From: AAAI Technical Report FS-98-02. Compilation copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Reactivity in a Logic-Based Robot ProgrammingFramework Yves Lesp6rance, Kenneth Tam, and Michael Jenkin Dept. of ComputerScience, York University, Toronto, ONCanada, M3J1P3 { lesperan,kenneth,jenkin} Abstract Synthesizingplans at run-time provides great flexibility, but it is often computationally infeasible in complexdomains, especially when the agent does not have complete knowledgeand there are exogenousevents (i.e. actions by other agents or natural events). In (Levesqueet al. 1997), it was argued that high-levelprogramexecution was a more practical altemative. The idea, roughly, is that instead of searching for a sequenceof actions that takes the robot from an initial state to somegoal state, the task is to find a sequenceof actions that constitutes a legal execution of some high-level program. By high-level program, we mean one whoseprimitive instructions are domain-dependentactions of the robot, whosetests involve domain-dependentpredicates that are affected by the actions, and whosecode may contain nondeterministic choice points wherelookahead is necessary to makea choice that leads to successful termination. As in planning, to find a sequencethat constitutes a legal execution of a high-level program, one must reason about the preconditionsand effects of the actions within thz program. However, if the program happens to be almost deterministic, very little searching is required; as moreand more nondeterminismis included, the search task begins to resemble traditional planning. Thus, in formulating a high-level program,the user gets to control the search effort required. Arobotmustoften react to eventsin its environment andexceptionalconditionsby suspendingor abandoning its current plan andselectinga newplan that is an appropriateresponse to the event.Thispaperdescribeshowhigh-levelcontrollers for robotsthat are reactivein this sensecanconveniently be implementedin ConGolog,a newlogic-based robot/agent programming language.Reactivityis achievedby exploiting ConGolog’s prioritized concurrentprocessesand interrupts facilities. Thelanguagealso providesnondeterministic constructs that supporta formof planning.Programexecution relies on a declarativedomaintheory to modelthe state of the robot andits environment.Theapproachis illustrated witha maildeliveryapplication. Introduction Reactivity is usually understoodas having mainlyto do with strict constraints on reaction time. As such, muchworkon the design of reactive agents has involved non-deliberative approaches where behavior is hardwired (Brooks 1986) produced from compiled universal plans (Schoppers 1987; Rosenschein &Kaelbling 1995). However,there is more to reacting to environmentalevents or exceptional conditions than reaction time. While some events/conditions can be handled at a low level, e.g., a robot going downa hallway can avoid collision with an oncomingperson by slowing downand makinglocal adjustments in its trajectory, others require changes in high-level plans. For example, an obstacle blocking the path of a robot attempting a delivery maymeanthat the delivery must be rescheduled. Here as in manyother cases, the issue is not real-time response. What is required is reconsiderationof the robot’s plans in relation to its goals and the changedenvironmentalconditions. Current plans mayneed to be suspended or terminated and new plans devised to deal with the exceptional event or condition. To provide the range of responses required by environmental events and exceptional conditions, i.e. reactivity in the wide sense, the best frameworkseemsto be a hierarchical architecture. Then, urgent conditions can be handled in real-time by a low-level control module, while conditions requiring replanning are handled by a high-level control modulethat modelsthe environment and task, and manages the generation, selection, and schedulingof plans. In (Levesqueet al. 1997), Gologwas proposedas a suitable languagefor expressing high-level programsfor robots and autonomousagents. Golog was used to design a highlevel robot control modulefor a mail delivery application (Tam et al. 1997). This module was interfaced to systems providing path planning and low-level motioncontrol, and successfully tested on several different robot platforms, including a Nomad200, a RWIB21, and a RWIB12. Alimitation of Gologfor this kind of applications is that it provides limited support for writing reactive programs.In (De Giacomo, Lespfrance, & Levesque 1997), GonGolog, an extension of Gologthat provides concurrent processes with possibly different priorities as well as interrupts was introduced. In this paper, we try to showthat ConGologis an effective tool for the designof high-level reactive control modulesfor robotics applications. Weprovide an example of such a modulefor a mail delivery application. 