$ lf-,* F.ft, * F ,/' mfl#fism ffisGt.Asx*wsF ?I$$snsc grgxffi # ?@ sr*fs *F *gse$r 6 fer *ha efsres f*r $a preg€*t rstllett, 66ge3 €g. f,JftV *ffi dgf;f,*15s, sc*,t{+ag. $@ sf tbos$ a:}s bsltss€d t6 bG gae.{ ft*flt ffis h*€ b*sll at t&s tlsp +f trbstr 3a€*pai.q sthffi I tbaser 16g st&td E{mf sf Gd*d h rgv segtllstt€*T €setgxe:* ** cffae* ffittl tlury. *cutd qffit''il*'ttdt t*r* sr* Mf blss,"d t*Er"ufer* lafmfeA &a 3es'& ffi;*r.ee ef thq fsdgtetsra ar srmpwtl3*r tfu ffiex*n sw ty s4 Es**l thcy bam Hv rssbr*l peE6€dof, ?lse* 56fry t' tfut ot'd** harra grets 6erre a l*ry f*AXgEi!ry p}spet} stery sf tbE t|$sqlltl€iD. 66t &B W tbf Ft*h $m{.s*l.ot kte gk fu*g*s*b &Ls!*l*n sf, t&n eegua Elgt 0w,Ertffilm tas beffi stn&l*g 1i t, 'ri'1 !,:,1 j'.,j i.-' !.j lst Esre *ke shsrffi s du*lxf** of wtsta csrtaln m6d for rwl*do*.cmef slth the Swtsg6estg i *Fss6*ea s.s ssffi ba* put*ittr&-qffif far &w sl*ffi* s pe**{d af * & s*F, th!.a rros'*.b*s ewl*tcd, Ia s'ecordeaoc leguL*tlow. them rcggl'stgs of, ttuaw p6}1cy ef enacting rcqatrnd regulai.laal et dsta atr r*$'illy et6sxad*bmthas#of,glebrtbgfalladwff{.l$latltlBs*ps8gd@g.tha*utte tb* eawa* wessgt*fd'sg a*d& dast'rd thss$€. Hsrts gt6ts Eg lJqlt suttqtF.tSl tB# bsr** **w tgffiP&Sgggg --7r--- .'t'l ''..ij i fsct*rs &r& *k# bas*c Hsnwf,el slep f[*h*rr th a}.s, b&1g'lu$*E* biles *Xgq La;*lryita, !n cf.I- anrst fu 6f, ffiil ta g6{ t!18 eksa wiuR &. @y ca a€tase tb* mtar Ext*ss ste8 €f abl't ar' tbr b*r *rsas qf, tb k.vr &d tQ; I'rr' nBt* E#* w ' l EedE. Affilt e@rts of, Pst6d.€ff i' ab*c:ryetj.ss tbe! ths Foss s sd5*hddt's*f rqstsa gey aa *g*rsst the sa*t?r f,ls*]t e,f t&a *b ry l$allyrs *F rcgpr @ te .satt#*d.a* f,:r:*Max* *undt {! fq tha arcx *rsrs f€e$d, tb* sqreor Ew scsas are* *f effa*36* fios* *ar*C\y E&sn t* *l{wqd tH l"s t&* wr* Ef tht* arL*erce *f tha norrt.cffictts r qr-{.**scs eSeF el6s b6!te *c tls twln*'m*q' asseg have grrea t'ita forlod4 alrudsnce cf e.l,anc 1n ssrta,lu afss.s st lht tlms rbftei *, data g . : 194?- Iaqnrya Bay, aurt&'a4. (brc#dr-qfl iuly, Augue.,., ffi'ru"ffiS"Fffi*ffi.f ,:r;li r - t 'tt l 'i I ftr Ju1yr 19/*? * f6qre{e& B*g' k:3flq tr9"neelags Fqr Irffig Jel,fr 194? 