Investment Management Alert March 2008 Authors: Michael S. Caccese 617.261.3133 SEC Reproposes Amendments To Form ADV Part 2: Electronic Filing and Narrative Disclosures Mark D. Perlow 415.249.1070 Douglas Y. Charton On March 3, 2008, the SEC reproposed a series of significant amendments to the current version of Form ADV Part 2, the two most notable being the change to narrative disclosures from the current “check-the-box” form and electronic filing. 617.951.9192 Introduction K&L Gates comprises approximately 1,500 lawyers in 24 offices located in North America, Europe and Asia, and represents capital markets participants, entrepreneurs, growth and middle market companies, leading FORTUNE 100 and FTSE 100 global corporations and public sector entities. For more information, please visit In April 2000 the SEC proposed similar amendments to Form ADV Part 2 and related rules, which in large part it is reproposing. Currently, Form ADV Part 2 requires advisers to check appropriate boxes in response to a number of questions, with supplemental narrative disclosures. The proposed rule would transform Part 2 from its current “check-the-box” form into a publicly viewable, two-part, prospectus-like brochure with narrative disclosures provided in response to specific items or areas. Proposed Part 2A, the firm brochure, contains nineteen items which the adviser must address. Proposed Part 2B, the brochure supplement, contains six items. The effect of the items, taken as a whole, is to compel the investment adviser to make comprehensive disclosures regarding the conflicts of interests it faces. In short, the proposal, if adopted, will require advisers to conduct a complete overhaul of their Form ADV Part 2 and to carefully craft narrative responses to each item. Although the level of disclosure would increase markedly under the new rule, the SEC cautions advisers that making the required disclosures will not guarantee compliance with the anti-fraud provisions of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940—rather, an adviser would still have an obligation to disclose material conflicts of interest to the extent such information is not specifically required by an item on Form ADV Part 2. Overview The rule amendments would require advisers to file their Form ADV Part 2 electronically in PDF format, where it would be publicly accessible on the SEC’s IARD website. The adviser would also have to deliver the brochure initially and thereafter annually to clients within 120 days of the end of the adviser’s fiscal year. The adviser would have to deliver an interim brochure only when it amends the brochure to reflect a disciplinary event or to materially change information already disclosed in a previous brochure. The adviser would also have to prepare and deliver brochure supplements with disclosures regarding certain key investment professionals of the adviser, such as its portfolio managers. The proposed new form directly addresses the increasing use of side-by-side management of accounts with and without performance fees, an issue not addressed in the 2000 proposal, requiring the adviser to disclose and describe how the adviser addresses the relevant conflicts of interest. Part 2A: The Firm Brochure In many respects, the SEC has scaled back this 2008 proposal from the much broader disclosure requirements in the 2000 proposal. The new form would require that the adviser disclose the ways in which it addresses its material conflicts rather than the much more cumbersome disclosure of its relevant policies and procedures. In addition, the SEC Investment Management Alert rejected a uniform table of contents for each adviser’s brochure, giving the adviser the discretion to tailor its overall narrative to its own operations. Set forth below are highlights of the 2008 reproposal and in certain cases noted differences with the originally proposed version in 2000. Attached hereto is a chart that summarizes and compares the items included in the 2008 amendments to those originally proposed in the 2000 release. General: Conflicts. The proposed form calls for a succinct, easily understandable narrative, in plain English, of the conflicts of interest that may arise in the course of the adviser’s business and how the adviser addresses such conflicts. Item 4: Separately Managed Accounts/Wrap Fees. The adviser would not be required to list every SMA/ wrap fee program in which the adviser participates, as it would have been required to do under the 2000 proposal.1 Item 4: Adviser Publications. The adviser would not be required to disclose the names of all periodicals, publications or reports that the adviser publishes. Item 5: Fees and Compensation. The adviser would be required to disclose compensation attributable to the sale of a security or other investment product (e.g., brokerage commissions), but would not be required to disclose the amount or range of mutual fund fees its clients pay. Item 6: Side-by-Side Management. An adviser that charges (or has a supervised person who charges) performance fees would have to disclose that fact. If the adviser (or a supervised person) also manages accounts that are not charged a performance fee (i.e. mutual funds) the adviser would have to describe the conflicts of interest implicated by managing the two accounts with disparate fee structures.2 The proposing 1 H owever, an adviser that sponsors a SMA/wrap fee program would be required to create a separate SMA/wrap fee brochure, to be presented to clients of its SMA/wrap fee programs, containing information similar to that required by Schedule H with additional disclosures if affiliated persons of the adviser serve as portfolio managers to the SMA/wrap fee programs. 2 The SEC references specific issues such as the timing of trades (“front running”), contrasts in strategies (a hedge fund short selling a stock in which a mutual fund holds a long position), and trade allocation (“cherry picking”). release makes clear that these include conflicts in the allocation of trades and investment opportunities.3 Item 9: Disciplinary Actions. The disciplinary disclosures under the proposed form would mirror those currently contained in rule 206(4)-4 of the Advisers Act, and the SEC will rescind rule 206(4)-4 if and when the proposed form is adopted.4 Disciplinary events relating to an adviser’s integrity would be presumptively material and have to be disclosed unless the adviser rebuts such a presumption, for which documentation would have to be maintained by the adviser. Item 11: Code of Ethics. The adviser would have to include a brief description of its Code of Ethics and offer to provide a copy upon request. Item 12: Brokerage. The amended form would require an adviser to describe how it selects brokers, determines the reasonableness of brokerage fees, and addresses the conflicts arising from the use of “soft dollars.” In particular, for the first time the SEC would require advisers to explain whether they use soft dollars to benefit all accounts proportionately. The adviser need not, however, disclose whether it negotiates brokerage commissions or participates in commission recapture programs.5 Item 16: Investment Discretion. An adviser that has discretionary authority over client accounts would have to disclose these arrangements and describe any limitations clients may place on the adviser’s authority. Item 17: Proxy Voting. The form would require an adviser to describe its proxy voting policies. An adviser that uses third party proxy voting services would be required to describe how the providers 3 H owever, the SEC did not propose a general requirement to discuss how the adviser addresses trade and investment allocations. 