CPD4HE Project Meeting

CPD4HE Project Meeting
Wednesday 20th October, 10.00, CALT G32
Chair: Jane Hughes (JH)
Rosalind Duhs (RD)
June Hedges (JHe)
Ulrich Tiedau (UT)
Man Yang (MY)
1. Apologies: Holly Smith (HS) and Clive Young (CY)
2. JH started with the update of the project. We have completed project
start-up (workpackage 1) which includes:
Convened project team for initial meeting
Liaised with OER programme team
Draft project plan submitted
Project web site and blog set up
Discussed with individual team members
Agreed topic headings for resource units
Team meetings scheduled for the duration of the project
To raise awareness of the project, it is suggested to hand out business
cards or postcards when attending conferences.
Action: MY to investigate the cost of printing project business cards or
3. MY demonstrated the project website which was created on Silva
server and also showed how to add a blog post using WordPress. JH
pointed out that the purpose of using a blog is to make it easy for us as
well as the funding body to track progress of the project. It’s important
to log any activities we have done for the project.
Action: MY to set everyone up in both Silva and WordPress.
4. JH introduced CORRE: A framework for transforming teaching
materials into OERs, which is the outcome of one of the HEA/JISC
Phase One OER programme. Everyone agreed to use the framework
in our project.
5. Discussions on the document format and metadata. It is agreed that we
should use open format as much as possible like .odt and .rtf. PDF is
great but not easy to be edited which we think is an important element
for people to re-use the material.
Required for released resources: Description (Tag – UKOER + project
tag; Title; Author(s); Date; URL; File format; File size)
Recommended for released resources: Language, subject
classifications, Keywords, Tags, Comments, Free text description.
UT mentioned that using Silva document properties, metadata can be
created automatically.
6. Resource materials. JH suggested that we should start to upload
resource materials to the Team Area for the first two units as we aim to
release those two units by Christmas.
RD would like to create a voice over PowerPoint presentation for the
Assessment unit. JH suggested that CY can help her with the
MY to create two unit folders in the project team area.
HS and RD (and any member) to upload related materials to those
folders by 15th November.
CY to help RD to create voice over presentations.
JH to prepare a draft template to describe a resource unit.
JH to send an email to CALT to invite additional contributions of
resource materials.
7. Focus group.
Action: JH to find possible participants for the focus group and pass
the names to UT.
8. UT informed us that the half-day workshop run by JISC is confirmed.
He will send out details to team members later.
Action: UT to send out JISC UKOER event details.