3squf$a Bsy' S&tlyts B*nd twfer*S*tsqf tr'reaty fl.vu elqFa per lr000 squsilt fat. &*fr Sa€s Set * Ssst *!"dc *s*,aas frrffi ep|;q {eqpr*tiv*3y grsasqf q*s slss par l1ffi qaare fE*?,, 194g Snnlorl*!ry **&tse€es of *!ud*w F*d (Mcrct*ly easr* f,*rt. 6ug aro*), ttttX€ &,g area), . ffi h*re s3#s kcan *dcl Seromber, 194f.ifurch , Lgtr1 - 3squ"lm SaS, galtyrc Sed, (a,rs, h8vlry twnty ftrt +l]I,sesnr000euare fG6t tB JEly) * affgr a@arta rlrggt-Eg nml bed t€E t€ ftfteeu arsqAr6gg gusFe frrt. fr$r-srily ?lalanmk B4Jr- Bay *esas {bsavlly dag area}, one to ffva eIamArWO querc f,eot. glSJseest E€f - barE tn mnte" of barytllt1ts *rg) !&F * f;Lft€€lt to trelty flve cfaas,fl000 aqlero ffi. Ge'o6Sfrf * $sgt qlda (hs&v$,y gT l. tbg* tia gtvq Glst/Irffi squara &fit. S6fir- Ig ecreld b* ,*a&adtfrat t&e tess {ss€r.lhfe$ tR&estty *f dIiAqFs ratr"a*tueo6:trr *d tbt t& eM rcplsn tlr+* the ee**a J"aX-qal.* eXanxlfuffi *.s ts ry$ry *qs*Eq f*et slsb 3et'et*b* l,sser &l# *warn *! 1* ww fsr F*f lArted a6 1tt$.o dug &bat car:Etd fue& {app*qwtlf dlgg!'ag. errlug the rLngle tt.isl prd.d. ft k tc:#,c$ &iggero, naa fimd or a total fsffqr{.ag thc 194? Ett&ottra aqunm fcd serLee cf JulJ lJr{g, ln Tequi.rs Bsgr b5r empercrj.al pouda tekan by aperts pa,gnlalten} fa r-ufy, 194?, w* E Rstrrd. ffi*rrrel *.ln'*tely teo to fl3tdL000 Lg&1t *" to b6 l,r100 @a of 6,5m "{ tcg*tkn rd,t& Sr4S a{qg!.e tan rday d,tgg*"q. Ef, tbo +ls,trE t! tha {tffor*st d*&ea:g{.wd. $ls*c €fgE$ug fc,r he,rta e.1es fr $$*$$r* leqgoat cams ax* a3ruyr SW flretr elac of thc rm*tnlng fr+ml ollg tha& ,rush nagni"tud* af ?aka *sl-t w'pletry the st+d}{ag dscro* &a efrsth*r Srldaaea of ersl*61gg$.ng, the ava:rrag*El€ poFulgtionr eW oveFdlstss ?hs lf Stlxth"t tbq $-llX bg .r.'aftoet€d ln e deeraase la oreb a eondltlon d,ots, on{y lcooes perdaga m:e to lo*sr :runbcra }Ert to a sc.Iler &re to thslr tam p6dd,s rturfug tbie Xn abu$aurr of elasg f€Llcnrlng b*erry oli sy@ ssdeets al€eE tLas @ *t t&a f,l.ahsr'5rnet rlss of tbe alaac as ml1r ber-ag harrest€d bofers raaehlrg s Freptr netns.l at.aa' To soe the off,ect I84lF w of, *. s+asspts {deglry thc Haln a:caa ls Xaryfsa Say wa g@FFFd fEr: $w*kf 'Ts soa the af,fee* *f eo**rqrsrn b**vy dl$g[Bg qs €e*t.*gt 1S,5&] agalturt ;ulyr 194?. ,-2- gsl.].assskgac s*'"pqg,d xlt& t'ba.saator fl^ets ln tb*t dfggrng, €he Bay eeessl erea of rcs ecmparedrnth th€ y*st Elds ef bey, and tbe eest slde *f &os 8g,f tresl EtrFfr€) cf tb366 e@F"Iliase!' ibe be8., t|be folIcnr.l.ag B*b1e *hot5.sthe recqltg *ref,age St. for 134e. Soas S{f 5E FEn Hest' Sfd€ {s@1ns= ]}SI u. &ls grs' Oan'barof, BaY (cmPsr- 13? B ,n!ffaaoexaitrEly littls tlue)--_.