'[] EAGL JLZTli MAIN OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Herbert L. Amerson President )L' 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH , 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N.E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. ROAD BUILDERS SERVICE PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 5329 N. E. UNION 3525 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 224-0151 288-6517 2886361 288-4269 John A. Mills Vice President James A. Thompson, Jr. Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Paul Cook Member at Large MEMORANDUM TO: Urban League Board Members FROM: Herbert L, Amerson, President RE: January 18, 1973 Board Meeting DATE: January 11, 1973 DIRECTORS David Baugh Mrs. Mamie Bowles Ellis Casson Frank Cox, Jr. Robert Dillard Richard Dixon Gerard K. Drummond Guy Frazier Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Edward Hawes Mrs. Gordon Hearn Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Darrell Johnson James Lee Victor Levy Charles Luebbert Mrs. Faye Lyday Eugene L. Pfeifer Jack Radow Carlos Rivera John Ft. Salzer Mrs. Betty Schedeen Oliver Smith, Jr. C, Don Vann Harold Williams STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director This is to remind you of the next Board meeting which will be held January 18, 1973, at 7:45 p.m., Room 217, Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, This is an important meeting. Discussion will include our recent notification of our UGN allocation for 1973 and other UGN business, presentation of plans for the Board.Staff In.' stitute, introduction of new Board members and other items of importance. We urge all Boardmembers to be present. James 0. Brooks Director of Field Office Ronald L. Martin Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives ?.S. A copy of Xhe minutes for the December 7, 1972 meeting will be sent under separate cover. Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Miss Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Mrs. Earlene Phillips Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma Johnson Field Office Secretary PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director D BUILDERS SERVICE George Rankins Field Representative MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS l9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS January 18, 1973 10, Other usiness tIII. 1, Immediately freeze all hiring of new staff, either technical or clerical IJI'Ø) rrN ,ii(Tl stiiIs.)d.) .TkVT! These actions were necessary as a result of the following circumstances: 3o&rd Minutes/ page 3 118'73 I The ieeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m0 Geraldine McConnell, Secretary TRIA N LE*flUE OF PORTT UD '4O!1T) O D1ECTOP0 Revised I 2-28-72 0FTiTC BRS Herbert L, Amerson President Treasurer Airred N, Gleason Mrs. Conraci McConnell - Secretary John A. Mills - Vice President Vice President James Tliompson,-Jr. Mrs 0ev i Ward - Member at Large Member at Large Mr. Paul Cook 'ier son4h ert I. ()( BauM_id ow1es IS. Mamie "/ sson, Ellis 1900 SW tth Ave., Rrn, 309, 01 (w)* 2606 NE 9th Aye,, 12 (h) 226-890 28-6h25 7C1 Arsona Dr., Vane, Wash. (h) 69-972 1370 NE Brazee, 12 ()- 2886101 14066 N. Gantenhein, 282-3)R9 27 (h) 222 SW Morrison, 0/4 (w)* 7126 N. Vancouver Ave., 17 (h) 221-20(7 Unlisted Pox 3133, 08 (w)* 1st Nat.1. Bat*, 1932 ME Stanten, 3 2 (h) 222236 POQ Øx, FT)QI&r. 287-0268 22J-0)lL (w)- JtJ N. 1ruinmcc1e rard K. /V 221-301 Main Post Office (4 10116 NE Thompson, 20 (h)* iilard, Robert 1hina (ih) 222282 2-J2 1 ]OG Puhlie Service Bldg., 0)4 (w)* West I,inn, Cie,, 97060 (h) Rt, 1., Box Tektronix, P.O. Box 0O, Beav., 9700 $W Ruby Terrace, 19 (h) 785 Gleason, Alfred M. 100 Public Service Bldg., 011 ()* ext. "/ Haley, FJoeph 4ares,'rd T'ordon jHearn (c.s.c.) U oL F, 6)41 S 000 N. Willamet+,e Blvd,, Peacock Lane, 1), (h)* 3360 SW Fairmount Blvd., 01 (h)* 638-99i ()* Frazi.er, Guy 173Ea SW Canyon Dr., Lake Osec 22k-392o 2)46633i. 717 0703Lj (h) 226-7/411 0)4 (w)* 283-7367 636-13h0 232-89)48 228-293)4 U. L. Board list Cont- 2 A. Lee Yenderson, c- c3 / \fee,r's P.O. Box ]J9l, 07 () 229-81 3837 NE L:iherty Terrace, 11 (h)* 288-2818 609 NE Simpson, U (h)* 287-6!j2 01 Ih Ave., Nm. f900 SW Caroline Or,, 25' (h Ni SW itevy, Victor Ak ' 229-907 ()* 22.O2l 22)4-630 P.O. Box 3P)9, OP (w)3027 NE 23rd Ave., 12 (h) /"t,uebhert, Charles 28h-732C) 288826l 2P2-llP 329 NE Union Ave., Em, 217, 1] (w)* i07 NE' 7th /ve., 72 (1) Faye (I /1) 288-Lj29 282-0067 / ohnson, Darrell Ytday,9 8th Ave., 11 ()* 828 2737 NE 1Oth Ave.,, 12 (h) / C 289-7976 IVMcConnell, Mrs., Conrad Crestviei Convalescent Horrie 3680 N, WinchelJ, 17 (h)* 630 SW 30tTh Ave., (w) 0 / \iJls/?fr'A. U.S. Ntl, Bank, P.O. Box 11L112, 08 (w)* l0O SW M\rrt1c Dr., 01 (h) 28L-733 22793 227-F2ii e4egn&--L., Wolfe, P,0. Box 1070, 07 (w)* ext. n7Q SW Atwater Pd,, ]Tike Ogo, 9'7O3) (8) Lipnian Jack 22 228-8111 636-6l (, 'vera, Carlos a1zer, John H. u"chedeen, Mrs. Betty I Dmithr Jr. 4Thompson, Jr., James A., o8, Cia (w)* 821 SW Oak, i229 S Douglas St., 25 (h)' 22?-2i25 6)3-2L96 212). 38 172nd Ave., 3 2-179O 66473o 1412 W, Di.vison, Grcch., 97°30 (8) 66-Ci9 7 1? SJ L 'th t70 /9' ard,7 Geri llhiamHro1d (h 103 N, Ivy, 27, P.O. Box 1216, 07 ()* 19 (h) 7210 5 Prier Dl 211 N. Williaris Ave., 17 ' 77-083 )422 SE Brooklyn, 06 (h) 287-1118 286-32 288-2210 26U2836 721 SW Broadway, 0 () 622 NE 82nd Ave., 18 (b)* 228-8822 2611 WE Union Ave., 12 (w) 620). NE 11th Ave., 11 (h)* 229-3868 281-2O9 287-607 IJT, Board list soiit-3 /' HJILD TBER Mrs 223-1i'3 3139 M Industrial, 10 (w) 2923 NE 8th Ave, 12 (h)* 7-3i9 NITh TRUSTEE k William Hilliard YOUTH C0i'411UNTTY MEMBEIi TBA 1320 SW Broadway, 01 (w)* 23]5 NW Aspen, 10 (h) city desk 226-2121 222 -.20 7 T URBA MAIN OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Herbert 1. Amerson President RT.1D LEAGUE 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E, UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. ROAD BUILDERS SERVICE PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 5329 N.E. UNION 3525 N. E, UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 224-0)51 288.6517 2886361 288-4269 John A. Mills Vice President James A. Thompson, Jr. Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Paul Cook Member at Large I(S)7jP41J! DIRECTORS David Baugh Mrs. Mamie Bowles Ellis Casson Frank Cox, Jr. Robert Dillard Richard Dixon Gerard K, Drummond Guy Frazier Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Edward Hawes Mrs. Gordon Hearn Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Darrell Johnson TO: Urban League Board of Directors FROM: Herbert L, Amerson, President RE: Monthly Board Meeting DATE; February 8, 1973 James Lee Victor Levy Charles Luebbert Mrs. Faye Lyday Eugene L. Pfeifer Jack Radow Carlos Rivera John H. Salzer Mrs. Betty Schedeen Oliver Smith, Jr. C, Don Vann Harold Williams This is to remind you of our regular monthly Board meeting, which is to be held Thursday, February 15, in Room 217, Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, It is Important that all members be present. There are a number of ideas and programs initiated at the last meeting which now must be finalized. STAFF F. Shelton Hill Executive Director James 0. Brooks Director of Field Office Ronald L. Martin Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Miss Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Mrs. Earlene Phillips Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma Johnson Field Office Secretary PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E, Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director D BUILDERS SERVICE George Rankins Field Representative MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS I9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS February 15, 1973 YrT!(.),.J awti I)4I.] ti (Z.I.J.cIIhfft ,1 IJL Minutes/ page 2 2/15/73 I I 1 The stock is not actively traded, but currently sells for $75O a share; tL Minutes/ page 3 2/15/73 0 Geraldine McConnell Secretary I 3 k 33 3 _____3 3 13 -' 3 R13AT T1 0' PORT JD T BOARD O D]IPECTOR: Revised: 12-28-72 1272-73 / I ) OFlflT4PS ' Herbert L. "mrson - Presderi1' 33 JohnAMiUs Treasurer Alfred N. Gleason Secretary Mrs. Conrad McConnell Vice President James Thompon-Jr. - Vice President Ward - Member at Large Mrs. Mr. Paul Cook - Nep'her at Large I 33 ' I augh'4 avi' 33° (H i 226-8950 th Ave., Rm. 309, 01 ()* 1900 SW 2606 NE 9th Ave., 12 (h) 28)4-6)25 5701 Arizora Dr., Vane, Wash. (h) 9ç/ 695-5972 12 ()* 288-6hoi I S. 3 3 '3o1es,' re3Mamie ick. 1320 NE Brazee, 3 'asson;is Lc6 N Gantenhjn, 27 (h) 282-3hf19 222 SW Morrison, Oi (w)* 71 Vancouver Ave , 17 (h 221-207 3 i\1 t Vnited J / \j 1sf Nat? 3 1932 3 Th Bank, P.O0 Pox 1 1, 0f () 2?