OpenPSF OER Project

OpenPSF OER Project
Monday 13th September, 12.30, CALT G32
Chair: Jane Hughes (JH)
Rosalind Duhs (RD)
June Hedges (JHe)
Holly Smith (HS)
Ulrich Tiedau (UT)
Man Yang (MY)
Clive Young (CY)
1. JH welcomed everyone to the first meeting.
2. JH talked about the timescale and reporting requirements. Also pointed
out the key dates given by HEA. Everyone was asked to look at the
project aims to identify any issues or particular challenges:
a. IPR issues need to be addressed all through the project
b. Culture changes are needed – people may be happy to create
resources for others but reluctant to use others’ material for
various reasons
c. We need to think about standards for digital materials
3. JH asked everyone to look at their individual roles and also say what
they hope to gain from the project. Everyone is enthusiastic and
looking forward to working on the project. Some gains mentioned are:
Involvement in JISC-HEA projects is good on a CV
OER work is worthwhile and something we want to do
Enjoy working across UCL
Enjoyed working in the past on JISC-HEA projects
Action: UT to send project team the report of the last OER project
4. The immediate task is to prepare the draft project plan which needs to
be submitted by 1st October. Discussions were focused on the work
packages in the meeting:
identify the stakeholders of the project (WP2)
identify 10 resource units (WP4)
identify the evaluation group and their engagement (WP8)
change reporting month according to reporting dates set out by
Action: JH to update work packages.
5. We agreed that Google Docs will be used for project plan, as the
deadline is very close. RD asked if Google Docs can send email
notifications when documents are updated.
Action: MY and JH to set up a group in Google Docs and upload the
original documents. Also to find out if Google Docs has email alert
6. Discussions on how the team can work together on the project, like
sharing documents and information, progress tracking and meeting
scheduling. It’s suggested that everything should be in one place and
ideally a blog facility to be used.
Action: MY to investigate and set up an online space.
7. JH mentioned that the project needs a better name. HS suggested that
Teachers in the sub-title should be changed to teaching.
Action: Everyone to think about a better project name.
8. JH and MY would like to meet each member of the team over the next
two weeks. The project team will meet monthly. To make sure
everyone can come, it’s better to schedule the meeting well in
Action: MY to schedule the individual meetings for the next two weeks.
And also to schedule monthly meetings for the whole year.