roughly about 50% of that is in 3 items, that how I look at it, now, when I hear that we got new programs that came in, so basically when you submit new programs or the revenue or RFP's you got to show where the money is being spent, so all things being equal, that's a wash, so it should be at zero. So that should not effect this equation, unless we are taking that money and we got more expenses that's covered and those new revenues that's coming in. Cletus - We did have some have some setup charges on 2 programs which they are balancing themselves out. Lou - When I look at these things here, I am saying "How do you get ourselves in position so that when we realize almost in some cases six months ago, some of our line items, we are over budget then, so how do you keep spending?" when you know that you are over that line item. That's my problem that I keep having with this thing, as we go back and you start looking at this, we spent $27,000 or $25,000 CEO search, wait a minute, something is wrong here, I have never heard of Urban League spending $25,000 for a CEO search, this is just crazy to me. Now the other part of about it when I look at it, saying, we had, how long was Dark gone? 6 or 7 months, the salary, the expenses, that , Th 7. that was kind of a savings, the way I look at it. Cletus That was a savings and the offset of that savings is the CEO search and staff that we did not layoff, that we would have laid off. Lou The point is that we are $81,000 that is the culprit, $81,000 over our expenses, I can't find where we can justify being that much, take those 3 items, is extraordinarily high, but the rest of them I keep looking at all these things here and I see supplies, and $20,000 over, I just don't understand it. Cletus There's one element you left out, you are right in everything you said, there's one element you left out Lou, and that is the budget as presented in this statement was not changed when we increased the other programs, other than the two major ones that I have mentioned. So, therefore, if you spend, yet you brought more revenue in, you brought more expense in, but your budget says that you are at only a certain level and we did not increase the budget to reflect that change in the program. Mike - So you are saying our math is goofy everytime we bring in a new program? Cletus - What I am saying is that the budget that is presented here only consist of the major programs that dealt with the League. When we had modifications in small programs that were added, $8,000 here, $40,000 there, we did not go thorough and modify the budget side of this report. Therefore, if you said. Lou Boston - I understand why did you do it. Amoy Williamson Why isn't there a revised budget? Cletus We did not do a revised budget, other than the two major items, I mentioned. Jim Boehlke - The number you need to focus on is the $47,000 not the $81,000 because remember we are over in revenues. A large part of the amount that we are over in revenues is sucked up by additional expenses, involving those plans that those revenues represent, and we did not revise the budget for those amounts. So, we are indeed over $47,000, but we are not over budget by $81,000. Lou Boston - The point I am making is that, if I go back, I take this budget, I go from the first time, almost the first month, we started to run in a deficit on some of the line item expenses. Cletus - The wages is the one, the wages and the programs, supplies went thorough. Lou Boston It was more than that, as we start to track each month, even before we start to bring in new programs, OK, these expenses started to be out-of-whack, what we should have done is, when we saw that, particular item that we budgeted, OK, let's not forget those programs, if we had budgeted for a particular item, line item, and it starts to go over the budget ........... , something wrong with that whole philosophy when you keep doing that, that's what happens as we go further out, it just ..... , gets larger and larger, so now you compound the problem by bringing in new programs, and you don't make modifications in your budget and it just makes your situation worse, another thing that I said, I hear your explanation, some of it buy, but when we said we going to have a balance budget, we as a Board had that responsibility, now if you are going to make a change in it, then you should come back to the Board, well in advance, we are going to be upside down. I Cletus - And I did present that to the Finance Committee and to the Board, and the Finance Committee presented that to the Board. Lou Boston - When was that? Cletus In November, I made reference to it here, in November when we talked about the fact that we weren't going to layoff, due to layoffs plans for December at that point and time, we knew we would be over in wages and it was felt by the Finance Committee and the Executive Committee that it place due hardship on the support service staff if we went ahead and made the cuts that we had planned to do, so they were not done, also, we had stated about where we were headed with the other programs, we have told the Board about the programs and originally we had anticipated with a deficit position of $63,000 in wages ...... $18,000, the other part of that, we watched expenses, I appreciate what you are saying Lou, and thing I need to make sure we do in the coming year, is that budget is, budget side is modified as things change, at no time have we put the Agency in financial jeopardy, also there are some programs that I need to perhaps start putting in 9. footnotes when they are operating on a fund balance, in which they ask specific things that they can do with it. The Key Bank projects is one of them, if we end the year, you -C. /1 have to understand this in fund accounting, if the summer program ends the year, with 20 or 30,000 dollars in that program, that's the only thing we can use it for, and we have to either modify our budget include that in the coming year as some other resource or you run a deficit to eat it up, the other thing the Board said that it was not going to do this year because of the situation was fund depreciation, this is something this Board say it would like to do for the last 3 years and has not done, in order to fund depreciation, that means that I have to put aside, for example, on this budget $72,000, now you can see ut aside $72,000 we would have to lay some people off and stop something some if I place. Jim Boehlke The Board is perfectly free to the advise the Financial Committee, this not an acceptable approach to take, but the approach we have taken is not the approach you are talking about Lou, again that's a valet approach if you want go that way, it is not are we going to meet the budget we set, but are any decisions we are making jeopardizing the financial security of the League, and again, we have talked about this funding depreciation, if you take the $72,000 out of the expenses, we are in a positive cash flow position, we are not jeopardize the fiscal security of the League and remember we handed out, I think last month, or the month before, the cash report? It will show the history of our unreserved cash has gone, that balance has not changed since January, we have not doing things that we can't afford to do and know my intent when we came to the Board in January and again in April and said we have positions that we intended to reduce here, the finance committee and personnel committee recommended that we do not take those positions out, but that we are going to be going to be over budget because of that, again in April we came back and said, we again, recommend deferrals of those reduction, but we will continue to be over budget, and we do fund as much of depreciation as we would like to funded, because of our cash situation is not upside down. Mike - Amoy, you had your hand raised, did you not? Amoy - I was just asking about the Budget, being an auditor, I don't want to use the word concerned, but I haven't been on the Board very long, I am always trouble when I hear about adjustments to make, (BALANCE OF HER STATEMENT WAS UNAUDIBLE). I am not going to belabor the point, it's just, that when I hear all of the explanations and some statements refresh my memory, as I recall, we said we possible have some budget decisions regarding salaries, we had to make and it seems to me, we said that we few fund raisers to try to offset that, I think that we did have some fund raisers, I don't know how the money was used, say let's reduce that or offset this problem that we have with our salaries, but I do remember that, and when I go back again and look at and say OK, I think the depreciation, we have to live with it so long, we made that decision even before some members of this Boards came on board, so you budget for 10: Lou that was included, balance budget due to depreciation, so we now over $8,000 over roughly 10% on our expenses, depreciation, all I am saying is that we need to look at the bottom line better than the way we are looking at it. When we come back each month, as it seems to me that I am the one who jumps up each time about this budget, we all go yea, yea, and we come back the next month and see is it worse, it's the same explanation. Now we get to the twelve hour and we saying, "Hey we are going to be over budget". Then we cDme in and hear all of this explanation, and it bothers me. When we start out the next year, we got $47,000, we don't have it to spend on the programs, that's my problem in all of this. So, we need to do something, we need to come to grips with our fiscal responsibility as Board members, if we are going to have a balance budget and if there are extraordinary circumstances that says that we cannot, then bring it to the attention of the Board, and let's make a decision. Cletus I feel that I have done that. Lou - You haven't done it. And also, one of the things that we have had some fund raisers, that has cost this Agency because we have not had support. Cletus Lou - You have told us several times, I have ask that question myself in the meetings, Are we going to be on Budget? you have said, we have no problems, we are going to have a balance budget. Cletus - And we have dealt with a balance budget with all of the constrains that have come up, I cannot predict the failures in this building, I cannot predict when things happen that are out of my control, but I have not put this Agency in financial jeopardy. Lou - I am not saying you have. All I am sayings is that Mike Jim Francesconi Jim Francesconi - Looking at this, I mean, there's 3 issues appears, one is thing is how much we depend on federal funds on the support side, Prof. Dark, Dr. Dark is doing with Membership dues and the strategy Mike to have the nominating committee to get more private funders, so that's very important that you got that process. Second, is just the process question, some of which Lou has raised, it would nice if you delegate or to the Finance committee to look at .... I agree with what Lou is doing, this is our responsibility of the Board, I disagree only on salary side, I think that, I remember that, some of the other expenses, I don't recall that, it would be nice if some things was kind of earmarked, I don't think that we have to adhere to, but when we are getting out of line, then has to be red flagged, so if the Finance Committee, and now that we have an auditor with us, it would be nice if you were part of that committee, then look at our whole budget process, that's why we asked you to come to the Board, second point is the process 11. questions, the third part is just keeping handle on the expenses, Cletus, I am not sure that you ever had the power to actual do this, that's part of the problem, but we do need to insist that the CEO would do that. And we as a Board, when it comes to decisions whether to be laid off or whether, but I think that we need staff....... Mr. Dark to make very specific recommendations in these areas. But it is really the CEO responsibility on the budget side ....... Mike - I agree with you, in terms of where the accountability really lies in that regard, one question at least I want throw out is .... In terms of programs that are funded, are we not at all and someone who has been a grant maker for a number of years, or we not at all getting any percentage of that kind of funding coming for unrestricted use, general support, Administration, I mean, I have seen about every word that there is in the English language that is used that allows a recipient organization if nothing else is 5% automatically 10%, heaven forbid what I seen happen higher ed major endowment and things like that, that have come in and what goes immediately, percent that goes immediately to administration or we not doing that kind of thing? Cletus - We do that thing where it is allowed, we do receive some grants that limit the amount of language that we can take out for support services, some grants will allow us a replacement listing occupancy, that will offset some occupancy cost and we can move those dollars in restricted areas where we can use them best. The biggest hit in our big contracts government are our Senior Program, because they keep demanding more service and they give a higher per unit re-imbursement rate, but they turn around and by less units, the trend has been over the last 3 years that each year we are funding 2 weeks more than we did the year before. So we are up to about almost 2 months now that we actual funding our seniors out of our general fund United Way, this year we have taken a cut of $12,000 United Way, as Agency we taken also a $7,000 cut in the Aging Program, my meeting with the Finance Committee, shooting for having a preliminary report for them by Monday, before our next Board meeting and I can't even give you a guess this year where we are sitting, because we have so many activities going two different directions. We proposed our Youth Services may get up to a $700,000 budget this coming year with expansions taken place there, our Education Department might get up to $400,000 with commitments coming thorough there, our Employment Department has been a drain on us, we do know that we will be getting about $70,000 this coming year that we have not had in the past. But, the League has shelled out approximately $60,000 a year to maintain employment services with very little revenues coming in and so, that one of the areas in which the Board has said it wants a commitment to employment, but our partnerships and our memberships and those people involved with that, the monies just do not cover the expenses of running that department. Mike Terry, I want to address that too. 12. Terry Rogers I really see this as a different light, I think that it is terrible important that the Board have real discussion about $47,000 deficit but running an agency as I do, we have excellent liability, in ternis of reserve, budget, this organization is not in any financial difficulty, in relations it is a drop in the bucket, in relations-to the overall budget and we knew about most of big issues and the ones the Board or all the Board members, , I know that the Finance Committee knew, didn't necessarily know about that we are coming up the end of the year, where, then when you finally put it all down, that's when you know, so I think what's important now, is not the kind of almost accusations going back and forth between Lou and Cletus. Lou Boston I am going to stop, Terry, you have a way of somebody wants to make a consciounous effort to say, we need to look at operate on business, you bring in these .terms such as, you know this confrontation that's going back and forth, I have not intention of putting him on the spot as the force to review, my intention was say "Look here's how we manage our business, Ok, when you tell me that I am putting him on the spot, I take omage to that, I am insulted. apolize for insulting you, my thought was actually something worth Terry Rogers mentioning, so you and I should work on that issue. But getting back on the track here, I think what is important, is that the Finance Committee be on top of budget issues which in my experience on this Board it is ..