4 The proposal in 2000 contained a blanket provision requiring an adviser to provide its clients with a copy of any SEC order to which it was subject. The SEC removed this blanket provision, reasoning that not all orders are relevant or material to investors and that the SEC has the ability and discretion to require the adviser, in the order itself, to provide a copy of the order to its clients. 5 In response to the original proposal, commentators emphasized, and the SEC agreed, that because very few advisers negotiate brokerage commissions and that typically it is the clients who direct an adviser’s participation in recapture programs, such disclosures may be misleading to investors. March 2008 | 2 Investment Management Alert are selected, whether clients may direct the use of a particular provider, and how payment is made for such services. Item 18: Financial Information: An adviser must disclose any financial condition reasonably likely to affect client funds in its custody, including if an adviser requires its clients to prepay fees or has been subject to a bankruptcy petition. The SEC notes that to the extent that disclosures required by one item are also required by a different item, the adviser need not repeat the information. Additionally, an adviser does not need to provide a firm brochure to advisory clients to whom it provides only impersonal advice, nor must the adviser provide a brochure to investment company clients registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940. Furthermore, if an adviser does not have any clients to whom it must deliver a firm brochure, it need not prepare a brochure at all. Part 2B: Brochure Supplement One of the more significant aspects of the new proposal is the requirement to prepare and deliver brochure supplements that would contain disclosures about certain key investment professionals of the investment adviser. The SEC would leave to the discretion of the investment adviser how to group disclosures about its professionals into separate supplements. Despite the fact that the newly proposed Part 2B has also been scaled back from its original 2000 form, it will likely be the focus of many comments submitted to the SEC in the coming weeks. Highlights of the Part 2B proposal are set forth below. Delivery: The adviser would not be required to deliver a brochure supplement to a client to whom delivery of Part 2A is not required – those receiving impersonal advice, registered investment companies, clients who are “qualified purchasers,” and certain adviser-affiliated clients.6 Creation: Similar to Part 2A, to the extent an adviser has no clients to whom delivery of the Part 2B brochure supplement would be required, it need not prepare the supplement. 6 T he SEC is requesting comments on whether “qualified purchaser” is the correct standard for exclusion of the supplement (as opposed to “qualified institutional buyer,” “accredited investor,” etc.). Application: Each item of Part 2B would have to be answered for every employee of the adviser that either: (1) formulates investment advice for client assets and has direct client contact; or (2) makes discretionary investment decisions for client assets.7 Updating: The adviser would have to amend a brochure supplement to reflect any changes which render it materially inaccurate and deliver the updated supplement to any new clients. The adviser would have to only make an interim delivery to existing clients if the change in circumstances is of a disciplinary nature.8 Otherwise, the adviser may simply make its required annual delivery of the amended brochure supplement to its existing clients along with its Part 2A brochure within 120 days of the end of its fiscal year. Bankruptcy: The new proposal, backing off slightly from its original version, would not require an adviser to disclose if a portfolio manager has been subject to a bankruptcy petition.9 Professional Designations: The adviser would be given the option to list its employees’ professional designations or attainments;10 however, in the event that a portfolio manager has resigned or relinquished a professional designation in anticipation of its suspension or revocation, Part 2B would require the adviser to disclose that fact. As should be apparent, the proposed amendments, if adopted, would greatly expand the scope of required disclosures in investment advisers’ client brochures. Please do not hesitate to contact a K&L Gates lawyer if you have questions about the scope of the proposal or if you are interested in submitting a comment letter to the SEC. All comments must be submitted to the SEC by May 16, 2008. 7 T he items need not be answered for a person who merely communicates investment advice to a client (i.e., service employees), as was contemplated under the original proposal. 8 The 2000 proposal would have required delivery of the updated supplement to existing clients regardless of the nature of the change in circumstances. 9 The SEC again agreed with commentators that being subject to a bankruptcy petition is not necessarily indicative of a person’s integrity or investment advisory skills. 10 The SEC did not want to confuse investors by requiring the adviser to issue a laundry list of titles nor to encourage the use of meaningless or even fictitious designations. 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K&L Gates maintains appropriate registrations in the jurisdictions in which its offices are located. A list of the partners in each entity is available for inspection at any K&L Gates office. This publication/newsletter is for informational purposes and does not contain or convey legal advice. The information herein should not be used or relied upon in regard to any particular facts or circumstances without first consulting a lawyer. Data Protection Act 1998—We may contact you from time to time with information on Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis LLP seminars and with our regular newsletters, which may be of interest to you. We will not provide your details to any third parties. Please e-mail if you would prefer not to receive this information. ©1996-2008 Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis LLP. All Rights Reserved. March 2008 | 8