---- 6AS ggE * '.t &*t *li[s ' {hsari}rr'dus} BaS oe€.E (hssfrry dug, il10 lm. shs deerffi.s,qs l|hen Llrte{ &us to fir 5S gno, 5ffi. .or * teh er V* eard 1$ m, sf * rsph 9S &ss. &tr '* Fg@ 38$ gw s3 17 &. E]r L ta& * wse 3& gFs. iLa l.ash6s ad ssands ilre aFryo{xaueaa geerss& o,ewEglas.t rlslt, f.g,r @sg *sd rx*J.d *:Lsn{tre?I'oa. enly to the Fsr rlmexls*tlsn ad baa a Etandsldt*rst e,an af aro*se r;s trr" ruffi god eouillttea) B6*r€et* ssa sad onE qqerbtr sf $ Pewfrc hsn T"d. to ftail tne 1Y! havaa.Lss ass*+tsffi1e*,t"o*d ry of t;tq {uoasbt,*aa ta tl *t_T of, r8star tbs sq6 w faidtuY tbs a technlque hss ksu d*nt sd fos det€mlntng Y:" at far *agr tnrld* tke *bsrl,. a-ltbcqgb not' cwlltaal eJraoksfsl,,n,d rn the uedsilt qatta xe.tfpfeet*r,? and arx' wrdeae* has as te*ad to iiate thts aetb€d haa prorreu f,or each late appoars * *:U idl.sated Xt ta k carfrqsa. A dlfferwtla.l ry Xh t&s rcf,tht dacrearlng *o }Eeatiea {g3ceatsst' geogpa.ph!.e b*y {opendirg aps[ ?he s'tssks neraaldT *[sbd Sclf*ver, *ppreatly 1:* Eecb beg tbo b*d"k of tbe sffith). to trnlvs Jrear' orrt nlih the peak f*u'ing on rE sor.prrsd of elans ribet are fro eevsa .!:) -3 - ela* *;1h6 ys€rts et{n aooardlng te flbta x*tbed sf dstom$,mt$.es. elqsitd ****t e*a be aacm tbat tba ra*e of griwth Le v+ry alory aft*r tsee*eteg ;rear}. the.se E3*r*s s.$dtttewl Fhrther, ttrr tho fret that rqu4rt lnafrr af elssc that ry b Fer cxanplle ia an erec lrhsre tbg cl^68 ers ahradsrt faet,} there wr1l prokbly of reu claat ycar elaa*as, af dtffErrant tE e,ousLdeleb3y leee tb6^a tb€ mbEra ftvy'lrtrO of this r1*r gFstrth ls 6bdilr amt&sr rr*s&6e f,or gr,arstag the s+6cks arc Edo trp of mrles fctrad r,n an area at e.gjr ogs ti-ee. qsert€n las* afE*r F$t*c&i,e*n ttre f,a&e ls r€stristed {say tr*my ft fcv yeata, tbe clscg flrst ta !"**gth per ysar hrt, aqe guarter te qsc hE.Xf la€b {qx$ stf}l e5gh"b ar nt#tl thalr th*tr fut s@fry brl nsil wEr c&r thtrd af oE in caeh ycar tf, there ar€ *[ve o? ro Jrssr clseasE trrtrs€ilrg{n th* s?at*e pog*rla*;*n" !e_r#* wqm tt ougbft.s*y ftre o.lmrftr$€B xqltsffi fwt uay be sew, sm ecuLdnot d.tg um tihan betwea flrc and tsCArOSOryse feee ${tk$kt evsF-dtgg{ltg the ssss a.sd€ana{nga cene3.*arr,bXe dr*p {.n t6**,1 p4* d *en oontLru,ed oysr a p€r{d al! rl.danq sf, s rnni}sr of yeap. gst-herrErtto {t&te t&qs l.ldi,ortas a teiouc e#fs* s1.6ss te -tk st*gdr !r&fc& tE hllw;d rs*slc$lrc rquiaid.aw on tb* talr elthem& {sea$ef,sfes pamarlsat ltqtgsr lt 4**"3 !.4 rEawedod cf thtr c# tlq l{*a*e. ola (afg$s) lng t€ idlvtdnal tE f,{e *ry *"ft@U t&o C,qnl,ad.m set e sf,n E#c rlitedui, . qlg.gg*x taka epprexir.