PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Programme title: Philosophy and History of Art Final award (BSc, MA etc): BA (where stopping off points exist they should be detailed here and defined later in the document) UCAS code: VV53 (where applicable) Cohort(s) to which this programme specification is applicable: From 2014 entry onwards (e.g. from 2015 intake onwards) Awarding institution/body: University College London Teaching institution: University College London Faculty: Arts and Humanities Parent Department: Philosophy (the department responsible for the administration of the programme) Departmental web page address: (if applicable) Method of study: Full time Full-time/Part-time/Other Criteria for admission to the programme: Length of the programme: A Levels: AAA and a pass in one further AS level subject. IB: 38. A total of 18 points in three higher level subjects, with no score below 5. 3 years (please note any periods spent away from UCL, such as study abroad or placements in industry) Level on Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) (see Guidance notes) Relevant subject benchmark statement (SBS) Level 6 Philosophy (see Guidance notes) Brief outline of the structure of the programme and its assessment methods: (see guidance notes) Board of Examiners: The programme is a modular programme, on which students take eight (half-course unit) modules per year for three years. It is normal for students to take four modules in philosophy and four in history of art each year. Modules are assessed either by unseen written examination or by coursework. Name of Board of Examiners: Philosophy BA Board of Examiners Professional body accreditation (if applicable): N/A Date of next scheduled accreditation visit: EDUCATIONAL AIMS OF THE PROGRAMME: 1. To provide the student with an understanding of a representative range of central philosophical debates, and of the nature of philosophical problems. 2. To enable students to form their own views concerning philosophical problems, to argue for those views and to defend or amend them in the light of criticism. 3. To provide students with an understanding of central aspects of the history of philosophy. 4. To develop skills which will equip the student for a variety of possible careers. 5. To help prepare students for the workplace, or for post-graduate training of either an academic or a vocational nature. PROGRAMME OUTCOMES: The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas: A: Knowledge and understanding Knowledge and understanding of: From the Philosopy side: 1. a solid base in philosophy including contemporary analytic philosophy, a wide range of the history of philosophy, including Ancient, Modern and Recent Philosophy, and the study of value. 2. elementary symbolic logic. 3. the relatedness of the various subject matters within philosophy. From the History of Art side: 1. Visual cultures of Western Europe 2. an appropriate subsidiary subject, either: History, Anthropology, Archaeology or Philosophy 3. the nature of historical argument 4. specific analytical and interpretative skills associated with the History of Art 5. the history and theory of History of Art as a discipline 6. larger political and social issues associated with cultural production. Teaching/learning methods and strategies: From the Philosophy side: Teaching is primarily by lectures and small-group classes. Optional first year courses introduce students to a selected range of topics. Lectures and classes over the three years provide students with the understanding outlined in (1). First year logic lectures and classes provide (2). (3) is achieved through a closely related grouping of courses which reflect the wide research interests and teaching capacities of the department. From the History of Art side: The acquisition of 1-6 is realised through a mixture of illustrated lectures, seminar discussions, tutorials and visits to galleries, exhibitions, and architectural sites. The course uses a mix of lectures and seminars at all stages, but there is a particular stress on smaller group teaching in Year 3. 2-4 are developed particularly through a 1st Year Core Course on concepts and methods, and mandatory methodologies courses in Year 2. 1-6 are also developed through seminar presentations and essay work. Assessment: Courses are examined by a mixture of examinations and essays. Other knowledge and understanding is assessed alongside skills development (see next section) within the examinations system. From the History of Art side: The learner’s acquisition of knowledge is tested through a combination of classroom participation, unseen written exams, assessed coursework essays, and an extended essay which is a mandatory part of the Year 3 programme for SH students. The element of unseen examination ensures that students cover the whole syllabus and commit knowledge to memory, and demonstrate that they can use their understanding on art-historical problems not of their choosing. B: Skills and other attributes Intellectual (thinking) skills: From the Philosophy side: 1. Close reading and understanding of philosophical texts. 2. A critical command of philosophical terminology. 3. Ability to formulate philosophical questions with clarity and precision. 4. Ability to summarize philosophical views and positions. 5. Ability to support and challenge philosophical views and positions by constructing arguments and citing relevant considerations. From the History of Art side: 1. observe and describe visual artefacts 2. use appropriate methodologies to interpret them 3. bring to bear relevant historical evidence to interpret them 4. produce logical and structured arguments to justify interpretations 5. evaluate arguments of others and make critical judgements 6. analyse, synthesise and summarise information 7. develop memory. Teaching/learning methods and strategies: In the first year all students have the option to attend weekly tutorials (in groups of three). Students are assigned reading for these tutorials, and, in turn, write essays which are read to the tutor and group. The tutor engages all students in a discussion of the philosophical issues, and in particular provides advice and feedback to the student who has written the essay on the philosophical issue of the essay and underlying reading, and how to develop future work. Those students who do not opt to take the tutorial course can develop the same skills in classes associated with lectures. Hence while lectures primarily improve the student’s knowledge and understanding the aim of the tutorials and classes is to develop each students own particular philosophical skills. In their final year all students have the option of taking a dissertation, where they have individual tuition to help them prepare an extended piece of work. From the History of Art side: Intellectual skills are developed through the teaching and learning