(unaudible) ........ and we know what we get what we looking at going to be an impact that the deficit on the upcoming budget and do some of the planning there and those are the comments that I wanted to make. I Mike At this point, in the interest of time, because we want to end on schedule, this is the final Agenda item, I would like to entertain at this point, if not now, then maybe if you would shuttle suggestions to the Personnel and Finance Committee of pertentional ways that we can either, we too far down the road, but if, where it is a recommendation and will at least I will talk to Lawrence about this in Indianapolis, I think I would like and 1 throw it out now, so certainly the Board can tell me not to do this, but I think that it might be high time that our Directors audit their program base, and take look at overall, possibly increasing the partnership fee in employment, it might be starting a charge for some of things that we do out of Employment, it maybe mininal cost, people would pay a helluva lot more for some of. things that we do, if they ever went to an employment agency, I mean,. it maybe some things as simple as that, but I say this in a positive manner, we are opening this window for the Directors to take a close look at everything that they do and maybe give a sense of where they might need some help, and that where we as Board members, step up to the plate, and beginning to deliver over and beyond, if need be, if nothing else whether Jending our expertise, in helping certain programs, get a little bit better in what they do, lending certainly our networks and our contacts in terms of generateing more unrestricted funds, and that's where I think part of the rub is too, is that we are simply, the lion share of the dollars that we are landing are so restricted that they do not allows us the flexiblity to keep the ship afloat, it's great to drive a cadillac, but you got to put gas in it, but kind of my logic, but I think that you see my point. 13. Rian Brown - I want make one point, and that is, one of the things that and before I was really on the Personnel Committee, and moved to the Finance Committee and watched it closer and there are notes attached to these things and they are attached every month and they explained, as an example, Supplies this was from the very beginning, those notes explain that Supply things are going to over budget from the very beginning and explained exactly how it was in every month, that number has continued to climb and there is an explanation of how those exepenses got to the level that they are, it is incumbent upon us not to just to accept the Finance Report, if you have a question, say "Yea, you purchased a $4000 of equipment for the classrooms and that wasn't budgeted, and that's in supplies and questioned those activities, if we are get to the point where we are going to question the line items. That's why we put all of those notes on the back of the thing, we continue to ask them to explain all the overages, so I just know that I before I would not read all of those in depth and say Cletus is assuming that you are reading all of these and this is his explanation of what's going on with the expenses, if you don't read them in detail, you are not getting the true picture on what's going on, think that's real important and I know as a Board member, I'd have a tense to just to past over those I things and just assume they are OK, if Finance Committee said they were and not look at all the notes. But I think he's really changed the process to make sure that the notes explain what all the overage are and the Finance Committee does not go thorough each one of those at every meeting, if that is critical to this issue, we go thorough these on a regular basis, we can do that, and discuss why certain line items are way over budget, I mean that's a fair augument, but we have never taken the time in the Board meeting to do that, if we do need to do that, then that's the suggestion that someone should make, and we could do that. Lou Boston - I think it's not so much that, we havn't got time to go over each one of those line items like that, I think that certainly as you pointed out, when he does do this and the Finance Committee looks at it, should be able to ask how come, and not enough to state, "Yea, we had to spend $4000", why do we reach that decision? and something should be in place to make a decision before it's spent. So it can be justified. That much money, say $4000 justified. 14. Rian Brown We have a little bit of faith in a sense that we appointed a President and CEO and a Vice President to make those kind of decisions, to some degree we have to leave it to their descretion, because we don't know every. Lou Boston think that the Board is given that responsibility, I think when it comes . . . .(.unauditible.) ............. I down Mike - I think that this discussion for the record has been healthy and when we start talking about money, it's part fiscal, part emotional, and always is, it's that way in Corporate America, certainly that way when running a non-profit organization, but certainly I don't want anyone on this Board to ever feel that you are not at liberty to express your opinion about the business of this organization that is why you are here, I would certainly urge all of us to keep everything, not only our comments, but our perception of comments, in the vemicle of business as taking it personally. With that I must. Cletus - I just want to say that I take this criticism constructively, and the evolution of this process of this Board has been tremendously over the last 4 1/2 years, 4 1/2 years ago this Agency didn't know where it was and could not have this conversation about this specific line items and same thing has happen with our management team, their involving in getting more and more involve with the process and having to make tougher and tougher decisions about how their programs .(low).... and what they are going. (low) ...... So it is a process that we are all going thorough, so I appreciate the constructive criticism. Mike But I want the Board to know, I will have a detail discussion about this discussion with Lawrence and will, and I will actually make it a point to attend the next staff directors meeting and make the point myself about giving everyone an opportunity, window of opportunity, positive window, to take a close look at the services you are delivering out of your respective areas or some them either too costly to do or should we try to build it more flexibility in the way the funding is coming in such, that we can still deliver the level of service without straining the organization, if we are straining the organization while we are delivering service then we are choking ourselves. With that, and with the discussion of the Report, doely noted. I will entertain a motion from the floor to approve the Financial Report as submitted. Moved by Terry Rogers, seconded by Laura Glosson, those in favor, I, those opposed -(Opposed - Lou Boston) Mike - duly noted. Any other comments to the good of the organization, I do have one regarding Kevin and Michael Pullen. Michael Pullen - Unrestricted revenues, about a month ago, the Board Packet, I think it was the June meeting, a memo from Mike asking to submit