VOLUME VIII OREGON STATE COLLEGE. SEPTEMBER 1959 NUMBER 4 Yield Behavior of Blue Lakes-19S9 Sweet Corn Grown Without Cultivation \} A study to determine feasibility of grow­ ing sweet corn without cultivation was begun (~ at Corvallis in 1958. Herbi­ cide plots were split so half of each treatment was culti­ ':\\1 vated and hoed as needed for 'Hweed control and the other half was left untouched for the season. Normal practices of fertilization and irrigation were followed. Yields of the plots for the past two seasons are shown in Table 1. In this analysis of these results, it was found in 1958 that there was a significant interaction (at the 1% probability level) of 1, (Continued page 5) In This Issue . .. 1.1 ~ Yield Behavior of Blue Lakes . • • . Sweet Corn Grown Without Cultivation. Insecticides Fail to Control Nitidulids. How Many Bean Pods in a Pound? • . • 1 1 6 9 Maturation of pods in many Blue Lake yards in 1959 presented difficult problems for growers. In one particular period con­ centration of maturity was so poor that yields were low, and efficiency of pickers was greatly reduced. Final yields, in many cases, were lower than normal, while in others yields were satisfactory. What factors were operating to cause these difficulties? Discussion of a number of possible contributing causes follows with final emphasis on differential behavior of varieties or breeding lines. 1. !&Yi temperatures during and follow­ !!!g germination. Cool, wet weather in May and June delayed growth of bean plants. Poor development of above-ground parts of plants can generally be expected to :fesult in poor root systems, which are directly dependent on food constituents manufactured in the leaves. Severe damage from Fusar­ ium root rot is often found under such con­ ditions. It is especially common to find severe root rot associated with symphylid infestations. In such cases it is obviously impossible to assess, with any appreciable accuracy, the relative damage due to each of these two organisms. The point we wish to make here, however, is that even in fields (Continued next page) 2 Blue La kes • • • (Continued from page 1) where no damage from either of the organisms could be detected, the early season growth was slow due to low temperature. 2. High temperatures during critical blossoming period. Plants in many yards reached .. a peak of blossoming at the time of abnormally high temperatures in July 1959 (Figure 1). During this period (JUly 18-23), a heavy population of nitidulid beetles was present in some yards. Blossom drop was universally heavy. Many misshapen pods, due to poor pollination and/or to low nutrition within the plant, were also noted. This period of blossom drop was clearly reflected later in harvest records of al112 varieties and breeding lines planted in the replicated field trial on the aBC- vegetable research farm. These data will be made available in the Vegetable Digest in the next issue. 3. Varieties or breeding lines reacted differently ,depending W!!.. earliness, concen­ tration of set and relative stages Cl.f growth, and blossoming.~ the time ~ high temperatures. Figure 2 shows harvest behavior of FM1 , OSC 284, and aBC 637 beans in the 1958 and 1959 seasons. In 1958~ a normal harvest beliavior is noted in which varieties such as FM1 showed a peak of maturation after three or four harvests, then tapered off as the season progresses. In 1959 two distinct drops in yield were noted in the July 21 harvest and later in the August 14 harvest, which, incidentally, were 10 to 14 days after the two peaks in maximum temper­ ature. 1\ It is especially interesting to compare aBC 637 behavior J in the two years, with FM1 and OSC 284. The 637 line is distinctly early and concentrated in maturity. In 1958 it­ yielded almost as well as FM1 ; yet in 1959 the yield was very low. The 637 behaVior may explain some of the low 1959 yields of FM 1 P, a relatively early, somewhat concentrated type. FMIP was not placed in our yield te"Bt t however, and this must remain a matter of speculation. It is our belief that low temperatures in early stages of growth followed by high temperatures ata critical blossoming period were the major cause of relatively low yields from 637. A more vigorous variety with strong indeterminate growth habit and less concentrated yield probably would perform better under such conditions. The interplay of heredity and environment in varietal behavior brings up the question, in the case of these Blue Lakes t of the desirability of "hedging" by planting more than one variety as long as its pod characters fit the exacting requirements of the processing plant. Factors which have been discussed do not cover all of the possible causes for erratic yields. Other insects and diseases, low soil moisture, solI nutrients--any one of which may be limiting soil physical condition--or any other factors contributing to- physiological weakness will be reflected in pod set and yield. --We A. Frazier H. J. Mack J. R. Baggett Horticulture Department ! •• Oregon's Vegetable Digest is published four times a year by the Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State College, COl'vallis. F. E. Price, Director. Address correspondence to the author concerned or to the Department of Horticulture. 