Automatically Utilizing Secondary Sources to Align Information Across Sources

AI Magazine Volume 26 Number 1 (2005) (© AAAI)
Automatically Utilizing
Secondary Sources to
Align Information
Across Sources
Martin Michalowski, Snehal Thakkar, and Craig A. Knoblock
■ XML, web services, and the semantic web have
opened the door for new and exciting informationintegration applications. Information sources on
the web are controlled by different organizations
or people, utilize different text formats, and have
varying inconsistencies. Therefore, any system that
integrates information from different data sources
must identify common entities from these sources.
Data from many data sources on the web does not
contain enough information to link the records accurately using state-of-the-art record-linkage systems. However, it is possible to exploit secondary
data sources on the web to improve the recordlinkage process.
We present an approach to accurately and automatically match entities from various data sources
by utilizing a state-of-the-art record-linkage system
in conjunction with a data-integration system. The
data-integration system is able to automatically determine which secondary sources need to be
queried when linking records from various data
sources. In turn, the record-linkage system is then
able to utilize this additional information to improve the accuracy of the linkage between datasets.
n the recent past, researchers have developed various machine-learning techniques
such as SoftMealy (Hsu and Dung 1998) and
Stalker (Muslea, Minton, and Knoblock 2001)
to easily extract structured data from various
web sources. Using these techniques, users can
build wrappers that allow them to easily query
web sources much like databases. Web-based
information-integration systems such as Information Manifold (Levy, Rajaraman, and Ordille
1996b), InfoMaster (Genesereth, Keller, and
Duschka 1997), and Ariadne (Knoblock et al.
2001) can provide a uniform query interface for
users to query information from various data
sources. Furthermore, schema-matching techniques (Dhamankar et al. 2004; Madhavan and
Halevy 2003; Miller, Haas, and Hernandez
2000) allow users to align different schemas
from various data sources. While schemamatching techniques are useful for aligning attributes from different schemas, they cannot be
utilized to determine if two records obtained
from different sources refer to the same entity.
Therefore, building an application that integrates data from various web sources requires a
record-linkage component in addition to wrapper-generation, information-integration, and
schema-matching components. For example,
two restaurant web sites may refer to the same
address using different textual information.
Therefore, accurate record linkage is an essential component of any information-integration
system used to integrate data accurately from
various data sources.
There has been some work done on consolidating data objects from various web sites using
textual similarities and transformations
[Bilenko and Mooney 2003; Chaudhuri et al.
2003; Dhamankar et al. 2004; Doan et al. 2003;
Tejada, Knoblock, and Minton 2002). These approaches provide better consolidation results
compared to the exact text-matching techniques in different application domains. How-
Copyright © 2005, American Association for Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. 0738-4602-2005 / $2.00
SPRING 2005 33
Broadway Bar and Grill, 1460 3rdstreet
Promenade, Santa Monica, CA 904012322, 310.393.4211
Broadway Bar&Grill, 1460 Third
St. Promenade, Santa Monica, CA,
90401-2322, (310) 393-4211
Beverly Hills Café, 14 N. LaCienaga
Boulvard, Beverly Hills, CA 90211-2205,
Beverly Hills Samurai, 270 S. La
Cienaga, Beverly Hills, CA 90211,
(310) 360-9688
Figure 1. Textual Differences in Restaurant Records.
ever, in some application domains it may be
extremely difficult to consolidate records. For
example, when matching names of people, it
would be hard for the aforementioned techniques to determine if “Robert Smith” and
“Bob Smith” refer to the same individual. This
problem can often be solved by utilizing information from secondary sources on the web. For
example, a web site that lists the common
acronyms used for the first name may provide
information that “Bob” and “Robert” are interchangeable as first names. There are many other application areas where information from
secondary data sources can improve the performance of a record-linkage system. Additional
examples include utilizing a geocoder to determine if two addresses are the same, utilizing
historical area code changes to determine if
two telephone numbers are the same, and utilizing the location and officers’ information for
different companies to determine if two companies are the same.
