From: AAAI Technical Report SS-02-04. Compilation copyright © 2002, AAAI ( All rights reserved. TeamCoordination amongDistributed Agents: Analyzing Key TeamworkTheories and Models David V. Pynadath and Milind Tambe ComputerScience Departmentand Information Sciences Institute University ofSouthern California 4676Admiralty Way,Marina delRey,CA 90292 Email:, Abstract Multiagent researchhasmade significantprogressin constructingteams of distributedentities (e.g., robots,agents,embedded systems)that act autonomously in the pursuit of common goals. Therenowexist a variety of prescriptivetheories,as wellas implemented systems,that can specify goodteambehaviorin different domains.However, each of these theoriesandsystemsaddressesdifferent aspectsof the teamwork problem,andeachdoes so in a different language.In this work,we seekto providea unifiedframework that cancaptureall of the common aspectsof the teamwork problem (e.g., heterogeneous, distributedentities, uncertainanddynamic environment), whilestill supportinganalyses of boththe optimalityof teamperformance andthe computational complexityof the agents’ decision problem.OurCOMmunicative Muitiagent TeamDecision Problem(COM-MTDP) modelprovides such a framework for specifyingand analyzingdistributed teamwork.The COM-MTDP modelis general enoughto capture manyexisting models of multiagentsystems,and we use this modelto providesomecomparativeresults of these theories. Wealso providea breakdown of the computational complexityof constructingoptimalteamsundervarious classes of problemdomains.Wethen use the COM-MTDP modelto compare (both analyticallyandempirically)twospecific coordination theories (joint intentionstheoryand STEAM) against optimalcoordination, in termsof bothperformance and computational complexity. Introduction A central challenge in the control and coordination of distributed agents, robots, and embedded systemsis enablingthese different, distributed entities to worktogether as a team, towarda common goal. Suchteamworkis critical in a vast range of domains,e.g., for future teamsof orbiting spacecraft, sensor teamsfor tracking targets, teams of unmanned vehicles for urban battlefields, software agent teamsfor assisting organizationsin rapid crisis response, etc. Research in teamworktheory has built the foundations for successful practical agent team implementationsin such domains.Onthe forefront so far havebeentheories basedon belief-desire-intentions(BDI) frameworks(e. g., joint-intentions (Cohen&Levesque1991), SharedPlans (Grosz &Kraus 1996), and others (Sonenberget al. 1994)) that haveprovidedprescriptions for coordinationin practical systems. Thesetheories have inspired the construction of practical, domainindependent teamworkmodels(Jennings 1995, Rich & Sidner 1997: Tambe1997;Yenet al. 2001), successfully applied in a range of complex domains. While the BDI-basedtheories continue to be useful in practical systems, there is nowa critical need for complementary foundational frameworksas practical teams scale-up towards complex, real-world domains. Such complementaryframeworkswould address somekey weaknessesin the existing theories, as outlined below: ¯ Existing teamworktheories provide prescriptions that usually ignore the various uncertainties and costs in real-world environCopyright(~) 2002, AmericanAssociationfor Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved. 57 ments. Whilesuch frameworks can still providesatisfactory behavior, it is difficult to evaluatethe degreeof optimalityof the behavior suggestedby these theories/models.For instance, the joint intentions theory (Cohen& Levesque1991) suggests that team members committo attainment of mutualbeliefs in key circumstances, but it ignores the cost of attaining mutualbelief (e.g., via communication).Coordinationstrategies that blindly followsuch prescriptions maylead to highly suboptimal implementations.While in somecases optimality maybe practically unattainable, understandingthe strengths and limitations of coordinationprescriptions is definitelyuseful. Of course, while existing theories have avoidedcosts and uncertainties, practical systemscannotdo so in real-worldenvironments. For instance, STEAM (Tambe1997) extends the BDI-logic approach with decision-theoretic extensions. Unfortunately, while such approaches succeed in their intended domains, their very pragmatism often necessarilyleads to a lack of the theoretical rigor. Furthermore,it remainsunclear whethertheir suggestedprescriptions (e.g., STEAM’s prescriptions) necessarily lead to optimal team coordination. ¯ Existing teamworktheories haveso far failed to provide insights into the computationalcomplexityof various aspects of teamwork decisions. Suchresults mayshowintractability of somecoordination strategies in specific domainsand potentially justify the use of practical teamworkmodelsas an approximationto optimality in such domains. To answer these needs, we propose a new complementaryframework, the COMmunicativeMultiagent Team Decision Problem (COM-MTDP), inspired by earlier work in economic team theory (Marschak& Radner1971; Ho1980), within