1 Material may be reprinted providing no endorsement of a commercial product is stated or implied. Please credit Oregon State College. To simplify technical terminology, trade names of products or equipment sometimes will be used. No endorsement of products named is intended nor is criticism implied of products not mentioned. 3 / Blue La kes • • •(Continued from page 2) Maximum Table I. Temperatures ..... Cor\Jollis o " 100 I ' " • ,0, 90 ~o '0 I ; \ /x\° \ I ' o ' ,' x , :- x I 0 : I 70h' " I x \ I I ~ x \ x l /, I / I ", \ ~ ~ ~ x I /.. X 'x 0" t­ x~\j/x I~.O,' I I i lX, . ",/P\,\ i\.\ 0,I , ' 100 I .I I '0 If~~ /\~°r:· x,X\, 80 I- o I x, I I ' \x x. I 0 I ~ 0 II I ..,.0, ,0" ·\i 't, 0 • '0 ,0 ' x . . , 90 '0 • 0 x . 80 \ /x x x,~ 70 0 x 60 60 t 1959 1958 J 3012 3 4 ' 6 7 8 91011 1213141'16171819202122232425262728293031 12 3 4 5 678 91011 121314151617181920 JUNE I ~E- - - - - - JULY I .I·~---- AUGUST _I 4: ,;' Blue Lakes ••• (Continued from page 3) ~ Yields of Pole Beans - 1958. 1959 Table 2. CI) Cb Tons per Harvest ~ '-­ TOTAL YIELD ,~ 3.0 1958 - 9.9 1959 ... 10.4 ~ ~ 2.5 U-~ CI) 2.0 ~ 1.5 t: a 1.0 0.5 o x --' /~~~ x __ ... x ,-­ ,-­ • 1-1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " " " " - - - - ­ 3.5 TOTAL YIELD ~ 3.0 v~ (X) l ~ N=t: 2.5 20 .... I , x----x G . . . . , /X / l . , -. Cb x " u vi ~ 1.5 / ' 0«1) o ~ 1.0 " / 1958 - II. I 1959 - 11.6 / "" 'x , ," , x.... " x , ...1 x-== ~x--------x x 0.5 Ot-I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­ ..... 3.0 CI) Cb I'- ~ 2.5 rt>b w =t: 2.0 .'-. TOTAL YIELD r:.---- x ~~ 1.5 Wei) o ~c::: 0.5 x I I , , , , , & -1959 'l23 ---1958 7~19 --x~............... ......x... /x- 1.0 0' , , , 1958 - 9.5 1959-8.S .. -I, ... --~ _x- .... ...... x... ~27 7 ~23 , , , , 10 131 7 ~28 , , , 1& 8/3 8 ~ Dates of , , , 8~0 8 116 , , . ......... X c- __ .......x X ~x- , , 20 , ., 2& '14 8 III Harvests , , ~19 8 115 , , , 30 , , , , 35 8/26 8 122 5 Sweet Corn • • .(Continued from page 1) I ~ Yields of Sweet Corn in Herbicide Tests (Ave. lbe. of graded. husked ears per plot) Cultivated Not cultivated Simazine (1 lb. aotive/acre) DlnItro amine (3 lbe/acre) plus Vegedex (4 lbs/acre) No herbicide 38.6 39.0 38.8 37.1 18.5 39.5 1959 (60 ft. of row Atrazine Simazine (2 lbs. active/acre) (2 lbs. active/acre) Cultivated Not cultivated f 54.3 35.1 4~~. 8 47.6 No herbicide 47.9 20.7 cultivation x herbioides in the comparison of no herbicides VB. other treatments, but there was no difference in this interaction in comparing the two herbicide treatments. Yield of marketable ears seemed to be closely related to effectiveness of weed control treatments. Weed population in this test consisted primarily of redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexu! which is relatively easy to control with herbicides used in this test. Excellent weed control was obtained with both chemical treatments. There was no evidence of crop injury from the herbicides. In 1959, Simazine was much less effective in weed control even though the application rate was double the 1958 rate. This difference may be due to factors such as different soil types, weather conditions, and weed populations in the two experiments. In the 1959 trial, Atrazine gave very good weed control. One pre-emergence application resulted in essentially weed free plots through the season. Analysis of plot yield values in 1959 showed significant interactions (at the 1% probability level) of cultivation x herbicides in both the comparison of the no herbicides vs. other treatments and the comparison of Simazine vs. Atrazine. This would indicate the weed population in noncultivated Simazine plots was sufficient to reduce yields, while weed control in the noncultivated Atrazine plots was adequate to realize the full yield potential under conditions of this test. Again there appeared to be no evidence of crop injury from the herbicides. , From results of these trials it appears sweet corn can be grown satisfactorily without post-planting tillage if the weed population and other conditions are suitable for effective chemical weed control. Since normal chemical weed control with cultivation wolid be a band application of herbicide covering approximately one third the total area, economic justification of a noncultivation program would require aO comparison of cost of additioIW 1 spray material for an