In this article, we describe our approach to
exploiting secondary sources automatically for
record linkage. The goal of the research is to
link records more accurately across data
sources. We have built a record-linkage system
termed Apollo that can utilize information
from secondary sources (Michalowski, Thakkar,
and Knoblock 2003). In presenting our approach, we describe how Apollo can be combined with an information mediator to automatically identify and utilize information from
secondary sources. We provide a motivating example, followed by some background work on
record linkage. Subsequently, we present our
approach to utilizing the secondary sources
during the record-linkage process and an evaluation of our approach using real-world restaurant and company datasets. Finally, we discuss
related work and put forward our conclusions
and planned future work.
Motivating Example
To clarify the concepts presented in this article,
we define the following terms: (1) record linkage, (2) primary data sources, and (3) secondary
data sources. Record linkage is the process of determining if two records should be linked
across some common property. In this article,
this common property will be whether the two
records refer to the same real-world entity. A
primary data source is one of the two initial data
sources used for record linkage. A secondary data source is any source, other then a primary data source that can provide additional information about entities in the primary data sources.
Consider the following primary data sources:
(1) Zagat and Dinesite data sources that provide
information about various restaurants; (2) Travelocity and Orbitz data sources that provide information about various hotels; and (3) Yahoo
and Moviefone data sources that provide information about various theaters.
When the user sends a request to obtain information pertaining to restaurants within a given
city, the record-linkage system needs to link
records that refer to the same restaurant from the
Zagat and Dinesite data sources. However, due to
the textual inconsistencies present in both data
sources, determining which records refer to a
common entity is a nontrivial task. A similar situation arises when attempting to combine information about hotels from Travelocity and Orbitz
or about movies from Yahoo and Moviefone. Figure 1 shows the varying textual inconsistencies
found in the restaurant data sources.
Source 2
Source 1
A1: (a1 a2 … ak)
A2: (a1 a2 … ak)
A3: (a1 a2 … ak)
A4: …
B1: (b1 b2 … bk)
B2: (b1 b2 … bk)
B3: (b1 b2 … bk)
B4: …
Background Work
Computing Similarity Scores
In this section, we present the Active Atlas (Tejada, Knoblock, and Minton 2001; Tejada,
Knoblock, and Minton 2002) record-linkage
system. Its robust and extendable framework
makes it an ideal candidate for a base system
upon which to build a record-linkage system
that utilizes secondary sources. For this reason,
Active Atlas is used as a base system upon
which Apollo is built.
Candidate Generator
Attribute similarity Formula:
System Overview
Active Atlas’s architecture consists of two separate components: a candidate generator and a
mapping learner. The overall architecture of
the system can be seen in figure 2. Its goal is to
find common entities among two record sets
from the same domain. The candidate generator proposes a set of potential matches based
on the transformations available to the system.
The transformation may be one of a number of
string comparison types such as EQUALITY, SUBSTRING, PREFIX, SUFFIX, STEMMING, or others and are
weighted equally when computing similarity
scores for potential matches. Once the candidate generator has finished proposing potential
matches, Active Atlas moves on to the second
stage and uses the potential matches as the basis for learning mapping rules and transformation weights.
The mapping learner establishes which of
the potential matches are correct by adapting
the mapping rules and transformation weights
to the specific domain. Due to the fact that the
initial similarity scores are very inaccurate, the
system uses an active learning approach to refine and improve the transformation weights
and mapping rules. This approach uses a decision tree (Quinlan 1996) committee model
with three committee members. The key idea
behind the committee learning approach is to
divide the training data set into three parts and
have each committee member learn a decision
tree based on that member’s respective part.
