Kent State University Kronos Timekeeper™ 6.0 Supervisors Guide

Kent State University
Kronos 6.0
Kent State University
Kronos Timekeeper™ 6.0
Supervisors Guide
Revised 7/15/2011
Kent State University
Kronos 6.0
Table of Contents
Topic 1: Logging On and Off. ......................................................................................................................... 3
Topic 2: Supervisors Navigating in Kronos Timekeeper. ............................................................................... 5
Topic 3: Reviewing employee time ................................................................................................................ 8
Topic 4: Timecard Edits .............................................................................................................................. 10
Topic 5: Calculating, refreshing and saving data. ........................................................................................ 15
Topic 6: Deleting Punches. .......................................................................................................................... 17
Topic 7: Canceling or adding a meal deduction. .......................................................................................... 19
Topic 8: Using Pay Codes............................................................................................................................ 24
Topic 9: Transferring hours. ......................................................................................................................... 26
Topic 10: Approving employee time .............................................................................................................. 27
Topic 11: Running Reports. .......................................................................................................................... 29
Topic 12: Scheduling..................................................................................................................................... 33
Quick Guide. .................................................................................................................................................. 34
Revised 7/15/2011
Kent State University
Kronos 6.0
Logging on
The Kronos Workforce Central log on page provides access to all the features in the Kronos Timekeeper
Application to perform time and attendance tasks.
The following illustration shows the sample Kronos Central log on page:
Steps for logging on:
1. Open a web browser.
In the Address box, type or log onto flashline and click on the My Action Items tab
2. for supervisor access or My HR for employee access. The Kronos link is on the left hand side.
3. Select the appropriate link (supervisor or employee).
4. Enter flashline user name and password if going from web browser.
Step Action
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Kronos 6.0
Logging off
When finished using Kronos Timekeeper, end the session by clicking Log Off.
This feature helps keeps employees’ information confidential.
The following illustration highlights the Log Off link:
Steps for Logging Off:
Click the log off utility link in the upper-right corner of the page.
Kronos will return to the Workforce Central Log On page.
Step Action
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Kronos 6.0
Main areas of the initial Kronos Timekeeper page
My Genies - quickfind
After logging on to Kronos Timekeeper, the quickfind page appears. Click on find (illustration below) and a
list of employees will come up in the workspace.
Note: No employees that have transferred in any hours will be in this view.
Timekeeping – Pay Period Close and Reconcile Timecards
Under the Timekeeping tab are the selections Pay Period Close and Reconcile Timecard (see
illustration below) which are used to see all employees, including employees that have hours transferred in.
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Kronos 6.0
Viewing Employee’s Timecards
To select the employee’s timecards to edit, highlight them. Highlight one at a time or several.
To select one employee simply click on their name.
To select multiple employees listed together:
Click on the first employee then hold down the shift key and click on the last
Click on the first employee; hold down the left mouse button while moving down to
the last employee.
Select actions and from the drop down choose select all.
To select multiple employees not listed together hold down the control key while clicking
additional names.
Once all employees needed are selected for editing click on timecard located in the top left corner.
To navigate to the next employee click on the right arrow located to the right of the employee’s name and
banner id:
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Kronos 6.0
Steps for viewing employee’s timecards:
1. Select Pay Period Close or Reconcile Timecard from the timekeeping tab drop down menu.
2. Go to Actions located at the top of the timecard and choose select all from the drop down menu.
3. Click on Timecard in the upper left hand corner.
4. This will bring up employees timecards one at a time to review.
5. To view the next timecard, select the right arrow beside the Banner ID.
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Kronos 6.0
Reviewing employee time using a Kronos Genie
Using a Kronos Genie, the following can be performed:
• Locate employees and access their timecards
• Select one or more employees and generate reports.
• Review summarized information “at-a-glance” for analysis
Steps for using Quickfind:
Step Action
If needed, select quickfind from the My Genies tab.
Select find next to the Name or ID.
