From: AAAI Technical Report FS-94-01. Compilation copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Applying a General-Purpose Planning and Learning Architecture to Process Planning* Yolanda Gil InformationSciencesInstitute Universityof SouthernCalifornia Marinadel Rey, CA90292 gil~isi,edu M. Alida P4rez School of ComputerScience CarnegieMellonUniversity Pittsburgh, PA15213 aperez@cs, cmu. edu Abstract Processplanningposessignificantcomputational requirementsdueto the varietyof alternativeprocesses, their complexity,andtheir interactions.General-purpose plannersare generallynot considered a practicalapproach, andmostcurrent researchfocusesonspecial-purpose planningsystems. Researchwithinthe PRODIGY framework aimsto provide expressivegeneral-purpose plannerstogetherwithlearning algorithms that canimprove their efficiency,the accuracy of their domain model,andthe qualityof their plans.Process planningis oneof the large-scalecomplex domains that we haveimplemented in PRODIGY to demonslrate the feasibility of our approach.Ourcurrentmodelof processplanningis still far fromcomprehensive andis limitedin manyways, butit reflectsmany of the complexities involved in the task. This paperdescribeshowPRODIGY learns control knowledge,acquiresdomain knowledge, andimproves the quality of its plansfor this application domain usinggeneral-purpose planning andlearningalgorithms. Introduction Currentresearch on automationof manufacturing processes includes CAD aids, assemblyautomation,andprocessplanning tools. Theautomation of processplanningin particular is becoming a seriousneedin industry,dueto the increasing scarcity of expertson technologythat is rapidly changing, the needfor loweringmanufacturing costs, and the desire to makecustomizedproductswidelyavailable. Thevariety of alternative processes,their complexity,andtheir inter° actions makethe planningtask very complex.In addition, a goodprocess plan minimizesresource consumptionand executiontime. Theseissues are part of the researchagenda of the AI planningcommunity. However,the automationof *We would like to thankall the members of the PRODIGY group for manyyearsof collaborations anddiscussions.Thisresearch waspartially sponsored by the WrightLaboratory, Aeronautical SystemsCenter, Air ForceMaterielCommand, USAF, and the Advanced ResearchProjects Agency(ARPA) undergrant numbers F33615-90-C-1465 and F33615-93-1-1330. Viewsand conclusionscontained in this document are thoseof the authorsand shouldnotbeinterpreted as necessarily representing officialpolicies or endorsements, either expressed or implied,of Wright Laboratoryor the UnitedStatesGovernment. Thesecondauthorholds a scholarship fromthe Minis t erie deEducaci6n y Ciencia of Spain. 48 different aspects of processplanning (see (Chang& Wysk 1985)for an overview)has focusedon special-purposesystemsthat address the complexityof the task with mechanismsspecific to processplanning. Someof these systems useAItechniques (Hayes1990; Descotte &Latombe1985a; Nan1987), and there are approachesthat use generalpurposeproblemsolvers coupledwith special-purposesysterns (Kambhampati et al. 1993).All this bodyof worksuggests that general-purposeAI planningtechniquescannot handlethe complexityinherentto processplanningtasks. Researchwithin the PRODIGY framework alms to provide expressivegeneral-purposeplannerstogether with learning algorithmsthat canimprovetheir efficiency,the accuracyof their domainmodel,andthe quality of their plans. Process planningis one of the large-scale complexdomainsthat we have implemented in PRODIGY as a useful testbed for our planningandlearningresearch. Ourcurrent modelof process planningI represents machining, joining, and finishing operations. Althoughthis modelis still far fromcomprehensive andis limitedin many ways,it reflects manyof the complexitiesinvolvedin the task. Weasked an expert job shopmachinistto assist in the constructionof the domainso it wouldbe as accurate as possible. Themachinistalso helpedwith the description of a real machineshop andsampleparts for constructing problems.For someproblemsweused actual requests that weresubmittedto the job shopthat serves the Mechanical EngineeringDepartmentof CarnegieMellonUniversity. Thepaperbeginswith a brief overviewof PRODIGY, followedby a presentationof our modelof processplanning. Finally, wedescribe howthe learning mechanisms applied to this process planningdomainimprovePRODIGY’S performancein several respects. Planning and Learning in PRODIGY The PRODIGY system (Mintonet al. 1989a; Veloso1989; Carbonell et al. 1992) is an evolving general-purpose problem solvingarchitecturethat integratesseverallearning mechanismsto improve performance. Domainknowledge is representedin a set of operatorsandinferencerules, and i Thedomain is described in detailin (Gil1991), andis available uponrequest fromprodigyOcs, a type hierarchy for the objects in the domain.The operators are modelsof the available actions and they specify the effects of the actions