Will The Wicked The Holy Temple - Its prosper While The History, Importance righTeous suffer? Structure and The seder plATe: A kAbbAlisTic ב”ה And hAlAchik ApproAch hAndouT Topics To be Addressed 1. And Jacob awakened from his sleep, and he “Indeed, the Lord is in this place, and • said, TheKabbalisticSederPlate 6.Rabbi Eliezer said: The Divine Presence never departed from the Temple…Even when [the I did not know [it].” And he was frightened, Temple] is destroyed, it remains in its sanche said, “How awesome is this place! This tity... Even when it is destroyed, God does • and KabbalisticsignificanceofplacingtheSederPlateonthematza is none other than the house of God, and this not leave it. Rebbe Acha said: The Shechina the gate of heaven.” (Divine Presence) will never depart from the • isThedifferencebetweentheenergyandrecipient Western Wall. Genesis, 28:16-17 • Thewho,what,whereandwhenoftheSederPlate Midrash Rabba, Exodus 2:2 2.A person must stand facing Isreal…He should have the intention of facing Jerusalem, the 7.It is universally accepted that the place on Temple, and the Holy of Holies…all Jews direct their prayers to one place Jerusalem and the Holy of Holies, because this is the “gateway to heaven,” since all prayers rise up in this direction. which David and Solomon built the Altar, the threshing floor of Ornan, is the location where Abraham built the Altar on which he prepared Isaac for sacrifice. Noah built [an altar] on that location when he left the ark. It was also [the place] of the Altar on which Cain and The Abel Festival sacrifice was eaten prior brought sacrifices. [Similarly,] Adam, the to the Pesach sacrifice. Why? Soand that first man, offered a sacrifice there was created at that verybe spot. the Pesach sacrifice eaten after the sources To be ciTed TexT 1 Shulchan alludesKitzur to the keili Aruch 18:10 The matzah (receptacle). What is placedis atop 3. It is from the Shechinah which clothed in the to]Holies…that ohr (Divine thematzah shrine of[alludes the Holy of light and vitality are extended and diffused energy). It is therefore customary to tothe whole world and the creatures contained use concave-shaped matzah (so that therein, the souls, angels, and so forth. the matzah can serve as a receptacle to Tanya, Chapter 51 & 52 Divine energy). (L T i Ku i Ta’a were mi m u ’mi n h agifor m,our Y i Sade r) 4. en Te miracles performed forefa- thers in the Holy Temple: …They stood crowded but had ample space in which to prostrate themselves. Never did a snake or scorpion The maror be placed on theever cause injuryshould in Jerusalem. And no man said to hisoffellow “My lodging in Jerusalem left [side the Seder Plate] since it is cramped for me.”of] harshness and is too [a representation TexT 2 discipline? Pirkei Avot 5:5 When a person cries out of the 5. The measure of the Aron HaKodesh was not bitterness his heart, how[of hethe is span far from included inof the total measure of G-d [and wants to rectify the situation], the Kodesh HaKadoshim]. he elicits [from Above] abundant mercy. Tractate Yoma, 21:A (L i Ku Te i Ta’a mi m u ’mi n h agi m, Tac hTaY hem ) TexT 3 appetite is satisfied. Maimonides, Beis Habechirah, 2:2 (T racTaTe Pe Sach im, 70 a) 8.Why was the first Sanctuary destroyed? Because of three [evil] things which prevailed TexT there: 4 idolatry, immorality, bloodshed… But was the second Sanctuary destroyed, Andwhy on this night, they shall eat the seeing that in its time they were occupyflesh, roasted over the fire. ing themselves with Torah, [observance of] precepts, and the practice of charity? Because therein prevailed hatred without cause. That teaches you that groundless hatred is considered as of even gravity with the three sins of idolatry, immorality, and bloodshed Andtogether. I will redeem you with an (e xo du S, 12 : 8) TexT 5 outstretched arm. (e xo du S, 6: 6) Tractate Yoma, 9:B 1 2 3 5 6 4 7 8