URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Board Of Directors Meeting January 21, 1971 1. Adoption of Minutes 2. Project "OUTREACH" report - Charles Gantr, Director 3. Project "STAR" report - Nathah Nickerson, Director 4. Communications & introduction of new staff - Executive 5. Report, U. G. N. allocation for 1971 - President Pfeifer 6. Annual Meeting Discussion - Appointment of chairman & co-chairman 7. Report on Albina Insurance situation - Victor Levy 8. Report on Guild Mardi Gras Ball - Mrs. ha Hamilton, Vice-President 9. Board and Staff Institute - Board Discussion URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Board of Directors Meeting January 21, 1971 The regular icrtb1y Board meeting of the Portland Urban League was called to order at 7:45 p. m. by Ellis Casson, as Mr. Pfeifer was delayed. Minutes were approved as received. Members present were: Mrs. Mamie Bowles, Ellis Casson, RobEl± Dillard, Father Haley, Edward Hawes, William }'Iilliard, Troy Horton, James Lee, Dr. Alexander Levy, Victor Levy, Mrs. Conrad McConnell, James Manley, Carl Mays, Dr. Ross Paden, Eugene Pfeifer, James Ae Thompson, Don Vann, Mrs. Jeri Ward and Miss Helen Holconib. Mrs ha Hamilton represented the UL Gi1d. Staff was represented by Shelly Hill, Charles Ganter, Nathan Nickerson, Ronald Martin and June Hartley. Mr. Canter, Director of Project Outreach, reported that they had had a successful year and hopes, in 1971, to do a much more thorough job of "follow-up" and counceling with the apprentices. Mr. Nickerson, Director of Project STAR, announced their forthcoming first seminar on Poverty and mental retardation in the Terrace Room of the University of Portland on Friday, February 19th from 9:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m, Mr. Pfeifer took the chair and introduced Father Haley, making his first appearance as a board member. The Executive introduced Mr. Ronald Martin, newly, appointed Director of Economic Development and Employment. He also presented Miss Roberta Ando, U of 0 student, working with the Urban League for one term credit. Mr. Hill read a letter from Father James Norton, who resigned last fall when he moved to California; a telegram from Whitney Young, Jr. and his meeting with President Nixon and cabinet, discussing a partnership between the UL movement and Federal Government in service to Urban League cities across the nation. President Nixon directed the cabinet to proceed with specifics and report back to him in thirty (30) days; a memorandum from National and an hour-long special featuring Whitney Young, a documentary that tells it like the Urban League is and to be shown on Sunday, February 21st, 1971 at 3:00p.m. on KGW TV, channel 8; memorandum from national regarding STAR conference in New York on February 9th and 10th, to be attended by Mr. Nickerson ard the Executive and a memorandum from the Western Regional Office announcing the Urban Affairs Conference to be attended by the Executive, Mr. Brooks and possibly Mr. Chatman. Mr. Pfeifer will also attend, representing Pacific Northwest Bell in Portland, Mr. Sanford Maddox of Omark and Miss Alice Ruddi from the School of Nursing at Portland University. Mr. Pfeifer spoke briefly on the UGN situation regarding the Deputy Director's This year it is being paid by funding from National UL and the subsalary. sequent understanding is that UGN will pick it up next year. Victor Levy reported that the Insurance Committee had written several other League affiliates, asking them about their insurance problems. Mr. Casson said the NAACP was also looking into the insurance field and suggested a joint committee be formed to look into the matter and gather material. Mr. Hawes so moved and the motion passed. The President asked for a report from the committee at the next meeting. Mrs. ha Hamilton, vice-president of Guild, announced that tickets were available for $2.00 per person for their forthcoming MardI Gras Ball on February 20th at the River Queen. It is to be a costume ball and door prizes will be awarded. Members are urged to lend support. President Pfeifer asked for volunteers to chair the 1971 Annual Meeting. Receiving no offers he said he wanted to talk it over with several people before an appointment was made. Bill Hilliard suggested that the board give some consideration to a Board-Staff institute, possibly in the spring. He also cp!'. briefly on the school bond Issue. Mr. Troy Horton invited members to attend the Education Committee Meeting next Thursday at 7:00 p. m. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, L JecretarY TJRRA1 FAGTF OF PORTLANI) Board of Directors Meetinq February 18, 1.971 1. Adoption of minutes as presented 2. Communications and Discusstion - Executive 3. Report - Trainiria Conference in New York and STAR Symposium - Nathan Nickerson 4. Report - Outreach 5. Report 6. Report - Insurance Committee - Jim Thompson 7. Report - TV Committee - Herb Amerson 8. Report - Education Comidttee - Trov Horton 9. Report - Guild - Lonnetta Williams Field Office 10. Annual Meetiriq and proposed speakers ii. Nminating Committee URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING February 18, 1971 In the absence of President Pfeifer, the meeting was called to order by Vice President Herbert Amerson, Minutes were accepted as presented. Those in attendance were: Herbert Amerson, Mrs. Mamie Bowles, Thomas Current, Edward Hawes, Mrs. Gordon Hearn, William Hilliard, Troy Horton, James Lee, Jack Radow, James Thompson, Don Vann, Mrs. Jeri Ward and Mrs. Lonnetta Williams. Staff included the Executive, Nathan Nickerson, Charles Ganter and June Hartley. Guests were Miss Kate Barton, Coordinator for the United Farm Workers Organization on the Lettuce Boycott and two members of her committee. ( Director Charles Ganter, of Project OUTREACH, reported that it had been refunded and the contract extended. The project is moving ahead of schedule and the Department of Labor is happy with the progress. Mr. Hifliard asked if Black contractors need to be organized and if services of someone like Tyree Scott were needed. Mr. Ganter replied that Seattle had no OUTREACH project and the Seattle situation was an entirely different component. Nathan Nickerson, Director of Project STAR, reported that he, along with the Executive, had attended a conference in New York on February 9th and 10th. The Secretary of HEW had spoken and termed STAR as successful. STAR will hold its first seminar on Poverty and Mental Retardation at the University of Portland on Friday, February 19th from 9:00 a. m. to L:OO p. m. It is hoped this will be the first of several such seminars and Board Members are invited to attend.. Mr. Morris Grant, tiational Director will attend and Mr. David Kullowatz, Director, Oregon State Association for the Mentally Retarded, will be the discussion moderator. Members