*teg f,tw ttsas $e nqry tho Srsrp &1& 3hotild b6 fir6t re$lleat*trr ':'- reenfatce tt ras ipsa rbosa that as ;l'ct t,h€ ilaolt-ne fs. alnndarce tc :eeffit- a!6aa vtth s.ae ers&a stlll bfiling fetr pepnfat:lonsl fu awrcc{,a-L dl.ggers sarat of ascesgity d1g aELv oa tbace beet amar ffidlng t--* ;666gfggff, horee sl-anr pc rlf,gur per dqy rbats fsr F@r6!rr &*.ffi$ry fag th*r +lqiltg aa aoisrasrcfuf diggsrs and thegs&irsram at this ^,,lEa. ffiher ttsr, $tt& tbe spp*{es bqtry eeeom.l3g tx*a f,* thc spo'rta dtgg#* teess:s for p}actng She restrt"cti*as ** t*r$e t*:..g €F tha *pe'rnx tisls r**er fre0 thet ths th6 l6sst {s *trse t&gs itre e@ro:i*al. ?hls I{t.lt .&*:ia fr"r ,. ef s! w. rre rlmadrd tbag per*Ury ftrthr It }es be'n fses* *.,ko,t*Wt* tr tbE lts& tb1p t* !r dw, te ergshd!6*eb *Eo:f.Labk Ea earacittekr rr. bag rurtg of u*t ever one sd Ens b*!f rissn eF s}*l @ &cl[n of, ons a*d one hsaf doer elru -l- por dlgger rmrld $eld appsdsatsly ef aleads eut{*t*}y rrt€hil* x**tr depsxil$.g upoa the eLss of, tbc etwr ( *5* florEs gLgE - Seasoa S*[t#lLeeb*".a boea nadE Ef ths eaadltl,*n ef thla sla*, ol yteld of aEablc wat fron ary glvas nmbas qf eLaw at dl,ff,srroat ttssa *f tb* ]rs&Fr trt hss bccu f,qrpd that' there 5.s a rtr,*-ltrg d,lff,Ersaee ia $*1{ dug te ths vary pow oodttLsn Ef u**b].E sea! at ths dlfffasant aqssont +f tbs elanr fo.illfitng tbsir sprer,ag ia Febnrer? ad ${Emh. *t tbts *lxe thery ar* T*ry thtn rsl watarg, alL pf thelr f*t hariag besr usd EF la t&e rpamtng I'ffiGwt. wdtat*lf poc*dfng f,or a shor* g.aa la- ftrtbcr, sFeln.tng th€ bos ucgts are uara{y reae*re bo{y 'd eousldirgal nqpelatabb ae& esd dna tq tha aeft, ats{y *qrdl.t{sas eecampary{ag f,t"Es.l aenreraLsn of al} glycogea lnto ss pu€dncts. Sd;. tls d.ses aqi'lr'l*cd f,rcm &ta* ts ttnr sf *prrg*.a; *,* ffuary {ist* er{e, theughsrrt thc year lurs Sfasdtk Fs axcnple, oa Pebmary 36, 194Sr e"Largt trelelnril *? faqurla Bay rc^rc f,eund ts b #ftr Fat.t,faHf spurac* Ee 25 pa; emt, omplets{y aent bad mt lparrcd ao 5rut' sffta fltndxn Far Easg eouplate{y a;unrod. tlae in ths Et&s @a *era pr e*ub ersp**luorl, &5 par Emt spetqo{n & E*rch 12" enly fer F6t,ssn# lrsso pertfuf.l.y rfar*aail anel rwmdy Sptctuaa bsve also bccs oxanlnod frm &pemxfe"telg tha w rpeird,ry ttac ber kE the ytel*l of sgrblc neat f;rcm tha olsr TE cletastw per mpplqg ram tlng aS Eleeasd 3n a stand*rd, Gr@ircigl a$ tbsru dtfferst