Locate the employee to be edit and click the employee’s name
To select multiple employees, hold down the control key while clicking additional names
Click on timecard to view, make changes and approve timecards
Note: When right clicking on an employee name or one of the selected names, Kronos Timekeeper
displays a menu with the same tools available in Quickfind.
Kronos Timekeeping:
Select specific set of employees to appear in the workspace. Typically, the default for this list is set to All
Home and Transferred in which displays all employees the supervisor has to access when selecting
Reconcile Timecard or Pay Period close.
Time Period: The default is Previous Pay Period which can be changed by selecting from a drop down
list; other time period selections: specific date, range of dates, or various pay periods.
The workspace contains a set of columns specific to Reconcile Timecard and Pay Period Close.
Refreshing and sorting data in Kronos:
The latest information can be displayed from the database and the columns can be sorted to group together
specific information.
The following describes Refresh options:
Click the Refresh button to display the most current database information. This is important to ensure that the
most recent changes made to employees are being viewed.
The Last Refreshed time is located in the upper left corner of the page
The following describes Sort options:
Sort arrows: Click the column headings to sort the data by the selected column. Clicking a column heading a second
time reverses the sort order. A down arrow shows the sort as descending; an up arrow shows the sort as ascending.
Sort numbers: Click a second column heading to sort the display a second time according to the second column. The
second column becomes the primary sort, and the first column becomes the secondary sort. A number appears
in each column heading next to the up and down arrow to show which column is sorted on first and which column is
sorted on second.
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Kronos 6.0
Printing and exporting Kronos data
Kronos displays critical information in an easy-to-read format. This information can be printed or exported
to other applications such as Microsoft Excel, where the data can reformatted for business needs. For
example, labor information can be saved from the Reconcile Timecard Genie as an Excel file extension and
then accessed with Microsoft Excel to add a total summary for data in each
The following are options for exporting data from Kronos.
Steps for Printing from Kronos:
Step Action
Access the data to print
Select Actions > Print
Click Printer and select a printer from the list
Steps for Exporting data to Excel:
Step Action
Access the data to export, usually from reconcile timecards or pay period close
To export data in Microsoft Excel format, select Actions > Export to Excel
Click Open to view the file in Excel or Save to complete the process, specifying the file name
and location to save the file
After the Save process completes open the file using Microsoft Excel, and reformat the data
to suit business needs
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Kronos 6.0
Missed clock punches
Employees occasionally forget to punch in or out for a shift. When this happens, a solid red box appears in
the missed In or Out cell. To add that punch, click the cell and type the missed time. All times entered
default to AM. If an afternoon time is added a p or pm must be added. Military time can also be used. A
comment must be attached to the missed punch and a note typed explaining the reason for the missed
punch if necessary.
Steps for adding a comment and a note on a missed clock punch:
After entering the missed time right click on that punch.
Select Add Comment.
Select the comment Added Missed Punch from the list
Type in a note in the Note section explaining the reason the clock punch was missed if necessary.
Click ok to return to the timecard.
Click save to save the missed punch, comment and note.
Missing punches should be corrected in Kronos as soon as possible. Employees should notify their
supervisors right away if they have a missed clock punch. Do not wait until the following week to correct
these. It is easier to ensure correct times when done right away.
Business Practice
It is the responsibility of all Managers to review and edit their employees’ timecards on a
daily basis. It is also their responsibility to verify the accuracy of the information on the
If a clock punch is missed the next clock punch could be automatically loaded under the wrong time slot
(IN/OUT). Do not delete any clock punches to move the original clock punches to the right location. Follow
the steps below to move a clock punch from an In slot to an Out slot:
Steps for moving a clock punch to the correct cell:
Right click on the existing clock punch and select edit punch.
From the Override drop down select Out Punch.
Select the Ok button.
Save the timecard.
