Spring 2007 ANTU Anthropology-UO Title Crs# Sec# CRN Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions UO. FUNDAMENTALS/ ARCHAEOLOGY 340-U 001 38097 4 RF 1500-1630 4/2/07-6/8/07 CHAN Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff UO. HUMAN OSTEOLOGY LAB 366-U 001 38105 4 F 1200-1500 4/2/07-6/8/07 CHAN Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Tasa, G. UO. PRACTICUM 409-U 001 38098 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lukacs, J. Spring 2007 ART CR 1-21 TBA Fees Art Instructor JOHN MAUL, 105 FAIR, 737-4745 Title Crs# Sec# CRN Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions ADVISOR REVIEW 306 002 36711 CR 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees PAINTING II: ABSTRACT & MULTIM 383 001 34768 4 TR 1300-1550 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 247 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Instructor Brooke, S. ART fee of $30.00 Brooke, S. INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 002 36713 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 001 34772 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. PROJECTS 406 002 34773 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. SEM/DIR & ISSUES CONTEM ART 407 001 37479 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. INTERNSHIP 410 002 36714 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. ^CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN ART 411 001 34463 3 DRAWING IV/FIGURE 434 002 38059 3-5 DIRECTIONS & ISSUES IN CONTEM 462 001 37480 3 1 F 0900-1150 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 107 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. MW 0900-1050 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. PAINTING III 481 002 35615 3-5 TBA CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. INDEPENDENT STUDY 502 001 36716 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. READING AND CONFERENCE 505 001 36717 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. PROJECTS 506 001 36718 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. INTERNSHIP 510 001 36719 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. Spring 2007 BA Business Administration Crs# Sec# CRN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 347 002 34461 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 352 007 34331 READING AND CONFERENCE 405 002 35616 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 453 004 36545 4 VENTURE MANAGEMENT 460 003 34766 4 GLOBAL MARKETING 497 003 34765 4 BIO Brooke, S. JAMES COAKLEY, 214 BEXL, 737-3716 Title Spring 2007 BART fee of $30.00 CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions 4 TR 1300-1440 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 4 TR 1100-1240 4/2/07-6/8/07 Fees Instructor Elston, J. CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hacker, M. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hacker, M. MW 1100-1240 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Allender, T. F 0900-1240 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stevenson, P. MW 1300-1440 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Knuff, D. 1-16 TBA Biology-UO Title Crs# Sec# CRN Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions UO. CELL BIOLOGY 322-U 001 38099 4 TR 1000-1120 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Orr, M. UO. INVES MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY 358-U 001 38123 4 MW 0830-0950 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Johnson, E. UO. PRACTICUM 409-U 001 38100 1-6 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Orr, M. UO. RES/RESTORATION ECOLOGY 410-U 001 38101 4 R 1130-1320 4/2/07-6/8/07 F 1100-1700 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 248 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Orr, M. Spring 2007 CHU CR Fees Instructor Chemistry-UO Title Crs# Sec# CRN Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions UO. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY III 336-U 001 38102 CR 4 TR 1300-1450 4/2/07-6/8/07 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Higginbotham, C. UO. PHYSIOLOGICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 360-U 001 38103 4 MW 1300-1450 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 117 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Higginbotham, C. UO.SPECIAL LABORATORY PROBLEMS 409-U 001 38104 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Rice, J. 1-21 TBA Fees Instructor Spring 2007 COMM Communication Title Crs# Sec# CRN COMMUNCIATION IN ORGANIZATIONS 324 001 38047 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION 326 002 36587 RESEARCH 401 001 34818 ROBERT ILTIS, 104 SHEP, 737-2461 CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions 3 TR 1300-1450 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 117 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 3 TR 0900-1050 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 117 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 1-16 TBA Fees Instructor Staff INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 002 34455 1-16 TBA CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff READING AND CONFERENCE 405 002 34457 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff PROJECTS 406 002 34458 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff SEMINAR/ORGANIZATIONAL COMM 407 002 36589 