‘Alarm’ and ‘Danger’ Criteria in Foot Temperature to Prevent Heat Stroke in Workers Wearing Personal Protective Clothing Joo-Young Kouhei 1 NAKAO , Methods A total of 20 experimental conditions through 2 series of studies with 16 subjects (8+8 subjects) o [Series 1] 12 conditions = three clothing ensembles × two air temp. (25 & 32oC, 50%RH) × two activities o [Series 2] 8 conditions = Four types of firefighter’s PPE × two air temp. (22 & 32oC, 50%RH) × o ne activity SCBA (Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus) No SCBA Control 3 Clothing ensembles Control Tyvek Vinyl Type A Type B Type C In most cases, mean Tsk was lower than Tfoot, 10 9 8 7 • 1,245 g • 1.46 clo 2 Activities Old straps 0 10 19.27 kg > 14.67 kg = Sitting 30 40 o 25 C-Vinyl 34 Run Run Run Run Run Run 38 36 Tre Tfoot 35 Mean Tsk 34 Run 20 Run 40 Run 60 80 0 32oC-Vinyl 32oC-Tyvek 32oC-Control Run Run 20 40 60 Time (min) Time (min) 80 0 20 Run 40 60 80 Time (min) Fig. 1. [Series 1] Time course of rectal (Tre), foot (Tfoot) and mean skin temperatures (mean Tsk) during exercise. -3 r=-0.618, p<0.01 Very uncomfort. (N=48) r=0.863, p<0.01 (N=48) 4 r=-0.640, p<0.01 Very (N=48) hot -2 3 Uncomfort. Hot 6 5 -1 4 3 37.6oC Tfoot 6.0 PSI 38.6oC Tfoot 8.0 PSI 2 Slightly uncomfort. 0 2 Old strap Heavy Gas-cylinder Old Strap Light Cylinder New strap Light Cylinder Running Stabil. Sitting 60 80 min 0 10 Improved straps Running Sitting 40 60 min 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 165bpm Tfoot HR Exercise Exercise 32oC-Control Exercise Exercise 32oC-Type B 32oC-Type A 32oC-Type C Danger Alarm 165bpm Exercise 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (min) 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 Exercise Exercise 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (min) Time (min) Heart Rate (bpm) Temperature (oC) Tfoot Alarm Fig.3. [Series 2] Alarm and Danger criteria on the time course of rectal (Tre), foot (Tfoot) and heart rate during exercise wearing various SCBA . Time (min) 37 0 25 C (3 conditions) 32oC (3 conditions) 22oC-Type C The ‘Alarm’ and ‘Danger’ criteria in Tfoot were then evaluated with new data set drawn from Series 2 (Fig. 3). 39 33 o 22oC-Type B Heart Rate (bpm) 35 22oC-Type A Tre Exercise 36 Warm 37.4oC Tfoot 38.6oC Tfoot Uncomfortable Very uncomfortable 36 37 38 39 Foot temperature, Tfoot (oC) 1 37.4oC Tfoot 38.4oC Tfoot Hot Very hot 36 37 38 39 Foot temperature, Tfoot (oC) 14.67kg Exercise 6-8 km·hr-1 Running 37 Fig. 2. [Series 1] Relationships of foot temperature with physiological strain index (Left), thermal comfort (middle), and thermal sensation (Right) PPE total weight 8.27 kg Stabil. 38 33 36 37 38 39 Foot temperature, Tfoot (oC) Rest 25oC-Tyvek 25oC-Control 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 22oC-Control PSI: Tfoot of 37.6oC & 38.6oC PSIs of 6.0 & 8.0, respectively Thermal comfort: Tfoot of 37.4oC & 38.6oC ‘uncomfortable’ & ‘very uncomfortable’. Thermal sensation: Tfoot of 37.4oC & 38.4oC ‘hot’ & ‘very hot’ Tfoot of 38.5oC was set as a ‘Danger’ level. For an initial warning value (Alarm), Tfoot of 38.0oC was tentatively determined from the half value between ‘uncomfortable’ and ‘very uncomfortable’, ‘hot’ and ‘very hot’. Fig. 4 (Left): The point of showing the identical value between Tfoot and Tre was 38oC. This indicates that as Tfoot rises up to 38oC, Tfoot then becomes greater than Tre, which means that temperature distribution between the core and shell is rever-sed at the Tfoot of 38oC. Fig. 4. [Series 1 & 2] Relationships between foot temperature and rectal temperature (left); foot temperature and heart rate (right) 39.0 200 [Series 1] Tair 32oC [Series 2] Tair 32oC Heart rate, HR (bpm) invasive and simpler criterion to assess the heat strain of PPE-workers. Tfoot reached Tre for the cases where Tyvek coverall was worn at 32oC. For Vinyl condition at 32oC, Tfoot finally exceeded Tre during exercise. 39 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 Rectal temperature (oC) Purpose: Investigation of the feasibility of foot temperature as a non- Results Temperature (oC) ment (PPE) in hot environments often encounter severe heat stress. To prevent heat stroke, numerous criteria have been put forth as guidelines: ISO 7243 (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Index , WBGT) set “Safe” WBGTs.: ISO 7933 (2004) Japan Atomic Energy Agency provides physiological criteria for determining the maximum allowable exposure. However, the real-time monitoring of physiological variables during working is relatively less feasible for workers equipped with full protective clothing. To facilitate the assessment of the thermal state of PPE-workers, the development of nonInvasive and simpler measurements is needed as a valid criterion. Temperature (oC) Workers wearing personal protective equip- Vinyl suit • 787 g • 1.39 clo Yutaka 1 TOCHIHARA Measurements : Skin temp. on 11 sites (2s), Rectal temp: Tre (2s), Heart rate (2s), Total sweat rate, Thermal sensation (10min),Thermal comfort (10min). Calculation : Physiological Strain Index (PSI) Temperature (oC) Backgrounds • 590 g • 1.05 clo Ilham 1.3 BAKRI Department of Human Science, Kyushu University, Japan; 2Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS); 3 Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia Physiological Strain Index, PSI 1 1,2* LEE , 38.5 38.0 37.5 38.05 r=0.486, p<0.01 37.0 Alarm 36.5 36.5 37 37.5 38 Danger 38.5 Foot temperature (oC) 39 190 180 170 174bpm 164bpm 160 150 140 r=0.593, p<0.01 130 Alarm 120 36.5 37 37.5 38 Danger 38.5 39 Foot temperature (oC) Summary and Conclusions Tfoot of 38.0 and 38.5oC were determined as Alarm and Danger criteria, respectively. The Alarm level was set at the point that Tfoot reached rectal temperature during exercise. The Danger level was determined at the moments that extreme subjective perceptions were given (very uncomfortable, very hot, and very hard). The Alarm and Danger criteria that derived from Tfoot are valid for workers wearing full protective clothing (including protective boots) in hot environments, but cannot be applied to workers wearing light work wear in thermal neutral environments. *Correspondence: Joo-Young LEE (leex3140@design.kyushu-u.ac.jp)