98 ConGolog As mentioned, our high-level programs contain primitive actions and tests of predicates that are domain-dependent. Moreover, an interpreter for such programs must reason about the preconditions and effects of the actions in the programto find a legal terminating execution. Wespecify the required domaintheories in the situation calculus (McCarthy&Hayes 1979), a language of predicate logic for representing dynamicallychanging worlds. In this language, a possible world history, whichis simply a sequence of actions, is representedby a first order term called a situation. Theconstant So is used to denote the initial situation mthat in whichno actions (of interest) have yet occurred. There is a distinguished binary function symboldo and the term do(c~, s) denotes the situation resulting fromaction c~ being performedin situation s. Relations whosetruth values vary fromsituation to situation, called predicatefluents, are denoted by predicate symbolstaking a situation term as the last argument. For example, Holding(o, s) might mean that the robot is holding object o in situation s. Similarly, functions whosevalue varies with the situation,functional fluents, are represented by function symbolsthat take a situation argument. The special predicate Poss(a, s) is used to represent the fact that primitive action a is executablein situation s. A domainof application will be specified by theory that includes the following types of axioms: ¯ Axiomsdescribing the initial situation, So. ¯ Action precondition axioms, one for each primitive action a, which characterizes Poss(cr, s). ¯ Successor state axioms, one for each fluent F, which characterize the conditions under which F(£, do(a, s)) holds in terms of what holds in situation s; these axioms maybe compiled from effects axioms, but provide a solution to the frame problem(Reiter 1991). ¯ Uniquenamesaxiomsfor the primitive actions. ¯ Somefoundational, domain independent axioms. Thus, the declarative part of a ConGologprogram implementinga high-level controller for a robot will be such a theory. A ConGologprogram also includes a procedural part whichspecifies the behaviorof the robot. This is specified using the followingconstructs: primitive action a, Iwait for a condition ~?, sequence (0-1;0-2), nondeterministic choice between actions (0-1I 0-2), nondeterministic choice of arguments zr£ [o-], o-*, nondeterministic iteration if q5 then o’1 else 0-2 endIf, conditional while ~b do 0- endWhile, loop concurrent execution (0-x[I0-2), (0-1)~ o"2), concurrencywith different priorities 1 Here,q5standsfor a situationcalculusformulawithall situation arguments suppressed;qb(s) will denotethe formulaobtained byrestoringsituationvariables to all fluentsappearing in ~b. crl, concurrentiteration < £" : ~b ~ 0- >, interrupt proc/3(aS) 0- endProc, proceduredefinition /~(i’), procedurecall noOp do nothing The nondeterministic constructs include (0-1 [ 0-2), which nondeterministically choses betweenprograms0"1 and o’2, r£[0-], whichnondeterministically picks a binding for the variables £ and performs the program0- for this binding of ~, and o’% which meansperforming 0- zero or more times. Concurrent processes are modeledas interleavings of the primitive actions involved. A process maybecomeblocked whenit reaches a primitive action whosepreconditions are false or a wait action ~b?whosecondition ~b is false. Then, execution of the program may continue provided another process executes next. In (0"1)) 0"2), o’1 has higher priority than 0"2, and 0-2 mayonly execute when0"~ is done or blocked. 