under different conditions. Inference rules are used to deduce additional information from the state. A problemis given by an internal state, representing the current state of the world, and a goal state. PRODIGY searches for a solution using a casual commitment strategy for every decision in the search process. Decisions include choosing a goal, choosing an operator, selecting bindings to instantiate an operator, and deciding whetherto subgoal or apply an operator whoseconditions are satisfied. Search control rules that express definitive selections or heuristic recommendationsare applied at each decision point. The problem solver has a very powerful language to express both domainand control knowledge. Learning Control Knowledge Control rules can be learned automatically by the system by static analysis of the domainoperators (Etzioni 1990), analysis of problem-solving traces (Minton1988; Borrajo &Veloso 1994), or a combinationof both (P6rez &Etzioni 1992). In addition to learning control rules, PRODIGY can also control the search using derivationai analogy with similar previously solved problems(Veloso & Carbonell 1993). Searchis also moreefficient whenPRODIGY is used as a hierarchical problem solver thatlearns tostructure thesearch in multiple abstraction levels automatically (Knoblock 1991). diverge, learning is triggered. Whenthere are several possible modifications of the domainknowledgethat could potentially fix the problem, PRODIGY designs and executes experiments to discern which modification is appropriate. The experimentationprocess is efficiently carried out with to a set of domain-independent hypothesis-selection heuristics that are available to the learning system. Domainknowledgecan also be acquired directly from a domainexpert. PRODIGY Can engage in an apprentice-like dialogue (Joseph 1992), or learn from observing the expert solving problems (Wang1994). Process Planning in PRODIGY In this domain, PRODIGY generates plans to produce parts given a request that specifies the material, the shape(rectangular or cylindrical), the size along each dimension,the surface quality (roughness), the surface finish (metal coatings and polishing), and the features (holes that can be reamed, tapped, counterbored, etc). This specification forms the goal state. A description of a shop with machines, tools, and parts formsthe initial state of any problem.Parts have six sides, and the location of a feature is determinedwith x and y coordinates in a given side. Besides the machining operations themselves, a plan consists of operations to secure the part with a holding device in a certain orientation, to clean metal burrs fromits surface, and to install an appropriate tool in the machine. Domain Knowledge Learningto ImprovePlan Quality In our model, most operators correspond to machining,joining, and finishing actions, as well as to the steps to prepare the part and tool set-ups. Consider,for example,an operator for face milling a part. Weneed to represent the fact that if we use a milling cutter on a milling machinethe size of the part will changealong a dimensioncorrespondingto the part side facing up, that the part must be held by a holding device in such a waythat the desired dimensioncan be machined, and that the newsize of the part must be smaller than the current size. Also, any surface properties of the side being machinedwill disappear, and the part will have dirtandburrs. Figure I showsthecorresponding operator.Thenotation means thatifthepreconditions aretruein the current state then we can performthe milling operation, whichchangesthe state accordingto the effects listed. The domainimplementation makes use of PRODIGY’S ability to represent infinite types and to do arbitrary Lisp function calls. Infinite types, i.e. types withinfinitely many instances, are used to represent numericquantities, such as Learning Domain Knowledge part sizes, hole depths, diameters, and angles. Functions PRODIGYCan acquirenew domainknowledge by intercan be used to denote facts that never changein the state, actionwiththeenvironment andexperimentation (Gil as generators for the infinite types, and to performnumeric 1992). Given aninitial description ofthedomain operators, calculations. In the FACE-MIIJ.operator, the function PRODIGY Can acquire additional preconditions andeffects smal 1 or represents the restriction that the part size never autonomously byexecuting theplans thatitbuilds withthe increases after milling. Inference rules are used to specify currently available knowledge. Thesystem hasexpectations the availability of machines,parts, tools, tool holders, and thatemerge fromitscurrent knowledge. Planexecution is holding devices. They are also used to determine which monitored, andwhentheexpectations andtheobservations sides should be used to hold a part. PRODIGY Canlearntoimprove thequality oftheplansit generates (P6rez& Carbonell 1994).Givena domaindependent objective function thatcanevaluate thequality of