some names of folks to get a membership invitation, so far we have had 3 Board members response, all we are asking for is a list of 10 associates or friends, they don't have to be big corporate leaders, some might have a business and want join the Urban League, Nova Hill, our Admin. Assist., will calling for those who havn't sent us the names, we have a United Way 15. blackout period, we are not supposed to bein contact with businesses for membership. Mike Lewellen - Hince the point, we kept making from the Dias at the Dinner the other night about membership, and it actually hit, a few people joined that night, we are going to dQ it every time. As many of you know in previous Board meetings, you mention the fact that Kevin Fuller from the Oregonian was being nominated for a seat On the National Board, it was the first time that this region have the opportunity for representation, we have been successfull and Kevin has accepted, so Kevin we would like to congraluation you on your appointment and certainly our thanks to your employer, for them to allowing you the opportunity to serve, I can certainly relate how diffucult can be to juggling what pays the bills as oppose to the things that we like to do from the heart. Jim, I think that you had your hand raised. Jim Francesconi - First can we vote against (laughter) ..... actually it more advocacy, but some of these iniatitions, I don't the the League should be advocating just because its policy, I think that the test should be whether it affects our membership, August 30th is the deadline for the voters, you might want to put this on the next meeting, which I will not be at, but one of those Denny Smith issue, has automatic for 15, 16, and 17 year old for 1st and 2nd offense crimes throw into the adult systems and included in the 15, 16, and 17 year catagory is Robber II and Assault II and the minimal sentence is 70 months which is 6 years, automatic and Robber II is defined as 2 people getting together stealing something, that includes Robber II, (gave example) ...... I guess that I would like the Urban League... .1 will not be at the next meeting, but I have gotten myself in the middle of this. Terry Rogers I will talk to Judi Pitre and get back to you. Mike - If nothing else, I will entertain a motion to adjourn. We are on time. The Urban League of Porfiand URBAN PLAZA 10 North BusseD Street :I.J1 1 'II] Portland, Oregon 97227 IiI 1 FAX (503) 281-2612 II Is] THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1994 7:30 A.M. ii I J I_I& E. SHELTON HILL CONFERENCE ROOM A NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE AFFI LIATE A UnRed Way Agency 0 (503) 280-2600 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING E. SHELTON HILL CONFERENCE ROOM - URBAN PLAZA Thursday, October 20, 1994 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. AGENDA 7:30 - 7:35 a.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Action) 7:35 - 7:45 a.m. REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT/CEO Lawrence J. Dark (To be distributed at meeting) 7:45 - 8:00 a.m. REPORT FROM THE CHAIR Michael Lewellen COMMITTEE REPORTS 8:00 - 8:10 a.m. NOMINATING - (Action) 8:10 - 8:20 a.m, FUNDRAISING - (Action) Duane Bosworth, Chair 8:20 - 8:30 a.m. PROGRAM AND PLANNING - (Action) Elizabeth Kutza, Chair 8:20 - 8:35 a.m. FINANCE/PERSONNEL - (Action) Rian Brown - Treasurer 8:35 - 8:55 a.m. COMMUNITY RELATIONS/ADVOCACY - (Action) n Judi Pitre, Chair 8:55 - 9:00 a.m. URBAN LEAGUE GUILD REPORT Peggy Ross URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS RETREAT October 1, 1994 MINUTES The Urban League of Portland's Board of Director's meeting was called to order at 8:05 am. by Board Chair, Michael Lewellen. Members present: James Boehlke, Louis Boston, Duane Bosworth, Rian Brown, Faye Burch, Carol Chism, Laura Glosson, Bryan Hicks, John Holley, Elizabeth Kutza, Michael Lewellen, Rita Lucas, Charu Manchanda-Nair, Judi Pitre, Terry Rogers, Peggy Ross, Emmett Wheatfall, Amoy Williamson. Members absent with excuse: Jim Hill, James Francesconi. Members absent without excuse: Bill Wyatt, Kevin Fuller. Staff present: Lawrence J. Dark, Cletus B. Moore, Jr., Larry Foltz, Herman Lesssard, Michael Pullen, Brenda Sherman-Sanders, Ivy Chilcote, Don Chalmers. Staff absent with excuse: Esther Hinson. Michael Lewellen, Board Chair gave opening remarks and points to consider for the day. 1. 2. 3. 4. Li Quote Rules - no hitting Take nothing personal Be vocal Work hard "In order to transform the business, you must first transform the people and those who lead them." APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of July 21, 1994 approved with corrections. THE MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JTJLY 1994 WITH CORRECTIONS, MOVED BY TERRY ROGERS AND SECONDED BY LOUIS 21, BOSTON. What's Your Urban League IQ? conducted by Duane Bosworth, with full participation by board members and staff. Board of Directors Minutes October 1, 1994 Page 2 REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT AND CEO Lawrence Dark's Report was distributed to Board members for review. His report covered the folldwing: Announcement of Herman Lessard, Director of Education and Career Development leaving his position to become President and CEO of the Austin Area Urban League of Austin, Texas and the naming of co-Interim Directors Mia Sims and Gaylen Brannon for the department vacated by him. The ETS Meeting in Princeton, New Jersey that he and Herman Lessard attended was very informative. Lawrence Dark continues his Cultivation and Outreach appointments. MOTION MADE TO APPROVE THE PRESIDENT'S REPORT, MOVED BY JAMES BOEHLKE AND SECONDED BY AMOY WILLIAMSON. REPORT FROM THE CHAIR The Board members viewed the video "Effective Non profit Boards'. Michael Lewellen reported that Joan Brown-Kline had submitted her resignation from the Board of Directors. Faye Burch commented that there were 22 board members and 3 vacancies and that the committee was looking at 5 names and also stated some of the specific requirements. PROGRAM AND PLANNING COMMITTEE Elizabeth Kutza, Chair of the Committee distributed graphic sheet of the all the departments and gave detail summary of their status. BdminOct.94 Board of Directors Minutes October 1, 1994 Page 3 COMMUNITY RELATIONS/ADVOCACY Terry Rogers reported on committee's recommendations on the state initiatives on the November ballOt measures and ask the board to vote. The Board voted to oppose the following ballot measures: Measure 5 -- Tax Votes, THE MOTION WAS MADE TO OPPOSE MEASURE 5, IT WAS MOVED AND SECONDED. Measure 7 -- Discrimination THE MOTION WAS MADE TO OPPOSE MEASURE 7, IT WAS MOVED BY CHARU MANCHANDA-NAIR AND SECONDED BY LAURA GLOSSON. Measure 10 -- Crime THE MOTION WAS MADE TO OPPOSE MEASURE 10, IT WAS MOVED BY CAROL CHISM AND SECONDED BY RITA LUCAS. Measure 11 -- Mandatory Sentences THE MOTION WAS MADE TO OPPOSE MEASURE 11, IT WAS MOVED BY FAYE BURCH AND SECONDED BY LOUIS BOSTON. Measure 12 -- No Recommendation, Measure 13 -- Anti-Gay rights. THE MOTION WAS MADE TO OPPOSE MEASURE 13, IT WAS MOVED BY LOUIS BOSTON AND SECONDED BY JOIIN HOLLEY. Measure 15 -- No position. Measure 20 -- Equal Tax THE MOTION WAS MADE TO OPPOSE MEASURE 20, IT WAS MOVED BY LOUIS BOSTON AND SECONDED BY JAMES BOEHLKE. BdminOct.94 Board of Directors Minutes October 1, 1994 Page 4 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AWARD NOMINEES The Equal Opportunity Award will be presented February 23, 1995 at the Equal Opportunity Day Dinner at the Portland Hilton Hotel. Nomination forms are available from Michael Pullen at the Urban League and must be received at the Urban League by Monday, November 7th at 5:00 p.m. The award winners will be notified after the Board of Directors vote in December, 1994 as reported by Judi Pitre, Chair of the Community Relations/Advocacy Committee, FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE Duane Bosworth, Chair of the Fundraising Committee discussed the Capital Fund Drive and some of the points: What are we trying to raise the money for? Concrete project to sell the community. Case statement, 1. 