HEA/JISC – JoInt proJECt brAndIng

HEA/JISC – joint project branding
Minimum branding requirements
The following minimum brand standards should be applied for any HEA/JISC joint projects
including OER. These guidelines apply to all outward facing publications, websites, media
communications and events materials.
All websites should carry both the HEA logo and the JISC logo together in a suitably
prominent place on each web page. The horizintal compositon is the preferred option, but
the vertical option is avaialble if needed due to space constraints. Ideally the logos should be
placed at the top right or bottom right of page side by side or one above the other. The logos
should be scaled appropriately so that neither dominates the other. See the examples below.
Project Strapline
Alongside the logos there should be a strapline explaining the nature of the project and the
fact that it is a joint activity. Along with the logos, this ‘strapline’ should appear on all press
releases and on the cover or inside any publication or marketing material produced in relation
to the project. For example:
Relative scale and spacing of logos
The JISC logo should be the same height as the distance between the top of “The” to the base
of the HEA logo. The space between the two logos should be equal to the width of the “JI” of
JISC. This is also the distance any other devices/strapline should be from the joint logo.