During active learning, the mapping learner
then selects the most informative potential example. The most informative potential example is defined as a potential match with the
Sn(an, bn) = Σ(ant • bnt) / (||a|| • ||b||)
(Object Pairs, Similarity Scores,
Total Scores, Transformations)
((A3 B2, (s1 s2 sk), W32, ((T1, T4), (T3, T1, Tn), (T4)))
(A 45 B12, (s1 s2 sk), W45 12, ((T2), (T3,...Tn), (T1 T8)))…)
Mapping Learner
Mapping Rule Learner
Mapping Rules:
Attribute 1 > s1 ⇒ mapped
Attribute n < sn ∧ Attribute 3 > s3 ⇒ mapped
Attribute 2 < s2 ⇒ not mapped
Transformation Weight Learner
T1 = p 1
Tn = p n
Set of Mappings
Between Objects
((A3 B2 mapped)
(A45 B12 not mapped)
(A5 B2 mapped)
(A98 B23 mapped)
Figure 2. Active Atlas System Architecture.
SPRING 2005 35
highest disagreement among the members. It
then asks the user to label this example as either a match or nonmatch. The user’s response
is used to refine and recalculate the transformation weights, learn new mapping rules, and reclassify record pairs. This process continues until (1) the committee learners converge and
agree on one decision tree or (2) the user has
been asked a predefined number of questions.
Once the mapping rules and transformation
weights have been learned, Active Atlas uses
them to classify all the potential matches in the
system as matched or not matched. The results
are then made available to the user.
Open Research Problem
A difficult problem encountered when performing record linkage is the degree of certainty with which matches are proposed and rejected. A record-linkage system is only as good as
the labeled data it has received and is therefore
limited in accuracy with respect to its classification of matches. A record-linkage system is able
to classify obvious matches and nonmatches.
In our research of record linkage, we have
found that there exists a “gray” area in the classification of potential matches. Classifying the
matches in this “gray” with a high degree of
confidence often requires additional knowledge or information. This is due to the fact that
primary sources often lack sufficient information to resolve all ambiguous matches.
These ambiguous matches cannot be classified with full confidence as a match, yet they
are similar enough to be considered as potentially matched. This presents the need for a secondary source to help resolve this ambiguity. A
secondary source would provide the system
with additional information that it could use to
help in the classification of the match. The following example helps illustrate the need for
secondary sources.
Consider the restaurant domain. Record
linkage is performed on two different data
sources, each source composed of records referring to a particular restaurant. The system returns all matches; however, there exists one returned match that is similar enough to be
classified as matched by the system but that also contains enough inconsistencies across attributes to raise doubt that it is a true match.
Manually looking closer at the record, it is determined that the telephone number field is
the major source of the inconsistency. With the
availability of a secondary source that contains
a telephone area code’s history, it could be determined that the telephone numbers in question are in fact the same, since one area code is
the successor of the other. This information
could then be used by a system to confidently
classify the record as a true match.
Exploiting Secondary
Sources for Record Linkage
In this section, we describe our approach to
performing more accurate record linkage by
utilizing information from secondary sources.
The intuition in this article is to utilize the domain knowledge from a data-integration system to obtain information automatically about
available secondary sources and utilize the
available secondary sources to improve the
record-linkage process. When Apollo needs to
link records from two data sources, it first obtains information about available secondary
sources. Next, it queries the secondary sources
and utilizes the additional information in the
record-linkage process.
Which Secondary
Sources to Query?
As we described earlier, primary data sources often do not contain enough information to distinguish between two entities purely based on
textual similarities. Therefore, it may be valuable to obtain information from secondary data sources. Apollo utilizes the Prometheus mediator (Thakkar, Ambite, and Knoblock 2003)
to obtain information pertaining to which secondary data sources should be queried. In this
section, we provide a brief overview of the
Prometheus mediator and describe how it is
utilized in Apollo.
Overview of Data-integration Systems. Various data-integration systems such as TSIMMIS
(Garcia-Molina et al. 1995), Information Manifold (Levy, Rajaraman, and Ordille 1996a), InfoMaster (Genesereth, Keller, and Duschka 1997),
InfoSleuth (Bayardo et al. 1997), and Ariadne
(Knoblock et al. 2001) have been used to provide an integrated view of information from
heterogeneous data sources. Traditionally, these
systems model data sources in the form of relations. These systems also contain a set of virtual
domain relations that the user utilizes to specify
the queries to the mediator system. Every dataintegration system must specify a set of domain
rules to relate the source relations to the domain relations. The user then sends queries to
the data-integration system using these domain
relations. The data-integration system then reformulates the user query into a set of source
queries, executes the source queries, and provides the answer to the user’s query.