the context of economics and operations research. While our COM-MTDP model borrowsfroma theory developedin another field, weare not just dressing up old wine in a newbottle. Wemakeseveral contributions in applyingand extendingthe original theory for applicability to intelligent distributed systems.First, weextendthe theory to include key issues of interest in the distributed AI literature, mostnotablyby explicitly including communication.Second, we introduce a categorization of teamworkproblemsbasedon these extensions. Third, we provide complexityanalyses of these problems,providing a clearer understandingof the difficulty of teamworkproblemsunder different circumstances. For instance, someresearchers have advocated teamworkwithout communication (Matarid 1997). This paper clearly identifies domainswheresuch team planning remains tractable, at least whencomparedto teamworkwith communication.It also identifies domainswherecommunication provides a significant advantage in teamworkby reducing the time complexity. In addition to analyzing complexity, our frameworksupports the analysis of the optimality of different meansof coordination. We isolate the conditions under whichcoordination based on joint intentions (Cohen&Levesque1991) is preferred, based on the re- suiting performanceof the distributed team at the desired task. We provide similar results for coordination based on the STEAM algorithm (Tambe1997). Wealso analyze the complexityof the decision problemwithin these frameworks.The end result is the beginningsof a well-groundedcharacterizationof the complexity-optimalitytradeoffamongvarious meansof team coordination. Finally, we are currently conductingexperimentsusing the domain of simulated helicopter teams, conducting a joint mission. Weare evaluating different coordination strategies, and comparingthemto the optimal strategy that we can computeusing our framework.We will use the helicopter teamas a runningexamplein our explanations in the followingsections. Multiagent Team Decision Problems Givena team of selfless, distributed entities, a, whointend to perform somejoint task, wewish to evaluate the effectiveness of possible coordinationpolicies. A coordinationpolicy prescribes certain behavior, on top of the domain-levelactions the agents performin direct service of the joint task. Webegin withthe initial teamdecision model(Ho1980). This initial modelfocusedon a static decision, but we provide an extension to handle dynamicdecisions over time. We also provide other extensions to the individual components to generalize the representation in wayssuitable for representingmultiagent domains.Werepresent our resulting multiagent team decision problem (MTDP) modelas a tuple, (S, A, P. fl, O, R). The remainder this section describes each of these components in moredetail. World States: S ¯ S: a set of worldstates (the team’senvironment). Domain-Level Actions: A ¯ {Ai},¢~:set of actions available to each agent i E a, implicitly defining a set of combinedactions, A - l’I~o A~. Theseactions consist of tasks an agent mayperform to changethe environment(e.g., changehelicopter altitude/heading). Theseactions correspondto the decision variables in teamtheory. Extension to DynamicProblemThe original conception of the team decision problemfocused on a one-shot, static problem. The typical muRiagentdomainsrequire multiple decisions madeover time. Weextend the original specification so that each component is a time series of randomvariables, rather than a single one. Theinteraction betweenthe distributed entities and their environment obeys the followingprobabilistic distribution: ¯ P: state-transition function, S x A -~ II(S). This function represents the effects of domain-levelactions (e.g., flying action changesa helicopter’s position). Thegivendefinition of P assumesthat the world dynamicsobey the Markovassumption. Agent Observations: 1"1 ¯ (fl~}~a: a set of observations that each agent, i, can experience of its world, implicitly defining a combinedobservation, In a completelyobservablecase, this set maycorrespondexactly to S x A, meaningthat the observations are drawndirectly from the actual state and combinedactions. In the moregeneral case, f~ may include elementscorresponding to indirect evidenceof the state (e.g., sensor readings) and actions of other agents (e.g., movement of other helicopters). In a team decision problem,the informationstructure represents the observationprocessof the agents. In the original conception, the informationstructure wasa set of deterministicfunctions, O~: S --* ~. 