rasrffr tlur to fqDil. ttssa thc tsbilo bslow ghotrr tha pareentagc of uEabla aeat obtatncd at theso tlncr. Fcreaatege XleXd ef $'sabl"cSed froor fiorae Cfkt hta Ane JW 1.6, LgtrT Sovaber #, L91,7 Xarob A2,, L9&8 &af X7, ].:9t+8 July 9, 3948 Yaqu"Le Ba3r,:r". Iaqnrm 8qy Ia4d.na Fa.y Tsryfqs Baf 6oes 8ry FeqosatEgs of 'Hgt"ual t{cLgbt oJ &tlsr 61aB Rroorerd, as Esabtc !6oat, (nasoA or x#r *3.6 w,&* L8r# L&*$ frs c,i ?seervsry af uaeleensd naat d*!a. th* peek yfeld ls Solvsuebe:la sasa te bs amroaEbtng tul"es that eb&elnod tn !,fareh -6j;l;,; ,:,il,,b lf '1t.,;+.;1, ,-1.1 Bbe o&he" fl.gXrmo shm tbs Sradusl FFcerery &m et the ttne of, Lmest trt6Ld. ?lrc emparatlrcS.y lar ftgure abtEla*d for'Eeoc 8ef na the apawnlng uctLrftlo*. {rl:,y uy repreeant tn pay.&g ].emgr nglssl yleld ftm ef elsss at other tlnsa ia thase tt*e baya sd tn ffllsssoe h*ve beola ost thq preaaa8ed fLgUr*a. r*$sgrs6, it ts neeptdsd Iksteforc, tbst the Bwl.ealos s.'r#|*ar uag.laafl.oa thts b8t. id *tt's!tc t'o obrtels sarfffi eraet a *esd Baya, tfEEt[n yliud f,re trh"i'a ssasffi ea horm dlfis ilFr*ag tJre nsatbx ef Jamary thueugh suaa Lno:LttsLvtr Sg,r'Q*nrq* Wg&4ssl sf baf clttrc f,or etbor #ics &rr.uyx ba,w bass eds *rd *ra bsfsg eonu.nrrod, dgE of dcEll'sE *r reeh of thp srafrp fotlrdt. sa dats ih*ss hara shsnnu* rta'dl}y crldmt ln t&es* teeg *pec&or ytth tbs pocathla xs;pttren sf t&* bster rholc in asI r sbol* the ailate for dr-**.,".*.{rra1r ra*a laportanacrr e!.m, tlhf*h f*i1*amparatfvd,y ntnor regulations & allB descd Juattfied sattsr ?bcr*f,oalEaCIrdd{&io86,1"rea-*'rt€&lvc oa thcse elela5 at tbJ.s tLE' ef, t'h* trinf,ersgexfr of t'bc of, qemsltlcrebj!* *sllgqtlrt botnwr, {Lgglng., AS tb6 Frescat t'l:nil nt tr lrys**iblc ltocnaa rqel1l3e6sa*s for lmers{* l-e adnrally aailgbb *Gnrls to anfere* t&ie r.agusre*e*t gnl*es th* pady e*eerryrd, ttr* cl**s, ljtett 0a th*sa g!'o$3ds aloao, xt ta f*l.t l&r€h du en t&s €1sEE8 to pLaar a peraooal' @ b,c LssgE ;acngh te gtrg adrqgate euibirw dtggrr iof p*rroaar eporta uer yet ldlt gtag l,4rg€ qurattti.** Jnrtlflable cnmarclall;r &a t&a bc se0a11auot4h to prevcn& **tibsrt s lLeaacai ffi $,ceomiltaglgt lf Lr rffi d!'gnf,ltd atr xry rnr *ll :$octlr ry tr *Ill tht rry oJ daua o&lrsrtb.n tba hars* sla&. It *'Ebs}:tcrd Fa6'thq"'uets tbat tha 6ocnf**s! Sst orc pff 68,! usQ *t ths tluc of A:lggflgt clnqt tt tc rqlutrslast t*eoty Fdmds of, bar{-ehsll slass. *a *#fagB,tr k8 1&nt of, ftrc clan*, sr frem algbt to tEn Fud" It ntsbt *3Ea bE aotEd tbat trsEaty pemnitr * lnate3.f tbrcc qua.rts af ef.ceq eslblc ror'lr -?