10 ANIMAL DAMAGE CONTROL HANDBOOK *- CHAPTER 10 – ANIMAL RESPONSE TO HABITAT CHANGES Contents 11 ANIMAL INTRODUCTION 12 TIMBER HARVEST 13 13.1 13.2 13.3 SLASH DISPOSAL Unburned Slash Burned Slash Piling and Burning 14 WILDFIRE 15 ANIMAL USE 16 SELECTED REFERENCE *- FSH 9/88 R-6 AMEND 6 -* 12 ANIMAL DAMAGE CONTROL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – ANIMAL RESPONSE TO HABITAT CHANGES *11 – INTRODUCTION. To maintain animal use of forest resources within acceptable levels, resource managers must have a basic understanding of physiological requirements, general behavior, and responses of animals to habitat changes. Responses of animals to specific habitat changes are not always clear-cut or the same for a given condition. Different animal species often respond differently to similar habitat treatment. Because of these dynamic variables, management and control planning must be site specific. No single method of control should be universal. All animals need food, water, shelter, and space. Significant changes in the distribution, relative abundance, or type of food, water, and shelter available can influence animal behavior and cause a change in population density or use of an area by a particular species. Some species will find an increase in the type of habitat they prefer and benefit. Other species will find the habitat they prefer decreased, and be adversely affected. Changes in numbers and distribution of animals and intensities of plant use can be expected when land-management activities alter the habitat. Forest trees and their seeds constitute a portion of the natural diet of many forms of wildlife. For example, big-game feeding on conifers is directly related to their preference for particular tree species and to the availability of other preferred foods at the time. 12 – TIMBER HARVEST. Most animal species and their foods are relatively scarce under a closed canopy. Timber harvest has the direct effect of opening the canopy, allowing sunlight to penetrate to the ground. High quality wildlife food develops and the carrying capacity of the land is increased. Animals can quickly reproduce to the carrying capacity of their habitat. As numbers increase and exceed available food supplies, overuse of the habitat may result. Animal feeding on trees often becomes critical when overuse reduces supplies of other foods. Nevertheless, browsing animals often use the succulent, highly palatable new growth on Douglas-fir and certain other conifers even with an abundance of other foods available. Animal movements in search of food are closely related to availability and distribution of cover. Small forest openings are usually fully utilized by big game. Large openings receive their greatest use near the “edge.” Use of inner portions of large openings usually varies with the amount of escape cover remaining within the opening or that eventually develops. -* *- FSH 9/88 R-6 AMEND 6 -* 13 ANIMAL DAMAGE CONTROL HANDBOOK *Big game habitat carrying capacity increases rapidly as the diversity and volume of low-growing vegetation increases after clearcutting or wildfire. This upward trend may continue 20 to 30 years after logging, or until tree canopies close and begin to shade out the understory. Delays in reforestation may extend this period of high productivity, but adjacent units cannot be harvested creating new big game habitat until the current unit is reforested. As the tree canopy closes, the amount, diversity, and nutritional quality of understory vegetation decreases, and habitat carrying capacity declines. However, by this time new adjacent or nearby units may have been harvested creating ample browse. Changes in big-game habitat carrying capacity may be roughly proportional to the changes in habitat resulting from forest management. Although the cycle of population development for deer and elk may occur in each area of the managed forest, only small portions of the forest may be in the same phase at the same time. Changes on one unit may be masked by fluctuations in another in a different successional stage. Timber management often results in quality big-game habitat, particularly on winter ranges. As the quality of browse of the harvested area is reduced by successional trends, new areas can be harvested. In order to keep their chain of events in motion, animal damage protection of young conifers may be necessary. The type and quality of game habitat created by timber management is determined largely by the systems of cutting and slash management. Clearcutting sets back plant succession and usually results in temporary production of large quantities of forage. Shelterwood cutting produces similar but smaller increases in big-game carrying capacity than does patch clearcutting. 