The existing in punch should now be moved to the out slot and the missing in punch can be
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Kent State University
Kronos 6.0
See the illustration below showing the edit punch box with the override drop down and Out punch
Adding comments
Comments are predefined descriptive phrases that are available to attach to a punch or amount to provide
additional, useful information about that transaction. For example, Late - Car Problems comment can be
added to a late in-punch to explain why the employee did not report to work as scheduled. As many
comments as needed can be attached to explain the punch or amount. Free form-text notes can be added
to comments for additional clarification.
Steps for adding comments:
Click the cell that contains the punch or amount to which a comment needs added
Select Comment > Add
Select one or more comments from the list
TIP: Hold the Ctrl key to select more than one comment
Add text to the Notes section
Note: If multiple comments are added, the same note is applied to all of them
Click OK
Click Save
Comments and added notes can be seen on the employee’s timecard.
Comments also are included on the Employee Timecard Audit Report and the Time Detail Report.
Business Practice
All notes should reflect standard business practices, including HIPAA and FMLA guidelines.
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Kent State University
Kronos 6.0
Deleting comments
A comment can be deleted if it was entered incorrectly or if there is new information that makes the
comment invalid. Delete comments from the Comment tab at the bottom of the timecard.
Steps for deleting a comment:
Step Action
Click the Comment tab below the timecard on the same row as Totals & Schedule.
Right-click the comment that needs deleted
Click Delete Comment
Click Yes to delete the comment
Click Save
University Business
When can University Business be used?
When an employee is actually doing work for the university and is not able to clock in and out
because there is no access to a university computer.
If an employee is required to attend a university event, class, training or workshop that has been
approved by the supervisor. The type of training or workshop needs to be listed in the notes for
use in future reporting.
For university closures.
When can University Business not be used?
In place of vacation, sick or comp time
To cancel lunch deductions.
Classes enrolled in or training activities which are not required.
When University Business is added to a timecard a comment must to be added with a note explaining the
reason for the university business. There are no exceptions to this rule. See steps for adding comments
on page 11.
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Kent State University
Kronos 6.0
Changing Overtime to Comp. Earned
When an employee has worked over 40 hours for the week, they may request that the overtime be
changed to comp earned. Please follow the instructions below on how to move OT to Comp
Earned. Employees cannot be forced to earn comp instead of overtime; it is the employee’s choice.
If it is not moved correctly and Payroll does not catch it the employee will
be paid double the overtime and also earn comp time.
Steps for moving overtime to comp time earned:
The timecard view must be the previous pay period.
At the Bottom left hand side of the timecard, under the “Totals and Schedule” tab
change the drop box that says “ALL” to “DAILY”.
Click on the first day of the week on the timecard. (i.e. Sunday)
Using the arrow keys on the computer keyboard, arrow down through each day.
The total of hours worked for each day will begin to appear in the totals and
schedule box located at the bottom left of the timecard.
When the OT appears in the totals & schedule box click on the overtime line so
that it is highlighted.
Right click on the OT and a move button will appear. MAC users simply double
click on OT and the MOVED Amount Box will pop up automatically.
Once the “move” button has been selected the MOVED Amount Box will pop up.
Change the pay code to Comp Earned
Enter the amount of time to be moved for that day only. The amount of overtime
for that day is listed at the top of the move box.
Select “OK”
Continue through each day that has overtime. Keep in mind that overtime is
earned after 40 hours. It is not earned daily when employees work over their
normal scheduled shift.
When all overtime is moved select “SAVE”
Change the totals and schedule from daily back to all. The change and the total
hours worked for the entire week will be listed at the bottom of the screen.
Save the timecard.
*Under no circumstances are “IN” and/or “OUT” punches are to be deleted. Also please do not add the
comp earned pay code to the timecard.
Comp Earned cannot be added as a pay code the way sick and vacation pay codes are added. It must be
moved from overtime and not any other pay code.
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Kent State University
Kronos 6.0
If an error is made when moving overtime to comp time earned or an employee decides to be paid for
the overtime instead of getting comp time earned the moved amount can be deleted.