programme outlined above, both by example and by the learner’s own experiences with seminar presentations and essays and tutor feedback. All courses entail evaluation of different arguments, interpretations and methodologies, all require the application of research skills, and nearly all require the learner to engage in description and analysis of visual artefacts. Assessment: Formative assessment for tutorials and the dissertation course is provided by comments on drafts of tutorial essays and dissertations. Courses which are assessed by long essay require students to submit a practice essay half way through the term, on which feedback is given. For tutorials, one essay is submitted for the summative assessment; for the dissertation, a 7500 word piece is submitted at the end of the final year. From the History of Art side: The range of assessment methods specified above all require the learner to demonstrate their competence with regard to skills 1-5 through the production of coherent responses to specified questions. Unseen examinations test not only 7, but also the ability to identify the really crucial elements in a body of information to articulate an argument or interpretation. The mandatory extended essay provides a space in which the learner’s aptitudes to 1-6 particularly demonstrated. C: Skills and other attributes Practical skills (able to): 1. Retrieve, select and critically analyse material from a variety of sources, including electronic databases and the internet. 2. Learn to read, interpret and assess historical philosophical texts. 3. Plan and undertake work to deadline. 4. Orally present their work to a small group. From the History of Art side: 1. search out and organise relevant information from a range of sources 2. work to specified tasks under pressure 3. make decisions about problems with limited guidance 4. plan and complete their own work and sustain application to a task communicate information and ideas in an effective form, both orally and in written form. Teaching/learning methods and strategies: These practical skills are integral to a teaching system in which students are given the opportunity to present their work to other students and tutors in classes (and in the first year, they have the opportunity to this in tutorials). From the History of Art side: All learners are given initial guidance about the use of libraries and art resources through online documentation and the 1st Year Core Course. Before taking the Year 3 dissertation, learners are given specific advice on research methods for that task. Regarding 2, the department enforces strict deadlines for production of work. Full course materials and bibliographies are provided for all courses on Moodle, and assessment criteria are published on the website. Essays are returned with full comments, and usually at an individual tutorial meeting. Learners’ general progress is discussed with them at an end of year interview. Assessment: Feedback is provided on class presentations, and for those courses whose assessment is by essay, a practice essay is submitted half way through the term, and comments are given on this. Grade reflect students’ achievement in (1) (2) and (3) as well as their philosophical knowledge, understanding and skills. Those who choose the dissertation option must also demonstrate (1) and (3) and, in some cases (2). From the History of Art side: Skills 1-5 are all assessed primarily through the assessed coursework which is a required component of all courses, and through the extended essay. The oral element of 5 is demonstrated and assessed through seminar presentations which students make in all years. These are a course requirement for most courses. D: Skills and other attributes Transferable skills (able to): Teaching/learning methods and strategies: 1. Analyse complex thoughts and arguments. 2. Complete specified tasks to deadline. 3. Develop independence of judgement and originality of thought. 4. Engage in critical discussion with others. 5. Evaluate arguments rigorously, including identification of logical errors. 6. Read and assess difficult texts. 7. Present views lucidly, both orally and in writing. 8. Question generally received views. 9. Plan, undertake and complete independent study. 10. Think about issues from many different points of view. From the History of Art side: 1. general cognitive skills 2. research and information gathering skills 3. communication and presentation skills 4. self-management skills 5. ability to work diligently, both independently and as part of a team 6. interpersonal skills 7. assess the ideas of others. All of these skills are developed by successful completion of philosophy courses. These courses require reading and analysis of complex philosophical material; the critical assessment of the work read; thinking about and developing a view of the underlying philosophical issues; presenting one’s findings to others; defending one’s position against criticism. From the History of Art side: All courses require the production of coursework essays within a specified time-frame, and most require an unseen exam. Skills 1-3 are inculcated through these modes of assessment, and also through the extended essay. Self-management skills are not taught as such, but are learnt through the requirements of producing work on time and exam preparation. 6 and 7 are also learnt rather than taught, in this case through the seminar and tutorial system. Teamwork (5) is also encouraged through seminar teaching. IT skills are required by the department since all essays must be produced on a word processor (skills developed on an individual basis, but referencing and other style guidance is given) and presentations are given in powerpoint, for which training is provided in Yr 1. Assessment: As with other skills these are assessed both through feedback from the class tutor and for their impact on exam and essay performance. From the History of Art side: Skills 1-4 and 7 are measured in all the assessment methods used in the department. 5 and 6 are not assessed as such. The following reference points were used in designing the programme: the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications: (; the relevant Subject Benchmark Statements: (; the programme specifications for UCL degree programmes in relevant subjects (where applicable); UCL teaching and learning policies; staff research. Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each course unit/module can be found in the departmental course handbook. The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed annually by UCL and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency. Programme Organiser(s) Professor Lucy O’Brien Name(s): Date of Production: July 2014 Date of Review: November 2015 Date approved by Chair of Departmental Teaching Committee: Date approved by Faculty Teaching Committee November 2015 November 2015