From: AAAI Technical Report FS-93-05. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Collaborative Applications for Long-Term Use Michael Eisenberg Department of Computer Science and Institute of Cognitive University of Colorado, Boulder Boulder, CO 80309-0430 Email: Abstract Computer applicationsare designed,used, and assessedby (often unstated) analogyto other tools and devices. When viewedas appliances(e.g., telephones),applications are createdandjudgedaccordingto standardsof ease of use and rapid learnability; whenviewed,by contrast, as creative media (e.g., musical instruments), standards expressivenessand flexibility becomemoresalient. In designingthis secondtype of application, providingthe user with long-termcreative poweroften necessitates an acceptance of various forms of complexity within the application--for example,the application mayinclude a "task-enriched" programming environment;and further, makingsuch an application truly collaborative suggests the inclusionof features andtools that will supportusers in learning both the application itself (including the programming language)and the domainof the application. This paper elaborates on these observations, discussing the designof collaborativeapplicationsfor creative, longterm use (and contrasting this design strategy with the dominantcurrent trend in application development).The paperconcludeswith a brief descriptionof our ownefforts in collaborative application design: namely, the programmabledesign environments currently being prototypedin our laboratory. Introduction Personal computersoftware, as a phenomenon, is now-dependingon one’s measureof these things--about twenty years old. But for its users, designers, and critics--for those burgeoning numbersof people whoseday-to-day lives center upon computers--there is a continuing struggle to define what, precisely, computersoftwareis for. That struggle often takes the form of conflicting metaphors,answeringthe questionof whatsoftwareis for by focusing on what it is like. Thus, on one view, softwareis like the writtenword,destinedto be the carrier of a popularintellectual revolutionsimilar to that sparked by the printing press [Friedlander1988,Kay1993];or it’s like a physical environment,a virtual world, in which users can moveandinteract [Rheingold1991];or it’s like moviesor theater or television---entertainment of a sort-but ideally less passivethan those other media[Crockford 1990, Oren1990, Laurel 1991]; or it is a tool, to be integrated seamlesslyand"conversationally"into day-today activity [Winogradand Flores, 1986]; or, perhaps moreominously,it is like the written wordbefore the 20 Science printingpress, an inventionthat separatesthe worldinto a populationof elite scribes anda muchlarger populationof intellectually disenfranchisedcomputerphobes. [Fischer 1993] All these metaphors have compelling arguments to accompany them;and all provide fascinating insights by focusing our attention on importantaspects of computer software. But these varying metaphors--appropriateas they maybe for different circumstances--do lead to distinct and sometimesconflicting philosophies of software design and use. For application software in particular, this welter of interpretive metaphors can prove confusing: do wewishto design(and judge) applications as entertainment,as handytask-specific tools, as meansof expression, or as somethingelse entirely? This basic task---of understanding what applications are, howwe wantto think about them--takeson a newurgencyas the sheer quantity, variety, and complexity of software applications becomesoverwhelming. This paper will use this notion of "interpretive metaphors" to focuson several issues that I believeto be recurrentin the designof expressivesoftwareapplications. A central theme, cropping up in one guise or another throughoutthe discussion, is the question of pace, the time frame over whichsoftware is used. If software is designedto be encounteredbriefly, intermittently, to perform relatively predictable orconstrained jobs (orjobs forwhich failure would becatastrophic), thendesign criteria ofsimplicity andlearnability become paramount. (Theoperant metaphor heremight beonewhich likens computer software tonear-ubiquitous appliances likethe telephone, refrigerator, orautomobile.) Ontheother hand, if software is designed withthenotion of long-term individual human-computer collaboration inmind, then complexity becomes harder toavoid(perhaps it is no longerworthwhile to avoidit altogether), and expressiveness isthemost important dimension ofdesign. (Theoperant metaphor heremight beonewhich compares computer software to themedium of writing, or to musical instruments.) Thefirst section of this paper pursues the themeof the previous paragraphby focusing on the tension between learnability and expressiveness in the design of collaborative applications. This is followed