2. 3. The other project is the 50th Anniversary in 1995. 1. 2 3. 4. Co-Chair Prominent citizens - Blue Ribbon Group who actual work Promotion is critical Project Team formed: Judi Pitre Faye Burch Laura Glosson Emmett Wheatfall Michael Lewellen Lawrence Dark commented on the 5,000 membership goal, and extending church membership. FINANCE REPORT Cletus Moore distributed the Financial Report and reviewed it with the Board members. MOTION WAS MADE TO ACCEPT THE FINANCIAL REPORT BY TERRY ROGERS AND SECONDED BY LOUTS BOSTON. BdminOct.94 Board of Directors Minutes October 1, 1994 Page 5 Other matters - Board of Directors scheduled meeting dates October 20, 1994 November 17, 1994 December 15, 1994* * Cletus Moore ask that the 1996 Budget be discussed. Note: The overall strategic planning that was accomplished at the retreat will be distributed by Board Chair Michael Lewellen. Meeting adjourned. SUBMITTED BY: Don Chalmers Administration BdminOct.94 UF[3J:J I I' GUE (LI: Ii)Rlr NTh It ft 11!, IJTIP1. L uu UUdIi 43et m erdhn! WLWLL dJuuauLuLj/' t1hTL' luill ci sPecidi JID uQIiII1H 'LH 'Treer clwlces. MctIvaticnaI Sea Cireer lair SchcIarsbln Lrd1nQs Fresentaticns by business representatIves and indh4dualc iHire CAREER AWARENESS DAY - NOVEMBER 12, 1994 Please Print Clearly As Your Will Be Sent To You Via U.S. Mail Name: Home Address: Number and Street City School: State Zip Grade:____________ What would you be interested in finding more about to help you in seeking a career? Please rank these topics from 1 to 6 (lmost interest, 6=least interest). Career Counseling Technical Schools Financial Assistance Community College Programs (certificates, 2 year degree programs) Colleges/Universities (4 year degree programs) Other describe I am interested in hearing speakers from these professions (see listing on reverse side of this page and indicate the number assigned to your area of interest): 1st choice 2nd choice 3rd choice 4th choice Other areas of interest not included on this listing: GTATIKUIT. Please return it to your counseling Thanks for completing your I office by October 28, 1994, to guarantee your place at the Career Awareness Day! AREAS OF INTEREST 2. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION General Business a. Computer Operations/CIS b. Banking c. Marketing d. Accounting/Finance e. Secretarial/Office Admin. f. Insurance g. SCIENCES Engineering a. Scientific Research b. c. 10. Biology Environment ARMED FORCES Army a. Air Force b. Navy c. Marines d. Coast Guard e. National Guard f. LAW ENFORCEMENT Police Officer a. Corrections b. US Marshall c. FBI d. COMMUNICATIONS Media (TV, radio, newspaper) a. Journalism b. Public Relations c. Advertising d. Production e. MEDICAL PhysicianlChiropractor a. Nurse/Patient Aide b. Medical Technician c. Veterinarian d. Dentist/Hygienist e. Pharmacist f. EMT g. LEGAL Attorney a. Paralegal Associate b. Judge c. EDUCATION Teacher a. Administrator b. PSYCHOLOGY/HUMAN BEHAVIOR Psychologist a. Psychiatrist b. Counselor c. Social Worker d. Ministry e. d. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. PUBLIC ADMIN/GOVT/COMM Urban League a. Community Service b. Postal Service c. Govt (City, State, Fed) d. USDA - Forest Service e. f. National Weather Service IRS g. h. Dept. of Transportation i. Soil Conservation Public/Private Utilities j. k. Bureau of Mines I. Politician ARTS/ENTERTAINMENT Modeling a. Music b. Commercial Art c. d. Dance e. Fashion Design f. Photography Theater g. COSMETOLOGY Electrolysis a. Hair Design b. Manicurist c. ARCHITECTURAL Building Architect a. Landscape Architect b. TECHNICAL/TRADES Drafting/Illustrator a. Electrician b. c. Plumber Construction d. Mechanic e. AIRLINE INDUSTRY Travel Agent a. Pilot b. Flight Attendant c. Mechanic d. Flight Controller e. HOTEL/RESTAURANT Management a. Chef b. SALES Retail/Merchandising a. Real Estate b. Auto c. Insurance d. PROFESSIONAL SPORTS Player/Commentator The Urban Leaqueoi Portland URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street Portland, Oregon 97227 FAX(503)281-2612 (jill;;) BOARD OF DIRECTORS IJ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1994 7:30 A.M. URBAN PLAZA E. SHELTON HILL CONFERENCE ROOM A NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE AFFI LIATE (503)280-2600 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEET1]NG E. SHELTON 11ILL CONFERENCE ROOM - URBAN PLAZA Thursday, December 15, 1994 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. AGENDA 7:30 - 7:35 a.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7:35 - 7:45 a.m. REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT/CEO Lawrence J. Dark 7:45 - 8:00 am. REPORT FROM THE CHAIR Michael Lewellen COMMITTEE REPORTS 8:00 - 8:10 a.m. NOMINATING Faye Burch 8:10 - 8:20 a.m. FUNDRAISING Duane Bosworth 8:20 - 8:30 a.m. PROGRAM AND PLANNING Elizabeth Kutza 8:20 - 8:35 a.m. FiNANCE/PERSONNEL Rian Brown 8:35 - 8:55 a.m, COMMUNITY RELATIONS/ADVOCACY Judi Pitre 8:55 - 9:00 a.m. URBAN LEAGUE GUILD REPORT Peggy Ross URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1994 MINUTES The Urban League of Portland's Board of Directors Meeting was called to order at 7:45 a.m. by Michael Lewellen, Board Chair. Members present: James Boehike, Louis Boston, Duane Bosworth, Plan Brown, Faye Burch, Carol Chism, David A. Duran, Kevin Fuller, John Holley, Michael Lewellen, Judi Pitre, Terry Rogers, Peggy Ross, Emmett Wheatfall. Members absent with excuse: James Francesconi, Laura Glosson, Bryan Hicks, Elizabeth Kutza, Terry R. Tracy, Charu Nair-Manchanda, Amoy Williamson. Staff present: Larry Foltz, Esther Hinson, Brenda Sherman-Sanders, Don Chalmers, Staff absent with excuse: Lawrence J. Dark, President/CEO, Cletus B. Moore, Jr., Vice President, Mia Sims, Gaylen Brannon. APPROVAL OF MINUTES THE MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES WITH CORRECTIONS, THE MOTION WAS MOVED AND PASSED. REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT/CEO Lawrence J. Dark's report was distributed to the board members in his absent. REPORT FROM THE CHAIR Lawrence Dark's final presentation of the document of Moving Forward With The Urban League of Portland will not be presented at this meeting and more time will be given for input from board members before presenting the final version at the December board meeting. COMMTTTEE REPORTS NOMINATING COMMITTEE Faye Burcb on behalf of the Nominating Committee welcome David A. Duran, new board member to his first meeting. Terry R. Tracy the other new board member was not present, but will be contacted. There were no new candidates to be presented at this meeting. The board has 25 positions, 21 of those positions are filled, after this meeting there are 4 vacancies. Appreciation of service and job well done was extended to Lou Boston and John Holley, the board will lose these 2 very good members at the end of November. John Holley is chair of the Young Professionals. Board of Directors Minutes November 17, 1994 Page 2 FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE Duane Bosworth stated that the Fundraising Committee had been working on 5 goals, but in particular a 3 major event, a unique opportunity has presented itself and that is the Portland Opera, who has approached the Urban League about joining with it in a gala, this summer, about July, around the opera "Porgy and Bess", the Guild also had a tremendous interest in this particular opera presentation. There was concern about the timing conflict with the Annual Dinner. Lawrence J. Dark felt that we should consider moving the Annual Dinner to