FLSB COI+QELOSI O N OF' (i.F;ZGOB COP24KH.CII-L F Z S a i I E S .lUSEl\nCh AND 3355'31:0P?mT ACT Prepared by: Approved 3y: Hsbcrt L. Demary, A q u t i c B i o l o g i s t Jack M. Vaa Zyning, Pkriuae Research S u p e w i s o r U. 3. Department of h-atexior Fish a n l d Wildli.r'e Ssr-vice .- D.~-aaausf Comercia1 r'islaezies & Sv.bpsoj ee b .-. P!CJ. 21 -4.-R-2 Csntza,c%Mo. 3 4-1 7-0097-4.78 MSTMCT L The maket sampling progran for Dov[~s,-lish, and petmle eole, and Pacific ocean gsrch continued. Idarket conditions severely liaited.%andings during ' h e last qwrter. A Cover sole cxuiae was completed in 14~1.y~ h t a from t h e July 9966 Dover sole cruise plus data from two shrimp cmdses ( ~ ~ t o b e s - ~ o v m b1966 e x and 3l3zchApril 1967) are prssented to ehow depth cBistri'butiorm oP Dover esle with emphasis on juveniles. The technique for ag51ra,~Dover sole 3y %he ~lcalemethcd is cs~plete. Hestalts of this study 8x8 preze~ted. A publiceticn is being pzegaxed desc~ibirg %he zging %ecWques. Six additional cstliaes were n3de cjn Pacific ocean. perch. Bit& from theee cruises were used bx the American delegation at f i a h e q talks with the USSR. IXarirg the year the following reports were submitted: Quarterly progress reports: July 1, 4 3 6 6 - ~ e p t e ~ b e 30, r 1966 October 1 , 1966-December 35 , 4 956 Amm1 progress report: Cruise repor%s: 66-2 July 1 , 3966-J1me 30, 1967 Sbz1bp cruise, phase B-fish 66-5 Pacific ocean perch survey 46-6 Pacific 0cea.n perch sur-Jey 66-7 Dover sole cruise 66-8, Y p l o s 11 Pacific oceaa perch surveys Xnvesti~.aLionalreport No. 6, k~ch-frequen6;yand age-I.w~+$-i-f~equencydis- tsibu%ions for Dover sole, sole, ptrale sole, a n d Pacific o c a m perch landed in Qregon, 19.4845. April 1967 A short talk covering the ?lover sols inves%iga$ion w a ~given before members of the fiskring industry and ethers in Jenmzy 4967. PROGRESS F&SE Activities d u r i n g fiscal year 1966-67 were i n four r o a h areas: (I) market s a p l i n g ; (2) final development of the scale agi= method f ai-Dover sole; (3) research cmiseg; and (4) Pacif%c stem perch %w.veys. SrnLHP*fG 3- Durj,~&the 2bml j r e a m k e % aampliq: ~om2inuedat the level setabllwhed at the bsgdnniw of %he progmn in 1966. Pacific ocean psrch yere added t o the s q l i n g p r o g m . Sample size $8: k v e r , 4OQ scales psr month; English, 150 intezoperculae per rooxkh; ge%m3e,200 s%olithsper month; and Pacific ocean perch, 400 otsliths per month, FiaL- s a p l e d at B&aria and Coos 3a.y from July 1, 1966 to June 15, 1967 a r e sh~wnin Table 7 . . Nu~loer~mof f i s h s m p l e d Staring ficcal year 1967. Table 1 Dover k- Cooe Bay Totd 30 ~etiale .-1ish 971 200 370 1$450 Pacific ocean perch -- 400 1,753 3 9 247 SCALE T~LQHOD FOR AGUfG DOVER SOU Fa3.y in the p r o g w 3. aging Dover sole bx aoalee. study was mdes-&&en - 8 ; ~develop a %ec%w$que f o r 'The study w a ~a?ndest&en b e ~ s m ee s d e s of tagged f i s h at liberty 10 years indicated age a% taggeng of 3-5 years for f i s h w h i s h . had been tagged as rnhxre a d d i s . (1 Tho dbssrct.pm~ycould be due $0 two causes: a s i n t e r p r e t e d rmxb ma tho sonleg or (2) armid.b ares.;; beZng fomed every year 0 3* (1) reeaa6:h cruisae vhere f i n e Scales came from two sowcea: mesh net5 --were used, an& (2) market a m p l e ~ . An axtami-re col4eo-tion oP o c s l e s from ju7~cniLeEieh wcau mde from sexreral cnsBaes over a period of a ye&;,-. !!