by a discussion, in Section 2, of howthe current culture of software developmentmight be viewedas antagonistic toward achieving the goal of human-computer collaboration. Thethird (andfinal) section ofthepaper briefly describes somecurrent workinourlaboratory at theUniversity ofColorado, andtheissues thatthiswork raises forprospects ofdeveloping truly collaborative software applications. Learnabillty vs. Expressiveness In keepingwith the tone of the introductory paragraphs above, it maybe worth beginningthis section with an analogy. Imagine thatwearepresented withtwobrandnewartifacts, never before seen: thefirst isa keyboardoperated musical instrument called a "piano,’" andthe second isa similar butslightly enhanced tool, the"player piano." A user ofthefirst instrument isexpected tospend months, or perhaps years, mastering theinterface; although theusermay,justbarely, beableto coax listenable music outofthepiano during thislearning period, itwill almost certainly take years before heorshe canexpect toplay(orcompose) anything oftruly high quality. Inthesecond case, however, thetaskismuch easier: theuser simply buys a setofavailable piano rolls, plugs themintotheslotatthefront oftheinstrument, andlistens tothecompetent (ifperhaps less than brilliant) music produced. Certainlyboth these instrumentshavetheir strengths; but those whosevalues are derived from the human-computer interaction communitymight be inclined to judge the pianorather harshly.Theinterfaceis, after all, difficult to master--thelearningcurvecouldhardlybe steeper. Indeed, out of a hundredbeginningpianostudents, perhapsonly a small number will persevere long enough to create listcnable music; manymorewill give up and moveon to other pursuits. If wethink of the piano, then, as a tool with whichto producemusic, it mustbe admittedthat it is a rather inefficient one: slow,uncertain,anddemanding. In contrast, the player-piano seemsto be a distinct improvement: if the user has to producemusicright away, the appropriatepianoroll is obtained.Theinterface to the instrument virtually guides the user into the musicmakingprocess. Thecontrast is, of course, incompleteas stated: whilethe pianois admittedlya difficult andfrustrating instrument, it does offermtothose whofinally succeedin mastering irma wonderfullyexpressive medium.Evenfor those of us whodo not masterthe instrument(or evenattemptit), the piano providesus with enjoymentthroughthe creative efforts of those whodo. In contrast, the player piano offers users a quick-and-easyselection. Whileenjoyable andworthwhile asa tool fortherapid recreation ofmusic, itishardly a means ofexpression; andwhile learnable, it simultaneously diminishes theroleandrewards of expertise. Thecontrast betweenthe piano and player piano has some analogymanimperfect analogy, granted, but still illustrativemwith issues that arise in applications software. Loosely, we might equate the player piano examplewith efforts to create "user-friendly" software 21 whoseinterface is entirely driven by menus, dialog boxes, icon selection, and so forth. Certainly the best softwareof this type is learnable, and--like the player piano--it guides the user into a relatively painless selection amongdesigner-providedalternatives. Onthe other hand, there is little rewardfor expertise in such systems: while the experienceduser maybecomefamiliar with a wider array of options (analogousto the player pianouser acquiringa larger set of pianorolls fromwhich tochoose), thedevelopment isoneof"breadth" rather than "depth." Thatis,oneknowsmoreandmoreabout the myriad features of thesoftware, buttheinternal computational world--the wayinwhich thecomputer can serveto reinvent theapplication’s domain--remains mysterious, theprovince ofthedesigner. In contrast, programming languagesare closer in spirit to the piano. For manypeople, they require a long time to learn; the initial rewardsof that learningprocessare small; but the range of expressivenessthat accompanies expertise is tremendous.Perhapsmosttelling of all, programming (like the piano) can becomea lifelong passion--an activity that takes on morevalue over the course of a lifetime precisely becausewehavebeengrowingwith it for years. Thoughthe essential rules of programming may be learnedin a brief time (muchlike the rules of chess, or the placementof keyson the piano), it is the progressive, long-term combination of those rules in creative, personalizedpatterns that gives the programmer his or her voice. In point of fact, one can argue that the design values represented by the piano and player piano---namely, expressivenessandlearnability, respectively--neednot be cast in oppositionin the realmof application software. Ideally, software can be both learnable and expressive.