NIOSH 2011 Stakeholders Meeting Agricultural Breakout Session Pittsburgh, PA March 29, 2011 1 Break Out Session Hosts • Kim Faulkner, Epidemiologist – NIOSH/NPPTL, Pittsburgh PA • Kevin Keaney, Chief EPA Pesticide Worker Safety Program – EPA Headquarters, Washington DC • Stan Thomas, Health Agriculture Manager – Oregon OSHA, Bend OR • Kerry Hoffman-Richards, Pesticide Education Program – The Pennsylvania State University, University Park PA 2 Goals P rio ritize id en tified ba rriers a n d d evelo p so lu tio n s 3 Panel Members • Pesticide handler/Advocates • Yolanda Gomez, Anne Katten, Virginia Ruiz , Mario Molina • Commercial Applicators • Josh Bossard • Growers/Advocates • Kiley Harper-Larsen, Frank Gasperini • Educators • Cesar Asuaje, Ofelio Borges • Regulators • Lisa Candelore • Other professionals • Natalie Roy, Kim Faulkner, Dennis Groce 4 Panel Members, cont. • Pesticide Manufacturers • Curt Lunchick, Allan Hovis • Pesticide Suppliers • David Yoder • PPE Manufacturers • Jeffrey Birkner, Craig Colton, George Gianforcaro • PPE Suppliers • Mike Smeaton, Steve McGough 5 Audience Response System 6 About the Clickers • Please return them! • They are of no use to you outside of this room • They are NOT calculators or TV remote controls 7 About the Clickers • They are part of an interactive audience response system • They provide instant feedback to multiple-choice questions 8 About the Clickers • Your answers are anonymous, so don’t be shy • A chart will appear after everyone answers to reveal the percentage of people who selected a certain answer 9 About the Clickers • Only one answer per clicker • However, if you want to change your original answer you can do so… just push a different button associated with your new answer 10 About the Clickers • To select your answer, simply push the desired button • Once the polling is closed for that question, the clicker will not work 11 Are you left handed? 1. YES 2. NO Answer Now 0% NO YE S 0% 12 Which is your pick for lunch today? 0% Ve g et ab le 0% ee f 0% Ro as tB Tu rk ey Answer Now 0% Ha m 1. Turkey and Havarti on a Croissant 2. Ham and Swiss on Ciabetta 3. Roast Beef and Cheddar on Rye 4. Grilled Vegetable Wrap 13 Which group best identifies you? 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Ot he r 0% Ha nd le r Gr ow M er an u/ Su pp Ed uc at or Re gu la to r 1. Pesticide Handler 2. Grower 3. Manufacturer or supplier 4. Educator 5. Regulator 6. Other profession 14 Using appropriate gloves when mixing, loading and applying pesticides can reduce your exposure by? 15% 45% 82% 99% 0% 99 % 0% 82 % 0% 45 % 0% 15 % 1. 2. 3. 4. 15 Which glove is most protective against most classes of pesticides? C 0% ch lo rid e 0% Po ly v in yl Ni tri le rl am in at e 0% Ba rr ie 1. Barrier Laminate 2. Nitrile 3. A Polyvinalchloride B 16 What protective eye wear would NOT be acceptable for use with a Warning, Danger or Danger-Poison Pesticide? 4. 0% 0% Re sp ira to r Fa ce Sh ie ld 0% gl es 0% Go g 2. 3. Gl as se s 1. 17 This must be read in order to determine what PPE must be worn? 1. New York Times 2. The Material Safety Data Sheet 3. The Pesticide Label 4. An Operators Manual 0% La be l M SD S 0% 0% M an ua l NY Ti m es 0% 18 This helmet would be considered appropriate if the label read: “wear a chemical resistant wide brimmed hat.” 1. True 2. False se 0% Fa l Tr ue 0% 19 Is this considered a NIOSH Approved respirator? 1. True 2. False se 0% Fa l Tr ue 0% 20 4. Ru bb er B Sn ow 0% oo ts 0% Bo ot s 0% Sn ea ke rs Bo ot s 0% bo y 3. 2. Co w 1. Which shoe or boot is appropriate PPE? 21 Regulatory Primer • EPA – Worker Protection Standard (WPS) • OSHA – Personal Protective Equipment Standards (PPE) 22 OSHA State Plans 23 Breakout Session #1 • Overcoming barriers to using the correct personal protective equipment (PPE): Insufficient knowledge Limited access Handler does not accept 24 Which barrier contributes most to using incorrect PPE? 1. Lack of knowledge 2. Limited access 3. Lack of acceptance ce pt an ce 0% Ac ce ss 0% Ac Kn ow le dg e 0% 25 Why might a handler not understand the correct PPE to wear for a task? 0% 0% 0% 0% Un cle ar la In be ad l eq .T ra De in al in er g in fo un cle PP E ar la be lu nc le ar 1. Information on the pesticide label is unclear, incomplete or outdated 2. Inadequate Pesticide Safety Training 3. Dealer Distributor Information Unavailable 4. The PPE packaging label is unclear 26 Next Steps • What are some of the challenges in overcoming this barrier? • Are we satisfied with our suggested solutions? • Who would be the likely key players that could assist with this issue? 27 When correct PPE is known, what are barriers for obtaining it? Lim ite d co rr ec t ID 0% m ar ke t 0% PP E 0% nc le ar La be ls u va ila bl e 0% No ta 1. It is not available 2. The PPE packaging/ labels are unclear 3. Identifying correct PPE during the purchasing process 4. Limited market for pesticide related PPE 28 Next Steps • What are some of the challenges in overcoming this barrier? • Are we satisfied with our suggested solutions? • Who would be the likely key players that could assist with this issue? 