Utilization in Apollo. Apollo has access to a data-integration system (the Prometheus mediator)
name,streetaddress, city,
state, zip,oldareacode, phone,
lat, lon, areacode
$city, $state, $zip,
lat, lon
$hoteltype, review
name, streetaddress, city,
state, zip, areacode, phone
name, streetaddress, city,
state, zip, areacode, phone,
zcity, zstate,
zzip, zphone
dcity, dstate,
dzip, dphone
mcity, mstate, mzip
ystreetaddress, ycity,
ystate, yzip, yphone
name, streetaddress, city,
state, zip, areacode, phone,
hoteltype, review
tcity, tstate, tzip,
tphone, thoteltype
ocity, ostate, ozip,
ophone, ohoteltype
Figure 3. Example Domain Model.
which models various data sources. These data
sources include all primary data sources as well as
all available secondary data sources. When Apollo receives a request to link records from two data sources, it sends a request to the Prometheus
mediator to obtain related data sources.
To further illustrate how additional information is obtained, consider the domain model
shown in figure 3. Our example domain model
contains various data sources to obtain hotel,
restaurant, and theater information. The Zagat
and Dinesite data sources provide information
about restaurants, the Travelocity and Orbitz data sources provide information about hotels,
and the Yahoo and Moviefone data sources provide information about theaters. The data-integration system also has access to a Geocoder data source that provides geographic coordinates
for a given address, an area code updates data
source that provides information about area
code changes, and a hotel review data source
that accepts the name of a hotel and a hotel
type and provides the review for the hotel.
The data-integration system models the
available data sources as source relations. In addition to these source relations, it has a set of
domain relations. These domain relations are
defined as views over the source relations. In
our example, Locations, Theaters, Hotels, and
Restaurants represent domain relations.
Consider the situation where Apollo is attempting to link hotels obtained from the Orbitz and Travelocity data sources. Apollo sends a
request to the Prometheus mediator to obtain
all possible secondary sources that are related
to the Orbitz or Travelocity source relations. Upon receiving the request, Prometheus first finds
all domain relations that are defined as views
over the given sources. In our example, it finds
that the domain relation Hotels is defined as a
join between the HotelReviews source relation
and the union of the Orbitz and Travelocity
source relations. In the second step, the mediator analyzes the view definition of the domain
relations found in the first step to obtain all
source relations that participate in the view definition. In the given example, Prometheus
finds the HotelReviews, Orbitz, and Travelocity
SPRING 2005 37
source relations. Next, it picks the source relations other than the primary source relations as
available secondary data sources. From the
three source relations, Prometheus picks HotelReviews as the available secondary source, as
both Orbitz and Travelocity are primary sources.
Next, the mediator repeats the above-mentioned steps with the domain relation found in
the first step. In the given example, Prometheus first finds that the view definition for the
Locations domain relation includes the Hotels
domain relation. Moreover, Prometheus finds
that the Locations domain relation is defined as
a join of Hotels, AreaCodeUpdates, and Geocoder
source relations. Therefore, it adds the AreaCodeUpdates and Geocoder sources to the set of
available secondary sources. Prometheus repeats the process with Locations as input and
finds no qualifying domain relations. Therefore, for the given example, Prometheus returns the HotelReviews, Areacodeupdates, and
Geocoder source relations as available secondary
sources. It is important to note that the goal of
the mediator is to find all available secondary
sources, even the ones that may not be useful.
In the next section, we describe how Apollo
utilizes the information found in these secondary sources and determines which secondary sources are useful.
