PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Programme title: Final award (BSc, MA etc):

Programme title:
Russian Studies
Final award (BSc, MA etc):
BA (Hons)
(where stopping off points exist they should be
detailed here and defined later in the document)
UCAS code:
(where applicable)
Cohort(s) to which this programme
specification is applicable:
Intakes from 2013
(e.g. from 2015 intake onwards)
Awarding institution/body:
University College London
Teaching institution:
University College London
Arts and Humanities
Parent Department:
School of Slavonic and East European Studies
(the department responsible for the administration of
the programme)
Departmental web page address:
(if applicable)
Method of study:
Criteria for admission to the
Length of the programme:
(please note any periods spent away from UCL, such
as study abroad or placements in industry)
Level on Framework for Higher
Education Qualifications (FHEQ)
(see Guidance notes)
Relevant subject benchmark statement
(see Guidance notes)
Brief outline of the structure of the
(see guidance notes)
Four years full-time. All students spend the third year abroad in
Russia on an approved course of study or an approved work
placement (which may be in teaching or another approved
Advanced Level (Level 6)
Languages, Culture & Societies
Board of Examiners:
Name of Board of Examiners:
Languages and Culture Undergraduate Board of Examiners
Professional body accreditation
(if applicable):
Date of next scheduled
accreditation visit:
The programme aims to develop the learner's interest in and knowledge and understanding of Russia, past and
present, including language, literature and culture, history, politics, economics and society, in a multidisciplinary
framework that allows both range of study and specialisation in one or more of these discipline areas; in so doing
the programme offers society the resource of intellectually trained individuals capable of acting as bridges of
understanding and conduits of knowledge between Russian and British cultures. This allows students to enter
employment in a wide range of contexts and to undertake more advanced academic work, and to become life-long
learners with an appreciation of the value to society of the language and critical skills provided by an education in
the humanities and social sciences.
The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding,
qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas:
A: Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of:
Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
1. The Russian language (spoken and
written), both for use and as object of
2. Russian life, society, history and
culture (at both general and more
detailed levels);
3. One or more of: Russian literature
and culture, Russian history, Russian
linguistics, the political, social and
economic structures of Russia (at a
specialised level);
4. The position of 2 and 3 above in a
wider European and world context,
and intercultural awareness and
5. Key methods and concepts of
analysis in the disciplines of
Acquisition of 1 is through a range of classes, mainly
small-group, with emphasis on student participation and
group discussions, and through regular (marked but
non-assessed) coursework; additional support is
provided through the self-access facilities for language
learning in SSEES Library.
Acquisition of 2 is through all aspects of the programme,
and through the year spent abroad which provides total
immersion in Russian language, life and culture.
Acquisition of 3-4 is through a combination of lectures
and classes, typically seminar-based, with
presentations, discussion and coursework, and also
through the study-abroad project and the option of a
free-standing dissertation in Year 4 (for both of which the
student is assigned a supervisor).
The basic knowledge of 5 is initially provided through
core courses in Year 1, and subsequently developed
through lectures and classes in later years.
Throughout, the learner is encouraged to undertake
independent study both to supplement and consolidate
what is being taught/learnt and to broaden their
individual knowledge and understanding of the subject.
Testing of the knowledge base is through a combination
of unseen written examinations (1-5), take-home
examination (2-5), assessed essays or free-standing
dissertation (2-5), oral examinations (1), and the yearabroad project (an extended essay based on individual
research using Russian materials) (2-5).
B: Skills and other attributes
Intellectual (thinking) skills:
Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
1. reason critically;
2. understand and apply concepts
relating to the discipline(s) of
3. identify and solve problems;
4. analyse and interpret;
5. demonstrate and exercise
independence of mind and thought.
Intellectual skills are developed through the teaching
and learning programme outlined above. The core
courses in the first year provide an important foundation
and each course, whatever the format of the teaching,
builds on this through identification and discussion of
key issues, by encouraging students to apply concepts
in their written and oral work and to consider
comparative dimensions of their study, through analysis
and interpretation of material, and through individual
feedback on work produced. The skills are evaluated in
the feedback to students.