58 Extension of AllowableInformation Structures Such deterministic observationsare rarely presentin nontrivial distributed domains, so weextend the informationstructure representation to allowfor uncertain observations. There are manychoices of modelspossible for representing the observability of the domain.In this work, we use a general stochastic model, borrowedfrom the paniaUyobservable Marl~vdecision process model(Smallwood&Sondik 1973): ¯ {O~}~a:an observation function, Oi : S x A ~ H(f~i), that gives a distribution over possible observationsthat an entity can make.This function modelsthe sensors, representing any errors, noise, etc. EachO, is cross productof observationfunctions of the state and actions of other entities: O~sx O~A,respectively. Wecan define a combinedobservation function, O : S x A ~ II(f~), taking the cross productover the individual observationfunctions: O = ]"[~¢~ Oi. Thus, the probability distribution specified by O formsthe richer informationstructure used in our model. Wecan makesomeuseful distinctions betweendifferent classes of informationstructures: Collective UnobservabilityThis is the general case, wherewe make no assumptionson the observations. Collective Observabllity Vwe f}, 3s E S such that Pr(St = sill t = w) = 1. In other words,the state of the worldis uniquely determinedby the combinedobservations of the team of agents. Theset of domainsthat are collectively observableis a strict subset of the domainsthat are collectively unobservable. Individual Observability V~o~E f~l, 3s E S such that Pr(St = s[ft~ = w~)= I. In other words,the state of the worldis uniquely determinedby the observations of each individual agent. The set of domainsthat are individuallyobservableis a strict subset of the domainsthat are collectively observable. Policy (Strategy) Space: ¯ ~qA:a domain-levelpolicy (or strategy, in the original teamtheory specification) to governeach agent’s behavior. Eachsuch policy mapsan agent’s belief state to an action, where,in the original formalism,the agent’s beliefs corresponddirectly to its observations (i.e., ~riA: Oi--~ A). Extension to RicherStrategy SpaceWegeneralize the set of possible strategies to capture the morecomplexmental states of the agents. Eachagent, i E a, formsa belief state, b~ E B4, based on its observationsseen throughtime t, whereB~circumscribesthe set of possible belief states for the agent. Wedefine the set of possible combinedbelief states over all agents to be B -- 1-Ii~o Bi. The correspondingrandomvariable, bt, represents the agents’ combined belief state at timet. Thus,wedefinethe set of possibledomain-level policies as mappingsfrombelief states to actions, 7r~a : Bi --* A. We elaborate on different types of belief states and the mappingof observationsto belief states (i.e., the state estimatorfunction)in a later section. Reward Function: R ¯ R: rewardfunction(or payofffunction, or loss criterion), S x A R. This function represents the team’s joint preferences over domainlevel states (e.g., destroyingenemyis good, returning to homebase with only 10%of original force is bad). The function also represents the cost of domain-levelactions (e.g., flying consumesfuel). Thus, all the agents share the samecommon interest. Followingthe original team-theoretic specification, we assumea Markovianproperty to R. Extension for Explicit Representation of Communication: E Wemakean explicit separation betweenthe domain-levelactions (A in the original team-theoretic model)and communication actions. In principle, A can include communication actions, but the separation is useful for the purposesof this framework. Thus, weextendour initial MTDP modelto be a communicativemultiagent team decision problem (COM-MTDP), that wedefine as a tuple, (S, A, X], P, f~, O, with the additional component,E, and an extendedrewardfunction, R, as follows: ¯ {E~}i~a:a set of possible "speechacts", implicitly defining a set of combinedcommunications,X~= I-Le,, E~. In other words, an agent, i, maycommunicatean element, z E E~, to its teammates, whointerpret the communication as they wish (e.g., broadcast arrival in enemyterritory). Weassumehere perfect communication, in that each agent immediatelyobservesthe speechacts of the others withoutany noise or delay. ¯ R: reward function, S x A x X] ~ R. This function represents the team’s joint preferences over domain-levelstates and domainlevel actions, as in the original team-theoretic model. However, we nowextend it to also represent the cost of communicative acts (e.g., communication channels mayhaveassociated cost). Weassume that the cost of communicationand cost of domainlevel actions are independentof each other, giventhe current state of the world. Withthis assumption, we can decomposethe reward function into two components:a domain-level reward function, RA: S x A --+ R, and a communication-levelreward function, Rz : S × ~ ~ R. The total reward is the sum of the two component values: R(s, a: o’) = RA(S, a) + RE(s, ~). Weassumethat communication has no inherent benefit and mayinstead have some cost, so that for all states, s E S, and messages,~r E E, the reward is neverpositive: R(s, or) < Withthe introduction of this communication stage, the agents now updatetheir belief states at twodistinct points within each decision epoch t: once upon receiving observation f~ (producing the precommunication belief state b~.x), and again uponobservingthe other agents’ communications(producing the post-communicationbelief state b~E.). The distinction allows us to differentiate betweenthe belief state used by the agents in selecting their communication actions and