Oregon State University’s Centro Cultural César Chávez Connecting Latino/a students to other campus cultural resource centers through shared library and archival projects Natalia Fernández Oregon Multicultural Archives (OMA) REFORMA Oregon State University April 2, 2015 San Diego, CA PRESENTATION OVERVIEW The Oregon Multicultural Archives (OMA) Cultural Resources Centers (CRCs) Projects Library System Archival Collections Oral Histories Small Exhibits Challenges & Lessons Learned Broader Applications Discussion & Questions OSU The OMA’s mission is to assist in preserving the histories and sharing the stories that document Oregon's African American, Asian American, Latino/a, and Native American communities http://scarc.library.oregonstate.edu/oma OSU CULTURAL RESOURCE CENTERS What are OSU’s CRCs and what to they do? Cultural Centers attract and retain students and faculty as micro-communities within the larger community. They serve as a refuge to celebrate and to find solace, to find support and challenges, to facilitate and share a broad understanding of all aspects of a diverse range of cultures. As such, we commit that Cultural Centers will be a part of Oregon State University, not in lieu of the larger University community, but as enrichment to it. Cultural Centers at Oregon State University A Statement of Vision and Charter Commitment, 2002 OSU PROJECTS WITH THE CRCS Library System Archival Collections Oral Histories Small Exhibits in the Library OSU LIBRARY SYSTEM All CRCs use Booxter to manage their individual library collections All CRCs use one LibraryThing account for their library collections to be available for searching online OSU LIBRARY SYSTEM INDIVIDUAL BOOXTER ACCOUNTS OSU LIBRARY SYSTEM JOINT LIBRARYTHING ACCOUNT http://www.librarything.com/profile/OSU_Cultural_Centers OSU LIBRARY SYSTEM CRCS LIBRARY MANUAL OSU CRCs Libraries Manual, Table of Contents LIBRARY SYSTEM WANT TO LEARN MORE? “Booxter and LibraryThing: Making cultural resource centers library collections visible and accessible” College & Research Libraries (C&RL) News vol.75 no.6, pages 318-335 Published June 2014 OSU ARCHIVAL COLLECTIONS T YPES OF DOCUMENTS WITH CRC HISTORY OSU Yearbooks and student newspaper The Barometer Memorabilia Collection Files and University Records Collections OSU ARCHIVAL COLLECTIONS THE ARCHIVAL PROCESS The basics of creating an archival collection… 1) Review materials at the center & archives 2) Box the materials in archival folders and boxes 3) Create an accession report that describes the collection 4) Arrange and describe the collection in a Finding Aid 5) Make the collection accessible to the public APCC Box of Records and Accession Report Each year, I like to share what types of materials are appropriate for archiving and I review the process of how it works with each CRC. OSU ARCHIVAL COLLECTIONS FAQS REGARDING ARCHIVES What materials should be kept? How do you organize the items? What stays in the Centers vs. what goes to the Archives? Can the Centers have certain items digitized but keep the originals? What about electronic records? OSU ARCHIVAL COLLECTIONS THE CENTRO’S ARCHIVAL COLLECTION The Centro’s photo albums are physically available at the Centro The Centro’s photo albums are available online for the general public to have access to them OSU ORAL HISTORIES Interview Audio and Transcripts are available online OSU SMALL EXHIBITS IN THE LIBRARY CRCs curated library exhibits to coincide with heritage month celebrations Women’s Center Black Cultural Center Exhibit Photos Featured on Flickr OSU Native American Longhouse CHALLENGES & LESSONS LEARNED Introductions and Community Interest Training and Maintenance Time Resources Working with students Setting Priorities Maintaining Communication OSU BROADER APPLICATIONS What can you do in your library with your community? OSU DISCUSSION & QUESTIONS Contact Information Natalia Fernández OSU Libraries: Oregon Multicultural Archives natalia.fernandez@oregonstate.edu 541-737-3653 Thank you! OSU