How to Utilize Information from
Secondary Sources
Current record-linkage systems do a good job of
learning how to weigh attributes of different
records across data sources. Using machinelearning techniques such as decision trees
(Quinlan 1996) and bagging and boosting (Abe
and Mamitsuka 1998; Breiman 1996), they are
able to determine which attributes are most relevant to consider when trying to match records
across different data sources. Apollo takes advantage of this process by augmenting data
sources with additional attributes. The machine-learning component of the record-linkage system is then able to use these attributes in
learning the correct mapping rules used in the
linkage process. Using the labeled examples
provided, the system is able to learn whether
the newly added attributes are informative
enough to incorporate into the mapping rules.
With the flexible nature of the record-linkage framework used in Apollo, incorporating
the additional information from secondary
sources is an easy and efficient process. A key
point needs to be kept in mind when utilizing
the information from the secondary sources:
When augmenting primary data sources with
additional information, it is important not to
overload and confuse the record-linkage sys-
tem. We address this point using a systematic
approach to adding additional information discussed below.
Secondary data sources fall into one of two
possible categories: (1) one-to-one mapping
source, (2) one-to-N mapping source. A one-toone mapping source is a secondary data source
that takes an input and produces only one possible answer for each unique data record passed
in. The geocoder data source, which takes as input a street address and produces a corresponding latitude and longitude for that address, is a
one-to-one mapping source. As we know, each
address will have only one latitude (lat) / longitude (lon) combination associated with it. For
example, passing the address “4676 Admiralty
Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292” to the source
yields the following output:
<lon>-118.44027018504094 </lon>.
A one-to-N mapping source is a secondary
data source that takes an input and produces
multiple possible answers for each unique data
record passed in. The area code updates secondary source is an example of such a source
because one unique area code may yield multiple past area codes (area codes could have been
merged to produce the area code in question).
For example, inputting 619 into this source
yields the following past area codes: 760, 858,
and 935.
It is important to differentiate between the
two when deciding how to use the data from
the secondary source. Take as an example a
one-to-N mapping source that returns five
unique values for a single input. If the primary
sources contain 100 records respectively and
are augmented with data from this secondary
source, the total number of unique records in
each primary source would increase to 500.
This increase clouds the real record-linkage
problem at hand and would in fact make it
harder to solve because of the increased complexity and the lack of a guarantee that the additional information is beneficial. In this work,
we address this issue by only using one-to-N
mapping sources when they are used to augment only one of the primary sources (our approach to choosing which primary source is
discussed later). This approach avoids large increases in complexity and the problem introduced by extraneous records in each primary
data source. We plan to conduct research on
solving the problem of needing to augment
both primary data sources with a one-to-N
mapping source, and this work is discussed in
the “Conclusion and Future Work” section.
This problem does not exist if there are multiple one-to-one data sources available for a giv-
en primary data source, as each one-to-one secondary data source would add one or more attributes to each record from the primary data
sources. Therefore, the number of records stays
the same.
Another issue that needs to be dealt with is
the question of which primary source or
sources should be augmented with additional
information. Semantic types and attribute
bindings are used to make this determination.
The Apollo record-linkage system looks at the
attribute types found in each primary source
and compares them to the output types of the
secondary source. If any of the primary data
sources already contain an attribute of the
same type as the output type of the secondary
source, the primary source does not need to be
augmented with information from the secondary source. We do not want to add preexisting attributes, because this addition may cause
inconsistencies in data for each record in the
primary source. These inconsistencies could
lead to inaccurate classification of matches between the primary data sources, defeating the
purpose of using secondary sources for improving record linkage.
Once the attribute type data information has
been added to the primary sources, a binding is
made between the added information attribute
types in each dataset. For example, if one primary data source contains the latitude and longitude attributes and the second contains a
street address but no latitude and longitude attributes, the Apollo system would query the
geocoder secondary source using the street address from the second primary source and augment this primary source with the returned data. Once the primary source has been
augmented with this data, a binding is made
between the latitude and longitude attributes
in the two primary data sources and the recordlinkage process is run. This step is necessary because the record-linkage system needs an explicit declaration of the mappings of attributes
from one primary data source to the other.