-236 287-026b Stanton, 12 (h) LWWashngten O 22'-O)lI (w 3 3 3 Main Post Office (w) 10116 NE Thompson, 20 5Dfllard, Robert 5115 N. A]hipa B GrardK.U///;C/// nmond, 252-2282 1y 281-215 1LOC Public Service Bldg, oL (w)* West Tinn, Gre., 97068 (h) 2214-3920 Rt. :L, Box 525A, II, -FrZ+eDjTh13T Te*tt'urdx, P0Box 500, Bv., 75J Ruby Terrace, l7E-h) 638-599 6L iou5 (w) 1500 Piblic Service Bldg., 01 ()* ext. 717 17351 SW Cn3ron Dr., Lake Osego 07O3/ (h) MG1eason,A1frd ..HR1ey,Fa'Joseph(C.S,C,) 'A_-( 221-3501 (h)* U of P, 5Oo0 N. Willam.ette Blvd., O 226-7h11 636-l310 2837367 (w)* 1 S aes,t/'dward Mrs. Gordon . 6L1 33)0 SW 232-89h8 Peacock Lane, iii (h)* aIrmour± Blvd , oi (h)iL 228-29L 1, I . I 0 L Board list Cont.- 2 I 828 NE 8th Av., 11 (w)* 2737 NE 10th Ave., 12 (h) P.O. Box 1i9l, O (w) 3837 NE L:iJerty Terrace, 11 Henderson,'Rey.A. Lee Darrell son ; ;; \$? ?II 229-!8i 288-2818 (h)* p 287-oLs2, IS ahhoo w th Ave., Rm. C000 S Caro1e Br., 2 , 01 (h) 22°-9C2 ( 292-u521 22I-630 P 0. Box 38I9, 08 () Luebbert, 'CIes 3027 jIF 23rd Ave., 12 (h) 28h-7300 288-261 Ave , Rni, 217, 11 (w) )4C57 NE 7th Ave., 22 (h) 53°9 NE Union Lyday, Mrs.. Faye 6Conne1 262-0067 N! Simpson, 11 (h)* ( o09 l tjI I 288-29 Ms Conrad 262-1l6 289-796 3610 N Winchel], ]' ( 630 L'T / JohnA1/O/ 3Ofh Ave , 2)-73R (si) c/ 22-793 Ntl Bank, P C Box )i1, OP ()* S1'l Hyrtle flr.,, 02 (h) U.S 1CU 227-562L - Iss_ I1I 1 2-P45 34 . I; Wolfe, 0,0. Box 1070, 07 (w)* ext. Lprnan 020 1'W Ptwiter Pd., LakE, 0rcro, 8(03L1 (h) 228-8111 22 636.-61 b ))°2 S iivera, Carosl' aizer\JJ h?] SW Oak, //o8, Oh (w) 12Q 0 Poug1a St R. II I 77083 Brooklyn, 06 (h' 227-212 (h) 6L43-2196 1 '_ SIII TSchede 212h SE 122nd Pvc., 1("2 J. Divs'on, Betty 1 Smith, Ov JT 2-1(90 3 () 66-)1"3C) Q70'lO (h) 2tTTltA1r., ((12 S I 66-CL91 (h )4th 1/10 / N. Iv, 7,POBc'216, 07 231 N Vann, Pon Wi1]iar live,, 17 28L-2210 (T.i) Ward, 7/ (22 SiT Boiduy, C (w) 62v NE L(nd ASP., 18 (h' 228-8h22 281.-2C9 Wi11ia) id 2611 NE Union Aip 229-386h O)- I / 12 (w) 287-6(07 NT 11th Ave., l (h) I' - . I I \t j.T Board J ist cont-3 : MSMargeene1 C MtJL TRUSTEE 1320 SW Broadway, 0 (w)* 2335 NW Açen, 10 (h) TIBA. H IA I ..''.'' '." ,. fr- , 1frfrI } [1',fr, i ) fr 4 '''fr 'fr,,' .................................. ''' frfr 14L ,,fr ,,, ,',J,, frIfrfr ¶ ,,,(1', ', ' I r I 1fr I,,,,, 1p, A I ,1 0; I 'H'' r.',' I 'i'' I\ fr I'I',1, , ., I I I4 I,, '' 'H ,I 1 II' frI 4 44 I 4 4, 4 Ii fr'fr 11 frfrIfrfr I' 44 jI A,',''' ,'H;,'Hi' 'H ¶ "fr, I' ,,, 'H '4 .H'' " 4 'I 223-1153 7-3Q " Wi111a" H111iard ''Hfrfr 3139 NW Industrial, 10 (w) 2923 NL th Ave., ] (hj- '' I cty desk 226-2121 222-2057 ill -iJi 1L1 MAIN OFFICE FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Herbert L. Amerson President w'..v:.0 'i: 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. ROAD BUILDERS SERVICE 3525 N. 5329 N.E. UNION E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 972t 1 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 224.0151 288-6517 288-6361 288-4269 John A. Mills Vice President James A. Thompson, Jr. Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary March 5, 1973 Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Paul Cook Member at Large DIRECTORS David Baugh Mrs. Mamie Bowles Ellis Cassors Frank Cox, Jr. Robert Dillard Richard Dixon Gerard K. Druniniond Guy Frazier Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Edward Hawes Mrs. Gordon Hearn Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Darrell Johnson James Lee Victor Levy Charles Luebbert Mrs. Faye Lyday Eugene L. Pfeifer Jack Radow Carlos Rivera John H. Salzer Mrs. Betty Schedeen Oliver Smith, Jr. C. Don Vann Harold Williams STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director James 0. Brooks Director of Field Office Ronald L. Martin Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chafman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Dear Board Member: Our regular monthly Board meeting, scheduled for Thursday, March 15, is hereby postponed until the next week, Thurs' day, March 22, This action became necessary because the Board.-Staff Seminar, which has been discussed in recent Board meetings and endorsed by the Board, is now set for the evening of March 16 anc the day of March 17. The Committee has spent considerable time and effort in getting this important meeting planned and in working out the details, This is a very important event for the life of the League, and I urge all members to be present and participate in this program. This will provide an opportunity to become more informed about the Urban League program and form closer relationships with each other. Please return the enclosed card at once, in order that we may know how many to expect. Of course, I am expecting 100% attendance. A program is enclosed for your information and a directional chart, which will guide you to the building at the University of Portland, where the session will be held, Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant The spouses of Board and staff are invited to the hour (nohost cocktails) Friday evening. Miss Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Sincerely, social Mrs. Earlerre Phillips Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma Johnson Field Office Secretary e PROJECT OUTREACH Herbert L. Axnerson Board President Charles F. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director ROAD BUILDERS SERVICE HLA:ph George Rarskins Field Representative MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS In WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS i;ir JLLiAji\! rL/r1JL cc MAIN OFFICE FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Herbert L. Amerson President 718 WEST BURNSIDE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 5329 N. E. UNION 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. ROAD BUILDERS SERVICE 5329 N.E. UNION 3525 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 John A. Mills Vice President James A. Thompson, Jr. Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Paul Cook Member at Large DIRECTORS David Baugh Mrs. Mamie Bowles Ellis Casson Frank Cox, Jr. Robert Dillard Richard Dixon Gerard K. Drummond Guy Frazier Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Edward Hawes Mrs. Gordon Hearn Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Darrell Johnson James Lee Victor Levy Charles Luebbert Mrs. Faye Lyday Eugene L. Pfeifer Jack Radow Carlos Rivera John H. Salzer Mrs. Betty Schedeen Oliver Smith, Jr. C. Don Vaisi Harold Williams MEMORANDUM TO: All Board Members FRM: Herbert L, Amerson RE: March 22 Board Meeting DATE: March 15, 1973 This is a very important Board meetingfor all Board members, but particularly for those unable to attend the Board-Staff Seminar0 Our major focus now is to work out the final plans for the Annual Meeting and membership drive, We urge all members to be present0 STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director James 0. Brooks Director of Field Office Ronald L, Martin Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Miss Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Mrs. Earlene Phillips Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma Johnson Field Office Secretary PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director \D BUILDERS SERVICE George Rankins Field Representative MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS 224-0151 288-6517 2886361 288-4269 a. b, c, d, e, Use Board members Use Urban League members Use staff members Program speakers for all organizations in the community Use speakers in the classroom , . 0 B, C0 FEDERALLY FUNDED_PROGRAMS 1, Go to city, county and state officials to inform then of what the Urban League is doing, 2, Inform businessmen/women of what the Urban League is doing, ED1XATION 1, Educate community as well as ourselves, 2, Invite parents to meetings to inform them what the Urban League is doing, 3, People not aware of price differences between N0E, area and other areas in Portland educate then, a, b, c, 4, Put Board member in charge of informing particular block, Prepare fact sheet, Invite Russ Dawson, Consumer Protection, to Board meeting and ask him what Board can do about prices. Encourage Board/staff a, b, parent relationships Set up informal talks and invite parents and students to talk about education, etc. Board and staff members offer services as speakers to talk to kids, 6 D, do things together, visit, go places EMPLOYMENT 1, E, Encourage family relationship together Board and staff members should affect political forces that influence revenue sharing and other financial resources. fl. IE!7I( OTHER 1, Establish a Board induction program. 