ETATMBA Teleconference – 21st July 2011 8:30hrs BST Notes Present: Paul O’Hare (Chair), Doug Simkiss, David Davies, Ed Peile, Chisale Mhango, Francis Kamwendo, Godfrey Mbaruku, Staffan Bergstrom, Alan Davies, Anne-Marie Brennan 1. Apologies Neil Johnson, Frances Griffiths 2. Minutes of last teleconference held on 9th June 2011 Approved. 3. Tanzania conference a) Key decisions: approved b) Minutes: approved c) Action points: discussed as follows:(Note: connection to SB was lost at this point for the remainder of the teleconference) Action points Discuss clinical systems improvement with clinical systems advisers By DD Develop list of competencies based on qualities of leader DD Review the assessments for all centres; attempt synthesis of minimum list which all centres would cover DD, EP PhD students to be registered immediately CM, GM Investigate the use of a toll-free mobile number for the project GM Investigate if Ericsson contacts could assist Circulate the new (in press) Malawi guidelines to the group for comment Commence selection of potential advanced leaders SB Send CM further information on timesheets AMB CM CM, GM Progress Meeting with Garry Swann, Clinical Systems Improvement specialist, who will contribute to CSI elements of the curriculum This is in progress. Developing suitable list for NPCs in collaboration with Vinod Patel at Warwick; DD aims to circulate this document for consultation in the next 2 weeks Dr Pemba will send the assessments for the Ifakara course so that the courses in both countries can be benchmarked, with some common assessments Action: GM will circulate a document draft by end of August Malawi: FK advises new course should include a system for external examination Malawi – FK has presented names to the College; ML has been asked to send in application. Action: AMB to follow this up with Marshal Tanzania – GM has suitable candidates but needs to discuss project with them in detail GM has had preliminary talks with phone company but they need more precise details Action: GM to stay in touch with DD to report SB phone line connection lost so unable to discuss this point These have been received. 2007 is the correct date. They are available on the website Malawi: Marshal is working on this. Tanzania: GM will review the current group and select second group in the light of this assessment This has been sent Ask Sam Luboga, Tom Lissauer and an anaesthetist if they wish to join the External Advisory Board Identify lay person to join the External Advisory Board Identify a Tanzanian member to join the External Advisory Board Identify a Malawian member to join the External Advisory Board Ask Nynke van den Broek if she wishes to join the External Advisory Board Identify Tanzanian and Malawian members for Quality Management Committee and Ethics Advisory Committee EP EP has contacted Sam Luboga, Tom Lissauer and Tai Sheraton, and is awaiting response PO’H Awaited AN CM Dr Frida Mokiti, Regional Medical Officer for Morogoro region, has agreed to join the EAB Awaited PO’H Awaited AMB EAC Tanzania: Mrs Joyce Ikingura (National Health Research Ethics Review Committee) EAC Malawi: Chisale Mhango QMC Tanzania: Dr Henock Ngonyani (Quality Dept, Ministry of Health) QMC Malawi: Dr Peter Kazembe (Paediatrician) 4. Update from Tanzania Course is going well; the leadership module begins this week. Action: GM to send details of the course as it develops to Warwick, Malawi and Alan Davies. 5. Update from Malawi a) Accession of College of Medicine. Signed hard copy of Annex V Form B has been received from the COM. EC project officer Franklin Mamo has agreed to the changes in the Description of Work – some small amendments to be finalised. The documents will then go to Research Support Services in Warwick for signature. There are further forms to be completed for the EC to complete the addition of the COM to the consortium. b) Funding for MOH. Marshal has identified the funds from within the MOH account. c) Course accreditation. FK had a productive meeting with Head of Faculty at the College, who is keen to process the application for course accreditation. Will need to discuss with the Head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology regarding the amount of detail required for the documentation. Action: PO’H to lead on preparation of preliminary documentation to submit to Dean of COM. 6. Progress in WP1 “Assessment” (DD) This was discussed above under the list of action points deriving from the Tanzania conference. 7. Progress in WP2 “Guidelines (SB) Unable to re-connect SB to teleconference. Malawi guidelines available on project website as above. Tanzania guidelines not available electronically. Action: GM to post hard copy to AMB for scanning; the scanned copy will be added to website. SQ to review obstetric guidelines. DS to review paediatric guidelines. Would be advisable to consult WHO guidelines for this WP. Action: AMB to locate WHO guidelines and add to website. 8. Progress in WP3 “Professional support network” (DD) DD is preparing a background document on the current support available to the NPCs. Action: DD will send the document to GM and other staff for commentary DD suggested monthly meetings for the subgroups. Action: DD to discuss with AMB to arrange. 9. Formation of committees Discussed in point 3 above. 10. PhD students Discussed in point 3 above. 11. Any other business a) Ethics. FK reported that the COM ethics committee will meet at the end of July to discuss the project application. The application to the National Health Sciences Research Committee is almost ready for submission. b) Module 2. PO’H reported that this should be ready for March 2012. DD would like to discuss this as soon as possible. Action: 24th August agreed provisionally. DD to send to Garry Swann to confirm. 12. Date of next teleconference The next meeting will be Wednesday 24th August at 08.30am (UK), 09.30am (Malawi) and 10.30am (Tanzania).