KASADA Executive Committee September 9, 2013 Meeting Minutes In attendance: Stephanie Walker, Amy Wilkens, Christine Connors, Katie Frantz, Lisa Froning, Katie Peterson, Stephanie Rager, Kay Levandowski Not in attendance: Joanna Liedel, Millie Therrien 1. Call to order: 8:37 am 2. Review of Minutes- reviewed and approved by Committee 3. Treasury Membership Update- Lisa Froning Agency funds have come in Review of funds available and budgets- attached 142 Members Deposits- $500 NACADA Grant, $1500 from Charity 4. Committee Updates a. Communication- Katie Peterson Welcome letters printed and to be sent out today to new members Outside schools Save the Date notice has been sent out Need envelopes to send out letters Pictures to be added to website- will reach out to Mandy Anderson to get pictures from last year’s conference Access to Facebook and Twitter- will reach out to Millie to gain access Considering semester newsletter b. Professional Development Networking Luncheon Use as a membership recruitment tool- send out to University community Will send to Charity to send out to Academic Advising Listserv with an invite to join KASADA; will look into sending out to EMSA listserv Reminder email to go out again to KASADA listserv Count 3 days prior (next Tuesday) 22 have RSVP’d to event so far Lisa will bring membership applications to event Discussed setup, game to be played at event, possible gift certificate (if not from Laziza the committee with fund) Fall Forum Discussion with University Advising (coordinating) Possible date- November 26th 1:00-4:30 “Tales from NACADA and Beyond”- broad scope- conferences people have attended Format- quick updates on what they’ve learned at conference a. Mini break out sessions Focus is on professional development Lisa and Amy will organize a Meet-Up at the NACADA conference to start discussion for the Fall Forum May Conference- have begun discussion on topics and speaker c. Regional Campus: Committee discussion regarding committee membership- open to thoughts and suggestion regarding growing this committee Contact information of KASADA members at Regional Campus- Lisa has member contact information Suggestion to reach out to Laurie Camp and Brooke Varner- Stephanie Rager has had discussion with Laurie and has spoken with Liz Driscoll How does this committee work with University Advising on linking campuses with the Kent Campus? Regional Campus Update March date for update is the same day as an Admission Event- need to choose another date No other business to report d. University Advising Stephanie will follow up with Joanna 5. New Business a. Commission and Interest Group – emails have been sent out and received 17 responses Discussion- general email to describe commissions and interest groups and how to get people interested Add tab to the website- need a better explanation on what these entail Not a required monthly thing Stephanie Walker will get information together to distribute b. NACADA Conference- KASADA Meet-Up Lisa and Amy will coordinate c. Professional Development committee has begun reaching out to Advisors to recruit 6. Old Business None 7. Announcements- none 8. Meeting adjourned at 9:28 am. 9. Next meeting will be held October 14, 2013. Please look for on invite through Outlook and RSVP. Treasury and Membership Update September 9, 2013 Account Balances (as of August 2013 statements) Checking Savings Agency $ 3,788.95 ($500 NACADA Region 5 Grant Deposited) $ 3,323.68 $ 3,888.58 ($862.50 for Susan Campbell, $1,500 from Charity) TOTAL $11,001.21 Budgets for 2013-2014 Treasurer $ 500.00 Scholarship for Annual Conference 75.00 Allied Member Renewal 50.00 CashNet Merchant Fees 9.20 Book of Stamps Total $ 634.20 Professional Development $ 500.00 Networking Lunch 400.00 Fall Forum 9,070.00 May Conference Total $ 9,970.00 TOTAL $10,604.20 2013-2014 Membership Total = 142 Representation: Kent State University Ashland University Cuyahoga Community College Eastern Gateway Community College Lorain County Community College The University of Akron Youngstown State University