2, Give new Board members copies of: a, b, c, d. ByLaws Constitution Budget Other Urban League 4, Have total staff meetings. information x.T i...tuii -r; l -i r.ET2iJ. Raymond E0 Balcomb, Pastor of First United An article by Methodist Church, in his church's weekly publication, The Cir cult Rider, urging his congregation to join the Urban Rev0 League0 urn ii toi - TiNi:':11'1' 0) V UL minutes/ page 2 3/22/73 UL minutes/ page 3 3/22/73 1, There are twelve vacancies on the 1, The seminar helped the Board and staff become better 2, There was a general feeling that the Seminar was successful. Board0 acquainted0 Mrs. Margaret Greene, Guild President, reported that the Mad Hatters' Ball was very successful with money collected totalling $1661.00, expenses total ling $689.55 and a profit of $971.45, 1, Mr, Cox requested copies of the budget, Constitution and ByLaws be sent to him, 2, Father Haley requested that biographical information on each wember be made avai1able to the Board, Respectfully submitted, I) Geraldine McConnell, Secretary 22 3\ N LN'1TT i30 OD 1 0 POPTT 1D DIP 1iTOPS 107 2-7 Revised: 1220-72 I OF'?iC p:; Herbert L. Pisrrson - Presdt. John A. Mills - Vice President James Thompson,-Jr. - Vice President Alfred M. 01 eason - Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell - Secretary Mrs. Gerl Ward - Member at Large Mr. Paul Cook - Member at Larirc Amers,flIrbert L.& Bau4iYid 1900 SW th Ave., Rm. 309, Cl ()* 226-&90 2606 05 9th Ave., 12 (ii) 28Lj-6Li2 Vane. Wash. (h)['/ 7Cl Arizora Dr. 69-972 : Bowles\f'Mamie OS.V / 2886)ol C6 N. Gantenhein, 27 (h) f. 202-3h09 21 I) ( 1320 NE l3razee, :12 (w)* ass4.E1isO 222 SW Morrison, ( 3 Coo\ Pa1 221-2C6? I /'tciJC / 1sf, Nat1. Bank, P.00 Pox 3J1, OP () 0tT aV1 Cox, 22-223$ -2210-. \) .1 VDixon, Richad t1 Drud$erard KØ '. G1easLAIfed Joseph ch) 100 Public Service Bldg., 0 Gordon ()* ext. 717 i731 SW Conyon Dr., lake 0sego 0703h (h) (c.s.c.) U of F, 000 N. Willamethe Blvd., O 6)0 S' Peacock Lane, lii w/Hearfl, Mrs. 2l2! 1 1LOG Pnblic Service Bld., OL (w)* Rt. A, Rex West Linn, Ore., 97060 (h) '/ VHley, Fh N. ATh.na 638-99i 2?6-7L11 636-13/iC 283-7367 232-89L0 (h)'3i 33L0 SW Fairmoun±, Blvd., o ()* 22)4-3920 (h)* 228-293L U. 1. Board list Cent.Hederson, Rev.. A. 268-L29 NE 8th Ave., 11 (w) 82 Lee 262-0267 2737 NE 10th Ave., 12 (h) P.O. Box 1i91, Johnson, Darrell 387 NE LJerty 229-!61 2862818 Q7 (w) Terrace, 11. (h)* 287-6L 609 NE Simpson, 11 (h)* Lee, 1)i$4 th Ave., Rm. lLevy, Victor' eC 01 ()* 229-9C2 2,?-u5 1 23-A-,' 327. Union Ave., Rm, 217, 329 Faye Lyday, , aro1ine tir., 2 (h) c.90i 2 U 2F2.1IJ h09'? lIE 7th Ave., 12 (h) I /McConnell, Mrs. Conrad 30Th Avo, () o/ 630 Crest,view Convalescent Home Mi]1s/iflA. U.S. Ntl. Bank, P.O. Box )4)412, 1 1C0 f S Nrtle Pr,, 01 T Radow, Jackb 289-7976 ?14L-733 3610 N. Winchell, 17 ' 24 OsweO,..970h (h-- 07 ()* ext. twater Od., Lake Orweco, 97C3L (i) 920 ¶$I 22 228-8111 636-61 77.-083 LJL22 22 Brooklyn, 06 (h)* /flivera, Carlos 227-F7h (h) Wolfe, 0,0. Box 1070, Lirnan 22-793 08 ()* 6)43-2496 Schedeen, Mrs. Betty ? 21GIJElstAi., Smith, 0lier Jr. Thompson, 7712 SvJ 1th //7) /9 Jr.hames A0 (h) Ave., 17 (w); 267-111)4 2)46-53F 28)4-2210 281-2836 . 721 SJ Broadway, 0 (w) Ward,Mrs. Geri Williams, 1old Prier P1.,, 29 (h) 7222 2 2-1790 66-019i 103 N. Iy, 27,cP.O. Box 1736, O'(w)* 21l N. W11iars Vann, Don - L2 232)4 SE 122nd Ave., 33 (w)* 1612 W. Division, crrc., 97030 (h) ii )< )4?n Ave., 18 (h)* 2611 NE Union Ave., 12 (w) 620)4 2 11th Ave., 1T! (h)* 228-8)422 282209 229-306)4 287-6607 t.T,. oard list cont-3 3139 M Industrial, 10 () 2923 N 223-1l3 : 73Q Pth Ave., 1.2 Ch)* 1320 SW Broadway, 01 (w)* 231' NW Aspen, 10 (h) city desk 226-2121 222-207 UF LcT MAIN OFFICE FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Herbert L. Amersori President ECLf[L 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. ROAD BUILDERS SERVICE 3525 N. 5329 N. E. UNION E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 John A. Mills Vice President James A. Thompson Jr. Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary April 12, 1973 Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Paul Cook Member at Large DIRECTORS David Baugh Mrs. Mamie Bowles Ellis Casson Frank Cox, Jr. Robert Dillard Richard Dixon Gerard K. Drummond Guy Frazier Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Edward Hawes Mrs. Gordon Hearn Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Darrell Johnson James Lee Victor Levy Charles Luebbert Mrs. Faye Lyday Eugene L. Pfeifer Jack Radow Carlos Rivera John H. Salzer Mrs. Betty Schedeen Oliver Smith, Jr. C. Don Vann Harold Williams TO: Urban League Board Members FROM: Herbert L, Amerson, President This is to remind you of the next Board meeting which will be held April 19, 1973, at 7:45 p.m., in Room 217, Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, This is a very important meeting. Plans for the Annual Meeting will be finalized and Committee reports on pub...' sales and other areas of preparation for the Annual Meeting will be presented, licity, ticket Please be present. STAFF F. Shelton Hill Executive Director James 0. Brooks Director of Field Office Ronald L. Martin Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M: Rae Program Assistant Miss Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Mrs. Earlerse Phillips Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma Johnson Field Office Secretary PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director \D BUILDERS SERVICE George Rankins Field Representative MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS 224-0151 288-6517 288-6361 288-4269 i;;. 1, Minutes 2 Communications A, Information B, Action URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND, INC. Board of birectors Meeting April 19, 1973 The meeting was called to order at 7S5 p.m., in the second floor conference room at the Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, by President Amerson. Directors in attendance were; Ellis Casson, Richard Dixon, Father Joseph Haley, Edward Hawes, Victor Levy, James Lee, John Mills, James Thompson, Jr., Don Vann, Mrs. Geri Ward, Harold Williams and Mrs. Margaret Greene0 Staff was re presented by B. Shelton Hill, James 0, Brooksand Pam Howard. Mr. Casson moved that minutes of the last meeting be approved as mailed. motion was seconded and passed, The following communications were read by the The Executive Director for informa tion: 1 A letter from Alexander J. Allen of National Urban League which stated: 2, 3, a, 1973, The NUL Staff Task Force on Planning met on April 6 to discuss the longrange and mediumrange planning systems designed for the Urban League by the consulting firm of Cresap, Mc Cormick and Paget. c. The Staff Task Force on Planning, and all Directors will meet one day prior to the beginning of the con fernce in Washington, D.C. affiliateExecutive The Last Will and Testament of Joella T, Johnson in which she beq ueathed $2000.00 to the Urban League of Portland, A letter from Nathan J. Heath, of Fredrickson, Heath, Weisensee, Barton and Cox, the law firm representing Willis H, Blakely, personal repre sentátive of the estate of Joella T. Johnson, which states; b. A check will be sent when Mr. Blakely distributes the estate. The following communications were read by the Executive Director and action taken as follows: 1. A letter of resignation from Jack Radow. Mr. Casson moved that the resignation be accepted with regret. This was seconded by Mr. Mills and passed. UL minutes! page 2 4/19/73 1. He attended the National Neighbors Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, April 13, 14 and 15, 1973. 2. National Neighbors has received a committment from Ford Foundation for funding of a pilot project which will involve twelve cities, with the possibility that Portland's Irvington Community Organization will be one of the associations chosen. 3 The role of the Urban League, if Irvington receives a portion of the grant, will be as a valuable resource in terms of people and expertise. 4, The Urban League endorses National Neighbors, but takes no active part in its work in the Northwest, John Mills, chairman of the Nominating Committee, reported: The Nominating Committee included Alfred Gleason, Harold Williams., 1, and Mrs. Gordon Hearn, from the Board and Mrs Isaac Payne and Herman Plummer from the membership. 