1 . W h a t i s P r o f e x ?
Profex is an online web service application designed to enable teachers and language assistants to submit their applications online for the international programs of the Spanish
Ministry of Education.
For language assistants who have been selected in their country of origin and have been assigned to Spain, Profex will allow them to be registered in the Ministry’s database for the purpose of receiving their monthly allowances and future communications.
2 . W h a t s t e p s s h o u l d I t a k e t o r e g i s t e r o n P r o f e x ?
If you are a foreign language assistant who has been assigned to Spain an you have not applied through Profex or registered in the system, you should follow these steps:
Create your own account by entering your ID number and password.
Creating your CV You must fill all sections in your CV. You may also attach any supporting documents by uploading them from your computer in the right section of your CV.
Filling out an application
If you have applied in your country in the first place {France, Italy, Germany, Austria,
Ireland, United Kingdom, Belgium (French)}, you need to fill the application as soon as possible,
Future communication may be delayed otherwise.
3 . H o w t o r e g i s t e r ?
(see screenshot below)
1. Click “Registro en el sistema”.
2. Enter the information requested: a.
Tipo de documento : type of document, e.g. passport, etc. b.
Especificar : if you choose Otros (‘others’) at Tipo de documento , enter here the type of document you are using to sign in (e.g. Belgian ID). c.
Número de documento : enter your ID/passport number. d.
Correo electrónico : enter your e-mail address. e.
Contraseña : choose your password. f.
Confirmar contraseña : enter your password again.
3. Click “Aceptar”.
4. Click “Volver a la página anterior” (‘back to previous page’). Please never use your browser’s “Back” or “Forward” buttons.
4 . C r e a t i n g y o u r C V
1. Sign in with your ID and password.
2. Click “Curriculum”. To view data click “Consultar”; click “Modificar” if you want you enter or modify any information.
3. Enter the data requested. Asterisk-marked information is obligatory.
Datos personales (this is the only necessary information at this time) a.
Nombre : name. b.
Apellido : surname. c.
Fotografía tamaño carnet : passport size photograph. d.
País de residencia : country of domicile. e.
Lugar de nacimiento : place of birth. f.
Fecha de nacimiento : date of birth. g.
Dirección permanente : permanent address. h.
Localidad : town. i.
Código postal : zip code. j.
Especificar zona geográfica (specify area). k.
Dirección actual : current address. l.
Persona de contacto emergencias : next of kin/emergency contact.
Formación académica (‘education’) (This is no necessary at this time, although you may enter this information for future uses, if you wish) a.
Tick “C.A.P.” for qualified teacher status or similar. b.
Títulos : degree, diploma, etc. c.
Universidades españolas / Títulos españoles : choose appropriate information if you studied at Spanish universities. d.
Otros centros / Otros títulos : enter name of college or university / degree if you studied abroad. e.
Fecha de inicio : date of commencement. f.
Fecha de fin de estudios : date of completion of studies. g.
Tick “Estudiante último curso” if you are in your last year of studies.
Nota Media Expediente : overall result gained.
Experiencia docente (“teaching experience”) (This is no necessary at this time, although you may enter this information for future uses, if you wish) a.
Denominación del Puesto : post, e.g. “teacher of English”. b.
Centro : school. c.
Número de alumnos : number of students. d.
Categoría del docente : “Func. de Carrera” (‘career civil servant’), “Interino”
(‘temporary civil servant’), “Otros” (‘others’). e.
Tipo Enseñanza : “Reglada” (‘education regulated by law’; e.g. primary or secondary education); “No Reglada” (‘not regulated by law’, e.g. summer courses); “Otros”
(e.g. private lessons) f.
Datos de Funcionarios (only for Spanish civil servants). g.
Formación adicional : other courses. h.
Idiomas : languages.
- Click “Alta” to enter or modify any data.
- Choose your level: hablado (‘speaking’), lectura (‘reading’), comprensión oral
(‘listening’), escritura (‘writing’).
- Click “Listado de títulos” to add information about your language certificates / diplomas. i.
Otros méritos : enter any other relevant merits.
Click “Alta” to enter or modify any data.
5 . W h a t a d v a n t a g e s a r e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h u s i n g P r o f e x ?
With your passport / ID number and password, you can access and update your curriculum vitae at anytime.
You can print your CV at any time. Two versions exist: a complete version and an abbreviated one.
You will be required to enter your information only once. If you decide to apply for one of the Ministry’s programs in the future, you will only need to update your CV, by changing, deleting or adding information.
You may fill out your CV before new calls for applications are made. This way, you will be prepared in advance. You will only have to insert information corresponding to the specific application, and will not have to re-enter any personal, academic or professional information.
You can check the status of your future applications at any time, and you will receive informative e-mails pertaining to your application.
6 . H o w c a n I g e t t e c h n i c a l a s s i s t a n c e ?
For technical assistance, please write or call the Spanish Ministry of Education:
Information about the program:
Tel.: (91) 5065716
Correo-e: auxiliares.conv@educacion.es
Technical assistance:
Tel.: (91) 5501957
Correo-e: profex.soporte@educacion.es
You may also contact the Spanish Ministry of Education’s representatives in you country.
7 . W i l l I h a v e a n y o b l i g a t i o n s t o f u l f i l ?
Applicants selected for any of the programs are responsible for maintaining an up-to-date
CV. Maintaining updated information with regard to the school at which the participant is working and their contact data is especially important.
8 . I s P r o f e x a s e c u r e a p p l i c a t i o n ?
Profex’s technology is secure and uses the https web protocol to guarantee the security of the data being transcribed. The secure channel of communication between the client and the http service provider is based on SSL technology (Secure Socket Layers).
REGISTRY (First of all, the language assistant have to log in PROFEX)
2. CV: ( Once registered PROFEX, the candidate must complete each part of the CV)
Once your CV is complete, the candidate must click on "APPLICATION"
4. The language assistant must select “new application” on the display of filing
5. And, once inside the new application you must complete the 'requirements
and merit (optional)
When all requirements are completed select next, in a new screen you have to fill in the regions to select in order of preference (1, 2 and 3) the more interest you
7. Then, the candidate's application is in DRAFT.
The language assistant must then complete the fields that appear and select application register
Once registered the application, it must appear on the screen indicating that the process completed successfully
Finally, the candidate must "Back to the previous page and select" Generate PDF
"in this way will have the paper application