Internal Quality Review – Reviewers’ Job Description To be read in conjunction with the Procedure for the Conduct of Internal Quality Review (Academic Units and Programmes), Academic Manual, Section 7. The Internal Quality Review (IQR) reviewer will undertake: to attend a briefing session for IQR reviewers; to read a report by the administrative secretary analysing the departmental Self-evaluative Statement (SES) and supporting documentation; to read the departmental SES; to read the supporting documentation; to attend at least one meeting of the review team prior to the review visit (normally the planning meeting); to offer support and assistance as necessary to (i) the IQR team leader and (ii) the external member of the review team; to participate fully in interviewing staff and students during the review visit. In conducting the IQR, the review team will test the rigour of the SES and the extent to which it presents an accurate picture of the Department’s quality management and enhancement (QME) processes. The SES will not necessarily dictate the full scope of the review team’s enquiries. The team may develop independent lines of enquiry in the light of, for example, issues raised in the administrative secretary’s report or from the reviewers’ own scrutiny of documentation made available by the Department; to contribute to the IQR team’s discussions at the end of the review visit, identifying areas of good practice and making recommendations for further action; to approve and/or comment on the preparation of the summary of recommendations for further action, which is sent to the Department two working weeks after the review visit; to make an appropriate contribution to/commentary on the preparation of the IQR report; to attend a follow-up meeting with the Department to discuss and offer advice to the Department on the draft action plan; to provide feedback on the experience of the IQR process if invited to do so by the IQR Panel Secretary at the end of the session.