13 – SLASH DISPOSAL. Slash disposal and planting site preparation practices often have direct effects on wild and domestic animal use. 13.1 – Unburned Slash. Rabbits, hares, and many species of rodents are extremely secretive in their behavior and depend on easily accessible cover for protection from predators. Entire home ranges may exist in small areas where food and cover are abundant. This is particularly true in areas with unburned slash. Under these conditions, population density often is controlled only by space requirements of individual animals. Established populations of rabbits, hares, and rodents may expand due to the favorable habitat provided by unburned slash. These species will utilize available food, including tree seeds and seedlings. Unburned slash provides same protection for young trees by restricting biggame and cattle movement and by reducing exposure of trees. Most of the low, herbaceous, and shrubby vegetation responds quickly to the increased light and moisture produced by canopy removal. This improved food source attracts big game may, in turn, reduce browsing pressure on both natural regeneration and planted trees. -* *- FSH 9/88 R-6 AMEND 6 -* 13.3 ANIMAL DAMAGE CONTROL HANDBOOK *13.2 – Burned Slash. Broadcast burning of logging slash destroys some small mammals and creates extreme changes in the habitat. Changes in the availability of food and cover directly affect the composition, distribution, and abundance of small mammal populations. Animals also may be affected by minor changes in the microclimate, such as soil-surface temperature, water penetration, and air movement. Gashwiler (1959) studied small-mammal populations in Douglas-fir clearcutting before and after logging. He found that deer mice increased after slash burning, but chipmunks, hares, and redbacked voles decreased. Burning usually produces a different plant community than if the area had not been burned. Predicting such vegetational change or magnitude of change resulting from fire is difficult. Pengelly’s study (1961) of broadcast burning of slash in northern Idaho led him to conclude that “. . . fire is a rough and largely unpredictable tool due to the following variables: time and intensity of burn, homogeneity of burn, kind and availability of fuel and seed source, and growing conditions during the first season after the fire.” Steen (1966) reported significant vegetational differences between burned and unburned slash in a study near Oakridge, Oregon. Affected were plant composition and rates at which different plant communities reoccupied clearcutting. Hot burns tend to favor herbaceous plants and specific shrubs, such as red stem ceanothus. Cold burns tend to favor shrubs present in the understory at the time of harvest. These shrubs simply proliferate by rapid growth with the increased light available. Planting immediately after slash removal has been one of the main methods to minimize damage from rabbits and hares. Piling of slash and planting small, containerized stock have renewed rabbit and hare damage problems in many areas. 13.3 – Piling and Burning. On many areas, especially on the more level ground, slash is often piled using bulldozers prior to burning. Treatment leaving 20 to 30 tons per acre of slash is generally recommended. This favors conifer and browse shrubs regeneration. Severe treatments that pile all of the slash reverts plant succession to the most primary stages. In these stages grasses and herbs usually predominate. Severe site preparation seems to stimulate pocket gopher and vole activity. Planting immediately after slash removal has been one of the main methods to minimize damage from hares and rabbits. Piling of slash and planting of small, containerized stock have relieved problems of hare/rabbit damage in many areas. Slash burning has helped reduce mountain beaver population for short periods (Motobu et al. 1975) -* *- FSH 9/88 R-6 AMEND 6 -* 15--1 ANIMAL DAMAGE CONTROL HANDBOOK *14 – WILDLIFE. Animal populations respond to the habitat changes after wildfire similar to changes after broadcast burning of slash. During the revegetation period, wildlife species may be most abundant in the successional stage with the greatest diversity of plants. The rate at which deer and elk use a natural burn is influenced by the size of the burn, abundance of food, and the amount of escape cover available. 15 – ANIMAL USE. The basic principles that relate to animal/forage preference may be grouped into five categories (Heady 1964). These are palatability; associated forge species; climate, soil, and topography; kind of animal; and animal physiology. Understanding the nature of these factors will help land managers recognize and possibly control some of the complex and interrelated influences governing animal use. A brief summary of important elements associated with each of these groups follows: 1. Palatability. Palatability has been defined as a plant characteristic that stimulates a selective animal response. Some factors found to affect palatability are chemical composition; proportion of leaves, stems, and fruits; plant-growth stages; past-grazing use; climate; topography; soil moisture; and fertility. Other items that may be related to palatability, such as texture, odor, and external plant form, have received only cursory attention. 2. Associated Species. Some plant species growing in one community are preferred more than the same species growing in dissimilar plant communities. Thus, certain plant species, such as conifers, may be used heavily when sparsely distributed through an area of preferred forage species. 3. Climate, Soil, and Topography. These factors have been mentioned as affecting palatability, but they probably have a more important effect by influencing animal behavior. Changes in temperature, rainfall, soil texture, percent slope, and moisture content of foliage often change animal preference. 