As discussed previously, the data-integration
component of the Apollo system handles the
querying of secondary data sources. Once the
data from the secondary source or sources is
queried, the incorporation of additional data
into one or both of the primary data sources is
done. The Apollo system currently does this by
appending the additional information to the
record as an additional attribute. As mentioned earlier in this section, once an attribute
is appended to a primary data source, a binding is created between this attribute and the
corresponding attribute in the other primary
data source.
Experimental Evaluation
We tested the Apollo system in two real-world
domains, restaurants and companies. In the
restaurant domain, we used wrapper technology discussed by Muslea, Minton, and Knoblock
(2001) to extract restaurant records from the
Zagat1 and Dinesite2 web sources. Each web
source provided a restaurant’s name, address,
city, state, telephone number, and cuisine type.
Because of the inconsistencies between the two
sources, a record-linkage system is required to
find common restaurants. Furthermore, we
used the geocoder3 web service as a secondary
source. This source takes in an address as input
and outputs the corresponding latitude and
longitude coordinates. The Zagat data source
contained 897 records, while the Dinesite data
source contained 1,257 records. There were 136
matching records in the two datasets.
As a first step we ran the candidate generator
from the Active Atlas system to obtain about
9000 candidate matches. From the candidate
matches, we randomly selected 100, 150, 200,
and 250 record pairs, labeled them as matches
or nonmatches, and used this as input into the
Apollo system. The goal of the experiments was
to show that by utilizing the geocoder secondary source, the system was able to link
records more accurately across the two primary
data sources using fewer labeled examples. The
restaurant domain experimental results are
shown in figures 4 and 5.
As shown in figures 4 and 5, the addition of
a secondary source led to a significant improvement in precision and recall. With the use of a
secondary source, Apollo reached 100 percent
precision and 76 percent recall with only 150
total labeled examples. Out of the 150 labeled
examples, there were, on average, only 6 positive examples. In case of 50 labeled examples
and 100 labeled examples, there were only 2
and 3 positive examples respectively. Therefore, there was not enough information (from
positive-labeled examples) for the decision tree
learner to utilize information from secondary
sources. Without the secondary source, precision and recall levels were lower, even with 250
total labeled examples, than the levels seen in
Apollo with just 150 total labeled examples.
The improvement brought about by the secondary source is due to the secondary source’s
ability to handle inconsistencies for the given
attribute better than string transformations.
With 250 training examples, a decrease in recall is caused by the fact that the decision tree
learner begins to overfit the training data. In
general, decision trees do not have the problem
of overfitting when provided with more training
examples. However, in our case, the ratio of pos-
SPRING 2005 39
Precision %
With Secondary Source
Without Secondary
Number of Training Examples
Recall %
Figure 4. Restaurant Domain Precision Results.
With Secondary Source
Without Secondary
Number of Training Examples
Figure 5. Restaurant Domain Recall Results.
itive to negative examples is very small. Therefore, when we increase the number of training
examples, the decision trees learn rules specific
to the few positive-labeled examples, causing
the decrease in recall. However, we can see that
the precision (100 percent) and recall values are
still better when using a secondary source.
In the company domain, we extracted company records from two primary data sources:
(1) A company database containing company
name and ticker symbol for 21,281 companies,
and (2) using wrapper technology discussed by
Muslea, Minton, and Knoblock (2001) to extract company information, containing company name, person name, and position from
various news articles for 8,800 companies. The
key challenge with the company domain data
was that company name was the only common
attribute and companies were referred to using
different names in different articles. We used
Yahoo Finance as a secondary source, and it
provided the company name, ticker symbol,
and three top officials for a given company.
As shown in figures 6 and 7, record linkage
Precision %
With Secondary Source
Without Secondary
Number of Training Examples
Figure 6. Business Domain Precision Results.
Recall %
With Secondary Source
Without Secondary
Number of Training Examples
Figure 7. Business Domain Recall Results.
using a secondary source achieves better precision and recall values as it is able to utilize person and company names in the linkage
process. It is worth noting that company articles may mention people other than the top
three officials, in which case our secondary
source is less useful.