Steps for deleting comp time earned:
Click on the moved amounts tab on the same line as totals & schedule to see
what time has been moved.
Right click on the incorrect moved amount and select delete.
Save the timecard.
Changing Clock Punches
It is NOT within a manager’s authority to deny payment of overtime (whether authorized or not) to
request that an employee change a valid time record. Clock punches should never be changed to increase
or decrease employees actual worked time.
Accounting for all hours weekly
For all full time classified employees, supervisors must account for all 40 hours a full time employee is
scheduled to work in a work week (Sunday through Saturday). If a full time employee has less than 40
hours worked a pay code must be added with enough hours to bring them to 40 hours for the week. If no
paid leave is available for the employee unpaid leave must be used.
Approving timecards
Supervisors have until Tuesday midnight to sign off on timecards. Reminder emails usually start coming
out on Tuesday afternoons. Review timecards for accuracy to ensure all employees will be paid correctly.
If the employee is absent, the entire responsibility for the timecard record rests with the designated
supervisor. Once the timecard has been reviewed select approvals from the top of the timecard and
select approve from the drop down menu. Once all timecards have been approved and saved, select
refresh in the reconcile timecards view to make sure the supervisor name appears on every employee’s
line in the Managers Who Approved Timecard column.
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Kronos 6.0
Topic 5: Calculating, Refreshing, and
Saving Data
Visual indicators
When a timecard is edited, the page name turns orange and an asterisk appears next to it as a visual
indicator that the data is not yet saved. The following shows visual indicators of unsaved information on the
Visual Indicator
Timecard title in orange with asterisk
Unsaved edits
Red flag in the Totals & Schedule tab
Totals are not up to date
The following illustration shows a sample hourly timecard with *TIMECARD in orange and a red flag to
indicate unsaved data:
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Kronos 6.0
Refreshing Changes
A timecard in the process of having information added to or modified that should not be updated can be
refreshed. The application does not save the data until save has been selected. Until that time, all changes
can be removed by using the Refresh option. When this option is used, the application cancels unsaved
changes and displays the most recently saved information. If an error comes up, which says Data was
modified by another user, when trying to save the timecard, it must be refreshed. Any unsaved changes will
be lost and must be redone.
Steps for canceling edits:
Step Action
Perform one or more edits to a timecard. Notice the visual indicators that indicate unsaved
Select Actions > Refresh.
Do you want to cancel the changes?
To cancel changes, click Yes.
To keep changes, click No
Saving changes
When changes are correct, they must be saved. If the employee’s timecard is closed before being saved,
the information, or changes are not saved. After saving, the visual indicators no longer appear, indicating
that Kronos Timekeeper saved the changes.
Steps for saving edits:
Step Action
Perform edits to a timecard. Notice the visual indicators, which indicate unsaved data.
Click Save
Review the employee’s timecard to ensure that the visual indicators no longer appear, validating
that the information was saved and that it is correct.
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Kronos 6.0
Topic 6: Deleting Punches
Deleting double punches on a timecard
As a rule, punches represent the actual times an employee starts and stops work and should not be
deleted. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, an employee might punch twice
when starting or ending a shift. When this occurs delete the extra punch. The Audits tab provides a record
of all timecard edits, including any punches that were deleted.
The following illustration shows an employee’s timecard with two out punches for the same day—a
double punch:
Recommended Practice
Before deleting a punch, attach and save a comment and a note to it. A comment cannot be added to a
punch after deleting it. Adding a comment provides documentation in the Audits tab showing why the punch
was deleted.
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Kronos 6.0
Steps for deleting a punch:
Step Action
Click the cell that contains the punch that needs to be deleted
Select Comment > Add
Select one or more comments from the list using the Ctrl key to select multiple comments
Type in a free form note with the explanation
Click OK
Click Save
Verify that the cursor is in the cell that contains the punch that needs to be deleted
Press Delete
Click Save
Steps for viewing the deleted punch with comment and note:
Step Action
Click the Audits tab and select All from the Type of Edit list
Review the deleted punch and comment
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Kronos 6.0
Topic 7: Canceling or adding a Meal
Automatic meal deduction
Work rules define basic time and labor conditions, such as how meal deductions occur during
shifts. This automatic deduction is reflected in the shift hours total. There may be times when an
employee works through his or her meal. In this case the automatic lunch deduction will need to be
cancelled to reflect the time actually worked.