[Eisenberg1991] Whilethis line of argument couldbe pursuedat length, the point worthmakinghere is that expressiveness is the morefundamentalvalue for long-termapplications: the question of whethersoftware is learnable should be viewedas ancillary to the deeper question of what one can do, eventually, with the software. Andagain, the issue of timing is crucial: expressive softwarecan and should be designedto foster life-long passions, life-long development, anda sense of contemplation (or what Norman[1993] refers to as "reflective cognition"), evenif this shouldcomeat some cost in immediate gratification. The Frantic Culture of Software Development Thebrief discussion of the previoussection admittedly caricatures manyof the design questions surrounding application software. But the issue of time frame does come upmsometimes vividly~when looking at descriptionsof currentapplicationsoftware.At least a half dozenmonthlymagazinesare nowin large part devotedto softwarereviews,and someof these reviewsare telling. Onerecent magazinereviewof a paint programnoted that the latest release of the program hadadded70 newfeatures. Other reviews from the past several months’ crop of magazinesinclude the following statements: extensive feature sets. Programs are comparedto their competitors (and to their previous incarnations) according to how many new featureshave been included; presumably, themorethebetter. Clearly someof these features willprove useful; butcollectively, theysignal a troubling trendin thedevelopment of collaborative applications. Ontheonehand, theypromote a style ofuse inwhichtheendless exploration of newfeatures takeson moreimportance thanthepatient creative mastery of an expressive mediumlendingitselfto abstraction and composition; at thesametime,theydistract designers’ attention fromthemorefundamental taskof construcing toolsthatofferthepossibility of long-term growth, education, andcreativity. Theimpression ostensibly conveyedby the popularcomputer pressis one of a plethora of ever-expanding choice; yetthefeeling that results isonenotofpossibility butofoverload, similar to thefrantic portrait of multichannel cabletelevision portrayed by [McKibben 1993]: "XyWrite4.0... offers improvementsin performance and dozens of new commands and ease-of-use features." [PC WorldMay93 p.82] "Publish It[ Easy is an entry-level desktop-publishing program packed with page-layout features you’d expect to find only in packages costing three times the price... [It] offers a wider range of paint and drawing tools than in previous version..." [Mac Computingspecial issue 1993] "The latest version of Theorist features several important enhancements... In addition to adding support for tables, the new version of Theorist provides QuickTime support... Other new features include support for Fourier transforms and Bessel functions, the ability to create scatterplots fromtables and matrices, and the ability to customize the appearance of notebooks with different fonts." [MacUserJune 1993] "Type A personalities are five times as likely to have a secondheart attack, according to Otto Wahl, the psychiatry professor at George Mason University. Following vertical roasting on the Spanik Vertical Roaster, a chicken can be~ism carved with a carrot. In Czechoslovakia, Ambassador Rita Klimova tells C-SPAN, the newly emerging democracy has spawned dozens of political parties, including one for beer drinkers. Sesame Street is brought to you this morning by L, S, and 6. Only 11 percent of Americansfeel the penny should be banned..." "MacProject Pro is a significant upgrade to MacProjectII, providing tools for better organization and entry of data, enhanceddisplay capabilities, muchimproved resource management, more-sophisticated scheduling features..." [MacWorldMay1993] Depending on one’s viewmmaybedepending on one’s moodmthereis good news or bad in these reviews. Onthe one hand, they reflect an astonishing pace of development in application software, and a similarly astonishing outpouring of creativity in design. Andperhaps they can also be viewedas representative of an ever-growingrange of possible activities for computerusers. But there is a disturbing note as well, a frantic and unreflective note: will the ninth iteration of our paint programeventually include 500 more features, and if so how will we ever accommodate them into our own work? And will those 500 newfeatures really improvethe software, and really improve our understanding of graphics or design or whatever---or will they simply overwhelm us with choices that we can never explore? Might it be that the accretion of features, motivatedin part by the needto sell ever-newer versions of software, proves counterproductive forthelong-term user? It maybe worth returning once more, briefly, to the piano analogy. Would we really be better off if, every ten months, a new version of the piano was introduced--a new version largely incompatible with the previous one, and manymore options added? Could such an environment foster another Beethoven?Or--to put the question another way--would the pace of this production really be compatible with the pace of humancreative development? The current culture of software development places a heavy emphasis on the elaboration of large, varied, and 22 Programmable Design Environments In our laboratory at the University of Colorado, we are currently developing prototype applications whose purpose is to address (amongothers) the issues raised the previous discussion. These programmable design environments are intended to integrate aspects of programmability,direct manipulationinterfaces, critiquing and design rationale capabilities, and supportive learning environments.