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. SEMINAR/INTERCULTURAL COMM 407 003 38048 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP 410 002 34459 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Spring 2007 ENG English Staff ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, 238 MORE, 737-3244 Title Crs# Sec# CRN ST: LIT, CUL & SOCIETY, SEQ 3 399 001 35626 ST/POWER & REPRESENTATION 399 002 38131 INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 002 36592 READING AND CONFERENCE 405 002 36593 PROJECTS 406 002 36594 CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Browne, C. Instructor 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. ^SEMINAR 407 001 35631 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. *POWER AND REPRESENTATION 416 001 37486 3 T 1700-1950 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. STUDIES IN LIT, CULT & SOCIETY 480 001 37485 3 MW 0900-1050 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions MW 1800-1920 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Spring 2007 ENGU English-UO Title Crs# Sec# CRN UO. STUDIES IN MYTHOLOGY 482-U 001 Spring 2007 FOR 38106 CR 4 Fees Forest Resources Instructor Krueger, T. J. WALSTAD, 280 PVY, 737-4951 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR Location Registration Restrictions RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP 401 002 38535 1-16 TBA Meeting Time TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor INTERNSHIP 410 002 36690 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lindberg, K. ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PARK MGT 444 002 36674 3 TR 1300-1420 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Shinderman, M. ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION 445 002 38301 4 Orr, M. 473 001 36694 3 CSB 248 CSB 248 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. RESORT MANAGEMENT R 1130-1320 4/2/07-6/8/07 F 1100-1700 4/2/07-6/8/07 T 1800-2030 4/2/07-6/8/07 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Phillips, J. Lindberg, K. HOSPITALITY/TOURISM MARKETING 475 001 37491 3 R 1800-2030 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Phillips, J. RISK MGMT FOR OUTDOOR REC 476X 001 36696 3 W 1800-2040 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Peterson, T. Spring 2007 FW Fisheries and Wildlife W. DANIEL EDGE, 104 NASH, 737-4531 Title Crs# Sec# CRN Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions BIOLOGY OF BIRDS 311 002 38042 CR 3 TR 1730-1850 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Gumtow-Farrior, D. Instructor WETLANDS AND RIPARIAN ECOLOGY 479 002 38044 3 MW 1100-1220 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reuter, R. WILDLIFE ECOLOGY 481 001 36686 4 F 0830-1130 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hagen, C. Spring 2007 GEO Geosciences MELINDA PETERSON, 104 WLKN, 737-1238 Title Crs# Sec# CRN Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions *LIV WTH ACTIVE CASC VOLCANOES 305 001 34819 3 TR 0800-0920 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Rosenfeld, C. *GLOBAL CHANGE & EARTH SCIENCE 308 001 36687 3 TR 1100-1220 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 117 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Rosenfeld, C. Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions R 1600-1850 4/2/07-6/8/07 CHAN Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Spring 2007 GEOL Fees Instructor Geology-UO Title Crs# Sec# CRN UO. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 353-U 001 Spring 2007 CR HDFS 38107 CR 4 Human Dev and Family Sciences Instructor Blackwell, D. CAROLYN ALDWIN, 322 MLM, 737-4765 Title Crs# Sec# CRN Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND AGING 314 002 38165 3 T 1600-1800 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 104 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Coehlo, D. DIRECTED EXP IN EARLY CHILDHOO 331 002 33128 3 F 0900-1050 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 104 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 341 002 36557 3 TR 1400-1520 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reed, L. APPLIED RESEARCH METHODS 361 002 34450 3 M 1600-1850 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lindberg, K. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 003 34448 1-6 TBA CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 004 36565 1-6 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Coehlo, D. PROJECTS 406 003 34449 1-6 TBA CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. PROJECTS 406 004 35660 1-6 TBA CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Coehlo, D. ADV INTERN/HUM SVC/GERONTO OPT 410 001 34771 Malone, T. 410 003 38365 CSB 115 CSB 115 CSB 115 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. ADV INTERN/HUM SVC & GERON 3-15 F 1100-1300 4/6/07 F 1100-1300 4/27/07 F 1100-1300 6/8/07 3-15 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Coehlo, D. ADVANCED INTERNSHIP/ECDE OPT 410 004 34975 3-15 F 0900-1050 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 104 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. SUPERVI EXPER IN EARLY CHILDHD 430 003 34770 12 F 0900-1050 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 104 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. FAMILY, SCHOOL & COMMUN COLLAB 431 003 35662 3 MW 1400-1550 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. CHILD & YOUTH WITH SPEC NEEDS 432 