plans, thelearning algorithm compares thesearch trace for theplanner solution giventhecurrent control knowledge, andanother search tracecorresponding to a better solution(better according totheevaluation function). Thelatter trace isobtained byletting theproblem solver search further until a better solution isfound, orbyasking a human expert formodifications onthefirst solution ora completely new one,andthenbuilding a corresponding search trace. The algorithm explains whyonesolution isbetter thantheother anditsoutput issearch control knowledge thatleads future problem solving towards better quality plans. Thelearning algorithm iseffectively operationaiizing theobjective functionintoknowledge thattheplanner canuseduring plan generation bytransforming itintocontrol rules. 49 (Operator FACE-MILL (params <machine> <part> <cutter> <hold-dev> <side> <side-palr> <dim> <value-old> <value>) (preconds ((<machine> MILLING-MACHINE) (<cutter> MILLING-C~ER) (<hold-dev> (or 4-JAW-CHUCK VISE COLLET-CHUCK TOE-CLAMP)) (<part> Part) (<dim> Dimension) (<side-pair> Side-Pair) (<side> side) (<value-old> (and Size (gen-from-pred (slze-of <part> <dim> <value-old>}))) (<value> (and Size (smaller <value> <value-old>)))) (and (shape-of <part> RECTANGULAR) (side-up-for-machining <dim> <side>) (sides-for-holding-devlce <side> <side-palr>) (holdlng-tool <machine> <cutter>) (holding <machine> <hold-dev> <part> <side> <slde-pair>))) (effects ((<surface-coatlng> SURFACE-COATING) (<surface-flnlsh> SURFACE-FINISH)) ((del (Is-clean <part>)) (add (has-burrs <pert>)) (del (surface-coating-slde <part> <side> <surface-coating>)) (del (surface-finish-side <part> <side> <surface-flnish>)) (add (surface-flnlsh-slde <part> <side> RO~H-MILL}) (add (size-of <part> <dim> <value>)) (del (slze-of <pert> <dim> <value-old>))))) Figure I: The FACE-MILL operator. Somequalitative and quantitative measuresof the complexity of this domainare: ¯ The effects of most operators are not reversible. ¯ The precondition expression ofsorne operators and inference rules includes negations, disjunctions and universal quantification. Someof the preconditions correspond to predicates derived by inference rules. ¯ There are context-dependenteffects of operators. ¯ Thereare 117rules, that include 73 operatorsand 44 in ference rules. 38 of the operators correspond to machining operations, and 35 to set-ups. ¯ The average numberof parameters for an operator is 7, the average numberof preconditions is 5, and the average numberof effects is 3. ¯ Thereare 41 different predicates. 7 of themare static (i.e., do not changeduring problemsolving). 11 Lisp functions are used to perform numericalcomputationsand constrain variable values. ¯ Thereare 85 different types and subtypesof objects in the type hierarchy, 5 of whichare infinite type,. ¯ The length of manysolutions is over one hundred rules (including operators and inference rules). ¯ The initial state that represents the machineshop includes morethan 500 facts. Control Knowledge for Process Planning [earned or handwritten control rules guide the search for solutions along the more promising paths. For example, the rule in Figure2 rejects certain kinds of cutting fluid for somemachiningoperators according to the material of the part. Plan Quality in Process Planning Plan quality is crucial in process planning to minimizeboth resource consumption and execution time (Doyle 1969; Descotte &Latombe1985a). For instance: it maybe advantageous to execute several cuts on the same machine with the samefixing to reduce the time spent setting up the 50 (control-rule DONT-USE-MINERAL-OIL (if (and (current-goal-first-arg <part>) (current-ops (DRILL-WITH-HIGH-HELIX-DRILL DRILL-WITH-GUN-DRILL REAM ROUGH-GRIND FINISH-GRIND CUT-WITH-CIRCULAR-FRICTION-SAW ...)) (or (known (materlal-of <part> STEEL)) (known (material-of <part> ALUMINUM))) (type-of-object <f> mineral-oil))) (then reject bindings ((<fluid> . <f>)))) Figure 2: Control rule that rejects bindings for the cutting fluid dependingon the part’s material. work on the machines; or, if a hole HI opens into another hole//2, then/-/2 should be machinedbefore Ht in order to avoid the risk of damagingthe drill. Sharing parts of the set-ups amongoperations on one or moreparts usually reduces the total plan cost. Plan length is usually not an accuratemetric of plan quality, as different operators have different costs. For example,a tool can be switched automatically but holding the part requires human assistance (Hayes1990). Therefore plans that share set-ups are cheaper than plans that share tools. The next section describes howquality-enhancing control knowledgecan be acquired automatically. Learning to Improve Performance in Process Planning This section describes howPRODIGY’S learning techniques described in the secondsection can be used to improvethe planner’s performancein our process planning domain. Efficient Process Planning through Learning There are two mainapproachesto building process planning