From: AAAI Technical Report FS-01-01. Compilation copyright © 2001, AAAI ( All rights reserved. TowardBootstrap Learning for Place Recognition Benjamin Kuipers and Patrick Beeson Computer Science Department The University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 78712 Abstract Pierce and Kuipers [1997] explored howsuch an agent couldprogressivelylearn: (1) properties of its sensors, (2) basis set of motorcommands, (3) sets of sensoryfeatures useful as local state variables, and(4) controllawsfor trajectoryfollowing and hill-climbing. Thesecontrol laws are sufficient to supporttravel amongdistinctive states (dstates), and henceto supportcreation of the causal, topological and metrical levels of the Spatial SemanticHierarchy(SSH)[Kuipers &Byun, 1991; Kuipers, 2000]. Weuse the term bootstrap learningfor this kind of progressivecreation of a hierarchy of representations. In this paper, given that the agent has learned to movereliably amongdistinctive states, weask howit can learn to recognizeplaces. Wepresent a methodwherebya robot with no prior knowledgeof its sensors, effectors or environment can learn to recognizeplaces with high accuracy,in spite of perceptualalia.sing (different places appear the same)and imagevariability (the sameplace appears differently). Previous workshowedhowsuch a robot could learn from its experience a useful set of sensory features, motionprimitives, and local control laws to movefromone distinctive state to another. Suchprogressive learning of a hierarchical representation is called bootstraplearning. Thefirst step in learning place recognition eliminates imagevariability in twosteps: (a) focusing on recognition of distinctive states defined by the robot’s control laws, and (b) unsupervisedlearning of clusters of similar sensory images. The clusters define viewsassociatedwithdistinctive states, often increasing perceptual aliasing. The second step eliminates perceptual aliasing by building a cognitive mapand using history information gathered during exploration to disambiguatedistinctive states. The third step uses the labeled imagesfor supervisedlearning of direct associations fromsensory imagesto distinctive states. Weevaluate the methodusing a physical mobile robot in two environments, showinglarge amountsof perceptual aliasing and highresulting recognitionrates. 1 Bootstrap Learning Suppose an agent awakes in an unknownenvironment with an uninterpretedset of sensors and effectors. Howcanit learn the nature of its ownsensorimotorsystemand then learn the structure of its environment? This problemis important in praetical terms because we wantrobots with very rich sensorimotorsystemsto be able to adapt to newsenses or to changesin its existing sensors. Future robot sensors based on MEMS technology mayalso have irregular structures similar to biological sensors, rather than being (for example)a rectangular array of pixels. This problem is an aspect of the fundamentalquestion of howsymbols in a knowledgerepresentation gain their meaningby being groundedin sensorimotorinteraction with the world. 25 2 Place Recognition Wewant a robot to learn from experience to recognize the place it is at andits orientation at that place. Together,the robot’s position andorientation constitute its state in the environment. Withoutcontextual information, this recognition problemis unsolvableevenwithperfect sensors, since different places mayhave identical sensory images.Realistically, sensors are imperfect, so evenif subtle distinguishing features are present, they maybe buried in sensor noise. There are twodifficulties that mustbe overcome for effeetive place recognition. ¯ Perceptualaliasing: different places mayhavesimilar or identical sensory images. ¯ Imagevariability: the sameposition and orientation may havedifferent sensoryimageson different occasions,for exampleat different times of day. Thesetwodifficulties trade offagalnst eachother. Withrelatively impoverishedsensors (e.g., a sonar ring) manyplaces have similar images, so the dominantproblemis perceptual aliasing. Withmuchricher sensors such as vision or laser range-finders, discriminatingfeatures are morelikely to be present in the image,but so are noise and dynamicchanges, so the dominantproblemfor recognition becomesimagevariability. 3 A Hybrid Solution In order to bootstrap to an effective solution to the place recognition problem,we combineseveral different learning Action(i) Image(i) Figure 2: Lassie explores a rectangular roomwhoseonly distingnishing feature is a small notch out of one comer. Image variability arises fromposition and orientation variation when Lassiereachesa distinctive state, andfromthe intrinsic noise in the laser range-finder.Perceptualaliasing arises fromthe symmetryof the environment,and the lack of a compass.The notch is designedto be a distinguishingfeature that is small enoughto be obscuredby imagevariability. Dstate(i) (a) 1 SSHTopological Map -- by exploration and abduction from the observedsequence of views and actions [Kuipers, 2000; Remolina &Kuipers, 2001]. If neededto disambignatethe current distinctive state, use history-basedmethodssuch as the Place(i),Path(j) rehearsal procedure [Kuipers & Byun,1991] or homing sequences LRivest &Schapire, 1989]. While theoretically tractable, these are expensiveboth in computation Figure 1." Bootstraplearning of place recognition. Solid arand in additionaltravel. Thisis feedbackpath (a) in Figrowsrepresent the majorinference paths, while dotted arrows ure 1. represent feedback. 