[Fischer and Eisenberg 1992] The first of these applications is a graphical design system primarily aimedat the creation of charts and information displays; the secondis an application for the design and simulation of local-area computernetworks. Thesetwo applications are designedas modelsof collaborative software in whichthe computersystem takes on certain specific (and, we believe, appropriate) roles: presenting a learnable (and aesthetically attractive) interface, a full-ficdged programmingenvironment, a catalog of previous work done with the application, and critiquing/tutorial componentsthat act both to help users in coping with the complexity of the domain (graphic or network design) and with the complexity of the application. Because these applications are designed to include domain-specific programming environments as well, they likewise address the issue of expressiveness mentionedearlier. (Cf. the argumentsin [Nardi 1993].) presenting the user with a programmingenvironment enrichedwith appropriateprimitive proceduresandobjects as building blocks, these systems allow the user to develop a personalized vocabulary that can grow in complexity over time--conceivably (and ideally), over lifetime. (The portrait of the programmingprocess suggested by these applications is consistent with the picture of "metalinguistic abstraction"-- of using languagesto build still other domain-enriched languages--eloquently articulated by AbelsonandSussman[1985].) Ourgraphic design application--whose current prototype is builton topof theSchemePaint system[Eisenberg 1991]--includes a (still rudimentary) direct manipulation interface forselecting thetypeof chartthattheuser wishes tocreate (e.g., barchart, linechart, scatter plot, andsoforth); having selected thistypeofchart, theuseris abletolookat a variety ofrelevant examples built using thesystem, andemploying language primitives (embedded in theSchemeprogramming language) appropriate to building thisparticular kindofchart. Forinstance, a user whowishes tocreate a barchart ispresented witha palette showinga variety of "specialty" bar charts (multicolored bars, bars with non-horizontal uppermostlines, bars going aboveandbelowthe horizontalaxis, etc.); the user can then access a languagetutorial specifically gearedto this particular type of chart (e.g., whatlanguageformwas used to create this particular sample), and can access additional tutorials on the properuse and critiquing for this type of chart (that is, whenthis sort of graphmight be useful, or counterproductive,and why). In presenting the user with a variety of examples (chosen for their pedagogical or illustrative value), the application is supplyingsomecontext-driven"feature"presentation; that is, the system is providing the user with some (presumablypopular)alternatives for creating newcharts. Onthe other hand, becausethe systempresents not merely a choice of existing styles of work,but rather an extensive programming environment, it gives the user the (more difficult but ultimately more powerful) option of developing new types of charts on his or her own; moreover, it provides the user with assistance in developingexpertise in the system-suppliedlanguage. l% File Edit CommandWindow General Turtle Color Bar Chart Examples ¯ MAKE-SIMPLE-COLOR-BAR-CHART categories values colors Usedformaking a (simple) multlcolor barchart. JExample: (defineCOLOR-eARCHART (MAKE-SIMPLE-COLOR-BAR-CHART ’(’dogs""cats") ’(1520) Help 9:33Pld SchemeChart [o,?) i ......T..... ....! ...... !.................. i.................. ................................................................ i i! i i Sampl HI ’ Graph Pen Iii,rl!~" !I t i fill .....?...... proc i click i I p,,iXx<> I"." ®? ....................... i ........................................ .......................... i ............................................. ] .......?...... ! o, ~oo ......................... i.............. i............. ] [3, 0,:Off Figure 1. A screen view of the graphic design application. Chartsare created in the SchemeChart windowat bottomright; the Pen windowprovides standardpaint tools; the Graphswindowprovides an overviewof standardchart types fromwhich to choose; and, for a given graphchoice, a catalog of specific examplesis providedin the Sampleswindow.Finally, the transcript windowat top provides an "application-enriched"Schemeinterpreter. [The systemis written in MacScheme (Lightship Software,MountainView,CA)andruns on all AppleMacintoshcomputers.]In this figure, the user has selected particular type of bar chart andhas used a menuoption to access relevant programming examplesfor this type of chart; the examples are shown in the windowlabelled Color Bar Chart Examples. 23 Figure 1 depicts a screen view of the application in the course of a typical chart-design task: here, the user has employedthe iconic catalog of bar chart designs (in the Samples windowat bottom left) to select a particular type of bar chart. She then uses a menuselection to bring up a window in which a number of relevant language forms--procedures that can be used to generate this type of chart--are illustrated. By editing and evaluating these examplesdirectly, the user can create her owncharts as modifications of the existing types; after acquiring greater expertise with the language, the user can ultimately access the definitions of these language forms and create new types of charts within the application. "queried" the vertical axis of a newly-created graph; and the systemresponds with a (still rather skeletal) list procedures that are especially useful in altering chart axes. (This feature is very similar to the example-driven software-reuse system of Redmiles[1993].) The second application--for network design--is built in Repenning’s Agentsheets system [Repenning 1993] and HyperCard, and will likewise include a programming environment for simulation of networks; the current prototype focuses on providing a rapid, computer-assisted construction environment for network models (the Agentsheets portion of the system), and on providing tutorials in the theory of networkdesign (the HyperCard portion of the system). Indeed, in both these applications there is an emphasison the notion of learning on demand [Fischer 1991] within the system; the applications are created to encouragea seamless transition betweendesign work (e.g., the user creating a network or chart) and progressive learning about the system and the domain (through catalogs, critics, and embedded tutorials). Figure 2 shows another technique for exploring the language environment within the application; here the user has selected "query mode"(the question markicon in the Graphs window), which allows the user to select graph elements from an already-created graph and to access procedures relevant to the creation or change of those graph elements. In the figure, the user has File Edlt CommandWindowGeneral Turtle transcript Help 946pi,I ,~ " > > > ( p I o t.-char teo I or-baPehar"t I done Axls-Related Procedures change-axis-length expand-axis shMnk-axls change-axis-color change-axls-sta~-pt change-axts-end-pt 5.?04..- i 4..56~. 3.422,, Y Sampl Graph 2.282, Pen fill pFoc 1.141. click 0 ,.I 7,og’lt, do~lgO0 T X I.o$ liter 1’900 Figure 2. Here, the user has selected "query mode"(the question mark icon) from the Graphs window.By dragging the mouseover a particular element of the newly-createdgraph(in this case, the y-axis), the user can access a list of language proceduresrelevant to the manipulationof this element. 24 Acknowledgments The work described in this paper was supported by NSF grant MDR-9253425and by NSF Young Investigator Award IRI-9258684. The author also gratefully acknowledgesthe influence of Harold Abelson, Gerhard Fischer, Clayton Lewis, and Gerald Sussman,as well as that of the Human-ComputerCommunications group at the University of Colorado. HyperCard.(software) Apple Computer, Inc. Cupertino, CA. Kay, A. In Watch What I Do, A. Cypher, ed. MITPress, Cambridge MA. 1993 Laurel, B. Computers as Theatre. Reading, MA.1991. References McKibben, B. The Age of Missing Penguin Books, NewYork 1993. Abelson, H. and Sussman, G. with Sussman, J. Structure and Interpretation of ComputerPrograms. 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"Agentsheets: A Tool for Building Domain-Oriented Visual Programming Environments." Proceedings of lNTERCH1 ’93, Amsterdam. Fischer, G. "Beyond Human-Computer Interaction." To be published in Mensch-ComputerInteraktion auf dem Wegin die industrielle Praxis, H-D. Boecker and T. Strothotte, eds. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1993. Rheingold, H. Virtual Reality. 1991. Fischer, G. and Eisenberg, M. "Programmable Design Environments." University of Colorado Computer Science Technical Report CU-CS-620-92.October 1992. Touchstone, NewYork Winograd, T. and Flores, F. Understanding Computers and Cognition: a NewFoundation for Design. Ablex, Norwood, NJ. 1986. Friedlander, L. "The ShakespeareProject." In Interactive Multimedia, S. Ambronand K. Hooper, eds. Microsoft, Redmond WA1988. 25