from the United Farm Workers Organization asked the board for endorsement to support the lettuce boycott by direct mailing, notices to the press, monetary and moral support. The Executive remarked that California had six Leagues and would be much more implicated than Portland and that we should contact the Regional office before making a commitment, and agreed to talk to Regional Director Henry Talbert at the forthcoming Urban Affairs Conference in San Francisco next week. The secretary was instructed to contact Mrs. Aithea Halvorson by letter and advise her of the boards decision. The Executive read an invitation from the Kelly Loe Award Committee to submit names for the award. The names of Dr. DeNorval Unthank and Philip Reynolds were suggested by Mr Hawes and Mr. Hilliard. Mr. Current moved that the board think of any possible additional candidates and either telephone them into the office or bring them to the next board meeting, but that the names of Mr. Unthank and Mr. Reynolds be submitted with pertinent background material. The secretary was so instructed. The Executive read Mr. James Brook's report on the field office. copy attached) (see PAGE 2/BN Mr. Jim Thompson, speaking as a member of the Insurance Committee, reported that they had as yet been unable to meet with the NAACP but would do so next Monday or Thursday. Mr. Tray Horton, Chairman of the Education Committee, read a letter, written by the committee, directed to Dr. Blanchard and the Board of Education, stating the stand taken in support of the School Bond Issue. Board members instructed Mr. Horton, Chairman of the Committee to send the letters as written. Mrs. Lonnetta Williams told members that the Guild Mardi Gras Ball ticket and ad sales were going well and urged the support of everyone. Mrs. Williams will leave for the National Guild Conference in Phoenix and said Portland plans to make a bid f or the conference in 1972. ( ( A discussion of speakers for the Annual Meeting was held and it was agreed to invite Mayor Carl Stokes of Cleveland, Mr. Arthur Fletcher, Assistant Secretary for Wage and Labor Standards in 1ashington, D. C., Mr. Wilson Riles, Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Mr. Hilliard felt that if we could not California and Mrs. Fred Harris. get some one well known it would be preferable to invite someone locally who would be a good drawing card. Mr. Amerson said the television committee had decided against a number of Urban League programs due to lack of time, money and personnel but that with cooperation from the media, shots of a number of UL activities would be put together in a composite program showing a number of the Leaguets activities, such as the STAR Symposium, Guild Ball, Mr. Hortonts classes at school or the Consumer Mobil unit. Members were reminded to hear Mr. lVhitney M. Young, Jr.ts program, narrated by Burl Ives on Sunday, February 21 at 3:00 p. m. on channel 8 (KGW-TV) Meeting adjourned. spectfully submitted, / ames M. Thompson, e cretary TO: / E. Shelton Hill. Director FROM: Executive SUBJECT: Monthly Report PERIOD COVERED: James O Brooks Field Office Director January 15, 1971 to February i:971 The bulk of the preceding month has been spent in getting organized and established in the field office0 Activities have included the following: SPEECHES ( Oregon State University Sunset High School. Wilson High School Ockley Green Shool MEETINGS ( Urban Affairs Committee - Salem Mayors Committee On Youth Model Cities & HUD U. S. Department of Agriculture Consumer Education - Portland Community College WN Selection Committee PROJECTS Consumer Education - On Friday, March 5, 1971, in cooperation with Portland Community College, the Urban League will sponsor a Consumer Education Mobile Classroom display at the Walnut Park Building parking lot. It will be open-from 3 - 7 with teachers from Portland Community College and hostesses from Urban League. p.m0 INSURANCE We testified at the recent Urban Afairs Committee of the Legislature in regard to the inequitable rates. The League through the Urban studies center of Portland State University are in the process of compiling data to support the position of inequitable insurance practices in Albina. ELDERLY Mrs. Smith and myself are attempting to put provide one hot ni*ritious meal a day to the together whereby we can elderly who cannot prepare meals for themsLv We are exploring the use of Surplus foods with the U. S. Depar-tment of Agriculture and the PorC1and Public Shcools. URBAN LEAGUE OF' PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS NEETINO March 18, 1971 AGENDA 1. Adoption of minutes 2. Report on Urban Affairs Conference & Western Regional Executive Conference in San Fmncisoo 3, Report on National ConI'erencé of Urban League Guilds in Arizona and Mardi Gras BaU - Lonnetta Williams 14. . 6. Report on Outreach Conference in Texas and possib'e ec" pansion of Outreach Program - Charles Gariter Oonumjrijcations - E Shelton Hill Annual Meeting/Memorial - Discussion ESH/Jh URBAN LEAGUE OF ?ORTLAND Board Of Dire ttós Meeting March 18, 197]. e regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President p. m., in the second floor conference room of' the Conmunity Service Building. Minutes were approved as mailed. iugene 'Pfeifer at 7;L Those present were Herbert Imerson, Ellis Casson, Edward Hawes,(Mrs. Gordon Hearn, William Hilliard, James Lee, Dr. Alexander Levy, Victor Levy, Eugene Pfeifer, Jack Radow, ev Roosevelt Rogers, James A. Thompson, C.. Don, Vann, and Mrs. Lonetta Williams. Mrs. 1VIargaet Greene, Co-Chairman of the Guild's Mardi Gras Ball, was a guest. The Executive spoke on the Urban Affairs Conference and Western Regional Affiliates Meeting in San Francisco, February 214 through the 27th. This meeting brought together representatives fron business and industry in the Western States., who work in or are concerned with Urban affjrs, Throui formal presentations, pane].a and workshops, attendees had an opportunity. to hear of some very creative programs being sponsored by companies in the nner city, Various minority group representatives told of business ventures they are directing and some ways which the larger business communities can support these efforts. Deputy Direotor James Each Brooks and Vernon Chatrnan, Director of Education and Youth Incentives, also attended evening, and all day Saturday, staff' from the Urban League western region met with staff from the National Urban League. This team of recource persons provided information about minority life and problems in the inner city; and some of the opportunities for business and industry in the area of housing, business enterprise, employment and training, health, welfare and education, Mr. Harold Sims, Deputy Executive Director from National, keynoted the conference at the opening luncheon, February 214th. Mrs. Lonnetta Williams