2. Retiring Board Mamie Bowles. members are Ellis Casson, Mrs. Gordon Hearn and Mrs. UL minutes/ page 3 4/19/73 The Executive Director reported that Pam Howard and Earlene Austin will be in charge of the ticket table at the door. The meeting adjoizrned at 9:40 p.m. Geraldine McConnell, Secretary GM/ph _ ,1 URBAN LEAG tIE OF PORTLAND Revised: BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1972-73 OFFICERS HERBERT L, ANERSON 4-3-73 PRESIDENT TREASURER ALFRED M. GLEASON MRS. CONRAD MC CONNELL - VICE PRESIDENT JOHN A. MILLS VICE PRESIDENT JAMES THOMPSON, JR. SECRETARY MRS. GERI WARD - MEMBER AT LARGE MR. PAUL COOK MEMBER AT LARGE ****** *************************************** ************************** AMERSOiIft1ERT L. B H, DAVID /fJj t BOWLES, MRS,MAMIB CASSO, ISP-, 1900 SW 4th Ave., Rm. 309, 01 (w)* 2606 NE 9th Ave., 12 (h) 226-8950 284-6425 5701 Arizona Dr., Vanc., Wash. (h) 98661 (206) Crown Zellerbach Central Research Departipent 695-5972 834-4444 1320 NE Brazee, 12 (w)* 28864O1 4066 N. Gantenbein, 27 (h) 282-3489 222 SW Morrison, 04 (w)* Rm. 424 221-2067 3215 NE Freznont, 12 (h) 1st National Rank, P.O. Box 3131 08, (w)* 225-223 287-0268 1932 NE Stanton, 12 (h) COOK, PAUL ,... I. COX, FRANK, 4ç44' DIXON RICHARD Unlisted p)t- DRUMMOND, GERARD K. GLEASON, ALFRED M, HALEY, F rth..R JOSEPh (C.SC.) 417 SW Washington 04, (w)* 221-0414 Portland Economic Development Committee .5115 N0 Albina, (h)* 97217 1400 Public Service Building, 04 (w)* Rt, 1, Box 525A, West Linn, Ore,, 97068 1500 Public Service 281-4245 224.39Z) 6385994 Bldg. 04 (w)* ext. 717 226-7411 636-1340 17351 SW Canyon Dr., Lake Oswego 97034 of P, 5000 No Willamette Blvd0 03 (w)* 283-7367 HhS,EPWARD 641 SE Peacock Lane, 14 (h)* 232-8948 HEARN, MRS. GORDON 3340 Sw Fairmount Rlvd0, 01 (h)* 228-2934 288-5429 282-0067 5828 NE 8th Aye0, 11 (w)* 2737 NE 10th Aye0, 12 (h) 229-4815 288-2818 'P.O. Box 1491, 07 (w) 3837 NE Liberty Terrace, 11 (h) 1400 Sw 5th, Rm0 555, 01 (w)* 8900 Sw Caoline Dr., 25 (h) 229'-5902 609 NE Simpson, 11 (h)* 287-6425 5329 NE Union Ave., Pm0 217, 11 (w)* 4057 NE 7th, 12, (h) 288-8261 282-1418 3640 N. Winchell, 17 (h)* 6350 SW 30th, 01 (w) 289-7976 244-7533 U.S. Nati. Bank, P.O. Box 4412, 08 (w)* 1005 Sw Myrtle Dr., 01 (h) 225-5793 227-5824 920 S wateRf., Lake Oswecjo 292-0521 ., -SL 4422 SE Brooklyn, 06 (h)* 775-0853 SCHEDEEN, MRS. BETTY 255-1790 2324 SE 122nd, 33 (w)* Downtown numbe ------------- 221-0204 665-4730 1612 W. Division, Gresh., Ore., 97030 SMITH, OLIVER, JR. 2100 John P.O. 7712 THOMPSb JAMES. A. JR., VA,DO WARD, M.ERI.1(! WILLIAMS, HAROLD. AT GREENE NE 181st (w)* Deere Company Box 20098 97220 Sw 45th Apt0 #70 (h) 665-0191 103 N, Ivy, 27, P.O. Box 12165, 07 (w)* 7210 SW Brier P1., 19 (h) 287-1114 246-5358 5211 N. Williams Aye0, 17 (w)* 284-2210 281-283 721 SW Broadwary, 05 (w) 6225 NE 42nd, 18, (h)* 228-8422 2611 NE Union Aye; 12 (w) 6204 NE 11th Aye0, 11 (h)* 229-3864 287-6607 3139 NW Industrial, 10 (w) 2923 NE 8th Ave., 12, (h)* 223-11353 2815209 287-3519 T'IF tJAr MAIN OFFICE e FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Herbert L. Amerson President PTLD AGUE E 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. ROAD BUILDERS SERVICE 5329 N. E. UNION 3525 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 224.0151 288.6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 288-6361 288-4269 John A. Mills Vice President James A. Thompson, Jr. Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Paul Cook Member at Large DIRECTORS David Baucjh MEMORANDUM TO: All Urban League Board Members FROM: Herbert L, Ainerson, President RE: May 17th Board Meeting DATE: May 10, 1973 Mrs. Mamie Bowles Ellis Casson Frank Cox, Jr. Robert Dillard Richard Dixon Gerard K. Drummond Guy Frazier Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Edward Hawes Mrs. Gordon Hearn Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Darrell Johnson James Lee Victor Levy Charles Luebbert Mrs. Faye Lyday Eugene L. Pfeifer Jack Radow Carlos Rivera John H. Salzer Mrs. Betty Schedeen Oliver Smith, Jr. C. Don Vann Harold Williams STAFF E, Shelton Hill Executive Director James 0. Brooks Director of Field Office Ronald L, Martin Director of Economic Development and Employment This is to remind you of our regular monthly Board meeting, which is to be held Thursday, May 17, 1973, in Room 217, Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside. This will be an important meeting. We will have the financial reports on the Annual Meeting as well as an evaluation of the meeting, There will also be a report by John Mills on the Western Region. Urban Affiars Conference which will be held May 15-17, 1973, in Los Angeles, All Board members who have not turned in their unsold tickets and money, please do so at once, so we may have a full report on ticket sales. Vernon V. Chetman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Miss Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Mrs. Earlene Phillips Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma Johnson Field Office Secretary PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E, Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director D BUILDERS SERVICE George Rankins Field Representative MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS t9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS rG Urban League Board Meeting w1y1j 1. Opening Adoption of Minutes b0 Introduction of New Board Members a0 3 Financial Report of Annual Meeting Edward Hawes 7 Report of Urban Affairs Conference John Mills 8 Report on OJT Conference Nathan Nickerson URBAN L1WLJE OF PORTLAND, Board of Directors Meeting INCO F'lay 17, 1973 was called to order at 7:50 p.m., in the second floor conference roorn Service Cenier, 718 West I3urnside, by President Amerson, me mee'O at the in attendance were MiSs, Allison Belcher, Frank Cox, Gerard Drummond, John Hansen, Dr. Ernest Hartzog, Edward Hawes, Gregory Keys, Victor M., Faye Lyday, John Mills, Mrs, Conrad McConnell, Robert Rac. Jam Schnaible, Oliver Smith, Jr.; James Thompson, Jr.; C, Don Vann, Mrs. and Harold Williams, Staff was represented by E. Shelton Hill, Nathan and Pam Howard, S DitCtOrs -° Fred G ed and seconded that the minutes of the last meeting he approved as The motion passed. as iflOV c t thi9 tim each Board and staff member introduced him. or herself, tive Director reported that the tJrhan League Guild had presented a check 1amount of $300.00 to the Urban League of Portland, Ees, a member of the Annual Meeting Committee, reported: 1. 585 people atiefl(led the Annual Meeting. 2. $3,105.00 has been collected from ticket sales, the bill from the Sheraton totaled $3,363.75 and from 585 tickets, we should receive $3,510.00. Therefore, $405.00 is still uncollected. 3, 331 tickets are still unaccounted for, 272 of which were distributed the Board and 59 to others, 4, Two thankyou letters were received from the Sheraton, DTlfl(alUatiOfl of the Annual Meeting, Mr. Vann pointed out that, at the January Board meeting, a resolution that there be no reserved tables at the Annual Meeting, was pasccd, however, at the dinner, there were reserved tables, There was consid (The full text of the discussion has been placed erable i8CUSSion, but no action, file for the 1974 Annual Meeting for reference,) in th In evaLIating the meeting, Mrs. Lyday said she found Mayor Widener's speech en 1ightenflg and wondered if the Board paid notice to what he said, She said the Urban rue is doing some things, but needs to do more, Mr. Hawes èaid We owe thanks to the Guild for their contribution to the meeting in terms ,srV1ce and ticket sales. The Executive tlrector reported.: I & A sixmnonth Voter Registration Project has been awarded to Portlind a The emphasis in Poitland will he on voter participation h. Terry Rawlins has been hired as Director and Patricia Goren has been hired as Secretary. c, All expenses will be paid out of the National Urban League office, UL Board Minutes/ page 2 May 17, 1973 d. 2, Mr. Rawlins, Miss Goren and James 0, Brooks, Deputy Director of the Portland Urban League, will attend an orientation conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, June 6 9, A Title VII proposal has been submitted to Region X, Office of Educa. tion in Seattle, for a school desegregation plan in Portland, a, This program will be conducted on parenttoparent and stud, enttostudent levels. b. Staff will include one professional and two paraprofessionals. c, The proposal will be acted upon the week of May 14l8 in Sea ttle and a meeting will be held May 24 in Portland with Anne Anderson from Region X, d, The budget is for $47,000.00 for the first year and may be renewable, at the end of the first year, for $90,000.00 After considerable discussion regarding an orientation program for the new Board mem hers, the following action was taken: 1. A motion was made by Mr. Vann that all new Board members receive ori entation in the near future, This was seconded and the motion carried, 2, It was decided that the orientation would be held on Thursday, June 14, 1973, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 217, Community Service Center, 718 W. Burn side, Other Board suggestions included: 1, All Board members who did not attend the BoardStaff Seminar held at the University of Portland, March 16..l7, 1973, should attend the ori entation session, 2. New Board members should receive copies of the suggestions which re. sulted from the Seminar, 3, At this meeting the new Board members should formulate the agenda for the June Board meeting. Mr. Mills, a participant in the Urban Affairs Conference hosted by the Western Reg. ional Office and held in Los Angeles, May l5.17, reported: What 1. The theme of the Conference was "Business and the Urban League Can We Do Together?" 