overall application with the cost of the usual cultivations. At present prices, cost of additional spray material would be $8 to $1i} per acre. --Garvin Crabtree Fred Rauch Horticulture Department ~AA 6 New Insecticides Fail to Control Nitidulids " Nitidulids. those little, black, pollen beetles which plague red clover seed production and green bean set during midsummer. were again a serious pest in 1959. It had been about four years since these insects had shown up in such great numbers. Declining vetch acreage has been credited for the lower population of beetles over the past several years. Moist weather during May and June of 1959 may have created favorable breeding conditions for these insects whose larvae live in the florets of vetch and certain clovers. Studies on green beans in the past have indicated strongly that failure to set (blossom drop) is brought about by nitidulid beetles when these insects are present in numbers greater than an average of about six beetles per blossom. Hot weather can also cause blossom drop. Un­ fortunately. both high temperatures and beetles struck at the same time this year, with the result that bean production dropped seriously for a period of two or three weeks. Which agent--temperature or beetles--was more to blame for the blossom drop is not known. Several experiments were conducted in 1959 in an effort to find a more effective control for nitidulids. Insecticides now registered for use on beans (such as malathion, methoxychlor, and DDT) will kill beetles and reduce the population below the economic level, if the nitidulids are not still migrating into the yard in great numbers. For example, the ~ ---":d /J~~:';, . Millsap bean yard just north of Corvallis was sprayed with mala­ ..... "'" C~.'. ~~ft"z.;' ---g_;:';"I~' ' , ' thion by air for aphids at the peak of the nitidulid season. Two ~ff!6!-/'{"~l~ '" ,'.,:., days later, a blossom survey showed an average of only 3-1/2 J . ,(.t.' beetles per blossom, and dead nitidulids were on the leaves and '~~ /{r ,_:::;1,;1. :'~)' ,.. . 1;~ ground. During the July period when beetles are still flying (, :'/,' ~i .;:.... /," into bean yards from clover and vetch fields, there is no known ';;:1C. ,-' way of reducing their numbers to a safe level for mare than two or three days at a time by using insecticides. , f .~. . '~"''''''. , ". 1- : • ' ,. . . . . " .;..., •• ;' ' .. > • Population of nitidulids in a bean yard is greatly influenced by amount of bloom present. Beetles are apparently attracted by presence of newly-opened blossoms. A yard or field in heavy bloom will not only support a higher total population, but average number of beetles per blossom will run higher than in plantings with less bloom. This is particularly notice­ able with bush beans. which tend to put on a heavy bloom during a relatively short period of time. Several small scale tests were made on bush bean plantings at the Vegetable Crops Experimental Farm at Corvallis during 1959. Insecticides were applied in different ways and their effects on the nitidulid populations determined by blossom counts. In one trial, a new insecticide, Thiodan, was applied to a 1/8 acre plot at the rate of 36 pounds of 3% dust per acre. An adjacent 1/8 acre area was left as a check. Results are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Test with Thiodan 3% Dust for Nitidulid Control on Bush Beans Corvallis. 1959 I Date < July " " " " 22 23 24 25 27 Interval after application Mean no. nitidulids per blossom Treated Check Pre-app1. 13.9 20.9 (dust app1. with rotary hand duster) 2.8 10.5 24 hrs. 48 hrs. 12.3 14.8 17.6 20.0 4 days (Continued on page 7) Remarks Irrigation started '1 Nitidulid Sprays ••• (Continued from page 6) Although this area was sprinkler irrigated just 24 hours after treatment, it served to illustrate three things: (1) Thiodan dust was apparently effective in reducing sharply the nitidulid population within 24 hours; (2) populations from adjacent untreated areas are quick­ ly affected; and (3) removal of insecticide (by irrigation) allows for rapid repopulation by the beetles during the early part of their active season. J' A series df three trials were made on experimental plantings of bush beans to determine the value of adding a bait material to the insecticide as a possible attractant for the beetles. A protein hydrolyzate spray was applied to the foliage in conjunction with malathion dust and emulsion applications, and with a dust of the newly registered insecticide, Sevin. Results were disappointing. The 2% Sevin (at the rate of 37 pounds per acre) failed to reduce the beetle population appreciably ,andeven the malathion spray did not bring the nitidulid numbers below the economio level. These trials were conducted during a period of heavy bloom while beetles were still