-. r r ra . 4 OREGON AGRIctYLTUPJi.L COLLEGE -- FTEN8ION FRVICL Oorvallia, Oregon, March, 1933 Paul V. 1.faris, Director. Cir. 283 Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Hone Economics Oregon Agricultural College and United States D Agriculture, Cooperating Printed and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May B and June 30, 1914 a arent of OPEGOU COLLECTION CROP REQUIREMENTS AND PLANTING DIRECTIONS FOR THE ME VETABLE GANDER By A. G. B. Bouquet No. of linear ft. planted according to_plan Aparagus bean, snap (pole) 100-120 200 in succession Distance apart of plants or hills in. Amount ef seed or plants required plants - 24 Season of Probable yield of hArvesting linear feet (approx.) planted (approx.) Apr,-Jul.1 28-32bunche July-frost 3-6 buh1 1215 in. 1 lb. solid row 2-3 in, Bean, dry 100 112 lb. solid row Sept. 8-10 pounds_ arid late 100 1 oz. solid row June-Dec. 6-10 doz. bunches bet.1ants Me.r.-May 24 heads Beet, early Br6ce1i, _ieadin& 25 plants 50 1220 3roceoli, _prouting Brussels sprouts Cabbage1 1st 2nd 25-40 plants 50 _25 plants 50-60 _1ant 100 100 Cabbage, late Carrot, early and late 200 5au1f1ower 100 50 plants 1 o, _0 plants 80-100 _plants 40-50 Chard, Swiss 1/2 O. 20-25 Chjnee cabbage Corn, sweet 2-3 in. 24iñ. 24 1n.. bet.p1ant8 24 in. bet.1axits Sept.-Dec. -- Oot.-Dec. 40-50 uarts June-Sept. 100 ous Oot.sPriflI 2O( 18-24 -in. bet ,ants 24 in. bet.plants 2-3 in. bet.p1ant 24 In. un4s Yne-" 24-SQ doz. bunches Spt.-Deo. 4 dozen heads bet.ant 8pt.-Deo 6..8 doz. bunches 8-12 in. bet.plants 12-15 in. 1ant bet. 12-15 in. June-kill. frost 60unds St.-Deo. 15-20 heads Aug.-Oct. 40-60 doz. ear Aug.-frôst 30-40pound bet.plants 6 in, 20 300-400 in 1/8 Oz. succesion_ 1/2 lb. bet.pl.ants 5eet Cucuxnber 60-75 1/4 oz, bet.hIlls ggp1ant _1215 6 p1arrt bet.plants 12 in. 1/2 oz. bet.1ants 24th. 100400 ettuce th succession Kale, curly use1n 100 12 1ants 1/2 oz. 18-24 fruits Maykil1. 8-12 doz. heads bet,plaxits ing frost Sept.spring 5-6 ft. bet.hills Aug-f rest 100 fruita 24 in. 25 .-frost 20-25pounds Sept..-ki11 Mustard 25-40 1/4 oz. Onion. 50-60 )/2 z. Sept.-Apr. 6O80 pounds bet.plants Sept.-Apr, 60-100 pounds May-Oct. 2-3 bushels plants solid row 18-24 in. b!1ants Ju1-frost 6- 3-4 hills bet.hills July-Oct. 18-24 fruits 6 hills bet.hills Sept.-sprin 36 fruits het,hi11 May 50-60 bunches bet.hjlls 4-6 in4 bet.1ants 2 in. bet.lqnts Ar.-Ju1y 60-10 pounds oZ. 200 in ccession Peas 25 Pepper to 1-1 pounds 1215 3-4 ft. Pumpkin, sumner (bush) 12-15 8 ft. Pumpkin, 50 winter -- successive Radish 50-75 Rhubarb 100 (not Rutabaga inplan) Salsify 25-40 150-200 in succession Squash 200 TOmato 100-150 Turnip 75100 V V Watermelon 1)2 oz. 4 ft. 12-20 hills 1/4 oz. 1/4 V doe. fruits V V , V 520O Oct. Oct.-Mar. May & June Sept.-Dec. POUfl'i5 15-20 pounds 100-120 pounds 1..2 oz. solid row 2 oz. 25 Ii$.11s CeZt.Mar. 100-150 fruits bet .r1ant A.-frost 9-12 bushels 4. 2-Sdoz. plants broidoaste i/ oz. 2-3" bet. o Spring or fall 75 bunches p1ant ___________ 100 -- frost i bet.lantr 34 in. 50 Parsnip solid row 2-3 in. 16-24 1 o. hills Aug.-frost 50-100 fruits NOTES the reiva1 of a few 1, Enough rhubarb plants hou1d be in a garden to make possible every winter for forcing. Each spring new plants can be grown to replace the clumps that are forced. 2. Yields in the column above are based on normal production fully estimated as possible. and have been as care- feet of each crop is 1ited above, the aunt f 3. While a definite number of linear family of TOW 15 suggestive and may he modified according to the preferenoes by a family of a greater or lesser emnount of a crop grown. Estimated quantity for a five. should nt be 4. If bush pumpkin (simmr squash) is planted near winter pumpkin seed These 2 kinds saved from fruits of either vegetable for they will readily cross. Neither will the two of pumpkin, however, will not cross with winter squash. types of melons and cucumbers interoross. not grown, space can ho occupied by in're omnato plants, late cabbage plants, or rutabagas. 5. in cane nasnc1cns or watermelons are