%is made it possible t o observe s c a l e powth mdl mmulua fsm,%isn oves a full year, ~-uve?ileswere callee+:ed in %rchP J d y , Oc%obezo =d November 1966 .and J a ' ~ v i q y1947. Table 2 R J ~ O V Bthe average Z e w h by age f02 different months. The relation between length d n Oc"2s3er-Xcvensabm 'to $he iflarch Benghh in the next age groq is nzarrly a s%saigh% line. Since mli~kkdt:,?,-e! nearly fwmed i r ~ October-3ovembez and were forned i n Farch i t would appmr $ k t t a e annuli were -i;rue y e a r m a r k s and lclg-bh of 6.6 em. tb4i the first a~auluaif fomed This is contrary t o first ~ u l u iss a false annulus. b g e m b k r c h at a mean ( 1 9 5 2 ) %rhostates that %he Since Eage-mmqs age-2.eng%h & : a a r e based on stol5.kh readings these is no direct ~ornparihpon~ bwt l - x e t ~fieh ~ by his 1-.- me-Fnod 18.6 sa in length. Basording t o a= data f i s h of t h i ~Len&h would be at least j years of age. Table 2 . Average le-wl& i n cen%lnnetere, 0%: Daver sole of f i r s t f o m age elaaees, collec%ed i n d i f f e r e n t ac?n%%ls3. The s c a l e s coll.ected i n 8c'B;ober-Eovemher : ~ r a ~ e to ( i be esge~isllyi n t e r e a t i r + ~ , 6$0$ orJy m a the annulus, in scil?e ~ 8 8 ,,~f~mecZ, s bl~% :?# secord or n-qplernentary m u 7 . u ~was a l s o ,arese~-b. L- as being resorption. the a@aLcpattern. In e a r l i e r r e a d i ~ g sthis pattern bad been i a t e q r e t c d T h i s is considered a brenktkzough in in%er~:rct~tionof 4* Once a starting point i n reading; the sca2.a~was eatabbished, the next L s$ep was t o d e h m i n s readability a d t o eotscblish %he time of annulus formation. A series sf 11 market samples were selected f o r %Me. Samples selec$ed covered %he period April t o Dscenber by approx;fmtely 2-week periodrs. A% the outset it ws considered h p m e % i c d $0 read scales from market samples t h e e tines b e c a u ~ eof the t i m e involved. It was then decdded e r r o r of dO$ with a deviation of 2 1 year. %Q asce~t To determine d e v i a k i ~ n , asales vera read twice with %hs first reading c o n s i d ~ r e dc o :r-"inal, Y?:e socon6 rsading used as a comparison. C h i - s ~ w e t e a t s Indicate no ~ i g i f i ~ m diffzrenee t between %he two readings o r betwean sexee;. with no deviz-bios WELB51%. -+- d year tras 0%. Qf the 1,073 soales read, agreement Pg-reemen-b "oe%ween%!JD reedbgs wi-ch a devia$rion of T h i s w a s eonsidered gcad apeemen$, but s l i g h t l y more than e r r o r liai-i;hoped f o r . the Out of m r i o s i % y a t u r d reading ' ~ m smade on $he nomgreement reaclii~g~~ TMa izlcrezeed agreemen% with Deviation i s aho-&a in Table 3. about zero, m9 The sMf"r;rom 30 deviation to 84%. Note that total. deviation i s nearly symnetrLcaJ positive deviation i n yower fish t o ne,%tive deviation i n older fish indicates a tendency t o over age younger fish a.nd under age older fish. Table 4 demonstrates annulus f o m t f o n . marginal grow%h beyond the last am'ljllus. %;he la& annulus. Also i n October, 19% In A p r i l , 6% of the s c a l e shoved By October, 1005 showed po*&h beyond fof the asales ~horqedthe new axmdus and by P e b r q , 8 3s of the scales showed. the a1n1hlw. Thus, a m ~ ~ u a fozma-bion begins Li? -8;he fall and is ccmp1ete by rd.n-b;es: 02 early s p r l : ~of $he f 01lowir-g yeax. Soae f i e h (@,I were trzgged t o ge% PSL insigh-?; i n t o ths second problen of mnular m k s not being fomed eveq year. tagged f i s h have been recaptwced. 