Networking for improving OSH EXPERIENCE FROM CENTRE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF WORKING CO0NDITIONS & ENVIRONMENT (CIWCE), LAHORE-PAKISTAN Presented by: Saeed Awan Director CIWCE How we have benefitted from networking Produced training materials suitable for local needs. Database of International Chemical Safety Cards was translated into Urdu Got ideas for low cost risk reduction technologies. Our experience with ILO and WHO networks Have interacted with WHO specially EMRO Tried unsuccessfully to join WHO collaborating network Some ideas to consider for efficient networking We should use the strengths of each network There should be more and speedy flow of information between CIS and WHO collaborating centres Possibly there should be more interaction at the top level at ILO a& WHO to ease the integration between the CIS and WHO centres. Based on shared knowledge we should consider producing training and awareness materials for workers in developing countries (like videos, leaflets) There is need to work and share knowledge and skills on low cost risk reduction technologies. There is need to make inter and intra-network work groups on specialized areas like child labour, agricultural workers, construction workers young workers, home based workers women workers and work in informal sectors Thank you