the more"up-to-date" belief state used in selecting their domain-levelactions. Wealso distinguish betweenthe separate stateestimator functions used in each update phase: n, b,x o = SE~Eo (b~.,x, ~t) b°= SE O b~.x=SE~*x(bix°, ’ ~) whereS E~.r. : B~x fl~ -+ B~ is the pre-communication state estimator for agent i, and SERE.: B~x ~2 --+ B~is the post-communication state estimator for agent i. Theyspecify functions that update the agent’s beliefs based on the latest observation and communication, respectively. Theinitial state estimator, SEmi: 0 -~ B~, specifies the agent’s prior beliefs, before any observationsare made.For each of these, we also makethe obviousdefinitions for the corresponding °. estimators for the combinedbelief states: SE.E, SEE., and SE Note that, although we assumeperfect communication here, we could potentially use the post-communication state estimator to modelany noise in the communication channel. Weextendour definition of agent’s policy to include a coordination policy, 7r~x : B~--¢ E~, analogousto the domain-levelpolicy. We define the joint policies, *rE and *rA, as the combined policies across all agents in a. Wealso define the overall policy, 7r~, as the pair, (TqA,~rix ), andthe overallcombined policy, ,r, as the pair, (*rA,*rE). Communication Subdasses One key assumption we makeis that communicationhas no latency, i.e., agents communication instantly reaches other agents withoutde- lay. However,as with the observability function, weparameterizethe communication costs associated with messagetransmissions: General CommunicationIn this general case, we makeno assumptions on the communication. Free Communication R(s, a, or1) = R(s, a, o’~) for any o’1, or2 E, s E S, and a E A. In other words, communication actions have no effect on the agents’ reward. No communication]D = 0, so the agents have no explicit communication capabilities. Alternatively, communication maybe prohibitively expensive, so that Vu E 1~, s E S, and a E A, R(s, a.. or) = -oo. If communication has such an unboundednegative cost, then wecan effectively treat the agents as havingno communication capabilities whendeterminingoptimal policies. The free-communicationcase is common in the multiagent literature, whenresearchers wish to focus on issues other than communication cost. Wealso identify the no-communicationcase because such decision problemshavebeenof interest to researchers as well (Matari6 1997). Of course, even if E = 0, it is possible that there are domain-levelactions in A that have communicative value. Suchimplicitly communicative actions mayact as signals that convey informationto the other agents. However,we still label such agent teamsas having no communication for the purposesof the workhere, wherewe gain extensive leverage from explicit modelsof communication whenavailable. Model mustration Wecan viewthe evolvingstate as a Markovchain with separate stages for domain-leveland coordination-level actions. In other words, the agent team begins in someinitial state, SO, with separate features, .... , fo. Wealso add initial belief states for each agent i E a, b~ "= S~-~i"0. Eachagent, i E a, receives an observation f~o drawn from f~ according to the probability distribution O~(S°, .), since there are no actions yet. Then,each agent updates its belief state, = S ,.E(bo, W). Next, each agent i E a selects a speech act according to its coo ordination policy, Eo = ~z (bi°z), defining a combinedspeech act Eo. Eachagent observesthe communications of all of the others, and it updates its belief state, box. = SE~E.(b°.E,]~o). Eachthen selects an action accordingto its domain-levelpolicy, A° =~riA(b°E.), defining a combinedaction A°. In executingthese actions, the team receives a single reward, R° = R(S°, A°, ~o). The world then movesinto a newstate, SI, accordingto the distribution, P(S°, A°), and the process continues. Now,each agent i receives an observation f~ drawnfrom N~accordingto the distributionOi ( S ~, A°), andit updatesits belief state, bl_x = SE~,E (blE.. fl~). Eachagent again chooses its speechact, E~= ~r,z (b~.~:). The agents then incorporate the received messages into their newbelief state, blE. = SE~:.(bl.~., ~.~). Theagents then choosenewdomain-levelactions, A~= ~r~A(b~E.), resulting in yet anotherstate, etc. Thus,in additionto the timeseries of worldstates, S°, t, SZ,... : S the agents themselvesdeterminea time series of coordination-level and domain-levelactions, Eo, El,...., Et and A1, A1,..., At, respectively. Wealso havea time series of observationsfor each agent t i, fl~, 0 G~ 1 ,..., fl~. Likewise,we can treat the combined observations, f~o, l~ ..., f~t, as a similar time series of randomvariables. Finally, the agents receive a series of rewards,Re, R1,..., Rt. We can define the value, V, of the policies, *rAand *rE, as the expected rewardreceivedwhenexecutingthose policies. Overa finite horizon, T, this value is equivalentto the following: vT(*rA,*rx) 59 = [t =;-~oRtl*rA,*rE ] (1) I{ Individually Collectively Collectively Unobservable Observable Observable P-complete NEXP-complete NEXP-complete No Comm. Gen. Comm. P-complete NEXP-complete NEXP-complete PSPACE-complete Free Comm. P-complete P-complete Table 1: Time complexity of COM-MTDPs under combinations of observability and communicability. Complexity Analysis of Team Decision Problems The problemfacing these agents (or the designer of these agents) howto construct the joint policies, ~r~_and ~rA, so as to maximize their joint utility, R( S*, t, Et ) TheoremI The decision problemof determining whetherthere exist joint policies, ~r~. and~r A, for a given teamdecision problemthat yield a total rewardat least K over somefinite horizon T (given integers K andT ) is NEXP-complete ilia[ >_. 