introduced her guest, Mrs. Margaret Greene, CoChairman of the Mardi 'as Ball. The Ball was successful - both from a standpoint of en3oyment and finances. Mrs. ii1liams attended the regional conference of' Guilds in Phoenix, Arizona, where Mrs. Grace Danials of Phoeni,c, was elected Regional Guild Director. Portland was successful in their bid fr the 1972 conference and will play host to some fifty Guild delegates'. Charles Oanter, Director of Project tt0UTREACHT and co-director Robert Knudson attended a training conference in Dallas, Texas, March 8 through 11th, with the U. S. Department of Labor, A letter received from National office.,of LEAP stating that the League had hoped to place 1,000, but they have placed over 3,000 more than trippling their quota. To date we have placed 149 apprentices and nine have been accepted and are waiting to attend meetings, Out of fifteen cities, Portland haa been 'chosen to expand project operations - possibly open a sa-talite office in áome near by town £n the tn-county area where more direct work with chicano or Mexican Americans will be possible. There is a definite confirmation of 614,Ooo.0O additional money. Mr. Amerson inquired that if we opened another office in Woodburn or Forest Grove,, or wherever, would Chicanos be hired? Mr. Ganter replied, 'yes". The Executive read the autopsy report on'Vhitney Young, Jr., and Dr.' Levy clarified several po.nts. Mr. Young died of a cerebral hemorhage in Lagoes, Nigeria on March 11th, 1971., Mr. Hill read Various letters of condolences ai others were passed among the members for readi ng A discussion was held on whether to hold a Memorial Program or an Annual Meeting, It was decided that it would be necessary to hold both, Mr. Don Vann agreed to accept apppintment of the 1ihitney Young Memorial Program. eting adjourned. ,Re pectful]j sujmitted, Jes URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING April 15, 1971 AGBNDA L. Adoption of minutes as mailed 2. Communications - Executive 3. Election of Delegate to National Urban League Deroit, Michigan July 25-28 Conference 4. Report of Annual Meeting Committee - Herbert Amerson 5. Report of Nominating Committee - Jim Thompson 6. Project STAR Drug Seminar - Executive 7. Report Urban League Guild - Mrs. L,onnetta Williams 8. Explanation outreach expansion - Executive 9. Report Education Committee - Troy Horton URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Board of Directors Meeting April 15, 1971 President Eugene Pfeifer called the regular monthly meeting to order in Room 217 of the'Community Service Center at 7:45 p.m. Minutes of the March 18th meeting were approved as mailed. Attending were: Herbert Amerson, Mrs. Mamie Bowles, Thomas Current, Alfred Gleason, Father Haley, William Hilliard, Troy Horton, James Lee, Dr. Alexander Levy, Mrs. Faye Lyday, Mrs. Conrad McConnell, Michael Park, Eugene Pfeifer, Mrs. Ulysses Plummer, James Thompson, Mrs. Jeri Ward and staff was represented by the Executive and June Hartley. The Executive read a memorandum from the Western Regional Director, Henry Talbert, regarding a proposed regional tour, visiting the 12 offices in the Western Region. Principal participants would be the executives or perhaps an additional key staffer if finances could be worked out. Such communication would be helpful in the exchanging of ideas, gaining a feeling of unity and development of inter-affiliate contacts that would be mutually helpful. The board unanimously elected Herb Amerson as Delegate to the National Assembly and Al Gleason as alternate, which will meet in Detroit in July 24-28, 1971. Mr. Amerson reported that all plans were complete for the Annual Meeting, April 23rd, at the Lloyd Center Auditorium. Mr. Carl Mays of the US. National Bank, will host a luncheon for Mr. Sims and 15 business men. It was suggested that the names of John Wilson and Earl Kirkland be included to represent labor. Eddie Hawes reminded the board that the Benson Hotel, site of the luncheon, was non-union, but agreed to contact them. Mr. Jim Thompson reported that a number of excellent candidates names to 1111 Board vacancies had been suggested and were being contacted to allow their names It was moved and agreed that the committee be allowed to appear on the ballot. to select from these names. It was recommended that all Board officers,eligible be reelected and it was so voted. The Executive announced that Outreach had been granted an additional $58,573.00 budget for expansion, with an additional office in Forest Grove. A recruiter! counselor, journeyman recruiter and secretary would be employed. Staff is to contain some Chicanos or Indians. This project has the support of the Building & Construction Trades, Associated General Contractors and National Electrical Contractors Association. To date, 54 apprentices are indentured, with a total goal of 60. Project Star is featuring a special program tonight in the Walnut Park Building on Drug Addiction, cause and effect. There was no Guild Report. Mr. Troy Horton, chairman of the education committee, spoke briefly on an outline for an Urban League Scholarship. It was agreed that he write a proposal and present it to the board for further study. Meeting adjourned. sectful1ubmi tted, //J -e4 es Thompson, Jr. Sec etary URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING May 20, 1971 AGENDA 1. Adoption of minutes as mailed 2, Introduction of new members - President Pfeifer 3. Communications - Executive Director 4. UGN Budget Panel Visit - June 3rd, 1:00 to 2:15 p.m. President Pfeifer 5. National UL Conference - Detroit July 24/28th - Don Vann 6. Safari - June 18/19th - Vernon V. Chatman 7. Terms of Affiliation 8. Project "STAR" Drug Program Report - Executive 9. Feasibility of Board-Staff Institute - Discussion, dates, etc - the Executive Herbert Amerson 10. Filling the Vacancy of National Director - Search Cornmitten, etc. - the Executive 11. Introduction of new Guild President - Mrs. Margaret Greene 12, Evaluation of Annual Meeting - Discussion of how to improve it, URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Board of Directors Meeting May 20, 1971 President Eugene Pfeifer called the regular meeting to order in Room 217 of the Community Service Center at 7:50 p.m. Minutes of the April meeting were approved as mailed. Attending were: Herbert Amerson, Mrs. Marnie Bowles, Ellis Casson, Paul Cook, Gerard Drummorid, Guy Frazier, Eddie Hawes, William Hilliard, Troy Horton, Victor Levy, Jim Manley, John Mills, Eugene Pfeifer, Carlos Rivera, Mrs. Betty Schedeen, Jim Thompson, Don Vann, Geri Ward, and Mrs. Lonnetta Williams. Staff was represented by the Executive, Nathan Nickerson, Vernon Chatman and June Hartley. Six new Board members were present and President Pfeifer asked that each member introduce himself. The Executive read correspondence from the United States National