The following illustration shows a sample timecard for an hourly employee who is scheduled from 8:00
A.M. to 5:00 P.M. and has a 1-hour automatic meal deduction. On Monday, the meal deduction is
subtracted from the worked hours for a shift total of 8 hours; however, on Tuesday, the meal deduction
was canceled and there was a credit for the meal giving a shift total of 9 hours.
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Kronos 6.0
The following illustration shows a sample Edit Punch dialog box with the Cancel Deduction drop-down list
Steps for canceling a meal deduction:
Step Action
Click the in punch cell that contains the punch to be edit and select Punch > Edit
or right click the in punch cell that contains the punch to be edit and select Edit.
Select All from the Cancel Deduction list and click OK.
Click Save
Employees should not clock out for lunch and immediately clock back in to cancel their
automatic lunch from being deducted. They must notify their supervisor to cancel their
lunch deduction for the day.
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Kronos 6.0
Adding lunch breaks:
The automatic lunch deduction is cancelled if an employee clocks in an out during the work day for any
reason (ex. Dr. appt., union meeting). If the employee has clocked in and out for any reason during the day
and then returns to work and does take a lunch break they will need to clock in and out for lunch that day. If
they employee does not clock out for lunch no automatic lunch will be ducted on that day; see below. If the
employee has forgotten to clock in and out for lunch but did take a lunch break the supervisor must add the
additional lunch time.
Employee clocked out for Dr. Appt from 10-11:30am. They worked 9 hours for
the day less 1:30 hours for the Dr. Appt giving them 7:30 for the day. No lunch
break was deducted.
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Kronos 6.0
Steps for adding lunch times to a timecard when there has been an additional clock in and
out for the day:
Add a new line on the day by hitting the add a line symbol on the day needed.
Go to the first out space and add the out time for lunch.
Go to the very next in space and add the time returned from lunch.
Add a comment and a note for the added times.
Click Save
The lunch break is added on a new line for the day beginning in the first out
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Kronos 6.0
Time has been added for the lunch break and a pay code has also been added for
the time missed for the Dr. appt.
There may be times when an employee needs to take a longer or shorter lunch break or leave campus for
the lunch break. In this case clocking in and out will cancel the automatic lunch deduction and reflect the
time actually worked.
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Kent State University
Kronos 6.0
Topic 8: Using pay codes
Using pay codes to track time
Pay codes facilitate payroll processing by grouping specific types of worked and non-worked hours to
accurately track time data. Employees who use hourly timecards use pay codes to track non-worked
hours such as personal leave, sick and vacation.
Viewing accruals in the timecard
The Accruals tab in the timecard displays the employee’s Comp, Vacation and Sick balances as of the date
selected in the timecard. This tab can be used to see if the employee has time available.
The following illustration shows a sample of the Accruals tab in a timecard:
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Kronos 6.0
Adding pay codes to a timecard
Add a pay code amount to a timecard by selecting a predefined category from the Pay Code list and
specifying a number of hours. A pay code cannot be added to a row that contains punches; a new row must
be added. A new row can be added by selecting the arrow to the left of the date on the timecard. See
illustration below.
Steps for adding a pay code amount in a timecard:
Step Action
Are there punches in the day a pay code needs added?
If there is one or more punches in the day where a pay code needs added, continue to step
If there are no punches in the day where a pay code needs added, continue to step 3.
Click the Insert Row icon to add a row. (see illustration above)
Click the Pay Code cell for the day where a pay code needs added.
Click the drop down arrow to display available pay codes and select a pay code from the list.