systems (Chang & Wysk 1985). Generative approaches combine elementary process planning operations to produce the final plan. Variant approaches retrieve complete plans from a plan library and adapt themto suit the needsof the current problem. In the implementationjust described, PRODIGY finds solutions for process planning problemsin a generative fashion, i.e., by constructing plans given a set of possible operators. PRODIGY’S analogical engine (Veloso Carbonell 1993) could be used to implementa variant approach using predefined planning episodes associated with families of parts, modifying themfor the particular part wanted. Abstraction planning has been applied to process planning and scheduling domains successfully (Fox & Smith 1984; Nan 1987). PRODIGY’S domain-independent techniques (Knoblock1991) should provide useful abstractions to handle the interactions within subproblemsin a process planning application. PRODIGY currently uses manycontrol rules to guide the search in the process planning domain. These control rules are hand-coded, and continue to grow in number as we continue to understandhowto control the search complexity of the domain. Someof the work on automatically learning control knowledgein PRODIGY’$ has been applied to the process planning domain(Borrajo & Veloso 1994). Learning to Generate Process Plans of Good Quality The performance of the planner can also be improved by learning newrules to guide the search towards better quality solutions. The mechanismto learn quality-enhancing control knowledgedescribed previously has been applied to the process planning domain. The following simple example illustrates the learning process. The domain-dependent quality metric used is additive on the cost of the individual operators and the operations to set-up the part on the machineare moreexpensive than those to switch the tool. Supposethe goal is to reduce the height of a part and have a spot hole at certain coordinates, and the planner choosesthe drill press to drill the spot hole. Adomainexpert mayinput modifications to improvethat solution so that it uses the milling machineto drill the spot-hole, and shares the same set-up (orientation, machineand holding device) for the drill and mill operations. The learning mechanism comes up with the control rule in Hgure 3 and a similar bindings preference rule. Goal preferences are also learned from other problems. Problemset (10 probsper set) !# problemswith !improvement 3 9i 3 Withoutlearned control knowledge107 2O2 190 ’Withlearned control knowledge 91 132 166 Cost decrease 44% 48% 33% 10 10 4 9 431 362 442 732 350 220 409 665 24% 47% 17% 8% Table 1: Improvementon the quality of the plans obtained for 70 randomly-generated problems in the process planning domain. The third and fourth rows showsolution cost according to the evaluation function. initially given to the system(Gil 1992). Table 2 presents some results obtained when PRODIGY learns preconditions that are missingfromits initially givenspecification of the process planning domain. The tests were run in domains with 10%and 30%incompleteness using two training sets and twotest sets. (control-rule pre f-dril l-with-spot-drl i i- in-mi I i Ing-machlne30 (if (and (current-goal (has-spot <pert> <hole> <side> <loc-x> <loc-y>} ( l~ndi ng-goa (holding <mach> <holdlng-dev> <park> <side> <slde-palr>} (type-of-object<msch> mllllng-machlne)) (then prefer operator drill-wlth-spot-drill-ln-milling-mechlne drill-wlth-spot-drill) Conclusion Process planning is often considered too complexto be handled by general-purpose mechanisms.The work presented here illustrates our work on applying PRODIGY’S generalpurpose planner augmentedwith learning techniques that improveits performancein a process planning domainalong several dimensions. Figure 3: Search control rule learned from the example problem. As the explanation is built from a single exampleand does not consider all possible hypothetical scenarios, it may be incomplete and the learned rules maybe overgeneral. Uponunexpected failures the system refines the learned knowledgeincrementally adding new rules if needed, and mayset priorities amongrules. Table I showsthe effect of the learned knowledgeon the solution cost over 70 randomly-generated problems. Each columncorresponds to a set of 10 problems with common parameters: numberand type of goals, parts, etc. The training set consisted of 60 randomlygenerated problems with the sameparametersthan for sets I to 6 in the table. In many of the training and test problemsthe planner did not require control knowledgeto obtain a good solution. Consequently for each problemset we have only recorded those for which the solution was actually improved. The numberof nodes and total CPUtime was also reduced due to shorter solution lengths. Howeverwe plan to further analyze the possible tradeoff betweenthe learned-knowledgematching cost and the savings obtained by using it. 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