Bank Trust Department stating that they had decided to repeat last year's grant of $1500.00 from the Jackson Foundation to aid Project Outreach in procuring a tutor recruiter, but that it was extremely unlikely this would be repeated in the future, since it was the practice of the trustees to spread the benefits of the Jackson Foundation throughout the community. A memorandum from National, written by Acting Executive Director, Harold R. Sims, stated that the only memorial fund recognized by the NUL is the Whitney M. Young, Jr. Memorial Fund of the National Urban League and his name was not to be used in any fund raising drives. Mr. Hill read a memorandum from United GoodNeighbors advising the League that the budget panel would meet with the League to discuss our spring budget on June 3rd. Don Vann spoke briefly on the forthcoming National UL Conference in Detroit, Michigan, July 24/28. He urged all possible to attend and to make early reservations. Vernon Chatman, Director of Education, announced a "Safari to Understanding" seminar to be held at the University of Portland, June 18 and 19. Mrs. Mary Miller, Education Specialist from the Western Regional Office will participate. The purpose of the seminar is to broaden the racial understanding of teachers, counselors, etc., who are dealing with young people, especially minority groups. Minutes 5/20/71 Board Meeting Page - 2 - Project Star reported their special program on 'The Cause and Effects of Drug Addiction'.t had been well received and attended. Art Savage, Director of the YMCA Drug Alert Program, was guest speaker. After discussion, it wasmoved and passed to replace the regular June board meeting with a Board/Staff Institute, June. 25th, at the University of Pöxtland, with Henry Talbert, WesternRegional Director, conducting. This is to enable new board and staff members to become better acquainted with the functions of. the League. The Executive read a t1egam from Louis Martin, Chairman of the NUL Search Committee, asking for suggestions of an individual to fill the post of NEiL Ecutive Director. A number of names were discussed - Sterling.Tucker, Joe Allen, Henry Talbert, Harold Sims and Carl Stokes, aluonq others. After discussion, it was moved and passed to send no definite recommendations. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, 7/ / 7/James Thompson, Jr. / Secretary WIi UAf LEAGUE OF PORTLAND 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER OFFICERS Eugene L. Pfeifer President Herbert 1. Amerson FIELD OFFICE 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 Vice President Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer James Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large 14 B 14 0 R A N D U 14 DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn William Hilliard To: All Urban From: Eugene Re: May 20th Board of Director's Meeting League Board Members L Pfeifer, President Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex.Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman This is a very important meeting. There are a number of factors which neec the deliberation and counsel of the Board, some of which are: The proposed new Urban League terms of affiliation; Selection of a 1971 Budget Committee; the National Urban League Conference in Detroit, July 24-28 and filling the vacancy of the National Urban League's Executive Director position. This meeting will be held on Thursday, May 20th, at 7:45 p.xn, in the 2nd floor conference room, (room 217) of the Community Service Building, 718 West Burnside Street Free parking available at the Chevron Station across the Street. Please call the Urban League office (224.0151) and let us know if you can attend this important meeting. Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma 1. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS l9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS 288-6361 287-4181 iii: I'I1flt g f Ieiuj 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Eugene L. Pfeifer President 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR Herbert 1. Amerson sI 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 1.1 ;b 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 N. . UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 287-4181 Vice President Thomas Current Vice President June 10, 1971 Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer James Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward 4ORANIU1 Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large Fellow Board 1embers Urban League of Portland To: DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Gsy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Ream William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. 1. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex-Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and From: Eugene L. Pfeifer President You will recall. that at our last board meeting on Nay 20th, the board voted unanimously to hold a Board-Staff Training Institute on Friday, June 25th. The reAsoning was, t!at since our last Training Institue, we have added many new board members and staff who have not had the opportunity of Urban League orientation. The board further agreed to invite Henry Talbert,. Director Of the Western Regional Office of the National Urban -League in Los Angeles, to conduct the training and orientation. The Executive was instructed to make the necessary arrangements and we set the date for June 25th. Plans are now completed and the session will be held from 9:30 a.rn. to 4:30 p.m, in room 206 of the Science Hall Building at the University of Portland, 5000 North Willainette Boulevard. A no-host luncheon will be held in the Commons (cafeteria style, $1.10). -We are enclosing a map of the campus. There is free parking in the parking area or cars may be parked wherever space is available. We trust that everyone will be able to attend for the day or at least a portion of the day. Please mark June 25th on your calendar and return the enclosed postal card so that we will know how many preparations are to be made. Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma L. Johnson Field Office Manager ELP/h end: PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS B WL4JhIt UB L!AGUE OF PORTLA 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Eugene L. Pfeifer President 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR Herbert 1. Amerson 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 N. P. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 287-4181 Vice President Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer James Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large DIRECTORS All Urban League Staff To: From: Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex-Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director Director of Community Services E. Shelton Hill Executive Director At the Hay 20th meeting of the Urban League board of irectors it was voted unanimously to hold a Board.Staff Traini Inst.tute on Friday, June 25th The reason being that, since ou last Traininçy Institute, we have added znny new employees acI board members who have not had the opportunity of Urban eaue orientation. The oard further agreed tó'invite Henry 4, LLert, Director of the Western Regional Office of the Nation Urban League, to conduct the training work day. flours are 9:30 a.j t 4:30 p. m., in room 206 of the Science Hall Buildpg of the University of Portland, 5000 N. Willamette Boulevard,' A map o the campus is enclosed. A no-host luncheór wil. e held in the Commons (cafeteria style, $1.10). There is free parking. in the parking area or cars may be parked wherever space availAble. offices will please p.ace this sign on your coor "This office will be closed all day Friday, June 25th, so that staff may attend the Urban League Training Institute at the' University of Portland". All pojéct and field Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership ESH:jch Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma L. Johnson Field Office Manager end: PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS 19 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLA.N]) BOARD OF DIR1CTORS 1971 - 1972 Rcvised 6/11/71 OFFICERS Eugene L Pfeifer - President Thomas Current - Vice President Herbert L. Amerson - Vice President Mrs. Geri Ward Mr. Ellis Casson Amerson, Herbert L. Alfred M. Gleason - Treasurer James Thompson, Jr. - Secretary - Member at Large Member at Large 226-8):6 28)4-(2 1900 S. 1W. )4th Avenue, 01 (w) Rm.3l8 2606 N. E. 9th Avenue, 12 (h)* Bowles, Mrs. Mamie Bruner, Mrs. Constance Casson, Ellis Cook, Paul Current, Thomas 13)43 N. E. 9th Avenue, 32 (w)* L1066 N. Gantenbein Avenue, 27 (h) 287-1239 1220 S. 1W. Broadway,OS, 1/720, (w) 226-72,t. 236 N. E. 7th Avenue, 12 (h)* 28)4-1t791 222 S. 1W. Morrison, 0)4 (w)* 70)4 N. E. Simpson, 11 (h) 282-3)489 ext.1,31 226-3361 282-)4019 1st Ntl, Bank, P.O. Box 3131, 08, (w)* 6918 N. E. 22nd Avenue, 11, (h) 22-263 326 American Bank Bldg., 05 (w)* 808 N. E. 113th Ave., 20 (h) 226-3361 287-CZ63 ext.1858 25)4-7i>... Dillard, Robert (call before 9:30 a. m.) Main Post Office 10116 N. E. Thompson, 20 (h)* 226-31 Drummond, Gerard K. 1)400 Public Service Bldg., o)4 (w)* 22)4-32'0 Rte. 1, Box 525A, West Linn, Ore., (h) 638-59)4 Fraier, Guy Texts,Inc.,P00.Box50O, Beaverton, 97005 7855 S. 1W. Ruby -Terra 252-2282 (w)* 6)4)4_0161 ,-l9(h) 2)46-6331 Gleason, Alfred M. 920 S. 1W. 6th Avenue, 0)4 (w)* ext. 717 17351 S. 1W. Canyon Dr.,Lake Oswego,9703)4 226-7)411 636-13)40 Haley, Father (C. S. C.) U of P, 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., 03 * 286-7367 Hawes, Edward 1)400 S. W. 5th Avenue, 01 (w)* 6)41 S. E. Peacock Lane, 1)4 (h) 229-5720 Hearn, Mrs. Gordon 33)40 S. 1W. Fairmount Blvd., 01 (h)* 228-293)4 Henderson, Rev. A. Lee 5828 N. E, 8th Avenue, 11, (w)* 2737 N. E. 10th Avenue, 11, (h) 288-529 232-83 282-0067 UL. Beard List 6/71 Hilliard, William 1320 S. L Broadway, 01 (w)* 2315 N. L Aspen, 10 (h) iforton, Troy 1151 6. W. Vermont, 19 (w) 1226 3. W. Cheltenharn, 01 (h)* 2146-3311 2146-2258 Lee, 609 N. B. Simpson, 11 (h)* 287r61425 11400 5. W. 5th Avenue, 01 (w)* 229-5902 292-0521 James Levy, Victor city desk 8900S. W. Caroline Drive, 25 (h) Irday, Mrs. Faye 5329 N. B. Union Avenue, ii (w)* 14057 N. B. 7th Avenue, 12 (h) McConnell, Mrs. Conrad 36140 N. Winchell, 17 (h)* Crestview Conve.lescent Home 6530 N. B. 30th (*do not call here) Manley, James 201 S. W. Arthur, 01, #3114, (w)* 226-2121 222-2057 288-8261 282-11418 289-7976 21th-7533 227-01466 141409 N. B 86th Avenue, 20, (h) 253-6669 Mills, John A. U. S. Ntl. Bank P. 0. Box 225-6111 Pfeifer, Eugene L. 1421 5.. W Oak, rm. 606, 014 (w)* 2626 S. W. Park Rd., Lakø Osweco, 970314 Radow, Jack Lipman & Wolfe, P. 0. Box 8o13,,O7:(w)ext22/ 228-8111 920 S. 1J, Atwater Rd.,Lake Oswego,970314 636-6551 Tevera, Caries Schedeen, Mrs. Betty Thompson, James A., Jr., Vann, C. Don 141412, 08, (w)* U. S. Dep't of HUD 520 5. W. 6th, 014 (SEND MAIL TO: P.O. Box O6305,06*3*(w)* 3723 S. B. 142nd Street, (h) 23214 S. B. 122nd Street, 33, (w)* 1612 W. Division, Gresham,Ore., 97030 226-5162 636-5155 226-3361 ext. 27142 775-0853 255-1790 665-14730 103 N. Ivy, 27, (P.O,}3ox 12165,07r,(w)* 111 S. W. Harrison Street,#114D,Ol (h) 223-9807 5211 N. Uilliains Avenue, 17, (w)* 2814-2210 287-11114 281-2836 Ward, Mrs. Geri GUILD MEMBER Mrs. Margaret Greene EX-OFFICIO MEMBER Miss Helen Holcomb YOUTH COMMUNITY MEMBER TBA 721 S. W. Broadway, 05 (w' 6225 N. B. 142nd Avenue, 18 (h)* 228-81422 2923 N. B. 8th Avenue, 12, (h)* 287-3519 61408 N. B. 14th Plain Blvd., Vanc.,Wn.,(h)* Peter Ogden Elementary School, (w) 98661 695-5181 281-5029 693-82814 June, July and August T4eetings were omitted during 1971, In June, a board/staff institute was held at the Univer sity of Portland, with Regional Director Henry Talbert in attendance, P2SERVATIONFORROOM2T7 Sept 1.6 Sept 23 Oct 21 Oct 28 Nov 18 Nov ? Deco -I r Li Dec. ? Jan 20 Jan 27 Feb 17 Feb 24 March 1.6 March 23 April 20 April 27 May 18 May 25 BOARDOF DIRECTORS MEETING Thursday, September 16, 1971 AGENDA President Eugene L. Pfeifer, presiding. 1. Call to order - 2. Adoption of Minutes 3. Communications 4 Report from. 5. Discussion of 6o Report of Executive Director 7. Appointment of Committees - 8 Report - UGN Campaign Budget - Herbert Amerson 9. Special Projects Executive delegates to U. L. National Conference Herbert Amerson and C. Don Vann new Terms of Affiliation - Board President Pfeifer URBAN LEAGUE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Thursday, September 16th, 1971 Vice President 1erbert Amerson called the meeting to order in Room 217 of the Cotamunity Service Center Building at 7:45 p.m. Minutes o:f the June meeting were approved as mailed. Attending were: Herb Amerson, Mamie Bowles, Paul Cook, Tom Current, Gerard Drumxnond, Guy Frazier, Alfred Gleason, Father Haley, Edward Hawes, Evelyn Hearn, Bill Hilliard, Troy Horton, Jim Lee, Victor Levy, Geraldine McConnell, Jim Manley, Betty Schedeen, Jim Thompson, Don i/ann, Geri Ward and Helen HolStaff ways represented by the Executive and June Hartley. comb. The ,xecutive read memorandums from National on Survival Fund, National Con- ference in Detroit, Tribute Concert (Sept. 12th) in New orko the Labe Whitney Young, sr., and election of 12 new trustees. Correspondence from Regional covered the Commerce and Industry Council the the proposed Western Regional Tour. Radio Station ICISM advised us they would use the UL James B4own public service spot and would also forwa4d it toother stations who could put it to good use. Don Vann, Delegate at Large, and Herb Amerson, Delegate, spoke briefly on the National Conference