0-1 is like nondeterministiciteration 0-*, but the instances of 0- are executed concurrently rather than in sequence.Finally, an interrupt < £ : ~b --+ o- > has variables :~, a trigger condition~b, and a body0-. If the interrupt gets control fromhigher priority processesand the conditionq5 is true for somebinding of the variables, the interrupt triggers and the bodyis executedwith the variables taking these values. Oncethe bodycompletes execution, the interrupt may trigger again. Withinterrupts, it is easy to write programs that are reactive in that they will suspendwhatevertask they are doing to handle given conditions as they arise. A more detailed description of ConGologand a formal semantics appear in (De Giacomo, Lesprrance, & Levesque 1997). Wegive an example ConGologprogramin section 4. A prototype ConGologinterpreter has been implemented in Prolog. This implementation requires that the axioms in the program’s domain theory be expressible as Prolog clauses; note that this is a limitation of the implementation, not the framework. In applications areas such as robotics, we want to use ConGolog to program an embedded system. The system must sense conditions in its environmentand update its thetry appropriately as it is executing the ConGologcontrol program.2 This requires adapting the high-level program execution modelpresented earlier: the interpreter cannot simplysearch all the wayto a final situation of the program. An adapted model involving incremental high-level program execution is developed in (De Giacomo& Levesque 1998). Howeverin this paper, we sidestep these issues by making two simplifying assumptions: 1. that the interpreter immediatelycommitsto and executes any primitive action it reaches whenits preconditions are satisfied, and 2. that there is a set of exogenousevents detectable by the system’s sensors (e.g. a mall pick up request is received or the robot has arrived at the current destination) and 2Here,the environment is anythingoutside the ConGolog control moduleabout whichinformationmustbe maintained;so the sensingmightonly involvereadingmessagesfromanothermodule througha communication socket. 99 leave the robot’s state unchanged.This is specified in the following successor state axiomfor the robotState fluent: that the environmentis continuouslymonitoredfor these; wheneversuch an exogenousevent is detected to have occurred, it is immediatelyinserted in the execution. robotState( do(a, s) ) = 3p a = startGoTo(p) A i = Moving a = reachDest A i = Reached V a = getStuek A i = Stuck V a = resetRobot A i = Idle V a = frezeRobot A i = Frozen V i = robotState(s) A Vp a ~ startGoTo(p) a ~ reachDest A a ~ getStuck A a ~ resetRobot A a ~ frezeRobot Wecan get away with this because our application programperforms very little search and the exogenousevents involvedare easy to detect. Interfacing the High-Level Control Module As mentionedearlier, we use a hierarchical architecture to provide both real-time response as well as high-level plan reconsideration whenappropriate. At the lowest level, we have a reactive control systemthat performs time-critical tasks such as collision avoidanceand straight line path execution. In a middle layer, we have a set of components that support navigation through path planning, mapbuilding and/or maintenance,keeping track of the robot’s position, etc. and support path following by interacting with the low-level control module.Ontop of this, there is the ConGolog-basedcontrol module that supports high-level plan execution to accomplishthe robot’s tasks; this level treats navigation moreor less as a black box. In this section, we describe howthe ConGolog-based high-level control moduleis interfaced to rest of the architecture. The high-level control moduleneeds to run asynchronously with the rest of the architecture so that other tasks can be attended to while the robot is navigating towardsa destination. To supportthis and allow for interaction between the high-level control moduleand the navigation module, we have defined the following simple model. With respect to navigation, the robot is viewedby the high-level control moduleas always being in one of the following set of states: RS = {Idle, Wealso have precondition axiomsthat specify whenthese primitive actions and exogenousevents are possible. For example,the following says that the action of directing the robot to start movingtoward a destination p is possible wheneverthe robot is in Idle state: Poss(startGoTo(p), s) = robotState(s) : Idle Weomit the other precondition axiomsas they are obvious from the modeldescription. Wealso use two additional functional fluents: robotDestination(s)refers to the last destination the robot was set in motiontowards, and robotPlace(s) refers to the current location of robot as determined from the model. Their successor