First online Status of the 5th edition of the Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety PD Michael Riediker Head research group particles and health at IST (and Encyclopaedia chapter editor “nanotechnology”) Geneva, joint WHO-CC and ILO-Meeting, 2009-10-21 The First Edition of 1930 At the Dawn of the Great Depression, A small cluster of doctors, lawyers, industrial hygienists and governmental professionals… – collected the best thinking reflecting the state of the art of their time in 2 volumes – for anyone who could read – In global economic depression they saved lives – Physician, ask your patient first: “What is your work?” (Ramazzini, 18th Century) Based on slide provided by Ilise Feitshans The current 4th Edition – Produced with the collaboration of thousands of recognized experts – from over 50 countries; – the private and public sectors, – academia and industry, – labour and management – 1,000 articles, complemented by over 1,000 tables Based on slide provided by Ilise Feitshans Goal for 5th Edition: Completely web based – The 5th edition of the Encyclopaedia will be electronic. – located on the ILO web site – Additionally, CD-ROMs and servers outside the ILO (subject to agreement with outside information providers). – The 5th edition will feature natural language search terms, such as: “Research to practice” Based on slide provided by Ilise Feitshans 2008-2009 Achievements 5th edition preparation – Without budget or staff, building on good will among established professionals – Recruitment of Steering committee members and International Advisory Committees – 3 Sample Chapters in progress: Emergency Response, Lighting and Nanotechnology – Funds raised, sponsors on board – Two new CIS Centres inspired by interaction with 5th edition staff – MoU with ASSE will exchange of experts and allow expert meetings during their conferences at no cost to ILO Based on slide provided by Ilise Feitshans 6 Basic idea for the web-based edition Goal – Web-based collaboration – Distributed work – Modules that link to each other – Volunteer-effort -> Open-source community as a functioning model Workflow Define goals for next version Publish new, archive old version Work on next version Review and finalize 7 Proposed* concept to create a chapter (content) *) Concept proposed by Michael Riediker and agreed by Ilise Feitshans, Mark Hoover and Roger Rosa in Feb. 2009 Write articles • Eds. review input, develops Draft task list and chapter revise input • Recruitment of • Authors write Define authors sub-chapter, chapter • Sub-chapter joint glossary & links • Chapter editor authors write briefs, glossary proposes Identify chapter outline & links chapter • Approval by ILO • Propose Encyclopaedia chapter Steering • Recruit Committee editor Complete chapter • Eds. review and suggest revisions • Approval by ILO Encyclopedia Steering Committee 8 Example: Chapter Nanotechnology (ed. = MR) Properties of nanomaterials and –objects • Physico-chemical properties of nanomaterials and –objects Sub-chapter author: Expert with background in chemistry and physics This sub-chapter provides an overview on the physico-chemical characteristics of nanomaterials and objects. Specifically, it describes which properties change with smaller size (or only appear at this size-range), and it explains how this affects their potential use for various physical, chemical, optical, electrical, and mechanical applications. It provides background information for several other chapters. •… … •… Use of web-based tools Authors • Create brief • Define glossary (important terms) • Define links (from where, to where) Editor • Review briefs (together with all authors) • Define tasks • Joint glossary • Up- &down-links Authors • Write article • Work off tasks • With other authors - Glossary - Links 9 Challenges and open questions Procedures – How to speed up process of describing the current state of knowledge (presentation of facts => review instead of approval?) – How to identify, develop and present policy implications resulting from scientific facts (tripartite discussions needed -> could this be a separate ILO project?) – How to best integrate results from ongoing CC-projects (e.g. “automatic” update of chapters with most relevant output) Process – Editorial web-tools (with support) not yet available – Proposed concept needs to be approved by ILO – Commitment from ILO / WHO is now needed Merci pour votre attention Pour toute information complémentaire: ou Disclosure of interests: My research group receives funding from public sources. European Commission 7th Framework Programme