2. Participants included businesses up and down the West Coast and Western Region Urban Leagues, 3, There were two high spots: a. a speech by dinner speaker, Dr. William Johnston, Stperinten dent of Schools, Los Angeles City Unified District, in which he stated that the L.A. School District provides all types of career training for all age groups. UL Board Minutes/ page 3 May 17, 1973 2. an endorsement of a Guaranteed Annual Wage0 4,, Ideas brought out at the Conference by Mills and the Executive Dir ector included the concept of loaned executives, which was received favorably by the other participants. 50 Wednesday afternoon, the group divided into four subgroups to discuss the direction the Urban League should Discussion also included whether or not the Urban League should do some kind of screening in order to be able to recommend definite minority businesses0 Mr0 take0 The Executive Director reported that another concept included in the discussion was whether the Urban League could also run interference for minority businesses by help lug them become aware of such necessities as bonding, good selection of location, etc. athan Nickerson, Director of Economic Development and Employment and a participant in the OntheJob Training Conference held in Seattle, April 19, 1973, reported that participants in the Conference shared a feeling that revenue sharing decisionmaking should be done with agencies which are federally funded and agencies which are being affected by the federal cutbacks. Mr. Hawes made a motion that the Urban League Board go on record as oppocing the cuts in Child Care programs and protest this action by writing letters to the Ways and Means Committee0 This was seconded by Mrs. Lyday and carried, Discussion indicated that no one present had information at this time whether public hearings would be held. Mr0 Hawes also recommended that the Board write to the Ways and Means Committee as individuals, The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p0rn. Respectfully submitted, 22 Geraldine McConnell, Secretary CM ph I MAIN OFFICE FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Herbert L. Amerson President F PORTLNI AGUE THE URAI' 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E, UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. ROAD RUILDERS SERVICE 5329 N.E. UNION 3525 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 224-0151 2886517 2886361 288-4269 John A. Mills Vice President James A. Thompson, Jr. Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large TOE Urban League Board Members FROM: Herbert L RE: Orientation DAm: June 6, 1973 Paul Cook Member at Large DIRECTORS David Baugh Mrs. Mamie Bowles Arnerson, President Ellis Casson Frank Cox, Jr. Robert Dillard Richard Dixon Gerard K. Drummond Guy Frazier Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. DarreJohn:n It was decided in our last Board meeting that an orientation meeting for new Board members would be held Thursday evening, June 14, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in Room 217, Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, Victor Levy The orientation schedule will include the subjects: Eugene L. Pfeifer Jack Radow Carlos Rivera John H. Salzer Mrs. Betty Scledeen The National Urban League and its Relation to the Affiliates and the Role of Board Members by William Hilliard member of the National Board; Oliver Smith, Jr. C, Don Vann Harold Williams Explanation of the Financing of the Local Urban League by President Herbert L. Amerson; STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director Director of Fie and Office Local Programs and Projects - Present and Future by E. Shelton Hill, Executive Director,, Ronald L. Martin Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae ProgramAssistant Bookkeeper and Secretary toExecutiveDirector Mrs. Earlene Phillips Secretary and Receptionist While the meeting is especially designed for new Board members, all members are welcome. The next regular Board meeting will be June 21,, We urge all members to be present at the regular Board meeting, which will be the last meeting prior to the two-month summer vacation , Mrs. Thelma Johnson Field Office Secretary PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director ,D BUILDERS SERVICE George Rankins Field Representative MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS i9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS MAIN OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Herbert L. Amerson President 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. ROAD BUILDERS SERVICE 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 N. E. UNION 3525 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 224.0151 288-6517 288-6361 288-4269 John A. Mills Vice President James A. Thompson Jr. Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Paul Cook Member at Large DIRECTORS David Baugh Mrs. Mamie Bowles Ellis Casson Frank Cox, Jr. Robert Dillard Richard Dixon Gerard K. Drummond Guy Frazier Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Edward Hawes Mrs. Gordon Hearn Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Darrell Johnson James Lee MEMORANDUM TO: All Urban League Board Members FROM: Herbert L Amerson, President RE: June 21 Board Meeting DATE: June 14, 1973 This is to remind you of our regular monthly Board meeting, which is to be held Thursday, June 21, 1973 at 7:30 p.m., in Room 217, Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, Victor Levy Charles Luebbert Mrs. Faye Lyday Eugene L. Pfeifer Jack Radow Carlos Rivera John H. Salzer Mrs. Betty Schedeen Oliver Smith, Jr. C, Don Vann Harold Williams STAFF F. Shelton Hill Executive Director James 0. Brooks Director of Field Office This will be the last Board meeting until September. We have some extremely important subjects to be acted upon at this meeting so we urge every Board member to be present. We urge all Board members who have not yet turned in their money and unsold tickets for the Annual Meeting to do so at this time, We still have not received all the money needed to cover the cost of the meals served. Ronald L, Martin Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Miss Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Mrs. Earlene Phillips Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma Johnson Field Office Secretary PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director D BUILDERS SERVICE George Rankins Field Representative MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS t9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS URBPN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND E:ccutive Committee June 20, 1973 MINUTES The meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon in the Urban League office by the President, Herbert Amerson, Mr. Amerson presented a letter from F. Shelton Hill indicating his intention to retire from the position of Executive Director of the Urban League of Port-' land, effective December 31, 1973. Considerable discussion ensued regarding the continued smooth operation of the Urban League program under a new administration, culminating with the recommendation that My, Hill, with his twenty-'seven years experience, serve as a consultant to the Urban League after his retirement and that $6,000.00 (at a rate of $500.00 per month) be paid to him as expenses for the year of 1974, subject to renegotiation at the end of that time. It was the unanimous decision of the Executive Committee that this recommendation be approved. This expense shall he charged against the Special Administrative Funds Account and will not affect the General Fund budget. Other recommendations included: 1. Guidelines should be set up for recruitment of a new Executive; 2. An initial salary range for the new Executive would be $l7,000.0O $20, 000.00 3. Notice of the pending vacancy should be circulated throughout the UL Movement immediately; and 4, That Mr. Amerson should make an initial interview of any applicants who are present at the National Urban Leanue Conference in Washington, D.C., and bring their resumes back for Executive Committee consideration. I Geraldine McConnell Secretary June 21 The above recommendations of the Executive Committee were unanimously adopted by the Urban League Board of Directors at a regular Board meeting on this date, June 21, 1973 1 Adoption of MInutes 3, Final Report on Annual Meeting Tickets Pam Howard 4. New Board Members Orientation Session President Amerson 5, Report on New Programs James O Brooks Deputy Director 6, Presentation Vernon V Chatman Director of Education Department 7, Other Business URBAN LEAGUE OF 1RTLAND, I, Board of Directors Meeting June 21, 1973 Call To Order The meetinc was called to order at 7:55 p.m., in the second floor conference room at the Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, by President Herbert L. Amerson, Directors in attendance were: David Baugh, Mrs. Allison Beicher, Paul Cook, Flowers,Dr, Ernest Hartzog, Edward Hawes, Gregory Keys, James Lee, Mrs. Faye Conrad McConnell, John Mills, William Odom, Jr., Robert Racouillat, Roy bie and Mrs. Geri Ward0 Staff was represented by B. Shelton Hill, Vernon