state axiomsare: robotDestinat ion( do(a, s) ) = a -- startGoTo(p) p = robotDestination(s) A Vp a ~ startGoTo(p) robotPlace(do(a, s) ) = 3pI a = startGoTo(p I) A p = UnknownV a = reachDest A p = robotDestination(s) p = robotPlace(s) Vp a ~ startGoTo(p) A a ~ reachDest Moving, Reached, Stuck, Frozen}. Thecurrent robot state is represented by the functional fluent robotState(s). The robot’s default state is Idle; when in this state, the robot is not movingtowards a destination, but collision avoidanceis turned on and the robot may movelocally to avoid oncoming bodies. With the robot in Idle state, the high-level control modulemayexecute the primitive action startGoTo(place); this changes the robot’s state to Movingand causes the navigation module to attempt to movethe robot to place. If and when the robot reaches the destination, the navigation modulegenerates the exogenousevent reachDest, which changes the robot’s state to Reached.If on the other hand the navigation moduleencounters obstacles it cannot get around and finds the destination unreachable,then it generates the exogenous event getStuck, which changes the robot’s state to Stuck. In any state, the high-level control modulemayexecute the primitive action reset Robot, which aborts any navigation that maybe under wayand returns the robot to Idle state. Finally, there is the Frozenstate wherecollision avoidance is disabled and the robot will not moveeven if something approachesit; this is useful whenthe robot is picking up or dropping off things; humansmayreach into the robot’s carrying bins without it movingaway. All other actions 100 A Mail Delivery Example To test our approach, we have implementeda simple mall delivery application. The high-level control modulefor the application must react to two kinds of exogenousevents: ¯ new shipment orders, whichare represented by the event orderShipment( sender, recipient,priority), and ¯ signals from the navigation module, namely the reachDest event announcing that the destination has been reached and the getStuck event announcing that the robot has failed to reach its destination. Thefirst kind is typical of the communication interactions a robot mayhave with its environment,while the second kind is typical of the control interactions a task-level modulemay have with the rest of the robot’s architecture. To require more reactivity from the robot, we assume that shipment orders comewith different priority levels and that the system mustinterrupt service of a lowerpriority order whena higher priority one comes in. Also, we want the robot to makea certain numberof attempts to get to a customer’smailboxas someof the obstacles it runs into maybe temporary, This is handled by assigning a certain amountof credit to customers initially and reducingtheir credit whenan attempt to go to their mailboxfails. Whencustomersrun out of credit, they are suspended and shipments sent to them are returned to the sender whenpossible. In addition to the navigation primitive actions and exogenousevents already described, the application uses the following primitive actions: The initial state of the domainmight be specified by the following axioms: Customer(Yves) Customer(Ken) Customer(Hector,) Customer(Michael) Customer(c) D cr,edit(c, So) orderCtr,(So) = orderState(n, So) = NonExistent robotState(So) = Idle r,obotPlace(So) = CentralO f fice Let us nowspecify the behavior of our robot using a ConGologprogram. Exogenous events are handled using prioritized interrupts. The main control procedure concurrently executesfour interrupts at different priorities: proe mainControl ( n : order’State(n) = Justin --+ handleNewOrder,(n) >> ( n : (orderState(n) = ToPickUp A Suspended(sender(n))) --+ cancelOrder(n) ackOrder,(n) acknowledge reception of servable order declineOrder(n) decline an unservable order pick UpSh ipment( n pick up shipment n dr,opO f f Shiprnent(n) drop off shipment n cancelOrder(n) cancel an unservable order r,educeCr,edit( c) reduce customerc’s credit noti f yStopSer,ving( c) notify unreachable customer Note that shipmentorders are identified by a numbern that is assigned from a counter whenthe or,derShiprnent event occurs. Wehave precondition axioms for these primitive actions, for example: P oss(pick UpSh ipment( n ) , s) orderState(n, s) = ToPickUp robot Place(s) = mailbox(sender(n, The primitive fluents for the application are: or,der,State(n, s) = sender(n, s) = recipient(n, s) = or,der