4. Nowthe sequence of images is classified into views and labeled with the correct dstate. Applya supermethods(Figure 1). Westart by attacking the problem vised learning algorithmto learn a direct association imagevariability, first by focusingon distinctive states and from sensory image to dstate. The added information second by clustering to efiminate noise. Then we apply a in supervised learning makesit possible to identify subrelatively expensivedeductiveand exploration methodto distle discriminatingfeaturas that wouldbe indistinguishambiguateperceptual aliasing, someof which maybe caused able fromnoise by an unsupervisedclustering algorithm. by the first step. Andfinally, weuse our expensively-bought This is feedbackpath (b) in Figure knowledgeof distinctive states to learn direct associations from sensory imagesto dstates. The resulting association Wedescribe the individual steps in moredetail along with maynot be perfect, in the case of dstates with identical sena simple experiment. Lassie is an RWIMagellanrobot. It sory images, but the moreexpensivecontextual methodsreperceives its environmentusing a laser range-finder: each sensory imageis a point in Ris°. Althougheach imagerepremainavailable. sents the rangesto obstaclesin the 180° arc in front of Lassie, Thesteps of our solution are the following. because we are doing bootstrap learning the robot does not 1. Restrict attention to recognizing distinctive states havethis knowledge,so it cannotapply powerfulspatial mod(dstates). Distinctive states are well-separated in the eling methodslike occupancygrids [Moravec,1988]. robot’s state space, and their sensory imagestend to be As Lassie performsclockwisecircuits of its environment, either well-separatedor verysimilar. it encounterseight distinctive states, one immediately before, 2. Applyan unsupervisedclustering algorithm to the senand one immediatelyafter the turn at each comer(Figure 2). sory imagesobtained at the dstates in the environment. This reduces imagevariability by mappingdifferent im4 Focuson Distinctive States agesof the sameplace into the samecluster, evenat the TheSSH[Kuipers, 2000]is a hierarchyof distinct but closely cost of increasing perceptual aliasing by mappingimrelated representationsfor knowledge of large-scale space. It ages of different states into the samecluster. Wedeshowshowthe cognitive mapcan be robustly acquired during fine each cluster to be a view, in the sense of the SSH exploration and used for problem-solvingevenin the face of [Kuipers & Byun,1991; Kuipers, 2000]. resource limitations and incompleteknowledge. 3. Build the SSHcausal and topological map-- a symA distinctive state is the isolated fixed-point of a hillboric description madeup of dstates, places and paths climbingcontrol law. Travel amongdistinctive states elim- 26 inates cumulative estimated position error. A sequence of control laws taking the robot fromone dstate to the next is abstracted to an action. For a typical mobilerobot, the state variable x = [x, V, 0] is three-dimensionalwith components for position and orientation, and a two-dimensional motorvector u = Iv, w] specifies linear and angularvelocities. In contrast, a realistic robot of the present and future will have a very high-dimensional sense vector s, including such sensors as binocular vision, laser, sonar and IR range-finders, bumpsensors, odometry, compass and GPS. In a qualitatively uniformsegmentof the environment,the robot governsits behaviorby selecting a reactive control law Xi. The robot and its environment,coupled through the sensorimotorsystem, are described as a dynamicalsystemwhich evolvesto a fixed-point x (the distinctive state) where± = = ¢(x,u) s = ~(x) u = x~(s) (1) (2) (3) cI, represents the physicsof the robot and the constraints of the environment.~I, represents the sensory systemof the robot. Xi is the reactive control lawfor the current segmentof the robot’s behavior. Wedefine an imageas being the highdimensional sensory input I = s = ~(x) when x is a distinctivestate. Anyimplementation of the dynamical system (1-3) will have finite tolerances, so the values of x when± = 0 on different occasionswill not be precisely equal. However, they will be clustered very closely, andthey will be separatedfrom other distinctive states by the basin of attraction of the system (1-3). The samewill be true of the dependentvariable ts = ~(x). 