Click the Amount cell that corresponds to the pay code selected and enter the number of hours.
Click Save.
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Kronos 6.0
Topic 9: Transferring hours
Transferring employees time to the correct position
When employees work in more than one position their hours are all charged to their primary account unless
they are transferred to a secondary position. It is the responsibility of the employee to make sure hours
worked at a secondary position are transferred each time they work at that position. If the employee is
unable to clock in to transfer their hours at a computer their supervisor must add the transfer. It is also the
supervisor’s responsibility to make sure the hours the employee worked for them are charged to the correct
Steps for transferring hours on a timecard:
Click the Transfer cell between the In and Out punches.
Move down to the EE-POSN-SUFFIX.
Click the drop-down arrow in the transfer cell.
Click Search… at the bottom of the drop-down box.
Make sure the ORGN is selected
Enter the orgn number in the Name or Description box and select Search.
Double click the available entry to select it and move it to the right.
Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the employee position.
Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the supervisor position.
Select ok at the bottom left which will take you back to the timecard.
The last 5 transfers are available to select in the transfer drop down.
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Kronos 6.0
Topic 10: Approving Employee Time
Approving employees time for the pay period
After editing the employees' timecards, they need to be approved to indicate to payroll that
they are ready for processing. Use the Approvals menu on the Timecard to approve timecards.
After approving a timecard, the employee cannot make any edits to it for the approved time period
unless the approval is removed.
Pay Period Close/Reconcile Timecards in the Timekeeping Tab
When the pay period ends, use the Pay Period Close or Reconcile Timecards in the Timekeeping Tab to
review each employee’s timecard and determine if edits need made for the following:
Punch issues
Worked hour issues
Non-worked hour issues
Transfer issues
Pay Period Close and Reconcile Timecard displays an analysis of time and labor information by employee,
including exceptions, approvals, and total paid hours for the time period selected. Check marks in the
missed punch column indicate that the hourly employees are missing either the IN or OUT punches for one
or more days during the time period. Information can be sorted by the Missed Punch column. After sorting,
select the timecards that contain check marks, access their timecards, and fix the missed punches.
The following illustration shows a sample Pay Period Close Genie highlighting the Missed Punch column:
Steps for accessing Pay Period Close/Reconcile Timecards:
Step Action
From the Timekeeping tab, click Pay Period Close or Reconcile Timecards.
The show list should bring up the default list All home and transferred-in
employees. The Time Period should bring up the default of previous pay period.
Select all employees
Click on timecard to bring up the first employees timecard.
Once the timecard has been verified as correct select approve from the approvals
drop down list.
Click on the arrow beside the employees name to bring up the next employees
Step Action
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Kronos 6.0
Removing the approval
After approving one or more employees’ timecards, the timecards are no longer able to be edited for that
time period. If the need arises, the approval can be removed only by the supervisor who originally approved
the timecard using the approvals menu from a timecard. After removing the approval, make necessary
timecard edits and then reapprove the timecards.
Steps to remove approval
Step Action
Access Kronos. Select the group from the Show list that contains the employees for whom
to remove the approval.
Select Previous pay period from the Time Period list.
Select the employee and click the Timecard quick link to display that employee’s timecard.
Select Approvals > Remove Approval.
Confirm the removal of the approval by clicking Yes at the prompt “Are you sure you want
to remove the approval?”
To check a remove approval action applied from within a timecard, click the Sign-offs &
Approvals tab and review the information to validate the approval was removed.
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Kronos 6.0
Reports in Kronos Timekeeper
Kronos also has the ability to generate reports to review employees’ time and attendance information.
Reports can be viewed on the screen or printed. Kronos Timekeeper has a wide variety of reports. The
reports are organized by category. By expanding a category, a particular report can be located. Once a
report is selected, a description will appear on the right side of the workspace. The steps for running all
reports are the same. However, the options used to define the reports can vary.
The following illustration shows the Reports workspace:
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Kronos 6.0
Steps for running a report for a group of employees:
Step Action
From the Show list, select a group of employees.