- hry&qbsn' to aryrctnaielg af, E*st€m cetrb-€hell YL1! yltld *PS6. tj;, .t, Ls ra$squ',sndsdth*t regalati*as oaa*emLag GwereJ,al dgggl.gg r€ilrrelg ai .r 4tr6 *t tba preeeat tlxe tn tbst a l,!.eeaaa tc requirud for tba dXgfsg Ep6 ra.t *r it is anl*icftr1ttc'ta&s $alusa 8*y, or f,res {n frsnt elsnrEcreraielly of stata plr&sr frm s*O*rts Bqlrr sIletu Sagr, tbs prerrteaslp pcpe*g4 Ia adilltloa, a€&ss* os tbs dtiggtn8'ef trsrs.e eLg8f jrsqLil a!rydy ts the cmarstaL opoltr atgglugr dls&*n€. 3b ts fr*,'thsr racTmcaded thst Hegtrrcca say be cloead, to emeselal HrperIxeafiaX ttieg{.as !,n tlta ebqss*rea sf cilshs on the xrq{n glate, os aa entirq tl'dsrs *f88tag. t€{sfst ad sBor*a actfrrLty, lc felt r€ecssar3r. ky m saeser *{gh!cm L|r; tgt+1t shdrila a vary ten elsn6 belng alL tbat wrc sbtelM ff.aca thLe srs, la slao t*c eau*er of sowtdsrabl* bEeidee b,atng a sqaratrvaily fn the abscnc€ of $rfftclent regulatloas as ua1.l ae the sntt arn4, {drta step otu(y, 1t d ls Elso reemudd thtt conEenl.r€ r?ssr cjlaas ftGala es they are at the pc.cmnt. tnc.hda sstea*Ldn trf, tbs reguJ.atlonr fortt€dlag tha p^aa*rt ftfu abrrld thc nge ef, anry dlaps ereept sec]rxat ,fsr trs€ *,e ereh belt aurocpt la filatoop Scu$y. 3t ta frsther rasc@dsa thai trhe'radous 6fass fronn rua*6t t& Earar"IsEbE ekl,{shsd, tlvrc regulatlon that La fslt af, *hlob, tha Emig*lon fhlr }aa tha sol€ effse,t of b6fry a rpEtrle- to be parhape cescrlaiq,try oaso# Juat{y p:av*rgtlrqg r*r.ggtsg d regul*t{oag aral ceC,al.alg oae tba aecd at ths groeant tine. If, rEsstrl nsrot&.l dfggfug ars naadad, {! Le ba}Lsad t&ay can bE bast approachaA thruugb othsr trsslrs. furthar, ef llaftltg on all;aar auch s,s thc ssf,U-Ebsll ad hsrga sl6n" thcry hare ths ctrf,sst digg!.$g durtng th* rrl'atel rtgbt, ttdoal Sfrfag Fert cf nht€h tle-tbasr d.gna are ln thal.r bsst Esaditl,sa aad ahsuld be us€d to obtEta pryry ** -,[Wof,gl.al $q11Ig-{}.LCt#q At tha preaent tlns th*re sr6 s, asi,aa af, pxtsttrg amercl"al edmd*ec yfrld. r€g&l,ettons eoaeertJ.ng thc ecll$.ng ef elgee ia eaunilaa nther €haa ulrerc dng. etookp ere e6ne*msd, apd t-ha rslsted blel.eg:l.ee"1factoro, to b* aeltbelr of vaJ"uo" npr sns they detrlneatal.. In so f,a^r as tbe 61m tbcee regaX.ations arg bolf*ved It ts entt-rely an ocouolic and soelologiea-l problem. Eowver, this oceasLoals taken to caAl atScatloa to theaa -6-