PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Programme title: MSc International Real Estate and Planning Final award (BSc, MA etc): Certificate / Postgraduate Diploma / MSc The course follows the Built Environment Regulations for the award of Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma and MSc. The certificate is awarded for 60 taught credits assessed at 50% or above. The Postgraduate Diploma is awarded at the completion of 120 taught credits assessed at 50% or above. The MSc is awarded at the completion of 120 taught credits assessed at 50% or above and the 60-credit MSc Report assessed at 50% or above. N/A (where stopping off points exist they should be detailed here and defined later in the document) UCAS code: (where applicable) Cohort(s) to which this programme specification is applicable: 2012 onwards (e.g. from 2015 intake onwards) Awarding institution/body: University College London Teaching institution: University College London Faculty: Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment Parent Department: Bartlett School of Planning (the department responsible for the administration of the programme) Departmental web page address: (if applicable) Method of study: Full-time / Part-time / Flexible Full-time/Part-time/Other Criteria for admission to the programme: First degree with a minimum 2.2 or equivalent Length of the programme: 12 months full-time; 24 months part-time, up to 60 months flexible (please note any periods spent away from UCL, such as study abroad or placements in industry) Level on Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) (see Guidance notes) Relevant subject benchmark statement (SBS) LEVEL 7 N/A (see Guidance notes) Brief outline of the structure of the programme and its assessment methods: (see guidance notes) Students take a total of 180 credits comprising of 90 credits of compulsory modules (15 credits assessed by unseen examination, and 75 credits by coursework only), and 30 credits of elective modules (assessment depending on chosen modules). They also complete a 10,000 word dissertation (with support modules) worth 60 credits. For module details see; diploma-international-real-estate-planning Board of Examiners: Name of Board of Examiners: MSc Planning Programmes Professional body accreditation (if applicable): Royal Town Planning Institute Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Date of next scheduled accreditation visit: RTPI Partnership arrangements include an annual meeting EDUCATIONAL AIMS OF THE PROGRAMME: The programme aims to equip students with theoretical and practical preparation to practice across national boundaries in the fields of planning and real estate. It does not seek to be exhaustive in its coverage of national practices but instead to foster understanding of the respects in which such practices are liable to vary. Modules are designed for students to acquire knowledge of the constitutional and social factors influencing variations in practices and skills in the investigation of how such knowledge may be acquired for an unfamiliar place. Students are drawn from a variety of built environment professions and national origins and this further contributes to the exchange of knowledge, skill in interpersonal (inter-professional and international) discussion and working. PROGRAMME OUTCOMES: The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas: A: Knowledge and understanding Knowledge and understanding of: (i) practices for urban planning and property development (including valuation and investment practices) and the dimensions on which these vary significantly among countries. (ii) the changing role of national and supra-national agencies and policies in modifying and in complementing local practices. (iii) specialised aspects of the built environment relevant to the individual student's personal development strategy and professional interests/needs. (Elective modules and Dissertation). Teaching/learning methods and strategies: (i) and (ii) are the focus of a number of lectures (including some by visiting practitioners) but the main learning methods are individual and group work by students in researching and presenting (for class discussion) papers on nations, cities/regions and local development projects and on markets and sub-markets. Valuation practices are the subject of a hands-on class each week, with constant worked examples. This learning in London is supplemented by a study visit to a city abroad. (iii) comprises a variety of teaching/learning methods depending on the electives chosen, research methods training and personal supervision for the dissertation Assessment: The preparation of coursework (mostly individual but partly by groups) is the dominant form. Students are thus able to demonstrate that they have acquired, and can sythesise, this knowledge in a scholarly and professional way.. Means of assessment are balanced throughout the programme with a combination of individual and group work, essays, an exam, project work and other skillsbased practical work. B: Skills and other attributes Intellectual (thinking) skills: (i) Ability to analyse the production of the built environment, distinguishing the contribution of legal and governance structures, social and economic forces and design ideas. (ii) understand the constraints and opportunities presented in real estate markets (ii) A facility to understand the potential tensions between public policy and planning (including sustainability issues) on the one hand and the dynamics of market processes on the other. Teaching/learning methods and strategies: These skills are fostered especially through the formulation, tuition and discussion of student coursework tasks and the dissertation and through guidance on reading. The diversity of professional backgrounds among students and staff contribute valuable raw material for the explicit debate on ideology and values. Assessment: Demonstration of these skills is necessary to obtain good marks in much of the coursework. The Dissertation gives extensive scope for the student to present the fruits of these skills. C: Skills and other attributes Practical skills (able to): (i) Prepare valuations of interests in real property. (ii) Analyse property investment alternatives (iii) formulate policy alternative related to urban development (ii) Communicate effectively with other professionals in the face of language and other barriers Teaching/learning methods and strategies: The means of teaching are diverse but balanced throughout with a combination of individual and group project work, skills-based practical and IT work, traditional lectures, tutorials and seminars, field trips and direct practitioner involvement. Assessment: Means of assessment are balanced throughout the programme with a combination of individual and group work, essays, an exam, project work and other skillsbased practical work. D: Skills and other attributes Transferable skills (able to): (i) conduct effective and discriminating searches of printed and digital sources, including 'grey' literature; (ii) synthesise new information in structured ways; (iii) engage in effective debate and discussion; (iv) link quantification with qualitative judgement; (v) make effective use of unfamiliar software as it comes along, including especially spreadsheets, stats, image manipulation and presentation; (vi) improve writing and speaking skills in English and develop reading and conversation skills in at least one other language. (vii) work effectively in groups. Teaching/learning methods and strategies: (i) is the subject of formal and informal tuition. Much of the course bibliography is held in a shared (web) database which students are encouraged to use as a first point of reference. (ii) (iii) and (vi) are the subject of detailed staff comment and feedback on class presentations and essays. All students make a number of presentations to the class, both prepared (with visual aids) and impromptu. All students gain some experience in working in groups. Assessment: (i) (ii) (iv) and (vi) assessed through the marking criteria for coursework and exams, and in the Dissertation (vii) is tested by a group project. (v) arises in most modules. The following reference points were used in designing the programme: the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications: (; the relevant Subject Benchmark Statements: (; the programme specifications for UCL degree programmes in relevant subjects (where applicable); UCL teaching and learning policies; staff research. Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each course unit/module can be found in the departmental course handbook. The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed annually by UCL and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency. Programme Organiser(s) Name(s): Dr Claudio de Magalhães Date of Production: September 2010 Date of Review: May 2015 Date approved by Chair of Departmental Teaching Committee: Date approved by Faculty Teaching Committee May 2015 July 2015