From the Time Period list select a time span from the drop down.
Click the General tab and then select Reports.
The Select Report tab should be the active tab, expand a category and select a report.
Click the Set Options tab and select any desired options.
On the Set Options tab, click Run Report.
On the Check Run Status tab, click Refresh Status until Complete appears in the Status
Double-click the report name to view the report or select View Report.
Print the report if needed.
Running reports for selected employees
Reports can also be accessed from Reconcile Timecard or Pay Period Close and run for a selected group
of employees. One report that might be useful to run for a selected group of employees is the Time Detail
report. The Time Detail report shows punch, pay code edit, and transaction information for individual
employees. The timecard data in the report comes from the time period selected.
The following illustration shows an example of the Time Detail report:
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Kronos 6.0
Exception Codes on Time Detail Report:
Cancelled Deduction
Early in/Early out
Late in/Late out
Long Break
Holiday Skipped
Missed Out-Punch
Missed In-Punch
Steps for running the Time Detail report for selected employees
Step Action
Select an employee or employees from Reconcile Timecard, Pay Period Close or
Quickfind and then click the Reports quick link.
On the Select Report tab, expand the Timecard category and select Time Detail.
From the Time Period list, select a time span.
Click the Set Options tab.
Select Yes for the Employee Page Break option if desired.
On the Set Options tab, click Run Report.
On the Check Run Status tab, click Refresh Status until Complete appears in the Status
Double-click the report name to view the report or select View Report.
Print the report if needed.
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Kronos 6.0
Running reports for Microsoft Excel
Reports with Excel in parentheses next to their names are formatted to work with Microsoft Excel.
To generate a report that is formatted for Microsoft Excel, it must be e-mailed. It arrives as an attachment
that can be opened using Excel. Once opened in Excel, it is possible to sort and subtotal the information.
Steps for running an Employee Hours by Labor Account report
Step Action
Click the General tab, select Reports.
Click the Select Report tab, expand the All category and select Employee Hours by
Labor Account (Excel) report.
From the Show list, select a group of employees.
From the Time Period list, select a time span.
Click the Set Options tab and from the E-mail/Schedule Format select Microsoft Excel
Document from the drop down.
If other options are desired, select them.
On the Set Options tab, click Email.
In the Recipients field, enter an e-mail address.
To enter additional addresses, separate the addresses with a comma.
On the Check Run Status tab, click Refresh Status until Complete appears in the Status
The report is sent as an attachment to address(es) entered in the Recipients field above
Revised 7/15/2011
Kent State University
Kronos 6.0
Topic 12: Scheduling
Role of scheduling in Kronos Timekeeper
Using the application’s scheduling capabilities, the differences between worked and scheduled time can
quickly be compared, and additional workload needs identified. Employees who are early, late, or absent
can be tracked. If an employee’s schedule is not correct please notify Payroll to make any necessary
changes. Organizations use schedules for two key reasons: to match staffing to workload requirements
and to manage time and labor data for individual employees. When managing time and labor data for
individual employees with schedules, information on the following can be found:
Track attendance
Track exceptions such as when an employee is early, late or absent
Schedule non-worked hours, such as vacations, in advance
Holiday will only populate if the employee has a schedule and is in a paid status the entire
previously scheduled day before the holiday
Keeps shift differential for union employees
Maintain the schedules
There may be times when schedules need changed in Kronos so that the information in Kronos
Timekeeper is accurate. Notify Payroll of any changes that need made to an employee’s schedule.
Revised 7/15/2011
Kent State University
Kronos 6.0
Kronos Version 6 Quick Guide
Log on To Kronos Timekeeper
1. Open a web browser (such as Internet Explorer).
2. Type the following URL:
3. Choose the appropriate link.
4. Enter user name and password.
5. Enter.
Add a Comment with a note
1. Click the cell for which to add a comment.
2. Right-click and select Add Comment. (Or choose Comment >
Add from the menu bar.)