29 When correct PPE is available, what is the major reason it is not accepted? 0% Fu nc tio na lit y 0% fo rt 0% nd er st an d Do n’ tu Sa fe ty c ul tu re 0% Co m 1. Safety Culture/ Fear of Retaliation 2. Don’t understand Health Hazard 3. Comfort 4. Functionality 30 Next Steps • What are some of the challenges in overcoming this barrier? • Are we satisfied with our suggested solutions? • Who would be the likely key players that could assist with this issue? 31 Have you changed your mind? Which barrier is most important to using correct PPE? 1. Lack of knowledge 2. Limited access 3. Lack of acceptance ce pt an ce 0% Ac ce ss 0% Ac Kn ow le dg e 0% 32 Goals P rio ritize id en tified ba rriers a n d d evelo p so lu tio n s 33 Audience Response System 34 About the Clickers • Please return them! • They are of no use to you outside of this room • They are NOT calculators or TV remote controls 35 About the Clickers • They are part of an interactive audience response system • They provide instant feedback to multiple-choice questions 36 About the Clickers • Your answers are anonymous, so don’t be shy • A chart will appear after everyone answers to reveal the percentage of people who selected a certain answer 37 About the Clickers • Only one answer per clicker • However, if you want to change your original answer you can do so… just push a different button associated with your new answer 38 About the Clickers • To select your answer, simply push the desired button • Once the polling is closed for that question, the clicker will not work 39 Decontamination includes, soap, water, paper towels and Hot Tub Hand Sanitizer Loofah Change of Coveralls ra lls 0% Co ve Ha nd 0% Lo of ah 0% Sa ni tiz er ub 0% Ho tT 1. 2. 3. 4. 40 When do you need to change out a respirator cartridge? Ne w 4 ry 0% Ye ar sE ve 0% ho ur s hi ft 0% of s En d Ev e ry 2 w ee ks 0% Ev e 1. Every two weeks 2. At the end of every work shift 3. Every four hours of use 4. On New Year’s Eve 41 A respirator should be inspected 1. Before each days use 2. Every Tuesday 3. After an application 0% Af te ra pp lic a tio n 0% Tu es da y ry Ev e Ev e ry da y 0% 42 In the absence of cleaning information from the manufacturer or the pesticide label, PPE shall be cleaned with: en t 0% w at er /d et er g Cl ea ne r 0% Ho t x 0% W in de 1. Windex 2. A solvent based cleaner 3. Hot water and detergent 43 Storing respirators with pesticides is an acceptable practice. se 0% Fa l ue Tr 1. True 2. False 0% 44 A long sleeve shirt, long pants and boots is considered personal protective equipment. 1. True 2. False se 0% Fa l Tr ue 0% 45 Breakout Session #2 • Overcoming barriers to not wearing, storing, decontaminating, maintaining, and inspecting PPE properly Insufficient knowledge Handler does not accept 46 Which aspect of proper use of PPE is most important? Wearing incorrectly Improper storage Improper decontamination Improper inspection pr op er in sp e. .. 0% Im pr op er Im 0% de co n. .. 0% st or a. .. pr op er Im ea rin gi nc or r ... 0% W 1. 2. 3. 4. 47 Based on the previous slide, which is the most significant barrier to doing that task appropriately? 1. Not knowing how to do the task appropriately 2. Lack of acceptance for the need to do the task 0% ep ta nc e of ac c La ck No tk no w in g ho w 0% 48 What is the most important reason why handlers don’t know how to use PPE properly for the specific item you selected? No nc le ar 0% gu id an ce 0% In ad eq .T ra in in g 0% La be li su 1. Information on pesticide label is unclear or incomplete 2. Inadequate Pesticide Safety Training 3. No guidance available with the PPE packaging for specific task or what is available is confusing 49 Next Steps • What are some of the challenges in overcoming this barrier? • Are we satisfied with our suggested solutions? • Who would be the likely key players that could assist with this issue? 50 When it is known how to use PPE properly for the item you selected, what is the most important reason why handlers don’t do it? 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Fe as Do ib n’ ili tu ty nd er st Sa an fe d ty cu ltu re Co m fo Fu rt nc tio na lit y 1. Feasibility – nature of the job 2. Don’t understand the hazard 3. Safety Culture 4. Comfort 5. Functionality 51 Next Steps • What are some of the challenges in overcoming this barrier? • Are we satisfied with our suggested solutions? • Who would be the likely key players that could assist with this issue? 52 Have you changed your mind? Which is the most significant barrier to using PPE properly for the item you selected? 1. Not knowing how to do the task appropriately 2. Lack of acceptance for the need to do the task 0% ep ta nc e of ac c La ck No tk no w in g ho w 0% 53 Have you changed your mind? Which aspect of proper use of PPE is most important? 0% pr op er Im pr op er Im 0% in sp e. .. 0% st or a. .. pr op er Im W ea rin gi nc or r ... 0% de co n. .. 1. Wearing incorrectly 2. Improper storage 3. Improper decontamination 4. Improper inspection 54 Conclusions Questions & Answers