Programme title:
Final award (BSc, MA etc):
(where stopping off points exist they should be detailed here and defined later in the document)
UCAS code:
(where applicable)
Intake cohort(s) to which this programme specification is applicable:
(e.g. from 2015 intake onwards)
MA Cultural Heritage Studies
N/A from session 2007-08 onwards
Awarding institution/body:
Teaching institution:
Parent Department:
(the department responsible for the administration of the programme)
Departmental Web page address:
(if applicable)
Method of study:
Criteria for admission to the programme:
Length of the programme:
(please note any periods spent away from UCL, such as study abroad or placements in industry)
Level on Framework for Higher
Education Qualifications (FHEQ)
(see Guidance notes )
Relevant subject benchmark statement
(see Guidance notes)
Brief outline of the structure of the programme / its assessment:
(see guidance notes)
Board of Examiners:
Professional body accreditation
(if applicable):
University College London
University College London
Social and Historical Sciences
Institute of Archaeology
The programme can be taken either full-time or part-time
One calendar year full-time, two calendar years part-time
Level 7
Name of Board of Examiners:
Institute of Archaeology Masters Board
N/A Date of next scheduled accreditation visit:
The programme will (a) introduce students to theoretical issues involved in cultural heritage, (b) provide an understanding of the social and political context in which the processes for managing cultural heritage operate, and
(c) equip students with the theory and practice needed to function as critically-aware heritage professionals.
The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas:
A: Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of:
1. Detailed understanding of theoretical perspectives in cultural heritage studies.
2. Critical awareness of perspectives on professional
Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
1-5. Through formal two-hour lectures, seminars, museum and site visits, a four-week placement with a heritage organisation. practice.
3. In-depth understanding of approaches to documentation, interpretation, presentation, conservation, preservation and management of heritage resources.
4. Knowledge of international conventions, charters, guidelines and ethical codes for the protection of cultural heritage
5. Knowledge of heritage organisations both nationally and internationally.
Intellectual (thinking) skills:
1. critical reflection on the complexity of values that individuals and communities place on heritage.
2. questioning approach to the interpretations, perceptions and use of cultural heritage.
3. ability to develop critical and innovative approaches and explore them effectively through research.
4. critical consideration of the social, economic and political context of heritage.
Assessed essays and dissertation.
B: Skills and other attributes
Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
Acquisition is fostered in all elements of the course by introducing information that needs to be assessed critically and prompting the active questioning of approaches.
Participation at class seminars promotes a critique of key issues. Oral presentations in seminar sessions provide lecturing experience.
Museum and site visits are aimed at developing these themes, promoting a questioning attitude to their impact socially and politically.
Assessed essays and dissertation; with particular emphasis on the latter.
Practical skills (able to):
The programme aims to help students: a) communicate effectively in writing b) develop presentation, listening and discussion skills c) work effectively as a heritage professional d) develop practical research techniques, in libraries, through digital resources, and in the field e) carry through a programme of independent research
C: Skills and other attributes
Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
Through: a) essay and dissertation writing b) presenting (non-assessed) seminar papers, and participating in seminars c) placement experience in heritage agency, museum and site visits d) research for essays, seminars, dissertation and during placement e) individual discussion with students by dissertation supervisors
Assessment: a, d, e - assessed essays and dissertation b - not formally assessed c – heritage agency report
D: Skills and other attributes
Teaching/learning methods and strategies:
Students will develop these skills both in the classroom, during the placement, and through assessed essays and dissertation.
Transferable skills (able to):
The programme will encourage students to: a) communicate effectively, both in writing and orally b) develop practical research techniques, across a wide range of sources c) identify complex problems d) develop their awareness of complex audiences, partnerships and relationships e) undertake independent work
Assessed essays, heritage agency report and dissertation
The following reference points were used in designing the programme:
the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications:
the relevant Subject Benchmark Statements:
( );
the programme specifications for UCL degree programmes in relevant subjects (where applicable);
UCL teaching and learning policies;
staff research.
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each course unit/module can be found in the departmental course handbook. The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed by the
College and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency.
Programme Organiser(s)
Date of Production:
Date of Review:
Date approved by Chair of
Departmental Teaching
Date approved by Faculty
Teaching Committee
Dr Beverley Butler
October 2015
October 2015
October 2015