002 36584 3 W 1600-1850 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 104 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Edwards, J. SKILLS FOR HUMAN SERV PROF 462 002 34451 4 R 1600-1850 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 104 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Coehlo, D. READING AND CONFERENCE 605 003 38168 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Coehlo, D. SPECIAL PROJECTS 606 003 38169 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Coehlo, D. Spring 2007 HIST CR Fees Fees Instructor History-UO Title Crs# Sec# CRN Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions UO. THE STUDY OF HISTORY 307-U 001 38108 4 TR 1300-1420 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. O'Neill, P. UO. SEMINAR 407-U 001 38109 5 M 1400-1650 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 114 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hatfield, K. UO. 19TH CENTURY US: CIVIL WAR 457-U 001 38110 4 TR 0930-1050 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Blue, F. Spring 2007 LS CR Liberal Studies Fees Instructor JEFFREY HALE, 211 GILK, 737-0561 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR Location Registration Restrictions INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 003 34798 1-16 TBA Meeting Time CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Foster, J. Instructor INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 005 34800 1-16 TBA CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 001 36597 1-3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 003 36599 1-3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. PROJECTS 406 003 34795 1-16 TBA CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. PROJECTS/CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE 406 004 38162 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. PROJECTS 406 005 34774 1-16 TBA CSB Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. INTERNSHIP 410 001 34769 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. INTERNSHIP Spring 2007 410 MATH 003 34792 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. Mathematics-UO Title Crs# Sec# CRN Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions UO. ELEMENTARY ANALYSIS 315-U 001 38111 CR 4 MWF 0930-1025 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Tingey, C. UO. NUMBER THEORY 346-U 001 38112 4 MWF 1430-1525 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Tingey, C. UO. ABSTRACT ALGEBRA 393-U 001 38113 4 UO. READING AND CONFERENCE 405-U 001 38634 1-4 Spring 2007 MS Fees Instructor MWF 1200-1255 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Tingey, C. TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Tingey, C. Military Science LTC STEVEN SCIONEAUX, MCAF 203, 737-3511 Title Crs# Sec# CRN Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions LDRSHIP & MGT OF MIL ORG 313 002 38045 3 TR 1100-1230 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 103 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Haynes, S. PREP FOR OFFICERSHIP 413 002 38046 3 TR 0900-1030 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 103 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Haynes, S. Spring 2007 NR Instructor BO SHELBY, 119 PEAV, 737-9135 Crs# Sec# CRN P/UPPER DESCHUTES WATER COU IN 406 002 PS Fees Natural Resources Title Spring 2007 CR 38041 CR 1-9 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions M 1300-1520 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Political Science Fees Instructor Reuter, R. WILLIAM M. LUNCH, 307 GILK, 737-2811 Title Crs# Sec# CRN *SCIENCE, RELIGION, & POLITICS 370 001 38133 CR 4 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions TR 1500-1650 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor Foster, J. RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP 401 001 36602 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 002 36603 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 002 36604 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. PROJECTS 406 004 36605 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. POLITICAL SCIENCE INTERNSHIP 410 002 36606 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. ^TOPICS IN JUDICIAL POLITICS 429 001 38134 4 TR 1100-1250 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Foster, J. ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS & POLIC 475 001 38163 4 TR 1500-1650 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Shinderman, M. Spring 2007 PSU Political Science-UO Title Crs# Sec# CRN UO. INTRO TO RATIONAL CHOICE 480-U 001 Spring 2007 PSYU 38126 CR 4 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions MW 1600-1720 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions MW 1000-1140 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor Myagkov, M. Psychology-UO Title Crs# Sec# CRN UO. PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS 383-U 001 38114 CR 4 Fees Instructor Walker-Sands, R. UO. RESEARCH 401-U 001 38115 1-21 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Malle, B. UO. PRACTICUM 409-U 001 38116 1-9 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Malle, B. UO. CAREERS III 410-U 001 38117 2 T 1530-1720 4/2/07-6/8/07 CHAN Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hoyt, K. UO. RES OPPORTUNITIES IN PSYCH 410-U 002 38118 1 W 1530-1730 4/2/07-6/8/07 CHAN Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Wolsko, C. UO. ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 410-U 003 38119 4 TR 1000-1140 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hoyt, K. UO. PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW 420-U 001 38120 4 TR 1400-1520 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 112 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Mauro, R. UO. PERCEPTION 438-U 001 38121 4 MW 1400-1520 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Marrocco, R. UO. CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY 459-U 001 38122 4 MW 1200-1320 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Picard-Dimmig, C. Spring 2007 SOCU Sociology-UO Title Crs# Sec# CRN UO. WORK AND OCCUPATIONS 346-U 001 38127 CR 4 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions MW 0800-0920 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor Drake, C. UO. COMPLEX ORGANIZATIONS 347-U 001 38128 4 TR 0800-0920 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Drake, C. UO. INTRO DEVIAN, CONTR, CRIME 380-U 001 38129 4 R 1800-2050 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Baumann, E. UO. PRACTICUM 409-U 001 38130 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Drake, C. Spring 2007 SPAN 1-21 TBA Spanish JOSEPH KRAUSE, 210 KIDD, 737-2146 Title Crs# Sec# CRN Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions THIRD-YEAR SPANISH 313 008 36720 3 MW 1530-1650 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 103 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Veenstra, L. *LATIN AMERICAN CULTURE 336 001 38135 3 TR 1530-1650 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 103 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Falxa, R. Spring 2007 TCE CR Fees Teacher & Counselor Education Meeting Time Instructor CHRIS PEÑA, 204 EDUC, 737-8575 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR INTERNSHIP/WORK EXPERIENCE 410 003 38148 1-16 TBA Location Registration Restrictions TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor ED PSYCH, LEARNING & DEVELOPM 411 001 38149 3 R 1630-1930 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 114 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Anderson, W. FOUNDATIONAL PERSP IN EDUCATIO 416 001 38150 2 W 1600-1750 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 117 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hofmann, P. CIVIL RIGHTS IN EDUCATION 418 001 38151 2 Casbon, J. 419 001 38152 2 CSB 246 CSB 246 CSB 246 CSB 246 CSB 246 CSB 246 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. MULTICULTURAL ISSUES IN EDUC F 1800-1950 4/20/07 S 0800-1550 4/21/07 F 0800-1550 5/11/07 S 1800-1950 5/12/07 S 0900-1630 4/14/07 S 0900-1630 4/28/07 S 0900-1630 5/19/07 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Roth, K. ST/ED PSYCH, LEARNING, & DEVL 499 001 38657 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hofmann, P. ST/HISTORY OF THE U. S. 499 002 38658 3 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hofmann, P. INDEPENDENT STUDY 502 001 38138 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. MacGregor, M. INDEPENDENT STUDY 502 002 38139 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Biles, K. INTERNSHIP 510 006 38153 12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. PRACTICUM IN COUNSELING 514 001 38140 1-3 T 1600-1850 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 210 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. PRACTICUM IN COUNSELING 514 002 38141 1-3 T 1600-1850 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Biles, K. COUNSELING INTERNSHIP 515 002 38142 1-15 M 1600-1850 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 210 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Schmidt, S. 1-15 M 1600-1850 4/2/07-6/8/07 MacGregor, M. COUNSELING INTERNSHIP 515 003 38143 CSB 211 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Kelley, K. TEACHER AS REFLECTIVE PRACT 524 003 38154 2 R 1700-1850 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Arntson, D. LEADERSHIP SCHOOL COUNS PROG 546 001 38144 3 Biles, K. 547 001 38145 3 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Bartley, A. APPRAISAL OF THE INDIVIDUAL 567 002 38146 3 CSB 114 CSB 114 CSB 114 CSB 114 CSB 118 CSB 118 CSB 118 CSB 118 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. FOUNDATIONS OF COMMUNITY COUNS S 0800-1650 4/14/07 S 0800-1650 5/5/07 S 0800-1650 5/19/07 S 0800-1650 6/9/07 F 1500-2050 4/27/07 S 0800-1650 4/28/07 F 1500-2050 5/18/07 S 0800-1650 5/19/07 M 1600-1850 4/2/07-6/8/07 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Yillik-Downer, A. CROSS-CULTURAL COUNSELING 581 002 38147 3 W 1600-1850 4/2/07-6/8/07 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Spring 2007 WR Written English STEVE KUNERT, 238 MORE, 737-3244 Title Crs# Sec# CRN ^THE TEACHING OF WRITING 411 002 Spring 2007 WS 38700 CR 3 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Women Studies Fees Instructor Hofmann, P. SUSAN SHAW, 200 GILK, 737-2826 Title Crs# Sec# CRN Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions IND STUDY/ECOFEMINISM 402 002 38137 CR 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Holden, M. Instructor *ECOFEMINISM 450 001 38136 3 F 1800-2050 4/13/07 S 0900-1650 4/14/07 CSB 115 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Holden, M. F 1800-2050 5/11/07 S 0900-1650 5/12/07 F 1800-2050 6/1/07 S 0900-1650 6/2/07 CSB 115 CSB 115 CSB 115 CSB 115