Pr,io(n, s) = orderCtr,(s) = credit(c, s) = Suspended(c, s) II ( n : (orderState(n) = ToPickUp V orderState(n) = OnBoard V robotPlace ~ CentralOffiee) robot M otionControl ) >> ( robotState = Moving ~ hoOp ) endProc The top priority interrupt takes care of acknowledgingor declining new shipmentorders. This ensures that customers get fast feedbackwhenthey makean order. At the next level of priority, we havetwoother interrupts, one that takes care of cancelling orders whose senders have been suspended service, and another that controls the robot’s motion.At the lowest priority level, we have an interrupt with an empty body that prevents the programfrom terminating whenthe robot is in motionand all other threads are blocked. The top priority interrupt deals with a newshipmentorder n by executing the following procedure: proc handleNewOrder(n) if Suspended(sender(n)) V Suspended(recipient(n)) then declineOrder(n) else ackOr,der(n ) if robotState = Moving A orderPrio(n) > eurOrderPrio then %abort current service resetRobot endIf endIf endProc This sends a rejection notice to customers makingan order whose sender or recipient is suspended; otherwise an acknowledgementis sent. In addition, whenthe new shipmentorder has higher priority than the order currently being served, the robot’s motionis aborted, causing a reevaluation of which order to serve (curOrderPriois a defined fluent whosedefinition appears below). order n is in state i sender of order n is c recipient of order n is c priority of order n is p counter for orders arriving customerc has credit k service to customerc is suspended Wehave successor state axiomsfor these fluents. For example, the state of an order starts out as NonExistent, then changes to Justin when the orderShiprnent event occurs, etc.; the following successor state axiomspecifies this: order,State(n, do(a, s)) = 3c, r, p a = orderShiprnent(c, r, p) A orderCtr = A i = JustIn V a = aekOr,der,(n) A i = ToPickUp a = pickUpShiprnent(n) A i = OnBoard a = dropOffShiprnent(n) robotPlace(s) = mailbox(recipient(n, A i = Delivered V a = dropOffShiprnent(n) robotPlace(s) = rnailbox(sender(n, A i = Returned V a = dropOffShiprnent(n) robotPlace(s) = Centr,alO f fice A i = AtCentralOffice V a = cancelOr,der(n) A i = Cancelled a = declineOrder(n) A i = Declined i = orderState(n, s) --~(3c, r, pa = orderShiprnent(c, r,p) A orderCtr = A a 5£ ackOrder(n) A a ~ pickUpShiprnent(n) a ¢ dropOffShiprnent(n) A a ¢ cancelOrder(n) Weomit the rest of the successor state and action precondition axiomsfor space reasons. 101 OrderF orCustAt Prio( n, c, p, s) ~-f orderState(n, s) = ToPickUp A sender(n, s) = orderPrio(n, s) = p orderState(n, s) = OnBoardA orderPrio(n, s) = (recipient(n, s) = sender(n, s) = c A Suspended(recipient(n, s), The second interrupt in mainControl handles the cancellation of orders whenthe sender gets suspended;its body executes the primitive action cancelOrder(n). The third interrupt in mainControlhandles the robot’s navigation, pick ups, and deliveries. Whenthe interrupt’s conditionis satisfied, the followingprocedureis called: proe robot M otionControl if 3c CustToServe(c) then tryServeCustomer else tryToWrapUp; endIf endProc This tries to serve a customerwhenthere is one to be served andtries to return to the central office and wrapup otherwise. CustToServe(c, s) is a defined fluent: mazCustPriority(s) = e.f p = 3c custPriority(c, s) = A VcI custPriority(d, s) <_ maxCreditFor(p, s) = k 3c[custPriority(c, s) = p A credit(c, s) = Vc’(custPriority(c’, s) = p D credit(d, s) k) This essentially says that the best customers to serve are those that have the highest credit amongthose having the highest priority orders. Wecan nowalso define the priority of the order currently being served as follows: CustToServe(e, s)~3n[ (orderState(n, s) = ToPickUp A sender(n, s) A ",Suspended(recipient(n, s), s)) (orderState(n, s) = OnBoardA (recipient(n, s) V sender(n, s) = c A Suspended(recipient(n, s))) A -,Suspended(c, s) def curOrderPrio(s) = p Vc[robotState(s) = Moving robotDestination(s) = rnailboz(c) D p = custPriority(c, s)] [-,(robotState(s) = Moving 3c robotDestination(s) = mailboz(c)) D p = --1] The handleServiceFailure procedure goes as follows: proc handleServiceFailure(c) reduce Credit (c); if credit(c) = 0 then noti f ySt opServing(p) endff; endProc Whenthe robot gets stuck on the way to customer c’s mailbox, it first reducesc’s credit and then