Level 1 Trauma Chart Record Review Data Definition Tool The Level 1 Trauma Chart Record Review is to be completed for Pediatric Emergency Department by the manager or designee on a monthly basis. Tracers are due by midnight of the last day of the month of the review (example: July Tracer due July 31). Instructions: Indicate Yes, No, NA (Not Applicable) for each question below. Pediatric Emergency Department completes a minimum of 5 Level 1 Trauma Chart Record Review audits per month. Updated: 11-12-14 Question Standard Location Yes No N/A 1 2 3 4 Patient Medical Medical Record Number: NA Record Patient Medical Date of service reviewed NA Record All appropriate team members' Pediatric names and time to room Emergency Critical documented? Care/ Trauma (Trauma Attending MD, Trauma Nursing Resident MD, ED Attending MD, ED Assessment Resident MD, RN 1, RN2, RN3/EMT, Trauma Service (Trauma chart) SW) Guidelines page 1 Trauma designation Level 1 designation appropriate for Trauma Service trauma chart page patient? Guidelines 1 All required team member names present along with times of arrival Incompletely filled out or missing team member names Patient meets Level 1 Patient does not meet Level 1 criteria according to Trauma criteria according to Trauma Service Criteria Service Criteria New level designation, time of redesignation, and reason New level designation without for redesignation documentation of time or documented reason for redesignation 5 If new Level designated, was time and reason documented? Trauma Service Trauma chart Guidelines Nursing notes 6 Mechanism of trauma documented? Trauma Service Trauma chart page Documentation of Documentation of mechanism Guidelines 1 mechanism of injury present of injury not present Patient remained Level 1 status without being downgraded 7 Brief description of trauma/injury documented? 8 Primary Survey completed? 9 Vital signs recorded at appropriate intervals? Trauma Service Trauma chart page Guidelines 1 Brief description present Every element of primary survey contains Trauma Service Trauma chart page documentation of patient Guidelines 2 condition Brief description not present Not all elements of primary survey contain documentation Vital signs not documented at Vital signs recorded q5min x appropriate intervals for Trauma Service Trauma chart page 20 min, q15min x 1hr, duration of designation as Guidelines 3 q30min thereafter trauma patient. 10 All medications cosigned? Patient was given medications; all medications have two initials, with Trauma Service Trauma chart page initialing individuals' Guidelines 3 signatures below 11 Intake and Output recorded? Intake and output Trauma Service Trauma chart page documentation are present, Intake and ouput Guidelines 4 even if both values are zero. documentation are not present. 12 Time to CT scan recorded? Trauma Service trauma chart Guidelines page 3 or 4 Time patient transferred out of 13 trauma bay recorded? Trauma Service trauma chart page Time transferred out of Guidelines 4 trauma bay documented Patient received CT but time to CT is not documented Patient transferred out of trauma bay, but time transferred out of trauma bay not documented 14 Chart signed by Scribe RN? Trauma Service trauma chart page Guidelines 4 RN signature present RN signature not present 15 Chart signed by Attending MD? Trauma Service trauma chart page Attending MD signature Guidelines 4 present Attending MD signature not present Time to CT is documented Patient was given medications, but not all medications have two sets of intials with Patient did not receive signatures below. medications Patient did not receive CT scan Patient remained in trauma bay for duration of stay 16 Critical care time documented? Trauma Service trauma chart page Critical care time Guidelines 4 documented Critical care time not documented