WebEx New user Orientation Meeting Organizer Guide OBJECTIVE: Utilize the tools provided at Kent State University to host and attend online meetings via the WebEx application and web site. AGENDA: I. II. III. IV. Initial Account Set Up Scheduling Meetings Hosting Meetings Attending Meetings 1 I. Initial Account Set Up Before using WebEx Meeting, an account must be created to allow a Host to initiate the meeting. To have an account created, a Help Desk ticket must be opened at support.kent.edu. The support team will contact WebEx to request an account. An e-mail from the Kent State University Technical Support department will confirm the new account and deliver your WebEx Account ID Username, and provide a “Password” link. Click the link to open an internet browser and go to the site kent.webex.com where a password must be created for the User ID provided. The WebEx account is now active and may be used to host meetings. 2 II. Schedule A Meeting A WebEx meeting can be scheduled using any of the following four methods: KSU WebEx server, Outlook 2010, any MS Office 2010 application, or Cisco Jabber. A. Schedule via the KSU WebEx Server Schedule a Meeting Expand the left navigation menu titled ‘Host a Meeting’ and select Schedule a Meeting. The meeting details form opens. M Fill in Meeting Details: Type the meeting name (topic) and specify the date, time, and meeting length (duration.) You do not need a password. Enter attendees’ email addresses so that they receive invitations. Check “Send a copy of the invitation email to me.” Click the Schedule Meeting button. 3 A confirmation screen appears. Click “Add to My Calendar” to add this meeting to your Outlook calendar. You will receive a meeting invitation which may be forwarded to participants. The meeting may be viewed and edited from your My Meetings list in WebEx. It may be viewed as an appointment in your Outlook calendar. 4 Instant Meeting By selecting the “My Personal Room” section the option is available to begin a meeting instantly by clicking the “ENTER ROOM” button. Once you have entered your Personal Room, you can invite others with the “Invite & remind” button on the right. 5 B. Schedule using the Outlook 2010 Desktop Client Click one of the WebEx links in Outlook to start or schedule a meeting. One-Click: A meeting begins immediately. You will receive an Outlook invitation to forward to participants. Schedule Meeting: This opens a standard Outlook Appointment. You must click the link provided, “Add WebEx Meeting” within the appointment, to add the WebEx meeting information. When Add WebEx Meeting is clicked, the settings window appears. Your meeting does not require a password. You may select OK to use the default settings. Outlook will insert the WebEx meeting link and meeting information into the “Location” field of your Outlook meeting request. C. Schedule from MS Office 2010 Applications WebEx meeting controls appear in the Home toolbar of your MS Office applications. MS Office integration may require setup; contact your desktop support person for assistance. 6 D. Schedule from Cisco Jabber One-time Setup is required in Jabber: Open the File menu New Custom Tab. Name the Tab to appear with a mouse hover Enter the KSU WebEx site URL: kent.webex.com Click Create. Click the new Custom Tab in Jabber to be directed to WebEx Meeting. The meeting opens in a browser window. An Outlook invitation is sent which may be forwarded to participants. Use the Meetings view in Jabber. Click the arrow icon scheduled meeting. 7 to start a previously- III. Hosting the Meeting Depending upon how you start the meeting, you may be asked to sign in to WebEx. On the Meeting Center tab, select the Start tab. Audio Setup Select the phone icon that says ‘I will call in’. Dial the number provided (24000 if you are using a KSU phone) and enter the meeting ID number and attendee number provided. You may be asked to record your name. As participants sign in, their names appear in the Participants pane. You can ‘pass’ the presenter role to a participant. Chat Pane If someone is having difficulty connecting via phone, You can send them chat (text) messages via the Chat pane. Chat with Everyone, or select a name from the list to Chat privately with that person. 8 Share Desktop Participants see their Quick Start screen until you as host select the Share Desktop icon. Participants will see Whatever is shown on your screen! ** Make sure only items you want to display are open on your computer. When in desktop sharing mode, WebEx controls reduce to a pop-down panel at the top of your screen. Roll the mouse up to the top edge to make the panel appear. All of the WebEx controls may be accessed via this panel. End a meeting First, Stop Sharing your desktop. This will cause the Quick Start tab to reappear. Click the End Meeting button. (The button may say Leave Meeting, which also works.) You can also select the WebEx File menu, and click End Meeting. For help with and more information about using WebEx, go to support.kent.edu and search for ‘WebEx.’ 9 IV. Attending Meetings A. Meeting Invitation You will receive an invitation via email to attend a WebEx meeting. Click the Add this meeting link to insert the meeting information into an appointment in your Outlook calendar. B. Join a meeting There are several ways to join a meeting: Click the link Join WebEx meeting in the notification email. Click the link Join WebEx meeting in your Outlook appointment. Click the WebEx meeting link which appears in your Jabber calendar view: WebEx apps are available for Android and Apple smartphones and tablets. (If you have lost the notification email, contact the meeting organizer, who will resend the invitation.) 10 The meeting screen will open in your web browser. Type your name and email address, and click the Join button. jsmith123@kent.edu In the Participants pane, you see other meeting participant names and the name of the meeting host. You can turn your camera on/off, Mute your microphone, and raise your hand to ask a question. You may text-chat with other participants and with your host using the Chat pane. 11 C. Meeting audio Most KSU meetings use a telephone in conjunction with the WebEx browser session. Click I Will Call In to dial the meeting voice space. Phone numbers are provided. On campus, dial 2-4000. Using the telephone keypad, type the meeting ID and #. Then type the attendee ID and #. Speak your name at the prompt. You will join the meeting and hear the other participants speaking. The presenter can share his or her desktop screen with participants. The presenter can also ‘pass’ the presenter role to a participant. D. Leaving a meeting You can leave the meeting at any time. Select File menu Leave Meeting to exit the meeting, and hang up the phone. If the presenter ends the meeting, close your browser window and hang up the phone. For help with and additional information about using WebEx, Visit support.kent.edu and search for ‘WebEx.’ 12