possibly the first couple of weeks in September, since this is our 50th Anniversary and probably be a better time than June. Also a discussion was held regarding the Guild interest and it was suggested that a Guild representative should be on the Fundraising Committee, so both could be appraised of events and fundraisers and work together. THE MOTION WAS MADE SINCE TILE BOARD FELT THE EVENT WAS IN TIlE BEST INTEREST OF THE URBAN LEAGUE THAT THE FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE AND A REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE GUILD WORK TOGETHER AND DEVELOP A PLAN FOR PRESENTATION AT THE DECEMBER BOARD MEETING. TILE MOTION PASSED. PROGRAM AND PLANNING COMMITTEE No Report given. FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMTTTEE Rian Brown explained that plan additions to the budgets, that amendments to the budget will be done, oppose to carrying them all through the year. If there was an event that is going to cause a major change to the revenue and expenditure e.g the Fundraising Committee to present an amendment to the budget, so as not the go to the end of the year, something that has a major impact on the budget, we will do an amendment to the budget. There was a preliminary meeting with the auditors on Monday, they did not say when the report would be presented to the board, but the preliminary report was pretty much in line with the actual expense available, reclassifying the expense for 1993-94, but there was not really any changes to our last statement. THE MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE FINANCIAL REPORT AS SUBMITTED. THE MOTION PASSED. [BDminNov.94] Board of Directors Minutes November 17, 1994 Page 3 COMMUNITY RELATIONS/ADVOCACY COMMITTEE Judi Pitre brought to the board members the resolution of the Coalition for Livable Future for 1000 Friends organization and the Urban League to join, however there were some concerns to (distribution of material was made to board members to review), there was concerned regarding the language that was used, the Community Relations/Advocacy Committee thought veiy important and gave the Coalition there recommendations. Also, the committee felt that the Urban League should have a representative from the League to be a member of the Coalition, it does explain what the League's role would be and the different areas that the involvement of the League. Discussion and comments on this resolution was held by the board members. The discussion included 1000 Friends who has been very active with the Coalition and focusing on the metro and the presentation of Minn, Rep. Orrfield who is focus on issues involving public decisions, transportation, job creation and inner-city issues. Michael Lewellen ask that Lawrence Dark and staff set up a meeting with Ed Washington and new Metro Chair, Mike Burton. Judi Pitre brought forward to the board, the two nominees for Equal Opportunity Awards, which will be given in February at the Equal Opportunity Dinner. The first nominee is Dr. Vivan A. Bull, President of Linfield College, who has encourage diversity in the college and community which Linfield College has long commitment through it's international program, and now are focusing on the immediate area. Dr. Bull has had quite a few speakers visit and most recently Anita Hill, she has had Rep. Gordly, William H. Gray from the United Negro College Fund, she is a person who is reaching out and trying to change attitudes and encourage diversity through her affiliation with Linfield College. The other nominee is Jaki Walker, she is Executive Director of NEDC, Northeast Community Development Corporation, who most of the board members are familiar with work the NEDC, has been doing over the years in providing low-cost affordable housing, to home-ownership opportunities to low- and medium- income individuals. She is doing a wide variety ofthings with organizations in the community to support equal opportunity with her programs and in the community. Discussion and comments on the number of nominees, the process in which they are selected. THE MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO APPROVE THE 2 NOMINEES, DR. ViVIAN A. BULL AND JAM WALKER AS THE RECIPIENTS OF THE EOD AWARD AT THE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY DINNER. THE MOTION PASSED. [BDminNov.94] Board of Directors Minutes November 17, 1994 Page 4 Motion to Adjourned. THE MOTION WAS MADE TO ADJOURNED BY JOHN HOLLEY AND SECONDED BY TERRY ROGERS. SUBMITTED BY: Don Chalmers Administration [BDminNov.94] APPROVED BY: Laura Gloson Secretary Board of Directors IN'I 1r.i URBAN IjEAGtJE GUILD ' MINUTES November 9, 1994 Attending. Peggy Ross, Odessa Hendrjx, Joan Orabel, Helloise C. Hill, Bobbie Nunn, Pat Daniels, Olga Talley, Mike Pulleri, Thelma Golden. E Peggy opened the moeting by reviewing the notes from the working retreat which included Bonnie Pinckney, Urban League Guild Regional Coordinator, and was very successful. Among the things discussed were the need for filling the positions as provided in the Bylaws. This Viii be a very busy year for our Guild, and we need to have all positions filled and committees functioning. Off icer and Chairs were asked to review their job descrIptIons and then fulfill them. Peggy has appointed Thelma Golden as Recording Secretary, but we need sonone to be Corresponding Secretary, which includes things that Mike Pullen has done for u. Pat Warren is willing to help with these duties, but not fill all requireirnts, Odessa Hendrix is Chair of the Membership Committee, and Pat, and Helloise will work with her. The committee will net at Odessa's house at. 7 pm on November 16th. It is Important to have a Historian to help prepare materials for the spring nting. Paye has two scrapbooks of photos. They will need to go to Mike first for selecting photos for the brochure, and then to the Historian. Olga Talley volunteered to be Sargeant at Arin. Alene talked to Cynthia Morris about the Porgy and BSS project. The play will run from July 7 thru the 30th of July, 1995. Also, there has been son communication between the president of the Portland Opera and Lawrence trk regarding a very large event in connection with the play. Peggy will work with Lawrence Dark to decide how to handle this. Treasurer's report: Carol has had no statements or payments of Guild dues from the League, but the report has been run, and we should have it soon. Also, we will need to pay $425 for dues to the national seconded, arid organization. Bobbie moved acceptance of the report, Olga the motion was passed unanimously. The Guild has an opportunity to provide volunteers for an event at the Clackamas Aquatic Club on December 26. Members could volunteer individually arid gain some recognition for our group. We also discussed the Big Sister--Big Brother Christmas party as was done last year. Faye IrKnred that we do the party, which will include gifts, food and entertainment for about 15-20 youngsters. Alene seconded the motion, which then passed with one abstention. Alefle, who is Program Chair, will head the committee, and Helloise will help. . ! c3 - -.