Fall 2008 ANAT Anatomy-UO Title Crs# UO. HUMAN ANATOMY I 311-U 501 14694 Fall 2008 ANTU Sec# CRN CR 3 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions TR 1000-1120 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 112 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Crs# UO. OREGON ARCHAEOLOGY 344-U 501 16498 Sec# CRN CR 4 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions RF 1430-1550 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lukacs, J. MW 1300-1420 9/29/08-12/5/08 DES Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Cannon-Miller, K. UO. PRACTICUM 409-U 500 16499 1-21 TBA UO. THE ANTHROPOLOGY MUSEUM 450-U 501 16500 ART Instructor Verscheure, S. Anthropology-UO Title Fall 2008 Fees 3 Fees Instructor O'Neill, B. Art JOHN MAUL, 105 FAIR, 737-4745 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR DRAWING III: FIGURE 334 500 14396 4 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions Fees TR 1300-1550 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 247 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. BART fee of $30.00 Meyer, P. CSB 247 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. BART fee of $30.00 Brooke, S. PAINTING THE FIGURE 381 500 14294 4 TR 0900-1150 9/29/08-12/5/08 AMERICAN ART & LITERATURE: PT1 386 501 19209 3 MW 0900-1050 9/29/08-12/5/08 TBA RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP 401 500 15355 1-16 TBA INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 READING AND CONFERENCE PROJECTS Instructor Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. 500 14450 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. 405 500 16078 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. 406 500 14799 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. SEMINAR 407 500 16079 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. SEM: CULTUR HIST AM ART & LIT 407 501 17692 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. SEM: DIR & ISSUES CONTEMP ART 407 502 19012 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. INTERNSHIP 410 500 16020 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. DRAWING IV 431 501 18564 3-5 TBA CSB 247 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. CSB 247 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. MW 1300-1450 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. DRAWING IV/FIGURE 434 500 14787 3-5 TR 1300-1550 9/29/08-12/5/08 DIRECTIONS & ISSUES IN CONTEM 462 500 18540 PAINTING III 481 500 14789 3-5 TR 0900-1150 9/29/08-12/5/08 AMERICAN ART AND LITERATURE 499 501 18568 RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP 501 500 16081 1-16 TBA TBA 3 3 BART fee of $30.00 Meyer, P. Sayre, H. CSB 247 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. BART fee of $30.00 Brooke, S. MW 0900-1050 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sayre, H. INDEPENDENT STUDY 502 500 16082 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. READING AND CONFERENCE 505 500 16084 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. PROJECTS 506 500 16083 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. INTERNSHIP 510 500 16085 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brooke, S. Fall 2008 BA BRENDA SALLEE (Undergrad), 737-3716; JAMES COAKLEY (Grad), 214 BEXL, 737-3716 Business Administration Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS 350 500 14451 4 TR 0800-0940 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hacker, M. ^PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 353 501 19028 4 MW 1300-1440 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hacker, M. INTRO TO FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 360 500 17467 4 TR 1000-1140 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 104 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Elston, J. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 501 18539 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hacker, M. PROJ/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 406 501 18565 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hacker, M. 4 MW 1300-1440 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 246 TBA Fees Instructor SEM: INTL EXCHANGE ORIENTATION 407 500 15872 1-16 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Elston, J. ^STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 469 500 15607 4 MW 0800-0940 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hilleren, D. CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 492 500 15608 4 MW 1000-1140 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Knuff, D. SERVICES MARKETING 498 501 18566 4 F 0900-1240 9/29/08-12/5/08 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hacker, M. CSB 248 Fall 2008 BIO Biology-UO Title Crs# GEN BIO IV: BIOCHEM & GENETICS 214-U 500 16546 Sec# CRN CR 4 MW 1430-1550 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 201 Meeting Time Location Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Ball, P. GEN BIO IV: BIOCHEM & GENETICS 214-U 501 16547 0 F 1430-1550 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 202 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Ball, P. Orr, M. UO. ECOLOGY 370-U 501 15637 4 MW 1300-1420 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. UO. EVOLUTION 380-U 501 14951 4 MW 1000-1120 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Orr, M. UO. SS. MOLECULAR BIO LAB 399-U 501 18560 4 TR 1500-1650 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 202 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Ball, P. UO. PRACTICUM 409-U 501 15780 1-6 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Orr, M. Fall 2008 CHU Chemistry-UO Title Crs# Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions UO. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I 331-U 501 16319 4 TR 1245-1435 9/29/08-12/5/08 OCH 200 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Higginbotham, C. UO. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAB 337-U 500 16320 3 F 0800-1100 9/29/08-12/5/08 OCH 225 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Higginbotham, C. UO. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAB 337-U 501 16321 3 F 1245-1545 9/29/08-12/5/08 OCH 225 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Higginbotham, C. UO.SPECIAL LABORATORY PROBLEMS 409-U 501 16322 1-21 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Moseley, J. Fall 2008 COMM Sec# CRN CR Fees Communication Instructor ROBERT ILTIS, 104 SHEP, 737-2461 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR INTRODUCTION TO COMMUN THEORY 321 500 16115 3 RESEARCH 401 501 18997 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. IS: INTRO TO COMMUN THEORY 402 500 15373 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. COMMUNICATION & YOUTH OUTREAC 425 500 18544 4 TR 1300-1450 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 114 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Dollar, N. Fall 2008 CSS Location Registration Restrictions TR 0900-1020 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 114 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Crop & Soil Science Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR SOIL MORPHO & CLASSIFICATION 466 501 18552 4 SOIL MORPHO & CLASSIFICATION 566 Fall 2008 Meeting Time ENG Fees Instructor Dollar, N. R.S. KAROW, P. MULLETT, 3005B ALS, 737-2894 Meeting Time MW 1300-1420 9/29/08-12/5/08 F 1130-1520 9/29/08-12/5/08 501 18553 0or4 MW 1300-1420 9/29/08-12/5/08 F 1130-1520 9/29/08-12/5/08 Location Registration Restrictions CSB 248 CSB 202 CSB 248 CSB 202 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reuter, R. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reuter, R. English Fees Instructor ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, 238 MORE, 737-3244 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR *NATIVE AMERICAN LITERATURE 360 500 16675 3 MW 1500-1650 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. AMERICAN ART AND LITERATURE 386 501 18541 3 MW 0900-1050 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. ST/NATIVE AMERICAN LITERATURE 399 500 15321 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. ST/American Art & Literature 399 502 17849 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 500 17487 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 500 16000 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. Nature Words Sem Creative Writ 406 501 16116 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. ^SEMINAR 407 500 16117 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. Fall 2008 FOR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions Fees Forest Resources Instructor D. ADAMS, 280 PVY, 737-4951 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR *ISSUES IN NATURAL RES CONSERV 365 500 16548 3 MW 1000-1120 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 117 Meeting Time Location TOURISM FOR SPECIAL POPULATION 376 501 18557 4 TR 0900-1050 9/29/08-12/5/08 RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP 401 500 16648 1-16 TBA PROJECTS 406 500 16012 1-16 TBA TBA Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reuter, R. CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Gassner, M. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lindberg, K. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reuter, R. SEMINAR: Starker Lectures 407 FOREST REC RESOURCE INTERNSHIP ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PARK MGT HOSPITALITY/TOURISM MARKETING Fall 2008 FW 500 16129 1-16 M 1500-1620 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. 410 500 16552 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lindberg, K. 444 501 18558 3 TR 1300-1420 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Shinderman, M. 475 501 18559 3 T 1800-2030 9/29/08-12/5/08 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Lindberg, K. Fisheries and Wildlife Reuter, R. W. DANIEL EDGE, 104 NASH, 737-4531 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions *ENDANGERED SPECIES, SOC & SUS 350 500 15606 3 TR 0930-1050 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Shinderman, M. ST:ENDANGERED SPECIES,SOC/SUS 499 501 18597 1 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Shinderman, M. Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions T 1700-1950 9/29/08-12/5/08 CHAN Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fall 2008 GEOL Instructor Geology-UO Title Crs# UO. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 353-U 501 18561 Fall 2008 Fees HDFS Sec# CRN CR 4 Human Dev and Family Sciences Fees Instructor Blackwell, D. CAROLYN ALDWIN, 322 MLM, 737-4765 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions INFANT & CHILD DEVELOPMENT 311 500 17500 4 T 1600-1850 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. CRITICAL THINKING IN HDFS 360 500 17532 4 M 1600-1950 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Casbon, J. CRITICAL THINKING IN HDFS 360 502 18951 4 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fischer, C. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 500 14653 1-6 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Coehlo, D. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 501 15171 1-6 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. PROJECTS 406 500 14792 1-6 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Coehlo, D. PROJECTS 406 501 15195 1-6 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. PROJECTS 406 502 15196 1-6 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Coehlo, D. ADV INTERNSHIP - ECDE OPTION 410 500 15194 1-16 F 0900-1050 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. ADV INTERN - GERON & H SVC OPT 410 501 14528 1-16 F 0900-1050 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Coehlo, D. SUPERVI EXPER IN EARLY CHILDHD 430 500 14368 12 F 0900-1050 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Brey, C. TOPICS/ENV IN ECE 465 501 16094 3 R 1500-1750 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Reed, L. TOPICS/SOC & PSY ASPECTS DEATH 465 502 15628 3 W 1600-1850 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 115 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fischer, C. Fall 2008 HIST Fees Instructor Brey, C. History-UO Title Crs# Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions UO. AMERICAN INDIAN HISTORY 469-U 501 18644 4 F 1100-1350 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. del Mar, D. UO. AMER ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY 473-U 501 18562 4 MW 1100-1220 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 112 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hatfield, K. Fall 2008 HPHY Sec# CRN CR Crs# Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions UO. HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY I 313-U 501 14981 3 TR 0830-0950 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 112 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. UO. HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY I: LAB 316-U 501 15636 2 F 1200-1350 9/29/08-12/5/08 CHAN Restrictions apply. See web SOC. UO. HUMAN ANATOMY LAB II 399-U 501 15639 1 F 0900-1050 9/29/08-12/5/08 CHAN Restrictions apply. See web SOC. LS Instructor Human Physiology-UO Title Fall 2008 Fees Sec# CRN CR Fees Liberal Studies Instructor JEFFREY HALE, 211 GILK, 737-0561 Title Crs# Sec# CRN INDEPENDENT STUDY 402 500 16119 1-16 TBA CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor Browne, C. READING AND CONFERENCE 405 500 16122 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. PROJECTS/CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE 406 500 17488 1-16 TBA 3 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Raschio, D. PROJECTS 406 501 16125 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. INTERNSHIP 410 502 15180 1-12 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Browne, C. Fall 2008 MATH Mathematics-UO Title Crs# UO. ELEMENTARY LINEAR ALGEBRA 341-U 501 14536 4 UO. FUND OF ABSTRACT ALGEBRA 391-U 501 15640 4 UO. GEOMETRICS ADV VIEWPT I 394-U 501 15635 4 Fall 2008 MS Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time Location MW 1100-1220 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 201 F 1100-1150 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 201 MF 1800-1850 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 201 W 1800-1950 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 201 Registration Restrictions Fees Instructor Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Naffziger, C. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Ray, C. Military Science LTC MICHAEL J. DANIELS, MCAF 203, 737-3511 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions LDRSHIP & MGT OF MIL ORG 311 500 14920 3 T 1800-2050 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 103 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Nixon, S. PREP FOR OFFICERSHIP 411 500 15605 3 R 1800-2050 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 103 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Nixon, S. Fall 2008 NR Natural Resources Crs# Sec# CRN PROJECTS 406 500 16782 1-9 TBA PS CR Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Political Science Crs# Sec# CRN CR JUDICIAL PROCESS AND POLITICS 326 500 18543 4 T/PUBLIC POLICY & PUBLIC ADMIN 479 501 18542 4 PSYU Fees Instructor Reuter, R. WILLIAM M. LUNCH, 307 GILK, 737-2811 Title Fall 2008 Instructor PAUL DOESCHER, 215 PEAV, 737-9135 Title Fall 2008 Fees Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions F 1800-2050 10/3/08 S 0900-1650 10/4/08 F 1800-2050 10/24/08 S 0900-1650 10/25/08 F 1800-2050 11/21/08 S 0900-1650 11/22/08 TR 1100-1250 9/22/08-12/5/08 CSB 248 CSB 248 CSB 248 CSB 248 CSB 248 CSB 248 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Instructor Staff Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stevens, J. Psychology-UO Title Crs# Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions UO. STAT METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY 302-U 500 16328 Sec# CRN CR 4 TR 1200-1320 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Fees Wolsko, C. Instructor UO. STAT MTHD IN PSYCH (LAB) 302-U 501 16335 0 W 0900-0955 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 101 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Wolsko, C. UO. STAT MTHD IN PSYCH (LAB) 302-U 502 16334 0 W 1200-1255 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 101 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. UO. STAT MTHD IN PSYCH (LAB) 302-U 503 18920 0 W 1000-1050 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 101 UO. BIOPSYCHOLOGY 304-U 500 16336 4 MW 1530-1650 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 117 Wolsko, C. Wolsko, C. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Sundborg, S. UO. RESEARCH 401-U 501 16337 1-21 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Moses, L. UO. PRACTICUM 409-U 501 16338 1-9 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Moses, L. UO. CAREERS I 410-U 501 16339 T 1330-1450 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 103 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hoyt, K. TBA 2 UO. RES OPPURTUNITIES IN PSYCH 410-U 502 16502 1 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Wolsko, C. UO. PSYCHOPATHOLOGY 469-U 500 17507 4 MW 1000-1120 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Porzelius, L. UO. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT 475-U 501 18563 4 TR 1200-1320 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 112 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions Fall 2008 Title SOCU Sociology-UO Crs# Sec# CRN CR Fees Instructor UO. AMERICAN SOCIETY 301-U 500 16340 4 TR 1000-1120 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Drake, C. UO. DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIOLOGY 310-U 501 16341 4 MW 1700-1820 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 117 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Drake, C. UO. PRACTICUM 409-U 501 16342 1-21 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Drake, C. Fall 2008 SPAN TBA Spanish JOSEPH KRAUSE, 210 KIDD, 737-2146 Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR THIRD-YEAR SPANISH 311 500 14982 3 MW 1600-1720 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 103 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Veenstra, L. DIRECTED READING IN SPANISH 317 500 16565 3 TR 1530-1730 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 103 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Falxa, R. SPECIAL TOPICS 399 500 15996 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff Fall 2008 TCE Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions Fees Teacher & Counselor Education Title Crs# Sec# CRN CR ED PSYCH, LEARNING & DEVELOPM 411 500 18554 3 FOUNDATIONAL PERSP IN EDUCATIO 416 501 18555 2 CIVIL RIGHTS IN EDUCATION 418 500 17616 2 MULTICULTURAL ISSUES IN EDUC 419 500 16603 2 ST:CLASSRM INSTRUCT COUNSELORS 499 501 18897 3 INDEPENDENT STUDY 502 INDEPENDENT STUDY 502 INTERNSHIP INTERNSHIP Instructor 204 EDUC, 737-8575 Meeting Time Location Registration Restrictions R 1700-1950 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 246 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. T 1600-1850 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Casbon, J. F 1800-1950 9/26/08 S 0800-1550 9/27/08 F 1800-1950 10/17/08 S 0800-1550 10/18/08 S 0900-1650 10/11/08 S 0900-1650 10/25/08 S 0900-1650 11/8/08 S 0900-1200 10/4/08 S 0900-1200 10/25/08 S 0900-1200 12/6/08 CSB 248 CSB 248 CSB 248 CSB 248 CSB 246 CSB 246 CSB 246 CSB 103 CSB 103 CSB 103 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Casbon, J. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Roth, K. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Greene, M. 500 17512 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stroud, D. 501 17513 1-16 TBA TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Biles, K. 510 500 16736 W 1300-1450 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 210 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Cowin, K. 510 501 16518 1-18 W 1600-1850 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 211 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff INTERNSHIP 510 502 16519 1-18 W 1600-1850 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 210 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Staff COUNSELING INTERNSHIP 515 500 16783 1-15 W 1600-1850 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 210 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. COUNSELING INTERNSHIP 515 501 16784 1-15 M 1600-1850 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 210 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Schmidt, S. CLASSROOM MGMT & DISCIPL K-12 520 500 17514 3 W 1600-1850 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hofmann, P. ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT 527 500 16801 2 R 1830-2010 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Arntson, D. SOC CULT PERSPECT COUNSLNG 532 500 16594 3 W 1600-1850 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Biles, K. THE COUNSELING PROFESSION 541 500 16595 3 M 1600-1850 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Mphande-Finn, J. THEOR FDNS LANG ACQ P-12 EDUCA 572 501 18874 3 T 1600-1850 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 201 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hofmann, P. FAMILY COUNSELING 575 500 16597 3 R 1600-1850 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 104 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Hassell, D. APPLIED PSYCHOPATH & PSYCHODX 577 500 16599 3 T 1600-1850 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stroud, D. DEVELOPMENTAL READING 583 501 18556 3 M 1700-1950 9/29/08-12/5/08 CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Denson-Hill, C. COUNSELOR CONSULTATION 598 501 16600 3 CSB 114 CSB 114 CSB 114 TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Biles, K. Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Cowin, K. CSB 248 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Arntson, D. 2 SPECIAL TOPICS 599 S 0830-1730 10/18/08 S 0830-1730 11/15/08 S 0830-1730 12/6/08 501 16611 1-3 TBA ST: LANGUAGE ARTS METHODS 599 502 16612 2 R 1630-1820 9/29/08-12/5/08 ST: ADV THEOR ORIENT & APPLICA 599 503 18567 3 W 1900-2030 9/29/08-12/5/08 ST: Fundmntls Clinical Superv 599 504 19007 1-3 TBA Fees Instructor Anderson, W. STPF fee of $25.00 Mphande-Finn, J. CSB 118 Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stroud, D. TBA Restrictions apply. See web SOC. Stroud, D.