Build It, Share It, Borrow it: Breaking Down the Barriers to Tutorial Creation Anne-Marie Deitering Hannah Gascho Rempel Oregon State University Libraries WILU 2011, University of Regina Our story Shared by many CMS as a solution Benefits New questions Some rights reserved by sahans (flickr) “I have been looking at tutorials as a possible research topic for some time and cannot even find a clear definition of what a tutorial is. Just know it when you see it I guess.” Think about a time… 1.You needed an answer 1.You got it online 1.Describe it briefly on your notecard Some rights reserved by ram. (flickr) Software barriers (1 is high; 3 is low) 120 100 Number of Responses 80 1 60 2 40 20 0 Time Expertise Cost Support barriers (1 is high; 3 is low) 140 Number of Responses 120 100 80 1 2 3 60 40 20 0 Time Not in charge of the web page Lack of support from colleagues What is needed to develop more tutorials? (1 is high; 3 is low) 140 120 Number of Responses 100 80 1 2 3 60 40 20 0 Time Training Evidence they'd be used Software Support Some rights reserved by Newfrontiers (flickr) purpose roles context pedagogy rules dialogue coherence (Littlejohn & Margaryan, 2006) Creating a tutorial Focus on workflow Activity Questions?