checkswhetherit has reached zero and c has just becomeSuspended. If so, c is notified that he/she will no longer be served. The tryToWrapUp procedure is similar to tryServeCustorner: proc tryToW rapU p startGoTo(CentralO f fice); (robotState ~£ Moving)?; if robotState -- Reached then freezeRobot; dropO f fToCentralO f fice resetRobot else if robotState = Stuck then resetRobot % abandon attempt %else whenservice aborted nothingmoreto do endIf endProc It starts the robot on its wayto the central office. Thethread then waits until the robot halts. If the robot reaches the central office, then all undeliverableshipmentson boardare dropped off, and unless a new order comes in the program terminates. If the robot gets stuck, then the robot is reset and the procedure ends. If motion is aborted, the procedure ends immediately.In both cases control returns to the mainControl procedure, which will serve a new order if To try to serve a customer, we execute the following: proc tryServeCustomer rc c [BestCustToServe(c)?; startGoTo(rnailboz(c) (robotState # Moving)?; if robotState = Reached then freezeRobot; dropO f f ShipmentsTo( c); pickUpShiprnentsFrom(c); resetRobot else if robotState = Stuck then resetRobot; % abandon attempt handleService F ailure( c) %else whenservice aborted nothingmoreto do endIf ] endProc Thisfirst picks one of the best customersto serve, directs the robot to start navigating towards the customer’s mailbox, and waits until the robot halts. If the robot reaches the customer’s mailbox, then shipments for the customer are dropped off and shipments from him/her are picked up. If on the other hand, the robot halts becauseit got stuck, the handleServiceFailure procedure is executed. Finally, if the robot halts because a higher priority order camein and the top priority interrupt executed a resetRobot, then there is nothing more to be done. BestCustToServe(c, s) is a defined fluent that captures all of the robot’s order schedulingcriteria: BestCustToServe(c, s) "=f CustToServe(c, s) custPriority(c, s) = mazCustPriority(s) credit(c, s) = rnaxCreditFor(rnaxCustPriority(s), custPriority(c, s) p=~’f 3n Order F orCustAtPrio(n, c, p, s) Vn’, p’(OrderForCustAtPrio(n’, c, p’, s) D p’ <_ 102 point to point navigation in a previously mappedenvironmentand can use pre-positioned visual landmarksto correct odometryerrors. It relies on sonar sensors to sense unmodeled obstacles. The system’s architecture conformsto the general scheme described earlier. It provides two levels of control. Anonboard low-level controller (Robinson &Jenkin 1994) performsall time-critical tasks such as collision avoidanceand straight line path execution. The low-level controller assumesthat the robot is always in motion and communicates with an offboard global path planner and user interface module knownas the Navigator. The Navigator takes as inputs a metric/topological mapof the environmentin which the robot is located and the coordinates (as defined in the map) of the two end points, i.e., the source and the destination of a path. By makinguse of somepredefined path-finding algorithms such as breadth-first search or A*the Navigator identifies a feasible path betweenthe source and the destination. To follow the path, the Navigator decomposesit into segments(a segmentis a straight line betweentwo adjacent way-points) and then forwards the segments to the low-level controller for execution. The Navigator supervises the low-level controller and identifies failures in the low-level controller’s ability to execute a path segment. The ConGolog-basedhigh-level control module interacts with the rest of the architecture by communicating with the Navigator through a socket interface. The high-level controller, Navigator, and low-level controller all run asynchronously. The primitive actions in the ConGolog interface model are implemented using operations provided by the Navigator (currently, the mail pickup and drop off actions are only simulated). For example, the ConGologprimitive action startGoTo(p) is implemented as [planPath(coordinatesOf(p)) ; followPath], where planPath and follow_path are operations supplied by the Navigator. Our experiments confirmed the system’s ability to deal ¯ with navigation failures and to interrupt the current task whenan urgent shipment order is made. For more details on the system, see (Tam1998). Figure 1: Our robot facing an obstacle. one has come in or make a new attempt