migrating into the bean fields. It had been hoped that protein bait would simulate the attractiveness of pollen, which is thought to draw beetles to newly-opened blossoms. There were no beneficial effects from use of the bait spray, judging from blossom beetle counts. To determine whether any beetle kill was being accomplished in ODe of the malathion trials, two cloth trays (3' x 3') were placed on the ground between bean rows in each plot. Counts of dead or dying nitiduli~ falling into these trays gave some indication of what was happening in the plots, as shown in Table 2. c Table 2. Test for Actual Knock-down of Nitidulids in Malathion-treated Bush Beans Corv'allis, 1959 Time Total no. beetles in trays (18 sq. ft. area) Date period Malathion Malathion Untreated ~ait ~I!~ay dWJt Qheck 10 hours 174 . 59 62 July 31 August 2 2 days 112 32 69 It would appear from this data that malathion-bait spray was more effective than dust, but this could be a feature of the liquid formulation' rather than attractiveness of bait. Presence of dead beetles_ in the check was interpreted as an indication of the continuous movement of the, insects from plant to plant an'd plot to plot. Movement into the experimental area from nearby bean plantings more than compensated for the kill effected by the treatments. , One field scale trial for nitidulid control was conducted during the 'season, using a spray of Dibrom applied by airplane to a commercial pole bean yard. Dibrom is an experimental phosphate material with low mammalian toxicity and short residual life. A two-acre area was sprayed on August 6 and another section of the yard, about 500 feet away, was used as the check plot. A light bloom of bean blossom and lateness of the season accounted for the low nitidulid populations in the preapplication counts and in the check. Results t Table 3. again demonstrated most insecticides would reduce the population below the economic level if applied after the numbers of beetles had reac'hed their peak. (Continued page 8) 8 Nitidulid Sprays • • • (Continued from page 7) Table 3. Trial with Dibrom Aerial Spray for Nitidulid Control on Pole Beans, Wilt Bean Yard. Corvallis. 1959 i Interval after application Aug. 5 Pre-apple 6 ..2 6.8 10 hra. 27 brs. 3.0 4.9 50 hrs. 2.7 :). 0 4.7 3 days 3.3 6.1 " " " " t Mean no. beetles per blossom Tr,eated . Untreated area check Date 6 7 8 9 5.7 In summation, results of the 1959 trials leave us little closer to a good solution to the n itidulid problem on green beans. The new material, Thiodan J looks promising if it ean be registered for use on beans after pods begin to form. Use of a protein hydrolyzate attractant gave little indication of promise as an additive to insecticides for control of this pest. Sevin, as used for nitidulids, was disappointing. Dibrom, a new nonregistered material, was not outstanding but offers some promise since it is also efteetive against aphids. --H. H. Crowell Entomology Department A£A lIetJeta&e 1t6te Big-Vein Disease of lettuce has long been considered caused by a soil borne virus, consequently little effort has been made to control the disease by use of soil fumigants or soil fungicides. Recent work in California (1) indicates that rootlets of plants having symptoms of big-vein invariably are infected by the fungus O~1PidiY!Jl brassicae. This fungus does not invade erowns or leaves of plants but produces some sUbstance which induces big­ vein symptoms. I Olpidium brassieae invaded roots of many weeds and of garden vegetables such as celery, onion, radish, and broccoli, but apparently does not induce any symptoms in the above ground portion of these crops. Symptoms of big-vein did not develop in lettuce grown in previously infested soil treated wIth DDt Chloropicrin, CBP-55, or carbon bisulfide. (This information was reported bv B. G. Grogan, et aI, Phytopathology 48:292-297.) , £A£ 9 How Many Bean Pods in a Pound? : } Did you ever wonder how many bean pods there were in one pound of beans of various size grades? Samples' of F.M-l pole beans at two harvest dates in irrigation-fertility plots at Corvallis indicate the following distribution of number of pods in various sieve sizes (Table 1). Some interesting speculative calculations could be !lade in regard to picking intervals, potential tonnage, pay scales for pickers, and so forth from this and more complete infor­ mation. Table 1. Number of Bean Pods Per Pound Various Sieve Sizes 1 lb. Sample (FM-1) Number of Pods per Sample (6th pick-Aug. 17) Ave. length Sieve size f 1 & 2 & smaller 3 4 5 6 Sample 1 Sample 2 3-1/2 - 3-3/4 4 - 4-1/2 4-1/4 - 5 5-6 5-1/4 - 6 156 170 120 81 105 82 62 59 53 48 (inohes} (7th pick-Aug. 24) Sieve size Sample 2 Sam}!.le 1 3 4 184 115 80 182 116 5 60 60 6 46 43 1 & 2 & smaller 77 --H. J. Mack Horticulture Department ••• /e