4s of J w e 15, 1967, four of these :.No f i s h were ct liberty l e s ~ thaa 60 days April 1966 m Y 1966 99 100 93.9 74.0 L while the other two emre a% libsrw jut a yewo 330th fish. maptared a f t e r 3 h x h g the p t ~@txcp two c-18~ were m d e far Juv&le Dmer eole. In measured and aexsd arnd Juved1e13p r e a ~ m e d ~bver sola .catch data from a l l cruises were adjueted t o a M f - h o w tow. o r u b e e of ~ u l y1966 and The avo oa%& in cars per a967 %am we20 m d e in L &om the per een6 of Juvenile &ver soke eJ5 an by depth. The b t a are Table 5. Per cent of Dover eole 515 am k y depth ~ $ m $ (dash a - i r d i a t e s no fishing). 10-19 2-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 6049 709.79 8049 90-99 100-4 09 110-119 i20-1 29 130-1 39 L 49 150-1 59 160-1 69 170-1 79 No. tows 140-1 to depth mange. &ow a life Mratoq y8as. 31h P&c& Juveniles w e o~nfined$0 a ~ $ban Xn July, n-ly m the peatest depth of occurrence ~~ beiheen 110 rilthl 'B 20 fathoms and mauhiBaiun abundance w w at $0-49 fathone. leas r No %OWB we~s=Be at dleptb 40 fathom but %he & ~ ~ e&a%ribu%isa d sf juvenile f i b hdica%es 'the depth 300 faam. of J a v e ~ l e s Depth of mmchm 20 fatham deeper than in July, frm 10 t o 79 fathaam d t h Table 6 ahowa %he p e ct2n-t ~ of Dimor sole, E ~ ~ ~ W ~ G0% B Ssimp & dqtb L strab. Over the dep%ba f i a b b , and 80-89 fathaw. The@@ &%%a m ~ be % deweda so-s 9 20-29 30-39 4-49 50-59 a49 70-79 L 80-89 90-99 ~oo-9~51 sso-a dg .rra-se 130-1 59 1 4 - 1 49 9 50-1 59 160-169 1'Qooa 79 No. tm B 06 caution einoe Dover sole a9e Table 7. Hean length of Dover sole mdl pep cent nn%e1ew by depth stmb (notatfm: = fi~Mwj = =@to d = mew lengbb). - but 4% of thew males were judged t o be mhareBbut .size of f i s h at this depth i e quite U l , avera@ng 34 cm. During the %y cmiee, k v e r sole a t o h e e were eamplsd for age ccmpoeition. Per cent of the a t c h ave Bed by depth iaa%emP 1 s t o 10&. per cent w e ~anpoeition& depth strata is shown in %'able 8 . ! m a The mmkr of age claaess caught per depth in%e range in age o c o ~ e d a$ the 50-59 i'a%bmstrata eAendhg from 5 to 17 ysase .--- in age. Thgse data clearly dlemomt%m%e age stmtifiaa$bsn ?qdepth wi%holder f i s h occupying the greater depth. Age 111 f i s h danirnsrte $he 2O-dO fathom Percentage age compositborm of Dover eole =ugh% i n lhy 1967e by depth &rats. Table 8. .I Average 4.0 5.5 3-8 6 5 7.9 7-0 a h t a , age V fi& aomhate i n 40-70 fa%home,age f a a m depth, andl ages BE11 am3 D L are d A one* cruise d tkre aap%ure of 6 juveniles of %he 3.0 B%H f k h domBna%e%he 70-80 i n %he 80-90 fa%Bognstkslh. 1967. boause of fwd. wea%her, m~ made in only one $ow in 58 fathom 8.2 . $yae~rn* ~simfim% f@&i2r?z of %h%OW yeax oleas. -8 ~ h e s efigh averagedl 6.6 . P A C ~ I COCEAN 2BGE CRUXSES During the yea, e i x Pacifis ocean perch cmisesa w a e made. cruieea were mde OM actively pWauing per&, F o u of %he ered veesel~sfrom the Bs%osliaflee%t k b were The o%her %WO regularly chartered vessel. L .* Purpose of the cruises was t o fiah i n areas that had produced good catches of peroh p 5 o r to '8964 and were fished heavily by the Russian f l e e %in 1944, Data from %he perch cruises wxe used for backgrowd mrs%eridby United States representatives in fisheqg negotiations with the Sovietrs. Analysis o f these data is contained in an repsxt. Eagerman, F. 33. 1952. The biology- of &he Doves sole I4icrostoms aaacificus ( ~ o c k i w o n ) Calif, Dept , Fish an& Game Fish Ball, 85, 48 p. . Alverson, D. L., A, T. Pmber, ma% L. L. Ea~rzholta 1964. A study of demersal fishes and fisheries of %he Nostheastern Pacific acean. H, B. 31~1511an Lectures in Fisherie~, bs-&f%w&e of Fisheries, Uniar, of Bri$ish Columbia, Vancouver. 190 p, Status of a%ockn or" Pacific ocean psrch off iihe eoaut of Oregon. Oregon Yish Commission ty-pemEt%onreport, Reoearcl~9iwision, J . m ~ s y9, 8' 967.