to return to the central office. Procedure dropOffShipmentsTo(c) delivers to customer c all shipmentson board such that e is the shipment’s recipient or c is the shipment’ssender and the recipient has been suspended: proc dropO f f ShipmentsTo( c) while 3n (orderState(n) = OnBoard (recipient(n) = sender(n) = c/X Suspended(recipient(n)))) do 7r n [(orderState(n) = OnBoard (recipient(n) = sender(n) = c A Suspended(recipient(n))))?; dropO f yShipment (n)] endWhile endProc ProcedurepickUpShipmentsFrora(c) simplypicks up all outgoing shipments from customer c’s mailbox. Procedure dropOffToCentralOffice drops off all shipments whoserecipient and senders are both suspendedto the central office. These are similar to dropOffShipmentsTo(c) and we omit their code. Note that by handling the cancellation of pick ups in a separate thread from that dealing with navigation and order serving, we allow the robot to be productive while it is in motion and waiting to reach its destination. This makesa better use of resources. To run the system, we execute rnainControl after placing a fewinitial orders: Discussion Wehave described how ConGologcan be used to implement high-level robot controllers that can cope with dynamic and unpredictable environments -- controllers that are reactive and support high-level plan reconsideration in response to exogenousevents and exceptional conditions. Our work showshowa logic-based approach can be used to build effective systemswhile retaining features such as clear specifications, inferential power,and easy extensibility. One limitation of the work accomplishedso far is that the system developed is rather small. Weneed to experiment with morecomplexsystems to see whether the general approachand the use of prioritized interrupts to provide reactivity scales up. Aswell, interrupts support the suspension of the current plan but not its termination. Theaddition of a conventional exception throwing and catching mechanism that terminates the current plan is being investigated. orderShipment(Yves, Ken, 0) II orderShiprnent( K en, Hector, 1) >> rnainControl Experimentation The high-level control modulefor the mail delivery application has been ported to an RWIB 12 mobile robot and tested in experiments (see figure 1). The other software components for this were based on a system developed during an earlier project concernedwith building an experimental vehicle to conduct survey/inspection tasks in an industrial environment (Jenkin et al. 1994). The system supports 103 Anotherlimitation concerns the lack of search/planning in the current high-level program. However,the newmodel of De Giacomo and Levesque (De Giacomo & Levesque 1998) provides a clean specification of incremental highlevel programexecution in the presence of sensing. This will allow us to incorporate controlled search/planning in our programswhile retaining a clean semantics. This might be most useful for dealing with unexpectedplan failures. A Golog-basedapproach to execution monitoring and plan repair is developed in (De Giacomo,Reiter, &Soutchanski 1998). The use for Gologfor planning is investigated in (Reiter 1998). Another area under investigation is perceptual tasks. Suchtasks often require sophisticated plan selection and involve information acquisition. Weare currently working on an application where packages must be delivered to the recipient "in person" and wherethe robot must use sophisticated search strategies to locate the recipient, for example, asking whether a co-worker has seen the recipient (Tam 1998). The high-level programexecution modelof robot/agent control that underlies our approach is related to work on resource-boundeddeliberative architectures (Bratman, Israel, & Pollack 1988; Rao & Georgeff 1992) and agent programminglanguages (Shoham1993). One difference that in our approach,plan selection is codedin the program. This makesfor a less declarative and in somecases more complexspecification, but eliminates some overhead. On the other hand, the robot’s world is modeledusing a domain action theory and the world modelis updated automatically using the successor state axioms;there is no needto perform asserts and retracts. Moreover,the evaluation of a test may involve arbitrary amountsof inference, although following logic programmingphilosophy, we take the programmer to be responsible for its efficiency/termination. 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