4. Forage Preference: Preferences of animal species differ among plants, parts of plants, or plants at certain growth stages. Animal preference has been related to animal conditions such as fatness, pregnancy, lactation, and hunger. Senses such as sight, taste, smell, touch, instinct, and experience also influence preference. Preferences of individual animals also may differ from season-to-season, day-to-day, or even within a day. *- FSH 9/88 R-6 AMEND 6 -* 15--2 ANIMAL DAMAGE CONTROL HANDBOOK *5. Impact of Use: Browsing animals, such as big game, can greatly affect their own food supply. Deer and elk thrive in the shrub stage of succession that develops after logging or fire. Heavy use of these subclimax forests may retard plant succession, which prolongs the productivity of the habitat for big game and the exposure of trees to browsing. Little is known about the cumulative effects of animal use on forest succession and animal damage. The interaction of animals with their habitat has been demonstrated on the Olympic National Forest where small study plots were fenced to exclude deer and elk. The exclusion of browsing animals permitted low shrubs to develop rapidly. This, in turn, provided excellent cover for rabbits and rodents. Under these conditions, destruction of Douglas-fir trees inside the big-game exclosure by rabbits, mice, and mountain beavers exceeded losses on the outside. Average tree heights were 30 percent greater outside the exclosure where big-game browsing had reduced small-mammal cover and vegetative competition. Pocket gophers were observed by Moore and Reid (1951) to adversely affect plant composition in several ways: favored foods were gradually removed and replaced by those of lower palatability; soil excavated from runways suppressed plants on which it was deposited; soil mounds were quickly occupied by annuals that were usually less desirable than the original perennial vegetation; and unused runways provided refuge for other herbivorous rodents such as deer mice and meadow mice. Gophers also prevented natural improvement of mountain meadows that were in pool condition, but did not limit improvement of meadows in fair or better condition. A long-term cooperative study between the Forest Service and University of Idaho is being conducted on the Nez Perce, Idaho Panhandle, and Clearwater National Forests. The general objectives of this study are to quantify and qualify the affects of animal use and physical factors on tree establishment and growth in selected clearcut areas with normal succession disrupted by cattle grazing. Uncontrolled grazing by big game or livestock greatly influences soil compaction and range condition. With time, plant communities may be completely altered. The more obvious effects are changes in plant composition, density, vigor, soil structure, and rate of soil erosion. All wildlife species are responsive to both subtle and dramatic modifications of their habitat. Thus, the type of land use practiced will influence their distribution and density. *- FSH 9/88 R-6 AMEND 6 -* 16--1 ANIMAL DAMAGE CONTROL HANDBOOK *16 – SELECTED REFERENCES. Asherin, Duane A. 1976. Changes in elk use and available browse production on North Idaho winter ranges following prescribed burning. In Elk-Logging-Roads Symp. Proc. (Moscow, ID, December 16-17, 1975) Univ. of Idaho. Moscow, ID. PP. 122134. Black, H. C., ed. 1974. Wildlife and Forest Management in the Pacific Northwest. Univ., School of Forestry, Symp. Proc. 236 pp. Oregon State Black, H., R. J. Scherzinger, and J. W. Thomas. Relationships of Rocky Mountain elk and Rocky Mountain mule deer to timber management in the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington. In Elk-LoggingRoads Symp. Proc. (Moscow, Idaho, December 16-17, 1975), Univ. of Idaho, Moscow. pp. 11-31 Gashwiler, J. S. 1959. Small mammal study in west-central Oregon, J. of Mammal. 40(1):128-138. Hagar, D. C. 1960. The interrelationships of logging, birds, and timber regeneration in the Douglas-fir region of northwestern California, Ecol. 41(1):116-125. Heady, H. F. 1964. Palatability of herbage and animal preference. J. Range Manage. 17(2): Hooven, E. F. and H. C. Black. 1976. Effects of some clearcutting practices on small-animal populations in western Oregon. Northwest Science 50(4):189-208. Irwin, Larry L. Effects of intensive silviculture on big game forage sources in Northern Idaho. In Elk-Logging-Roads Symp. Proc. (Moscow, ID, December 16-17, 1975), Univ. of Idaho. Moscow, ID. pp. 135-142. Lawrence, W. H. 1967. Effects of vegetation management of wildlife. In Herbicides and vegetation management in forests, ranges, and non-crop lands. Symp. Proc. Oregon State Univ., School of Forestry, Corvallis. pp. 88-93. Moore, A. W. and E. H. Reid. 1951. The Dalles pocket gopher and its influence on forage production of Oregon mountain meadows. USDA Circular No. 884. 36 pp. Motobu, D., J. Todd, and M. Jones. 1975. Effects of slash burning on mountain beaver populations and movements. Weyerhaeuser Forestry Res. Tech. Rep. 40/4600.75.24. 7. -* *- FSH 9/88 R-6 AMEND 6 -* 16--2 ANIMAL DAMAGE CONTROL HANDBOOK *Pengelly, W. L. 1961. Ecological effects of slash-disposal fires on the Coeur d’Alene National Forest, Idaho. Printed by Northern Region, Forest Service, USDA, Missoula, Montana. Steen, H. K. 1966. Vegetation following slash fires in one western Oregon locality. Science 40(3):113-120. *- FSH 9/88 R-6 AMEND 6 -* Northwest