V. and Pam Howard. Mrs0 Fred Lyday, Schnai Chatman Mills made a motion that minutes of the last Board meeting be approved as mailed, The motion was seconded and passed. Mr0 oondence The Executive Director read the following communications for infor mat ion: 1, A letter from Northwest Orient Airlines reporting that tours to New York City would be available for people attending the NUL Conference in Wash inqton, D.C. 2, A notice from Scott Sorenson, Public Relations Director for United Good Neighbors, regarding a Public Relations Workshop to be held Friday, July 13, 1973, at Portland Community College, Sylvania Campus, which was open to all nonprofit agency volunteers and staff The following communications were read by the Executive Director and action taken as follows: 1. A copy of a letter cerning the racist day moved that the ing our assistance to Mayor Neil Goldschmidt from Howard James Nelson con conduct of certain Portland police officers. Mrs. Ly Urban League send a reply to Mr. Nelson's letter offer. if he should need it, Motion seconded by Mr. Mills and carried, 2, A letter from H, V. Lidell of the Portland Chamber of Commerce Convention Bureau requesting that the National Urban League convene in Portland again soon, Dr. Hartzog made a motion that we invite the NUL Conference to meet in Portland again, Motion was seconded and passed, 3, A memorandum from Adolph Holmes, Deputy Executive Director of the NUL, re porting Chat the Manuel for, Affiliates has been published and three copies had been mailed to the Portland Urban League, Mr. Racouillat agreed to re produce 35 copies in order that each Board member could have a copy. President Amerson presented a letter from B, Shelton Hill indicating his intention to retire from the position of Executive Director, effective December 31, 1973, Sec retary McConnell then read the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held June 20, 1973, at which time the following recommendations were made: / 1. That Mr. Hill serve as a consultant to the Urban League after his retire ment,:at the rate of $500.00 per month for expenses for the year of 1974, UL Minutes/ page 2 June 21, 1973 subject to renegotiation at the end of that time; 2, Guidelines be set up for recruitment of a new Executive; 3, The initial salary range for the new Executive he $17,000.00 4, Notice of the pending vacancy should be circulated throughout the Urban League Movement immediately; and 5, President Amerson should make an initial interview of any applicants who are present at the National Urban League Conference in Washington, D.C., and bring their resumes back for Executive Committee consideration. $20,000.00; Dr. Hartzog moved that the Board accept Mr. Hill's resignation with regret and ap prove the recommendations proposed by the Executive Committee, Motion seconded by Mr. Odom and carried, Discussion concerning the criteria for selection of a new Executive brought out that candidates must have one of the following: 1. A Master's degree and three years of Urban League executive experience, or 2, A Bachelor's degree plus additional training and executive experience. These are standards set by the National Urban League, Unfinished Business slated that: Pam Howard, presenting a final report on Annual Meeting tickets, 1. 585 dinners were served, for a total of $3,510.00, 2, To date, we have received $3,465.00, 3, A total of 199 tickets are unaccounted for at present, of which 156 were distributed to Board members and 43 to others, New Business President Amerson appointed an interim committee to work with staff on programs for next year and other items discussed at the orientation session, The committee includes: Allison Belcher, chairman; Edwad Hawes; Robert Racouillat; Gre gory Keys and William Odom, Jr. President Amerson reported that Board members had met with Vernon V. Chatman, Education Director, to discuss aspects of his department id in the future, would meet with Nathan Nickerson, Director of Economic Development and Employment, Saff'Re2ts 1, James 0, Brooks, Deputy Director, reported on two new proçrams: Voter Registration Project: a, b, c, d, This program went into operation June 1, 1973. The staff of this project, Terry Rawlins and Patricia Goren, attended an orientation session in Indianapolis, Indiana, June 69, 1973, as did Mr. Brooks, The basic priorities of this sixmonth project includes voter reg istration of minorities and increased voter participation. The project is funded by the Ford Foundation and totally adminis tered by the NUL, with all bills being sent to the National office, UL Minutes/ page 3 June 21, 1973 2, Emergency School Aid Act Project: The Executive Director reported a possibility that Portland may receive another pro ject, The National Urban League will be submitting a proposal for a Manpower Train ing Council plan which will involve revenue sharing in manpower areas0 Other Busii:ess President Amerson reported that the Statements of Concern for the 1973 NIJL Conference included: and Pretrial Mr0 Lee expressed his gratitude to those taking out Urban League and NAACP memberships and encouraged everyone to keep up the good work, McConnell made a motion that Urban League minimum Annual Dues be raised from $2,00 to $3.00, Motion seconded by Mr, Mills and carried. Mrs0 Mrs. Lyday asked if the Urban League was involved in combattinq child abuse, In re sponse to the, Executive Director's answer that, at present, the Urban League was not involved in this area with any other organization, Mrs. Lyday suggested that the in terim committee give consideration to this problem, Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m0 Respectfully submitted, Geraldine McConnell, Secretary EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Portland Urban League Board of Directors August 29, 1973 Coramittee members present were: Herbert L. Amerson, President John A, Mills, Vice President James Thompson, Vice President Paul Cook, Treasurer Mrs, Conrad McConnel, Secretary The Executive Committee of the Urban League Board of Directors met August 29, 1973, to consider recommendations from the Ex ecutive Director regarding revised job descriptions of the professional staff of the Urban League, The Executive Director distributed the revised description of each staff person, ex panding on their responsibilities. The title of the Program Assistant was changed to Administrative Assistant and Fiscal Officer, with delineation made of that staff person's respon sibilities, A salary range was set from $10,000 to 13,000 with the person beginning the next pay period at the lowest step on that scale, All of the recommendations were approved unanimously by the committee, Signed, (2 Mrs. Conrad McConnei Secretary IiU'i ; g 4iui :f MAIN OFFICE 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Herbert L. Amerson President si 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH , 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. ROAD BUILDERS SERVICE 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N.E. UNION o 5329 N.E. UNION 3525 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 John A. Mills Vice President James A. Thompson, Jr. Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large MEMORANDUM TO: All Urban League Board Members FROM: Herbert L, Amerson, President RE: September 20 Board Meeting DATE: September 13, 1973 Paul Cook Member at Large DIRECTORS David Baugh Mrs. Mamie Bowles Ellis Casson Frank Cox, Jr. Robert Dillard Richard Dixon Gerard K. Drummond Guy Frazier Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Edward Hawes Mrs. Gordon Hearn Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Darrell Johnson Our September Board meeting will be held Thursday, September 20, 1973 at 7:45 p.m., in Room 217, Comm unity Service Center, 718 West Burnside, James Lee Victor Levy Charles Luebbert Mrs. Faye Lyday Eugene L. Pfeifer Jack Radow Carlos Rivera John H. Saizer Mrs. Betty Schedeen Oliver Smith, Jr. C. Don Vann Harold Williams STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director James 0. Brooks Director of Field Office Ronald L. Martin Director of Economic Development and Employment This is our first meeting for the Fall and it is an extraimportant meeting, The UGN is in the process of restructuring the budgeting and reporting proced ures for all, agencies and has set up the budgeting year on a fiscal basis from July 1, 1974 - June 30, 1975. The Executive and President have attended several meetings with officials of the UGN regarding these changes and the total Board should be aware of them as it affects our agency, We also have the important task of seeking a new Executive Director, These are just a few of the important items on the agenda and we urge all Board members to be present. Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Miss Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Mrs. Earlene Phillips Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma Johnson Field Office Secretary PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson CoDirector 'AD BUILDERS SERVICE George Rankins Field Representative MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS t9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS 224-0151 288-6517 288-6361 288-4269 4 tJGN Priority Study Victor Levy 5 Report on NUL Conference Faye Lyday 6 Candidate Prospects for Executive Director Vacancy and Djscussion-Vjce President John Mills I 3 UGN agriecies will be funded according to where they rank in prior ity0 1 Mr Mills reported that there are three vacancies on the Board and requested that Board illembers turn in their nominations to President Ainerson0 Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm0 Geraldine McConnell, Secretary T URBAN LEAGJE OF IORTLAND MAIN OFFICE FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Herbert L. Amerson President 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N, B. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. ROAD BUILDERS SERVICE 3525 N. 5329 N. E. UNION E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 224-0151 288-6517 288-6361 288-4269 John A. Mills Vice President James A. Thompson, Jr. Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Paul Cook Member at Large DIRECTORS David Baugh Mrs. Mamie Bowles Ellis Casson MEMORANDUM TO: Al]. Urban League Board Members FROM: Herbert L. Amerson, President DATE: October 11, 1973 Frank Cox, Jr. Robert Dillard Richard Dixon Gerard K. Drummofld Guy Frazier Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Edward 1-lawes Mrs. Gordon Hearn Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Darrell Johnson James Lee Victor Levy This is to remind you that our next regular monthly Board meeting will be held October 18, 1973 at 7:45 p.m., in Room 217, Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside. This is an important Board meeting and we urge all Board members to present. Charles Luebbert Mrs. Faye Lyday Eugene L. Pfeifer Jack RadoW Carlos Rivera John H. Salzer Mrs. Betty Schedeen ) Oliver Smith, Jr. C, Don Vann Harold Williams STAFF B. Shelton Hill Executive Director James 0. Brooks Director of Field Office Ronald L. Martin Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Miss Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Mrs. Earlene Phillips Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma Johnson Field Office Secretary PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co.Director ' AD BUILDERS SERVICE George Rankins Field Representative MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS t9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS October 18, 1973 2, Communications 7, Guild Report Geri Ward 8 Report on tJGN Campaigh Executive Director 10, Other Business tJRBAN LEAGUE OF RRTLAND, I NC Board of Directors Meeting October 18, 1973 Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m., in the second floor conference room in the Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, by President Herbert L. Amersori, Directors in attendance were: Mrs. Allison Beicher, Paul Cook, Frank Cox, Father Joseph Haley, John Hansen, Edward Hawes, Mrs. Faye Lyday, Mrs. Betty Schedeen, Roy Schnaible, Oliver Smith, Jr0, James Thompson, Jr, and Mrs, Geri Ward. Staff was represented by B. Shelton Hill and Pam Howard, Mr, Cox moved that minutes of the last Board meeting be approved as mailed. motion was seconded by Father Haley and passed. The Communications President Amerson presented a report on the 1973 NUL Conference, copies of the Statements of Concern adopted at the 1973 Conference were passed out to each Board member along with copies of a Conference report written by Mrs. Ly day, Alternate Delegate, President Amerson, Chairman of the Selection Committee, reported: 1. Information on the candidates for the Executive Director position will, soon be received from the National office, 2, The Selection Committee will meet Tuesday evening, October 23, and will be able to inform the Board of their decision concerning the applicants at the next Board meeting. Geri Ward, member of the Guild, reminded the Board of the Harvest Dj Wine Sip, which will be the occasion for the Annual Urban League Guild Membership Drive and will be held Sunday, October 21, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., in the Cascade Stud ent Union, 5606 N, Borthwick Avenue, New Business The Executive Director read a newspaper article from the September 24 issue of the OREGONIAN which reported on the conditions in Boise School, The arti dc dealt primarily with the behavior of Black students in the school and the re actions of the white principal and teachers to these students, The Executive Dir' ector presented other information to the Board which included: 1, An article from the September 25 issue of the OREGONIAN which also dealt with the Boise School situation. 2, A letter,Written on September 25, 1973, from the Executive Director to Dr. Robert Blanchard, Superintendent of Portland Public Schools,:in which he expressed his dismay at the conditions in the school and at the atti tudes of David McCrea, Principal of Boise School, He also urged the re moval of Mr. McCrea from his position. 3, A resolution which called for the removal of David McCrea from hisposi tion as principal of Boise School, 4, A list of organizations and individuals Who were involved in the draft ing of this resolution, UL Board Minutes/ page 2 Qctober 18, 1973 5 A letter from David McCrea written on September 27, 1973, to members of 18 community organizations and businesses in which he apologized for the statements be expressed0 7 A letter written on October 5, 1973, to Robert Blanchard from Dorothy Hardy, PTA President, which stated that the parents of Boise School stud ents would like to resolve this problem without outside Dr0 help0 Suggestions made during Board discussion included: 10 2 Urging investigation of all Portland Public Schools0 Making a statement to the Portland School Board concerning this issue and appearing on the agenda at one of their meetings0 The Executive Director reported that the Urban League movie, "How Far Can I Go", was filmed by KPTV, with expenses paid by the station, and was shown on Channel 12, Sunday, October l4 at 8:30 p0m0 will be rerun on Saturday, October 20, at It 7:15 a0m0 The Executive Director, reporting on the status of Urban League projects, stated that: ULBcjard Minutes! page 3 October 18, 1973 The Executive Director reported that the United Good now in its third week, has reached the 50% The Executive Director also reported that the will present a crafts exhibit October Meeting adjourned eighbors campaign, Which is marks Urban League Senior Citizens' group 2324 in the Lloyd Center Auditorium. at 9:15 pm, Respectfully submitted, Geraldine McConnell, Secretary GM:ph B MAIN OFFICE FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH Herbert L. Amerson President 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. ROAD BUILDERS SERVICE 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 5329 N. E. UNION 3525 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 224.0151 288-6517 288-6361 288-4269 John A. Mills Vice President James A. Thompson, Jr. Vice President Alfred M. Gleason MEMDRANDUM Treasurer Mrs. Conrad McConnell Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large TO: All Urban League Board Members FROM: Herbert L, Amerson, President DATE: November 29, 1973 Paul Cook Member at Large DIRECTORS David Baugh Mrs. Mamie Bowles Ellis Cesson Frank Cox, Jr. Robert Dillard Richard Dixon Gerard K. Drummond Guy Frazier Father Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Edward Hawes Mrs. Gordon Hearn Rev. A. Lee Henderson Mrs. Darrell Johnson James Lee Victor Levy Charles Luebbert Mrs. Faye Lyday Eugene L. Pfeifer Jack Radow Carlos Rivera John H. Salzer Mrs. Betty Schedeen Oliver Smith, Jr. C. Don Vann Harold Williams STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director James 0. Brooks Director of Field Office Ronald L. Martin Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Our next monthly Board meeting will be held Thursday, Decem ber 6, 1973, at 7:45 p,m,, in Room 217, Community Service Cen'. ter, 718 W, Burnside, This change is due to our regular Board meeting night falling on I)ecember 20, which is right in the middle of the holiday sea son-and because we did not have a full Board meeting in November, Therefore, we are calling a meeting for December 6 which will serve for both months0 We urge all Board members to attend because we have some special items for Board consideration, We want to analyze the duties of the Board as described in the Urban League Manuel, (Please bring your copy of the Also, this will be the last meeting with the retiring Executive Director, He has some re commendations to present to the Board which would be helpful in our continued successful