3. Select the comment from the list.
4. Add text to the Notes section.
5. Click OK.
6. A yellow note will appear in the cell, and the comment and note
Log off of Kronos Timekeeper
1. Click Log Off at the top left of the screen.
will appear below on the Comments tab.
2. Once logged off, click the X in the top right corner to close the 7. Save
Delete a Comment
1. Click the Comments tab at the bottom of the screen to display
Access one Employee’s Timecard
1. From the My Genies tab select quickfind.
2. Select the employee’s name from the list.
2. Click to highlight the comment to be deleted.
3. Select Timecard.
3. Right-click the comment to be deleted, and choose Delete (or
choose Comment > Delete from the menu bar.)
Access Timecards for all Employees
1. From the My Genies tab select quickfind or from
Adding a note to an existing comment
Timekeeping select Pay Period Close or Reconcile
1. Select the comment tab below the timecard.
2. Right click on the comment to add a note to.
2. Select Actions > Select All from the menu bar to highlight all 3. Select add note.
employee names.
4. Type in the text in the note field.
3. Click the timecard icon at the top left.
5. Click ok.
6. Click Save.
Add a New Punch
1. Click the cell for the day that needs a new punch.
Cancel a Meal Deduction
2. Type the time in one of the accepted formats (0730a, 730p,
1. Double-click the In Punch for the day in which the deduction
1930, 7:30p) and press Tab or use the mouse to move to
needs to be cancelled.
another cell. If an a or a p is not typed, AM will be assumed.
2. Click the drop-down arrow on the Cancel Deduction field
3. Add a comment and note to the added clock punch.
3. Scroll down and select All to cancel the Deduction which is
assigned to the employee.
4. Click OK.
Delete a Duplicate Clock Punch
1. Click in the cell that contains the punch to be deleted.
5. Click Save.
2. Press the Delete key on the keyboard.
3. Save
Add a meal deduction when there is an additional break during
the day
1. Add a new line on the day by hitting the add a line symbol on
Transfer Hours to a Different Assignment
1. Click the Transfer cell between the In and Out punches.
the day needed.
2. Click the drop-down arrow in the transfer cell.
2. Go to the first out space and type in the out time for lunch.
3. Click Search… at the bottom of the drop-down box.
3. Go to the very next in space and add the time returned.
4. Make sure the ORGN is selected
4. Add a comment and a note for the added times.
5. Enter the orgn number in the Name or Description box and 5. Click Save.
select Search.
6. Double click the available entry to select it and move it to the Approve a Timecard
1. Select the employee’s timecard for the Previous Pay Period or
7. Move down to the EE-POSN-SUFFIX.
highlight the employee’s name(s) from the list.
8. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the employee position.
2. Select Approvals>Approve from the menu bar.
9. Move down to the SUPERVISOR-POSN-SUFFIX.
10. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the supervisor position.
Print a Report
11. Select ok at the bottom left which will take you back to the
1. From the list of employee names, highlight the employee’s to
include in the report.
12. Save
2. In the Time Period box, select the appropriate time period.
13. The last 5 transfers are available to select in the transfer drop 3. Click the Reports icon at the top left of the screen.
4. Double-click the [+] next to All to show all available reports.
5. Click the report to highlight the name.
6. Click the Set Options tab.
Enter Leave Time and Other Amounts
1. Click the Pay Code cell for the appropriate day. There must not 7. If a new page is needed after each employee, highlight the
be any time punches on the line you are selecting. If there are a
Employee Page Break option.
new line must be added.
8. Click Yes to force a new page after each employee.
2. Click the drop-down arrow in the pay code cell.
9. Choose Run Report.
3. Select the Pay Code from the drop-down list.
10. Click Refresh until the Status is Complete.
4. Click the Amount cell.
11. Double-click the completed report to view.
5. Enter the number of hours, including a colon between hours
12. Use the printer icon on the toolbar to print the report.
and minutes (4:30)
Revised 7/15/2011