The variety of assessment methods employed all place
great emphasis (as shown in their assessment criteria)
on the student’s ability to demonstrate skills 1-5 through
the production of coherent written and oral responses
either to problems or tasks set; unseen written
examinations, assessed essays, the free-standing
dissertation and the year-abroad project provide
appropriate vehicles for the demonstration of these
C: Skills and other attributes
Practical skills (able to):
Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
1. retrieve, sift and select information
from a variety of sources;
2. plan and undertake a
bibliographically-based piece of
3. use and understand the Russian
language (speaking, writing, listening
and reading) at a high level of
proficiency and mediate between
Russian and English;
4. prepare and deliver oral
All students receive a study skills handbook and
guidance and training in the first year in basic study
skills, language-learning skills, and on how to identify,
locate and use material available in libraries, from
electronic sources and elsewhere. Bibliographies are
provided for each course at the outset. Students also
receive guidelines (on essay organisation and
presentation, referencing, compilation of bibliography
etc.) for the production of coursework essays, the
extended essay for the study-abroad project, and the
free-standing dissertation. Oral presentations are used
across the range of courses in the programme.
Throughout their studies, students follow an integrated
Russian language programme, with classes in written
and spoken Russian, each with a mixed-skill or more
focussed aim as appropriate (and taught primarily in
Russian). In addition to Russian-language material for
language classes, students are encouraged or required
to use Russian-language material in other courses too,
as appropriate to the course and its level. The Year
Abroad further promotes the active learning of Russian
to a high level.
Skills 1and 2 are primarily assessed through assessed
coursework essays, the year-abroad project, and the
free-standing dissertation. Language skills (3) are
assessed throughout by orals, which include
presentations (4), and unseen written examinations.
D: Skills and other attributes
Transferable skills (able to):
1. structure and communicate ideas
effectively both orally and in writing;
2. manage time and work to deadlines;
3. participate constructively in groups;
4. work independently;
5. find information and use information
6. be self-reliant;
7. assess the relevance and importance
of the ideas of others;
8. mediate between cultures.
Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
The study skills handbook which students receive draws
attention to transferable skills, and all courses develop a
wide range of such skills. Effective communication of
ideas (1) is developed through all written work and in
presentations, for which feedback is given, and also in
class discussions. Skill 2 is developed through the
management of time to meet the various deadlines (all
notified at the outset of each course) for the preparation
and submission of work, including the study abroad
project. Skills 3 and 7 are developed in classes, which
rely on discussion and interaction as well as
presentations given by individuals or groups of students.
Skills 4, 6 and 8 are encouraged throughout and are
particularly developed during the Year Abroad, for which
learners are prepared in advance. The skill of finding
information (5) is also developed throughout, and IT
skills are further developed through guided and
individual learning.
Effective communication of ideas is an important
criterion in assessing all areas of a student's work, in
coursework and examinations, and the regular feedback
as well as the final mark reflect this. Skill 2 is reinforced
by penalties for late or non-submission of work. Skills 4,
6 and 7 are assessed by the coursework produced, and
especially by the extended essay and free-standing
dissertation, which, although guided, are nevertheless
the results of independent thought and work/research by
the student. Skill 5 is assessed through the assembly of
necessary information for essays, etc., and their
production on PCs. Skills 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 contribute,
directly or indirectly, to performance in all forms of
assessment, including written examinations. Skill 3 is
not formally assessed.
The following reference points were used in designing the programme:
 the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications
 the relevant Subject Benchmark Statements
 the programme specifications for UCL degree programmes in relevant subjects (where applicable);
 UCL teaching and learning policies;
 staff research.
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the
learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes
full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes,
content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each course unit/module can be found in the
departmental course handbook. The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed annually
by UCL and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency.
Programme Organiser(s)
Date of Production:
Date of Review:
Date approved by Head of
Date approved by Chair of
Departmental Teaching
Date approved by Faculty
Teaching Committee
Dr Tim Beasley-Murray
2 September 2015
Jan Kubik, 23 September 2015
Anne White, 14 September 2015
October 2015