operation, A Budget Committee will also be appointed, Our budget presentation must be made prior to Feb. ruary 1, 1974, There are also other facets of the program which we wish to discuss, manuel0) I look forward to seeing all of you present0 Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Miss Pamela Howard Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Mrs. Earlene Phillips Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma Johnson Field Office Secretary PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director BUILDERS SERVICE George Rankins Field Representative MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS t9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS RIVES, BONYHADI & DRUMMOND ATTORNEYS AT LAW GEORGE D.RIVES ERNEST SONYHADI HUGH SMITH GERARD K. DRUMMONG ROBERT F. HARRINGTON CHARLES H. HABERNIGG HARDY MYERSJR. DEXTER E. MARTIN LEONARD A. GIRARD 4OO PUL1C SERVICE SUILDING TELEPHONE 254-3950 AREA CODE 503 950 SOUTHWEST SIXTH AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 November 30, 1973 ALLAN A. SMITH RICHARD .9ACH IIBBS-I975) WILLIAM BOYCE FRECK GE0RGK. MEIER m DONALD A. SCHAFER OF COUNSEL PATRICK J. SIMPSON WILLIAM J.GLASGOW IVAN LEWIS GOLD MARK H. PETERMAN 173 jRBM4 Mr. Herbert L. Amerson, President The Urban League of Portland 404 Community Service Center 718 West Burnside Portland, Oregon 97209 LJ\UE O pORTL Dear Mr. Amerson: I am sorry that I will be unable to attend the Board meeting called for December 6. Unfortunately, I will be in New York on that date. V truly yyurs, I Gr]' K". Drumrnond GKD:mc UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON MAIN OFFICE 321 SW. SIXTH AVENUE JOHN A. MILLS VICE PRES DENT P.O. Sox 4412, PORTLAND, OREGON 97208 November 30, 1973 Mr. Herbert L. Amerson, President The Urban League of Portland 718 West Burnside Portland, Oregon 97209 Dear Herb: Not realizing the regular Urban League Board meeting date would be changed, I have just recently made another commitment for Thursday night, December 6. I am really sorry to miss this meeting, especially being Shelly's last official Board meeting, but see no way out. I would appreciate your letting the Board know that this is the reason for my absence. Sincerely, ( sa cc: E. Shelton Hill URBAN LEAGUE BOARD MEETING December 6, 1973 Age n d a 1 Roll Call 2, Adoption of Minutes 3, Communications 4. Comments 5. Review of the Urban League Manual 6. 1974 Budget and Committee President Amerson 7. Reports (a) Mobile Training Workshop Renewal of Projects' Operations (b) (c) Project Outreach Community Program School (d) (e) Voter Registration Executive Director 8. Recommendations Executive Director Review Local Constitution and ByLaws (1) (2) Update and Revise Local Personnel Practices (3) Study and Set Up New Staff Salary Scales 9. Other Business President Amerson -Board URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND, INC. Board of Directors Meeting December 6, 1973 Call to Order The meetinq was called to order at 7:50 p.m. in the second floor con ference room in the Community Service Center, 718 West Burnside, by President Her bert L, Amerson, Roll was called and Directors in attendance were: David Baugh, Frank Cox, Fred Flow cr5, Father Joseph Haley, John Hansen, 0r, Ernest Hartzog, Edward Hawes, Rev. A, Lee Henderson, Victor Levy, Mrs. Conrad McConnell, William Odom, Jr., C, Don Vann and Mrs. Geri Ward, Staff was represented by B, Shelton Hill and Pam Howard, Mr. Hawes moved that minutes of the last Board meeting he approved as mailed, motion was seconded and carried. Communications The The Executive Director read: 1, A clipping from the November 28, 1973 issue of the OREGONIAN concerning the death of Dr, Alexander Levy, a former Urban League Board member, Dr. Levy's family requested that remembrances be contributions to the Urban League of Portland, As of December 6, 1973, over $200 have been contributed in mem cry of Dr. Levy to the Urban League, 2, A copy of a letter to Mr. H, V, Lidell, Sales Manager of the Convention Bur can for the Portland Chamber of Commerce from Dwight R. Zook, Chairman of the NUL Site Committee. The letter stated that the committee had received the léttersfromthe Portland Chamber of Commerce and the Portland Urban Lea gue requesting that the 1978 NUL Conference be held in Portland and that this request would be reviewed with other site requests re the 1978 Conference, This process, however, may take some time, as the NUL Board of Trustees will not formally resolve the 1977 site until the spring of 1974. 3. An article from the SoroptiChat, newsletter for the Soroptixnist Club of Port land, which stated that Gertrude Rae, Program Officer for the Portland Urban League, was their choice as "Woman of Dedication", She will be hon ored at the Portland Federation of Women's Organizations January luncheon, New Business President Amerson reported that he attended a meeting on Schools for the City on December 5, 1973. Discussion at the meeting included two bills being considered by the Oregon legislature, HB 2314 and HJR 72, President Ame:rson and Dr. Hartzog will bring more information concerning these two hills to the January Board meeting, There was Boarddiseussion during the review of the Urban League manual which pointed out that the Board of Directors is the decisionmaking body of the agency while the Executive Director and staff carry out the policies set by the Board, (Note: the specific section of the manual which was read and discussed was Article II, Section A, item 2 (a & b), which covers pages 35,) t was reported by President Amerson that, beginning with the December Board meeting, roll will he called at each meeting of the Board of Directors, IJL Board Meet;ing December 6, 1973/ page 2 President Amerson appointed John Mills as Chairman of the Nominating Commit tee, and will make further appointments to the committee after conferring with James 0, Brooks, the incoming Executive Director. The Executive Director reported: l The Western Region of the National Urban League is at present conducting a Mobile Workshop in conjunction with the National Guard, Each city in the Western Region which has an UL ffiliate, will be visited during the week of December 2 December 9, 1973, and will make a presentation on some as pect of their affiliate's program. The Portland Urban League's presenta tion will include: a, Black Potential (the listing of Black college students in Oregon) b, the SchoolCommunity Program (Portland is the only affiliate to have this program,) c, the film "How Far Can I G6" on the local Project Outreabh, This tour was made possible by a $3,000 grant from Richfield and the Nation al Guard (all air travel will be done in National Guard planes) 2, Project Outreach has been refunded for another program year ($121,000). At the last Board meeting it was reported that Robert Knudson, Co$)irector for this project, had been terminated as a result of announcing his candi dacy for a political office, Since that time, he informed the Urban League that he has not filed for office, and if he should do so, it will be in March. He agreed to give 90 days notice, w±thdrew his announcement and again holds the poston of CoDirector. 3. Funds are no longer available from the Federal Highway Administration for the Road Builders Service Program, However, three people from the National office visited Oregon State Highway officials in Salem and the outlook is hopeful for State funding, 4, The SchOolCommunity program is funded through June 30, 1974, but the dead line for submitting the proposal for the next program year is December 17, 1973, The proposal, which will be accompanied by a supporting letter from the Portland School District, is requesting $86,000 for the program year July 1, 1974 June 30, 1975, which will allow the program to hire two ad ditional coordinators, 5, The Voter Registration Project closed November 30, 1973, and was successful in sensitizing voters in the Model Cities area to participate in votinig 6 The Education Department will sponsor a CareerAwareness Senii nar for Port landarea high school students on January 5, 1974, Approximately eleven businesses and industries will participate in the program. All expenses will he paid by the participating companies. The Executive Director presented several reeoinmendationswh±ch he felt would be bene ricial to the Urban League. These included: 1. Review the local Constitution and ByLaws in order to ascertain their COfl formity to the NUL Manual, IJL Board Meeting December 6, 1973/ page 3 2. Revise and update the local Personnel Policies, 3 Study and set up new salary scales to make them more comparable to others in the Western Recjion, Other Business President merson urged all who have not done so, to purchase tic kets to the Testimonial Dinner for E. Shelton Hi1l Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm Respectfully submitted, h&LIJ Geraldine Nonneli, Secretary GM: ph