5 Cluster ImagesInto Views Anenvironmentcontains a relatively small discrete set of dstates. In a high-dimensionalsensory space, their sensory imagesare likely to be well-separated,so a clustering algorithm can eliminate amountsof variation that are small compared with the separation betweengroups of images. When imagesfrom different dstates happento be very close (due to highly structured environmentsor weaksensors), they can simplybe mappedto the samecluster, resulting in perceptual aliasing. Distinctivestates are significantly easier to recognizethan places selected at regularly spacedintervals in the environment [Yamauchi & Langley, 1997; Duckett & Nehmzow, 2000].Regularlyspacedstates are unlikely to be as well separated in sensoryspaceso it will be difficult to eliminateall image variability by clustering withoutincurring large amounts of perceptualaliasing. TheSSHa~ssumesthat each dstate is associatedwith a single view, thoughdifferent dstates mayhavethe sameview, so clustering musteliminate imagevariability. Wecluster images into k clusters using k-means[Duda, Hart, &Stork, 2001], searchingfor the value of k that maximizesour "internal measure"of clustering quality, k M=/r k .o L c=1 i=1 ]_x I,o,, - o1’1 <4) where ne is the numberof elements and dc is the meanof cluster c, and xc,i is the ith elementof cluster c. Mrewards tight clusters but penalizeslarger numbersof clusters. An"external measure"of cluster quality uses knowledge of the true dstate associated with each image.The uncertainty coefficient U(VIS) measuresthe extent to which knowledge of S predicts the view V [Press et aL, 1992, pp. 632--635]. (p/,j is the probabilitythat the current viewis l~ andthe current dstate is Sj.) Thelargest value of k with U = 1 correspondsto the greatest discriminating powerwhile completely eliminatingimagevariability. = HCV)-HCVIS ) H(V) H(V) = ~"~Pi. ln pi. wh erepi. V(VlS) = ~--~p,,j j H (VlS) = - ~p,,j In "J whereP4 = ~ P,,~ P4 i i,./ In 50 circuits of the notchedrectangle environment(Figure 2), Lassie experiences400 images.Applyingthe internal measure(4) ofeluster quality, Lassie determinesthat k = 4 the clear winner(Figure 3(a)). Figure 3(b) showsthat is also optimalto the external measure. Thenotchin the rectangle is clearly being treated as noise by the clustering algorithm, so diagonally opposite dstates havethe sameview. In this environment,the four viewscorrespondto the followingtable of distances perceivedto the robot’sleft, front, andright. left front right 0.5 4.5 V0 0.5 V1 0.5 4.5 2.5 0.5 2.5 V2 0.5 2.5 4.5 Vs 0.5 l 6 Build the CausalandTopologicalMaps As the robot travels amongdistinctive states, its continuous experienceis abstracted, first to an alternating sequenceof images Ik and actions Ak, then images are clustered into views Vk, and finally views are associated with dstates Sk. The SSHCausal mapcan be represented as a simple tableau. to Io Ao tl /’1 (5) An-1 tNotethat ¯ cannotbehavepathologicallyin the neighborhood Since clustering imagesinto views h&seliminated image of a dstate x, or the dynamical systemwouldnot convergestablyto x, andit couldn’tbea distinctivestate. variability, but leaves perceptual aliasing, the problemis to 27 ploratory sequenceof actions likely to producethe relevant experience. At the SSHtopologicallevel, actions are classified as turns and travels. Sets of distinctive states that are connectedby turns withouttravel defineplaces, and sets of dstates that are connectedby travels without turns (except TurnAround) define paths. The SSHcausal and topological levels describe the environment at the discrete set of distinctive states, when the robot is at a dstate S, a place P, and on a directed path (Pa, fir), where dir E {pos, neg} is the one-dimensional orientation along the path. As Lassie explores the notched-rectangle environment,it creates the followingtableau of experienceat the SSHcausal and topologicallevels. Notethat the sequencesof time-points tk, imagesIk and actions Akare not periodic. The sequence of viewsV~has period four, but the sequenceof distinctive states Sk has period eight. to O,OE O.9E tl O.94 0.9~ 0.9 0.84 0.62 0.8 i 3 i 4 i 5 k i 6 i 7 Figure 3: After Lassie’s explorationof the notchedrectangle, k = 4 is selected as the best numberof clusters by the internal measureM(top), and is confirmedas optimal by the external measure U (bottom). determinethe correct distinctive states Sk. Weresolve this ambiguityusing the "rehearsal procedure"[Kuipers &Byun, 1991], or methodsfor learning deterministic finite automata (DFA)[Rivest &Schapire, 1989], evenin the face of stochastic uncertainty [Basye, Dean, &Kaelbling, 1995]. However, by focusing on distinctive states and clustering to eliminate imagevariability, we believe that the remaininguncertainty is not stochastic. Perceptualaliasing is simplydifferent states of the DFAhavingthe sameoutput (i.e., view). Thebasic idea for identifying distinctive states is to assumethat two dstates with the sameview are equal, unless they can be provedto be different. Theycan be proveddifferent with experiences stored in the SSHcausal level when the twodstates are directly linked by a non-nullaction. This can also be done whenthe SSHtopological level includes a relation incompatiblewith dstate identity, for examplewhen the twodstates are associated with different places, or when they