in Detroit and noted that next yearts meeting will be 1eld in St. Louis, Missouri. Executive stressed the need for active committees of Committee Co-Chairmen to each member present. and distributód lists Our UGN Fall Budget Conference will be held from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. on December 2nd, Ourbudget is in preparation and due on October 15th for UGN review. A discussion on "f air share" giving to UGN onsued Chairman Amersori asked for suggestions as to what the board should'be doing. Mr. Hawes cited questionable schemes involving Black persons, among which were magazine sales to earn Scholarships and investment in Cosco Cosmetics. Tom Current advised the board of an Economic Deve1opent Proposal, made on behalf of the City, which would be of value to the Economic Development Committee. Bill Hilliard asked if the League had been contacted on the Cheryl James case. The Research Committee agreed to look into the matter and report back to the board Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respetfully submitted JT;jh James Thompson, Jr. Secretary (I\ jiiii ; :7 :qIeiuI 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Eugene L. Pfeifer President 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR Herbert L. Amerson 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. w_1I I'] .i PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 5329 N, E. UNION 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 287-4181 Vice President Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M. Gleason MEMORANDUM Treasurer James Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large To: All Urban League Board Members From: Eugene L. Pfeifer, President of the Board Re: September 16th Board of Directors Meeting Date: September 16, 1971 at 7:45 p.m. DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex-Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E. Shelton Hill I trust that all of you have had a very pleasant summer and had the opportunity for an enjoyable vacation. However, the Urban League was very busy during the summer. More busy, perhaps, than during some ofthe winter months. It is now time that we do some definite planning for th coming months. There are several important decisions tc be made by the Board. Our delegate will report on the National Confe rence in Detroit discussion of new terms of affiliation - appointment of committees among other maters. Executive Director Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development end Employment Please let us know via the enclosed postal card if you plan to attend. I hope you will be available for this very important meeting. Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma L. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert 0. Knudson Co-Director ELF / j h PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS lg end WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS URBAN LEAGUE BOARD OF DIRECTORS October 21, 1971 President Eugene Pfeifer called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. in the second floor conference room of the Community Service Building. Minutes were approved as mailed, In attendance were: Herbert Amerson, Mrs. Mamie Bowles, Paul Cook, Rob ert Dillard, Gerard Drummond, Guy Frazier, Father Haley, Mrs. Gordon Hearn, Rev. Lee Henderson, William Hilliard, Troy Horton,Jim Lee, Mrs. Conrad McConnell, Eugene Pfeifer, Jack Radow, Jim Thompson, Mrs. Geri Ward and Miss Helen Holcomb, Staff was represented by the Executive, Jim Brooks and June Hartley. The Executive requested authorization to attend a Western Regional Con ference in Riverside, California on October 27,28,29 and 30th, Authorization was granted by a unanimous vote, Mr. Hill reported that the Annual UGN Agreement had been signed and read a notice from UGN that our Fall Budget Panel Conference would be 9:30 to 10:30 a,m, on Thursday, December 2nd, Troy Horton reported that the Education Committee had come to a stand' still with the Portland Scholarship & Aid Fund project due to UGN limitations and School Board limitations, Mr. Schneider of the School Board is scheduled to meet with the committee next Thursday. Father Haley, on the Directory Committee of the Education Committee, said letters were being prepared to go to the Deans of Oregon Colleges, and Presidents of Black Student Unions, along with questionaires. He said the committee had ddcided to issue the first directory for Black Students alone and a second copy for other minority groups. This was questioned by the board and the President suggested the committee get a better idea of the numbers of other minority groups before they were excluded from the first directory. Financing was discussed and Father Haley asked help in contacting printers, binders, etc., for donations, James Brooks spoke on the National Urban League Comprehensive Housing Foundation and said that money would be available to Portland by going through the proper proposal channels, The need is very real for low cost housing but monies are being held up in Washington. Monies are being allocated for Urban Renewal projects but very little for low interest new homes, The board expressed interest and Mr. Brooks agreed to gather further information and ask Mr. Glenn Claytor, Director of the National Urban League Housing Foundation, to speak before the board when he visits the West Coast in December, Gerard Drummond reported on his findings on the Cheryl James case, how funds currently being solicited are to be used and agreed to consult her attorney, Nick Chaivoe, further about the funds, President Pfeifer announced that we were not as yet in a position to take a stand on the case, Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Bill Hilliard announced that the Annual Report would be ready for distribution shortly after the first of the year, In the absence of Guild President, Margaret Greene, the Executive invited members to attend the forthcoming Urban League Guild Friend ship Tea on Sunday, October 31st at St. Philip's Episcopal Church from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, James A, Thompson, Jr. Sec retary JAT: jh &WFI'i 1 :7t g 1 xciII 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER OFFICERS Eugene 1. Pfeifer President Herbert 1. Amerson FIELD OFFICE 1.1 I d WI-iIJ 718 WEST BURNSIDE 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR .1 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 N. P. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 288-6361 287-4181 Vice President Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M, Gleason Treasurer James Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large MEMORANDUM Ellis Casson Member at Large DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn William Hilliard Troy Horton To the Board of Directors From Eugene U. pfeifer, President Re: Board Meeting, October 21, 1971 Room 217, Community Service Building 7:45 p.m. James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex-Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E. Shelton Hill Executive Director Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman At our last meeting we stressed the importance of active committees and circulated lists of committees please come prepared to inform and co-.chairmen. the board of any ideas, suggestions, etc., which you may have regarding your participation. Our budget is being presented to United Good Neighbors The success of this campaign is vital to each today. and every one of us. Members are invited to bring forth any suggestions, ideas, etc., which would enable the League to do a more positive job in participation. please let us know that you will attend - Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director 224-0151 Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma 1. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS I9 WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS BOA1D OF DIRECTORS MEETING Thursday, November 18, 1971 AGENDA 1. Call to order - President Eugene L. Pfeifer presiding. 2. Adoption of minutes as mailed 3. Communications - 4. Appointment Budget 5. Report - Whitney Young Scholarship Fund Executive and Mrs. Conrad McConnell, President of Link Inc. 6. Report - Housing Committee - James Brooks 7. Announcement - December 8. Report - "Whose Available" - 9. Program Committee - C Executive Presentation Committee - President Pfeifer Set date for meeting of the Committee Board Meeting Executive Father Haley Don Vann and Eddie Haes 10. Report - Community Organization Workshop 11. Report - Guild - Margaret 12. Adjournment Greene, President URBAN LEAGUE BOARD MEETING November 19, 1971 The Executive asked for a Budget Committee meeting, prior to our hear mg with UGN on December 2nd, He stressed the importance of receiving additional funds from UGN to prevent a professional staff person being pulled from the field office, where it is needed most, as National UL funds will not he available to support the director of the field office in 1972. Father Haley reported that the Education sub.committee had elected to list only Black students in its first printing and include other minor ities in subsequent issues, ( The Executive read a letter from Links, offering money as a scho1ar ship fund in the name of Whitney Young, Jr., at Portland State tJniver Mrs. Conrad McConnell, past president of sity School of Social Work, Links explained that every other year the Links hald an "EBONY FASHION One year they presented the FAIR" to raise funds for worthy causes, Mr. Hill read a National Urban League with a check for $100,000.00, letter from Gordon Hearn, Dean of the School of Social Work, advising the guidelines for setting up such a fund. The Fair will be held Sun day, December 12th, at the Thunderboard Motel (Jantzen) at 7:00 p.m. with a no.host cockatil hour preceeding. Tickets are $6.00 and $8.00 and include a 1 year's subscription to Ebony Magazine or six months of Jet Magazine. Members were urged to support this event. It was moved and passed to change the meeting date of our December Board meeting to December 14th, when Bill Ross, of the NUL Housing Foun dation will be in town. Mr. Brooks said he had spoken with a member of B'nai B'rith and Standard Insurance and they had money available for such a housing venture, with HUD's 100% mortage guarantee. It is hoped we have a good attendance to hear Mr. Ross, dite the switch in dates, Margaret Greene said the Guild had begun its new year in September, with 12 new members, They had a successful project with a drawing to raise money for the Portland Scholarship & Aid fund and had planned to furnish Xmas Stockings for the needy, ( Mr. Revera asked if the League had taken a stand on the Rehnquist appoint ment to the Supreme Court, The Executive explained our status as a non profit organization and our inability to take such a stand, Mr Hawes urged members to write as anindividual, and express an opinion. Board of Directors 11/19/7 1 Mr. Hawes, as cochairman of the Program Committee, said an invita tion had been sent to Mr. Vernon Jordan, Executive DirectorDesig nate of the National Urban League to be our Annual Meeting Speaker in April of 1972, Should Mr. Jordan be unable to accept, the com mittee was considering the name of Sammy Davis, Jr. no show, just a straight speech and dinner type meeting, possibly at the Hilton Bali room. Mr. Hawes also spoke briefly on our television panel show and said he felt it had helped the Urban League image in making many more people aware of Equal Opportunity Day and the activities of the Urban League, 'i'he meeting was adjourned, Res ectfully submitted, / >J'ames Thompson, Jr / L/Sec ret a r y ( g. i 4cjUJ ui I 404 COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER OFFICERS Eugene 1. Pfeifer President Herbert 1. Amerson FIELD OFFICE 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. Z.I I gwii sJ PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 224-0151 PORTLAND, OREGON 9721) 288-6517 N. E. UNION 5329 N. E. UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 972)1 288-6361 287-418) Vice President Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer James Thompson, Jr. MEMORANDUM Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowles Dr. Websfer Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paders Michael J, Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plumrner Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetla Williams Ex.Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF P. Shelton Hill Executive Director Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary To: All Urban League Board Members From: Eugene U. Pfeifer, President Re: November 1B, 1971 Board Meeting Thursday, November 18th Our next Board Meeting will be Community Service Build7:45 p.m., in room 217 of the available at the ing, 718 West Burnside. Parking is street. Chevron Station directly across the instructed James At our October meeting, the board the feasiBrooks to obtain additional informal.ion onof a comprebility of the Urban League's deveipment Booklets have been secured hensive housing program. to our December for each board member to study prior to have Tt was also the wish to the board meeting. National Urban Leac Mr. Glenn Clavtor, Director of the and explain the Housing Foundation appear before us Normally hoard meetings are held on proqram further, due to the Christthe 3rd Thursday of each month hut appearance on the Wesi mas holidays, and Mr. Claytor's moved up to TuesCoast, our December meeting has been Please place as usual. day, December 14th, time and mark this change on your calendar. will he mad Selection for the UGN Budget Presentation report on the Rive for the December 2nd meeting and a given. side Emergency Conference will he I urge al.l members to attend. Mrs. Joyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrt. Thelma 1. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director Charles E. PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE ThE TOTAL COMMUNI IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS K 404 COMMUNITY K FIELD OFFICE OFFICERS Eugene L. Pfeifer President PROJECT STAR 718 WEST BURNSIDE SERVICE CENTER 5329 N. F. UNION 208 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PROJECT OUTREACH 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK P©LTLAD O LIGU T1E UU BLDG. PORTLAND, OREGON PORTLAND, OREGON 224-0151 97211 288-6517 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 N. E. UNION 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 Herbert 1. Amerson Vice President Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer tVIEMORANDI IM James Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large To: of Directors Members of the Board President From: Euene L. Pfei.fer, DIRECTORS Mrs. Mamie Bowle Dr. Webster Brown Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Flearn Date: November 22, 1971 Re: December Board Meetincf William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell James Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr. T. Ross Paden Michael J. Park Mrs. Ulysses G. Plurnmer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C. Don Vann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex.Officio Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF F. Shelton Hill meetina, of which we Our December 4th Board communication, has advised you in an eartier December I3th, in room been changed to Monday, Building, 718 West Service Community 217 of the Burnside at 7:45 p.m. the fact that Mr. Ross, This change is due to Urban League Housing Director of the National Portland on December 13th Foundation will he in only. your calendar. P!ease put this change on Executive Director Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. .Ioyce Jeannis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma L. Johnson Field Office Manager PROJECT OUTREACH Charles E. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN TI-IF AREA OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS 288-6361 287-4181 (E\ U1AN 404 COMMUNITY OFFICERS Eugene 1. Pfeifer President Herbert 1. Amerson LTU SERVICE CENTER 209 WALNUT PARK BLDG. FIELD OFFICE PROJECT OUTREACH PROJECT STAR OF PORTLt1D 718 WEST BURNSIDE 5329 N. E. UNION 204 WALNUT PARK BLDG. 202 WALNUT PARK BLDG. PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 5329 N. E. UNION 5329 N. E UNION PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 224-0151 288.6517 2884361 287-4181 Vice PresIdent Thomas Current Vice President Alfred M. Gleason Treasurer James Thompson, Jr. Secretary Mrs. Geri Ward Member at Large Ellis Casson Member at Large DIRECTORS Mrs.MamieBowles Dr. Webster Brown MEMORANDUM To: of Directors Members of the Board From: Eugene U. Pfeifer, President Date: December 8, 1971 Re: December 13th Board Meeting Mrs. Constance Bruner Robert Dillard Dr. George Guy Edward Hawes Father Joseph Haley, C. S. C. Mrs. Gordon Hearn William Hilliard Troy Horton James Lee Dr. Alexander Levy Victor Levy Mrs. Faye Lyday Mrs. Conrad McConnell Jamen Manley Carl W. Mayes, Jr. Dr.T.RossPaden Michael J. Park 'Ars,UlyssesG.Plummer Jack Radow Rev. Roosevelt Rogers C.DonVann Mrs. Lonnetta Williams Ex-Officlo Member Miss Helen Holcomb Youth Community Delegate Jerry Marshall STAFF E.SheltonHill Executive Director Director of Community Services Director of Economic Development and Employment Vernon V. Chatman Director of Education and Youth Incentives Mrs. Gertrude M. Rae Program Assistant Mrs. June C. Hartley Bookkeeper and Secretary to Executive Director Membership Secretary Mrs. Joyce Jeennis Secretary and Receptionist Mrs. Thelma L. Johnson Field Office Manager he held on this cornOur December meeting will 13th, 7:45 p.m., in ing Monday evening, December Building, 718 room 217 of the Community Service is available Courtesy parking West Burnside. in the Chevron parkdirectly across the street ing lot National Urban League Mr. Ross, Director of the speak to us and answer Housing P'oundation, will housing project, which you questions regarding a may have. report on the Annual MeetThere will be a brief Vernon Jordan, Execing and the availability of Urban League, as utive Director of the National our speaker. of the year and we This will be our last meeting turnout. are hoping for a good PROJECT OUTREACH Charles S. Ganter Director Robert G. Knudson Co-Director PROJECT STAR Nathan W. Nickerson Director MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE UNITED GOOD NEIGHBORS WORKING TO IMPROVE THE TOTAL COMMUNITY IN THE AREA OF INTERGROUP RELAT1ONS URBAN LEAGUE BOARD MEETING December 13, 1971 in room meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. , called the President Ffeifer Minutes were approved as mailBuilding. Community Service Alfred 217 of the Ellis Casson, Gerard Drummond, attendance were: Members in Levy, Faye Lyday, ed, Horton,1 James Lee, Victor Hawes, Troy Schedeen, Gleason, Edward Mills,/Eugene Pfeifer, Mrs. Betty McConnell, John and Miss Helen HolMrs. Conrad Ward, Mrs. Margaret GreeneBrooks and June' Hartlei Mrs. Geri James Thompson, Executive, Jim and also pres Staff was represented by the comb. architectural students as guests invited two Director of HUD, and Mr. Jim Thompson Dawson, Regional speakers Russ Development ent were guest Vice-President of the NUL Housing William A. Ross, Executive Foundation, on Dawson, who spoke for thirty'rninutes introduced Mr. need of qualiThe Executive field, money available and thereplace the run HUD's role in the housing 26 million new units, to is a dual real fied applicants and a goal of George Romney as stating, "There where, to down units. He quoted he able to tell a man what, or should proNo one should estate market. hut someone the builder and seller The FHA protects buy". tect the buyer. of. assiswho explained the NUL program introduced Mr. Ross, deal had Mr. Brooks expressed interest but a firm affiliates had He said 45 tance, He suggested an affiliate, eighteen affiliates. need, with only been signed foundation, evaluate the housing proposal to the NUL interested in a the market and call upon the to evaluate the committee do set up a housing committee Mr. John Mills suggested and an outline. It was so for guidance recommendations to the hoard, back with research and report decided. check in the UL Guild, announced that a Greene of the and president Margaret presented to the Portland Scholarship $420.00 had been amount of Student Aid Fund. Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. /RsPectfull ........ ubmitted, 4tI7 J1ames Thompson, Jr. JT: jh /