Related Work
There has been significant work done on solving the record-linkage problem. We divided the
related work into three categories: (1) record
linkage (Bilenko and Mooney 2003; Doan et al.
2003; Hernández and Stolfo 1995; Jin, Li, and
Mehrotra 2003; Monge and Elkan 1996; Sarawagi and Bhamidipaty 2002; Tejada, Knoblock,
and Minton 2002), (2) record linkage for data
cleaning (Chaudhuri et al. 2003; Raman and
Hellerstein 2001), and (3) schema matching
(Dhamankar et al. 2004; Madhavan and Halevy
2003; Miller, Haas, and Hernandez 2000). We
describe the most closely related works in each
of the aforementioned areas next.
SPRING 2005 41
Research in the record-linkage area includes
research on entity matching (Doan et al. 2003;
Jin, Li, and Mehrotra 2003), object consolidation (Jin, Li, and Mehrotra 2003; Tejada,
Knoblock, and Minton 2002), and deduplication (Bilenko and Mooney 2003; Hernández
and Stolfo 1995; Monge and Elkan 1996;
Sarawagi and Bhamidipaty 2002). The problem
of entity matching is to determine whether two
given records refer to the same real-world entity. Object consolidation is defined as the process
of merging records from two data sets, such
that there is only one record per real-world entity. Record linkage is defined as a process of
linking two records based on a set of common
attributes. All systems utilize some form of textual similarity measures to determine whether
two records should be linked. However, none
of the systems incorporate the idea of utilizing
secondary sources to obtain relevant information and use this information to improve the
record-linkage process. Doan et al. (2003) describe a profiler-based approach to improving
entity matching. The key idea in the article is
to design profilers by mining large amounts of
data from different web sources, obtaining input from domain experts, or by examining previously matched entities. The profilers generate
rules that determine relationships between various attributes of entities; for example, someone with age 9 is not likely to have a salary of
$200,000. This idea is complementary to our
approach of utilizing secondary sources to provide additional attributes.
Record linkage has been used for data cleaning by linking records from an unclean dataset
to a data source that contains clean records.
Chaudhari et al. (2003) describe a fuzzy matching approach for data cleaning in online data
catalogs. The goal of their work is to determine
the closest records in the reference relation
with the given record from a relation containing erroneous records. This work relies on a reference relation to map records from a data
source containing inconsistencies or errors to a
clean data source. Such an approach is limited
by the availability of reference relations. The
Potter’s wheel system (Raman and Hellerstein
2001) provides a graphical user interface for
linking records across two data sources. Potter’s
wheel generates candidate matches between
records from two data sets and presents them
to the user. The user can then determine which
records are matches or nonmatches. In these
systems, Apollo could be utilized to provide additional information about the records, which
would assist the user in interactively labeling
the records in Potter’s wheel or provide additional information when cleaning records in
system developed by Chaudhari et al. (2003).
Identifying how one or more attributes of a
dataset are related to one or more attributes of
another dataset is often referred to as the
schema-mapping problem (Dhamankar et al.
2004; Madhavan and Halevy 2003; Miller,
Haas, and Hernandez 2000). This is quite different from the record-linkage problem addressed
in this article. However, data-integration or data-sharing applications may require modules to
solve both schema-mapping and record-linkage problems. The work done in this area could
be used in conjunction with the work presented in this article to create a robust and efficient
data-integration application.
Conclusion and Future Work
In this article, we presented our approach to utilizing secondary sources to improve the accuracy of record linkage. We showed how our Apollo record-linkage system discovers and utilizes
secondary sources. Our experimental evaluation, in two different real-world domains,
shows that Apollo reduces the number of labeled examples required as well as improving
the precision and recall values for each domain.
