“…all inhabitants of Switzerland should have equal access to the new information and communications technologies...” – Swiss Information Society Office Broadband in Switzerland: Between dreams and reality Michael.Minges@itu.int Thousands Market evolution 350 5.0 300 4.0 250 200 3.0 150 2.0 100 1.0 50 0 ADSL Cable Total Penetration 2000 2001 Jun-02 Sep-02 4'000 38'000 42'000 0.4 40'000 120'000 160'000 1.5 95'000 190'000 285'000 3.9 133'000 200'000 333'000 4.6 0.0 Source: ITU adapted from Swisscom, Swisscable. Swisscom launches ADSL in October 2000. By September 2000, Cablecom reported 19’000 cable modem subscribers, with uptake accelerated after March 2000 purchase by NTL. Market structure Swisscom controls entire ADSL market Swisscom wholesale 46% Bluewin 54% “Bluewin” is Swisscom’s ISP Cablecom dominant in cable modem market Others 41% Cable com 59% Potential demand Internet subscriptions, 2001 Total = 2.22 million Cable modem 4% Dial-up 93% Potential broadband demand of around 2 million compared to just 0.3 million subscriptions (only 15% satisfied) Households with PC Total = 2.2 million Internet access No PC 39% With PC 61% DSL 2% Other 1% Source: ITU adapted from OFCOM, Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Nielsen//NetRatings. None 18% Dialup 39% Broadband 4% Coverage 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 99.6% 95% 75.1% 42% Households with telephone Households covered by ADSL Fixed telephone Households Households covered with by cable cable modem TV Cable TV Delay “ADSL - The Wait is Over.”Bluewin web site, December 2002 • Delay in ADSL Service • 17 December 2002 • The ADSL market is in full boom. Unfortunately, this rush for ADSL connections is currently generating a reduction in the capacity to connect ADSL lines, on which the suppliers of Internet access do not have any influence. All the Swiss ADSL market is largely concerned with this situation. We regret this delay and ask you to excuse us for this prolonged delay. We will do our best to forward to you in the six next weeks the inscription documents as well as the terminals that you ordered. Your conditions of purchase do not change because of this delay. We thank you for your comprehension Pricing Most expensive and lowest bandwidth $60 $50 $40 $30 ADSL monthly charge, December 2002, US$ Per month (left) Per Mbps (right) $100 $90 $80 1.5 Mbps 8 Mbps / / 256 kbps 1 Mbps $20 $10 $0 Japan $70 $60 768 kbps / 128 kbps Korea Germany (Rep.) 512 kbps / 256 kbps 768 kbps / 128 kbps 512 kbps / 128 kbps 512 kbps / 256 kbps 512 kbps / 128 kbps $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 UK USA Source: ITU adapted from operator reports, MHPT (Japan). France SwissCable SwissADSL International comparison Korea (Rep.) HKG, China Canada Taiwan, China Belgium Denmark Iceland Sweden Netherlands USA Japan Singapore Austria Switzerland 19.8 13.5 10.7 8.2 7.1 6.6 Broadband subscribers 6.3 per 100 inhabitants 6.1 5.3 September 2002 4.9 4.7 4.7 4.6 Ranks 14th 4.6 Source: ITU adapted from national sources, Point-Topic, ECTA. Broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, 2001 Wealth & broadband 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 $15'000 Less broadband subscriptions than predicted by income $20'000 $25'000 $30'000 Per capita income, PPP, US$, 2000 $35'000 Broadband policy Theory Reality “Swiss policy begins with the principle that the market will be able perfectly to meet the needs as regards broadband technologies in the long run without the State having to intervene. It will intervene only in the event of market failure, that it is by defining conditions in favor of competition or targeted in the event of the absence of private investment. Switzerland thus does not have an interventionist policy as regards development of the broadband infrastructure, but counts on market forces.” – OFCOM (Telecom Regulator) • High broadband prices • Low broadband penetration considering income • No local loop unbundling • Choice of alternative broadband operators not widely available • Delays in service