mustlie on different sides of a path servingas a dividing boundary.In ease discriminating information is not already in the cognitive map,the rehearsal procedureproposesan ex- 28 It At Vo So (turn - °) 90 /1 11181 A1 t2 12 V2 A2 ts 13 Vs A4 t4 h Vo A5 t5 15 Vx Ae te I6 Vz A7 tr 17 Va As ts Is Vo : : (travel 4m) 82 °) (turn - 90 Ss (travel 2m) & (turn S5 (travel $6 (turn $7 (travel So : °) 90 P0 Pat pos Po Pal pos 1:’1 Pal pos P1 pos Pas P2 Pa2 pos P2 Pas pos Ps Pas pos Pa Pat pos Po Pat pos : : : (6) 4m) °) 90 2m) to ~ on(Po,Pao) tl ~ on(Po,Pal) t2 --+ on(P1,Pal)A PO(Pal,pos,Po, The connectivity of the graph of places and paths is derived from the tableau above. (on(Po, Pat) meansthat place Po is on path Pat, and PO(Pal,pos,Po, P1) means that in the place order associated with path Pal in the pos direction, place Po precedes Px.) The detailed rules are beyond the scope of this paper. The concepts are described in [Kuipers, 2000] and the formal axiomsare given in [Remolina & Kuipers, 2001]. Roughly,we conclude that $4 So because$4 is at P2, whichis to the right of boundaryPat, while So is at Po, whichis on Pat. Similarly for $5, Se and $7. Weconclude that Ss = So by a minimality argument, since there is no necessityfor themto be different. Thus, by constructing the SSHcausal and topological maps, Lassie determines that the four views correspond to eight distinctive states, four placesandfour paths. I 9~ 8£ 70 Figure 5: Taylor Hall, secondfloor hallway. Theactual environmentis 80 meters long and includes trash cans, lockers, benches,desks and a portable blackboard. 4O 3O 20 8 A Natural Office Environment 10 0 11111 o SO n 100 i K n 150 200 250 Humber (XIrekdng examples t.amIn Taylor2 HLWVsy n 300 r 350 A natural environment,even an office environment,contains muchmoredetail than the simplified notched-rectangleenvironment.To a robot with rich sensors, imagesat distinctive states are muchmoredistinguishable. Imagevariability is the problem,not perceptual aliasing. Lassie explored the main hallway on the secondfloor of Taylor Hall (Figure 5). It collected 100imagesfrom 20 distinctive states. The topological maplinking themcontained sevenplaces and four paths. Whenclustering the images, the internal measure Mhad its maximum at k = 8. The external measureU confirms that this is optimal (Figure 6). building the causal and topological mapthe robot is able to disambiguateall twentydistinctive states, eventhoughthere are onlyeight views.Giventhe correct labeling with dstates, the supervisedlearner reaches 88%accuracywithin 90 trials (Figure4(b)). 400 9O 8O 7O 60 4O 30 9 Humb~~ trading oxanq)les Figure 4: Learningcurve (using 10-fold cross validation) for nearest neighbor classification of dstates given sensory images for (a) the notched-rectangleenvironment,or (b) second floor of Taylor Hall. In both cases, recognition is approximately 90%after 90 training examples. 7 Supervised Learning to Recognize Dstates Withunique identifiers for dstates, the supervisedlearning step quicklylearns to identify the correct distinctive state directly from the sensory image with high accuracy. The supervised learning methodis the nearest neighbor algorithm [Duda, Hart, &Stork, 2001]. Experienced images are represented in the sensoryspace, labeled with their true dstate. Whena new image is experienced, the dstate label on the nearest stored imagein the sensoryspace is proposed,and the accuracyof this guess is recorded. Thenthe imageis stored withits correct dstate label. Figure4 showsthe rate of correct answers as a function of numberof imagesexperienced. In both cases, accuracyrises near 90%at about 90 images. In general, of course, recognition of dstates from sensory imagescannot be doneperfectly, since there can be different dstates whosedistinguishing features, if present at all, cannot be discerned by the robot’s sensors. In such cases, the robotcan fall backon the historical contextof its travel, or on further exploration. 29 Conclusion and Future Work Wehaveestablished that bootstrap learning for place recognition can achieve high accuracy with real sensory images from a physical robot exploring amongdistinctive states in real environments. The methodstarts by eliminating image variability by focusing on distinctive states and doingunsupervised clustering of images. Then,by building the causal and topological map,distinctive states are disambiguatedand perceptualaliasing is eliminated.Finally, supervisedlearning of labeled imagesachieves high accuracy direct recognition of distinctive states fromsensoryimages. The current unsupervised and supervised learning algorithms we use are k-meansand nearest neighbor. Weplan to experimentwithother algorithmsto fill these roles in the learning method. Other clustering techniques maybe more sensitive to the kinds of similarities and distinctions present in sensor images. Supervisedlearning methodslike backprop maymakeit possible to analyze hidden units to determine whichfeatures are significant to the discriminationand whieh are noise. 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