-, ---,.I-IJ ii r Peggy announced that Lawrence Dark will be Master of Ceremnles for the Miss Black Oregon pageant this year. Faye gave a report on the wonderful event to be held in connection i.iith the opening Of the Walnut Retail Park in the old Fred Meyer location on ML,K Blvd and Killingsworth. Numerous businesses will open in the space, and services such as banking and a police station will also be located 500 people are expected-j-we hope to have our new brochure ready there. It will be held from 11 am to 3 pm on December 10th. for the event. Portland Deve1opxnt conission is sponsoring it., and Faye urged everyone to turn out and support it, Olga Talley, volunteered to become Financial Secretary, and Peggy will discuss the position with her, Olga ItDved to adjourn, Bobbie seconded, and the motion was passed The ueting was adjourned. B The Urban League of Portland URBAN PLAZA 10 North RusseU Street Portland, Oregon 97227 FAX (503) 281-2612 (503)280-2600 December 10, 1994 The Board of Directors Urban League of Portland Dear Members of the Board: THIS REPORT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS OF A SENSITIVE NATURE. PLEASE BE SURE TO READ THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT. Presented here are November, 1994, Consolidated Balance Sheet, Consolidated Statement of Support, Revenue and Expenses and Changes in Fund Balance, and Comparative Statement of Support, Revenue and Expenses and Changes in Fund Balance (Fiscal years 1993 & 1994 - Note FY 1994 is pending final audit report) for the Urban League of Portland. Please note in the Comparative Statement of Support, Revenue and Expenses and Changes in Fund Balance that the line items headed "Special Events" represents gross funds raised in revenues and cost in expenses for each year. These reports are for management use only and are unaudited. These reports do present fairly the actual revenues and expenses for the period except as noted in financial statements. Though it is not shown in these combined financial reports, separate accounts are maintained for each fund to ensure the observance of limitations and restrictions placed on the use of resources available to the League. These accounts are maintained in accordance with the principles of fund accounting. The staff, in cooperation with the Finance Committee, is continually working towards developing uniform standards on special projects and accountability for restricted contributions. SPECIAL NOTES: Explanatory notes and comments accompany the financial statements to clarify the statements and enhance the fairness of their presentations. These notes are an integral part of the statement. As we approach the end of the calendar year and look at the first six months of the fiscal year there are concerns that I have regarding certain trends. There are some anomalies that are reflected in this statement. A completion of our internal review was not completed in time for a full report to the Board. The Finance Committee, CEO and Management Staff were made aware of this situation. For the management team and CEO it has been a high priority for the past few weeks. What are some of these anomalies? A NATIONAL URBAU A United Way Census for Portland Street Academy is well below the number of student required for break even. Actions taken to date to rectify the situation are collaboration with other community agencies, negotiations with Portland Public Schools of some other resources to increase student population and review staffing. Inclusion of spanish speaking students in our program, working with The House of Emoja, as well as other alternatives that can be done under this contract are just a few of the avenues being pursued tO improve student census. Employment department funding is not at a level that makes this program selfsupporting. Current funding with Meyer Trust has one more year beginning in April of 1995. The Dislocated Worker program is helping, but it is not enough to cover all of the cost. Senior Services does not have funding to cover the grandparent or alzheimer programs. Some small grants have been submitted. One small grant has been received. However, there has been nothing received that would sustain the program for a full fiscal year. Youth Service is able to hold its own. In some cases it has been supporting programs while we waited for additional funds to be received. The contract for this program got off to a slow start. The county was not sure of its funding and only dribbled out bits and pieces of the contract until the end of November. Things seem to be stabilized now. It should be noted that Volunteers of America are a subcontractor in one of our youth services programs. Estimate cost under the county contract is $13,000 per month during the first few month. VOA was late in billing the League. In anticipation of this we have been setting aside funds so that we can pay this large invoice of $39,000 over the next 90 days. Staffing is at a high with 56 full and part-time employees to support the various programs that started this fall. The management team has met to plan its strategy of what is necessary to make the mid year adjustments to the budget. By the end of December all departments will have made corrective adjustments in their respective budgets. The revised consolidated budget will be submitted to the fiance committee by the first week in January. The committee will review, suggest changes etc. to this report and a revise plan will be submitted to the board. It should be noted that we will be starting the process for FY 95-96 during this same period of time. Management realizes that the current trend must be reversed. Mr. Dark has set December 31, 1994 as the date by which all departments must have completed a comprehensive review of their respective budgets. Reduction of staff has already be effected in support services. The management team is looking at continuing its efforts in submitting grant applications. Support Services - Staff is reviewing all areas to make sure the agency is doing all it can to maximize it resources from telephone services to the cost of processing payroll. Ms. Chilcote as been a real asset in providing the kind of staff support I need to do a more effective job managing the agencies resources. Staff has been reduced in support services. The reason we have been able to weather this transition is because of residual funds earned in fiscal year ended June 30, 1994, but not received until the first part of this fiscal year. Not all is gloom and doom! There are some great things a1 )out to happen of which Mr. Dark will be sharing with the Board, e.g, Irwin Foundation grant. Documentation was submitted to receive in excess of $76,000 for our compu ter training center for new equipment. We need the Boards help to raise funds for th staffing needed to run the center. Other good things that are happening in the area of finance is the Readers Digest grant. The first disbursement in excess of $68,000 was received by the League after the closing of this accounting period and will be reported in my next report. Also coming up in December is the transfer of ownership of Urban Plaza to the League. This transfer will be completed before December 31, 1994. The appraised value of the Plaza is $1.4 million. For those of you who are interested, cash received compared to direct payroll cost is illustrated in the table below for the first four months of this fiscal year. July August September October November TOTAL Cash Received 172,548 129,430 51,336 183,628 110,782 647,724 Payroll 115,512 109,860 102,791 121,241 116,675 566,079 Remaining cash 57,036 19,570 (51,455) 62,387 (5,893) 81,645 The facilities committee met December 9, 1994. All committee members are excited about what the possibilities are for the present and future of this agency. I am sure they will be soliciting your involvement in this process. If you have any questions regarding these reports, please give me a call before the Board meeting. Respec lly sub tte / Vice President, Finance & Administration (File: BoardNov.94) The Urban League of Portland Consolidated Balance Sheet As of November 30, 1994 Current Funds Unrestricted Restricted ASSETS Current Assets: Cash (note 1) Investments Accounts Receivable Interfund Receivable (Payable) Total Current Assets PROPERTY & EQUIPMENT Land, Bldgs & Equip, Net Land Held for Resale Total Property & Equipment TOTAL ASSETS LIABILTIES & FUND BALANCE A/P & Accrued Liabilities Capital Lease Payable Deferred Revenue Funds Held on Behalf of Others $52,128 45,926 31,295 129,349 Land, Bldg & Equip Fund $7,490 $2,680 1,680 55,498 (31,294) - - - (1) 13,823 Total $76,121 45,926 55,498 - 177,545 - 720,117 1,000 - 721,797 1,000 - 721,117 - 722,797 $131,029 $31,694 $183,571 $89,279 - - $13,823 $900,342 - 13,823 $272,850 510,419 8,705 13,823 13,823 805,797 $723,796 $ $ 510,419 4,505 Total Liabilities 187,771 93,784 510,419 Fund Balance (56,742) (62,090) 213,377 $31,694 $723,796 $131,029 - 2,679 31,694 4,200 TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE $13,823 - - 1,680 - Custodian Fund - $13,823 94,545 $900,342 The Urban League of Portland Consolidated Statement of Support, Revenue and Expenses and Changes in Fund Balance Five Months Ending November 30, 1994 Current Funds Unrestricted Restricted Land, Bldg & Equip Fund Total Support Contributions Special Events United Way Allocation Federal, State & Local Grants (note 2) Total Support Revenues Membership Dues Investment Income Rental Income Indirect Cost Recoveries (note 3) Other Revenues Total Revenues $3,985 $10,576 32,526 96,296 24,000 336,700 - $14,561 32,526 96,296 360,700 163,398 340,685 - 504,083 75,071 - - - - - 75,071 - - 3 - - - - - - - - 32,847 71,177 479 - - 179,577 - 683,660 32,847 71,177 479 179,577 Total Support & Revenue 342,975 340,685 Expenses Program Services Supporting Services 274752 386,252 Total Expenses 366,336 Excess (Deficiency) of Support and Revenues over Expenses Fund Balance at Beginning of Period 3 16,853 661,004 108,437 386,252 16,853 769,441 (23,361) (45,567) (16,853) (85,781) (33,381) (16,523) 230230 180,326 91,584 - - Other Changes in Fund Balance (ReducUon of Capital Lease Obligations) Fund Balance at End of Period - ($56,742) - ($62,090) - $213,377 - $94,545 The Urban League of Portland Comparative Statement of Support, Revenue and Expenses and Changes in Fund Balance Five Months Ending November 30, 1994 'yTD 1992-93 Actual 1993-94 Actual Support United Way Allocation Special Events Contributions/Grants (note 2) Fees & Contracts Other Support Federal, State, and Local Grants (note 2) Total Support Revenue Membership Dues Interest & Investment Income Rental income Indirect Cost Recoveries (noteS) Other Revenues Unfunded Revenue Total Revenue Total Support & Revenue Expenses Salaries, Benefits & Taxes (noteS) Professional Services (note 6) Supplies Telephone Postage&Shipping Occupancy (building & grounds) (note 7) Rental & Maint of Equipment Printing, Artwork, Publications, etc. Travel & Transportation (note 8) Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Special Events Membership Dues Awards&Grants Interest Expense (note9) Insurance Other Expenses Total Expenses before Non-Operating Expenditures Depreciation of Building & Equip (note 10) CEO Search (note 11) National Urban League Dues Total Expenses Excess (Deficiency) of Support and Revenues over Expenses Fund Balance at End of Period YTD 1994-95 Actual Variance Total 1994-95 Budget Remaining Budget 120,233 ($3,429) (75,391) (50,743) (153,435) (5,000) (93,317) $231,116 259,000 156,730 945,365 12,000 512,521 $134,820 226,474 142,169 704,898 12,000 392,288 504,083 (381,315) 2,116,732 1,612,649 1,167 29,167 68,763 2,891 75,071 3 32,847 71,177 479 75,071 3 32,847 71,177 479 2,800 70,000 165031 6,940 (75,071) 2,797 37,153 93,854 6,461 232,585 101,988 179,677 179,677 244,771 66,194 1,655,464 987,386 683,660 (201,738) 2,361,603 1,677,843 592,434 89,789 27,945 566,079 5,132 13,580 9,007 4,093 55,865 12,306 1,320 11,669 3,281 28,600 986 5,000 26,355 84,657 14,365 2,564 279 43,860 10,155 1,555 14,283 ** ** ** $96,296 32,526 751,109 $99,725 107,917 65,304 393,902 5,000 213,550 1,422,879 886,398 $258,893 123,478 289,399 - ** 70,925 3,663 80,931 ** ** ** 20,919 56,147 931,663 162,686 32,521 23,404 9,123 80,797 43,129 5,415 14,990 9,677 2,725 16,914 23,442 1,126 - 14,561 240,467 - ** 11,571 ** ** ** ** 4,373 99,725 22,461 2,875 25,953 3,208 43,917 935 4,168 6,042 71 545 8,3.43 2,706 - 1,477,047 946,445 717,534 73,126 33,175 4,333 33,175 13,326 5,406 983,953 769,441 - - ** 1,560,173 105,291 ** 3,434 (85,781) (51) (832) 5,971 7,798 2,706 1,421,855 215,493 67,068 27,770 10,494 239,339 53,906 6,900 62,286 7,700 105,400 2,245 10,003 14,500 20,023 6,500 855,776 210,361 53,488 18,763 6,401 183,474 41,600 5,580 50,617 4,419 76,800 1,259 5,003 14,429 19,478 6,500 228,909 2,271,482 1,553,947 (73) 15,317 - 141,388 Pending Audit Report ** 79,621 (13,326) (1,073) 10,400 214,510 2,361,603 12,772 ** $246,679 - ** 107,621 11,814 Other Changes In Fund Balance Fund Balance at Beginning of Period 1994-95 Budget - 46,446 (13,326) 4,994 1,692,061 - N/A - N/A 180,326 180,326 N/A 180,326 N/A $183,760 $94,546 N/A $180,326 N/A The Urban League of Portland Selected Information - Substantially All Disclosures Required by Generally Accepted Account Principles (GAAP) Are Not Included Five Months Ending November 30, 1994 1. CASH Cash held by the League as of November 30, 1994 is summarized as follows: Unrestricted: Operating Cash stabiUzation fund (Board designated) (Desired balance is $60,000) Unrestricted Total Restricted: Expendable for restricted purposes Stevenson trust account Restricted Total $7,812 43,013 50,825 10,170 13,823 23,993 $74,818 2. GRANTS During the five month period ending November 30, 1994, the League recognized $40,000 in contributions from the Meyer Memorial Trust. The League received $1 0,000 from US West. 3. MEMBERSHIP DUES Membership dues represent all dues payments received through November 30, 1994 for the 1994-95 fiscal year. For individuals, families, et al, $8,726 was received. For corporate, $66,345 was received. Corporate amount is unadjusted for Annual Dinner and EOD. 4. INDIRECT COST RECOVERIES Indirect cost recoveries relate to internal charges allocated to certain League programs for their share of office rent and other facility and operational costs. An equivalent amount of revenue is recognized in the unrestricted current fund. 5. SALARIES AND WAGES Variances in salaries and wages are due to budgeted pay increases not being implemented and also to vacancies in a few positions. The Urban League of Portland Selected Information - Substantially All Disclosures Required by Generally Accepted Account Principles (GAAP) Are Not Included Five Months Ending November 30, 1994 6. PROFESSIONAL FEES We recently received a large invoice of $39,000 from Volunteers of America. This is a part of our contract with Multnomah county. The billing was delayed in coming from VOA at no fault of the League's staff. This accounts for a large part of the deficit. 7. OCCUPANCY Occupancy expenses include costs related to office rent, garbage collection, utilities, real estate taxes, various building supplies and other building operating costs. This category does not include the cash outflow related to payments of principal to Mr. Eder on the League's outstanding lease obligation. These costs are reflected as "reduction of capital lease obligation" on the Consolidated Statement of Support, Revenue and Expenses and Changes in Fund Balance. 8. TRAVEL AND CONFERENCES The accompanying financial statements include travel costs associated with staff attendance at the National Conference. 9. INTEREST Interest expense relates to the League's property lease. See the League's annual financial statements and audit report for a more detailed presentation of the League's overall lease commitment. 10. DEPRECIATION Depreciation of capital improvements and fixed assets are calculated on a straight line basis. Capital improvements are being depreciated using a live often years and the fixed assets are using a life of five years. 11. CEO SEARCH EXPENSES This temporary account shows the direct costs incurred in connection with the League's CEO search. The amount that has incurred to date in FY 1994-95 include costs associated with moving the League's CEO to Portland.