In the future we plan to address the issues associated with augmenting both primary data
sources with information from one-to-N mapping secondary sources. Furthermore, we are researching ways in which we can reduce the
number of queries sent to secondary sources,
since queries may be expensive or time consuming. Finally, even though the transformations used in Apollo are quite comprehensive,
they do not cover all possible sets of transformations. To address this problem, we are working on improving the field (attribute) level
matching process. This work applies specific
sets of transformations depending on the semantic types of different attributes and leads to
more accurate confidence measures for the given attributes.
This material is based upon work supported in
part by the National Science Foundation under
Award No. IIS-0324955, in part by the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA),
through the Department of the Interior, NBC,
Acquisition Services Division, under Contract
No. NBCHD030010, in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under grant numbers
F49620-01-1-0053 and FA9550-04-1-0105, in
part by the United States Air Force under contract number F49620-02-C-0103, and in part by
a gift from the Microsoft Corporation.
The U.S. government is authorized to repro-
duce and distribute the authors’ original reports for governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation thereon. The
views and conclusions contained herein are
those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official
policies or endorsements, either expressed or
implied, of any of the above organizations or
any person connected with them.
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SPRING 2005 43
AIED 2005 18 – 22 July 2005 Amsterdam The Netherlands
Supporting Learning through Intelligent and Socially Informed Technology
The 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2005) is the latest in a
longstanding series of biennial international conferences highlighting top quality research in the development of
advanced educational applications. The AIED field is committed to the belief that true progress in learning
technology requires combining advanced technology with advanced understanding of learners, learning, and the
context of learning. The conference thus provides opportunities for the cross-fertilization of information and
ideas from researchers in the many fields that make up this interdisciplinary research area, including: artificial
intelligence, other areas of computer science, cognitive science, education, learning sciences, educational
technology, psychology, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, and the many domain-specific areas
for which AIED systems have been designed and built.
Invited Speakers
Dan Schwartz Stanford University USA
Tanja Mitrovic University of Christchurch New Zealand
Justine Cassell NorthWestern University USA
Ton de Jong University of Twente the Netherlands
Interactivity and Learning
Constraint-based tutors: a success story
Learning with Virtual Peers
Scaffolding inquiry learning; How much
intelligence is needed and by whom?
Program Chairs
Chee-Kit Looi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (
Gord McCalla, University of Saskatchewan, Canada (
Web site
See for more details on Program and Registration
Sarawagi, S.; and Bhamidipaty, A. 2002. Interactive
Deduplication Using Active Learning. In Proceedings
of the Eighth ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Minning. New York: Association for Computing Machinery.
Tejada, S.; Knoblock, C. A.; and Minton, S. 2001.
Learning Object Identification Rules for Information
Integration. Information Systems 26(8): 607–633.
Tejada, S.; Knoblock, C. A.; and Minton, S. 2002. Learning Domain-Independent String Transformation
Weights for High Accuracy Object Identification. In
Proceedings of the Eighth ACM SIGKDD International
Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. New York: Association for Computing Machinery.
Thakkar, S.; Ambite, J. L.; and Knoblock, C. A. 2003.
A View Integration Approach to Dynamic Composition of Web Services. Paper presented at the 2003
ICAPS Workshop on Plan
ning for Web Services, Trento, Italy, 10 June.
Martin Michalowski is a doctoral
student in the Computer Science
Department at the University of
Southern California. His research
interests include information integration, record linkage, constraintbased integration, heuristic-based
planning, and machine learning.
He received his B.CompE. in computer engineering from the University of Minnesota in
2001 and M.S. in computer science from the University of Southern California in 2003. He can be reached
at; or
Craig A. Knoblock is a senior project leader at the Information Sciences Institute and a research associate professor in computer
science at the University of Southern California. His current research interests include information integration, automated
planning, machine learning, and
constraint reasoning and the application of these
techniques to geospatial and biological data integration. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from
Carnegie Mellon University. He is a member of AAAI
and ACM. He can be reached at or
Snehal Thakkar is a Ph.D. student
in computer science at the University of Southern California. His research interests include information integration, automatic web
service composition, and geographical information systems. He
received his MS in computer science from the University of Southern California. He can be reached at