2 (i.e., morethan one agent). The proof for this theoremfollows from somerecent results in decentralized POMDPs (Bernstein, Zilberstein, &Immerman 2000). Dueto lack of space, wewill not provide the proofs for the theorems outlinedin this paper. Thedistributed nature of the agent team is one factor behindthe complexityof the problem.The ability of the agents to communicate potentially allowssharing of observationsand, thus, simplification of the agents’ problem. Theorem2 The decision problemof determining whether there exist joint policies, 7rE and 7rA, for a given team decision problemwith free communication,that yield a total rewardat least K over some finite horizon T (given integers K and T) is PSPACE-complete. Theorem3 The decision problemof determining whether there exist joint policies, 7rr~ and 7r A, for a given teamdecision problemwith free communication and collective observability, that yield a total rewardat least K over somefinite horizon T (given integers K and T) is P-complete. Table 1 summarizesthe above results. The columnsoutline different observability conditions, while the rowsoutline the different communication conditions. Wecan makethe following observations: ¯ Wecan identify that difficult problemsin teamwork--in the sense of providingagent teamswith domain-leveland coordination policies -- arise underthe conditionsof collective observabilityor unobservability, and whenthere are costs associated with communication. In attacking teamworkproblems,our energies should concentrate in these arenas. ¯ Whenthe world is individually observable, communication makes little differencein performance. ¯ Thecollective observability case clearly illustrates a case where teamworkwithout communication is highly intractable, potentially with a double exponential. However,with communication,the complexitydrops downto a polynomialrunning time. ¯ Thereis a reduction in complexitywith the collectively unobservable case as well, but the differenceis not as significant as withthe collectively unobservablecase. Evaluating Coordination Strategies Whileprovidingdomain-leveland coordination policies for teams in general is seen to be a difficult challenge, manysystemsattempt to alleviate this difficulty by having humanusers provide agents with domain-levelplans (Tambe1997). The problemfor the agents then 6O to generateappropriateteamcoordinationactions, so as to ensurethat the domain-levelplans are suitably executed. In other words,agents are providedwith ~rA, but they mustcompute~rr autonomously.Different teamcoordinationstrategies havebeenproposedin the literature, essentially to compute~r~. Weillustrate that COM-MTDP can be used to evaluate suchcoordinationstrategies, by focusingon a key theory and a practical teamworkmodel. Communicationunder Joint Intentions Joint-intention theory provides a prescriptive frameworkfor multiagent coordination in a team setting. It does not makeany claims of optimalityin its coordination,but it providestheoretical justifications for its prescriptions, groundedin the attainment of mutual belief amongthe teammembers.Ourgoal here is to identify the domainproperties under whichjoint-intention theory provides a good basis for coordination. By "good", we meanthat a team of agents communicates as specified under joint-intention theory will achieve a high expectedutility in performinga given task. A teamfollowing joint-intention theorymaynot performoptimally, but wewishto find a methodfor identifying precisely howsuboptimalthe performance will be. In addition, wehave already shownthat finding the optimal policy is a complexproblem.The complexityof finding the jointintention coordinationpolicy is lowerthan that of the optimalpolicy. In manyproblemdomains,we maybe willing to incur the suboptimal performancein exchangefor the gains in efficiency. Underthe joint-intention framework,the agents, a, makecommitmerits to achieve certain joint goals. Wespecify a joint goal, G, as a subset of states, GC_S, wherethe desired conditionholds. Under joint-intention theory, whenan individual privately believes that the teamhas achievedits joint goal, it shouldthen attain mutualbelief of this achievement, with its teammates. Presumably,such a prescription indicates that joint intentions do not applyto individually observableenvironments,since all of the agents wouldobserve that St E G, and they wouldinstantaneouslyattain mutualbelief. Instead, the joint-intention frameworkaims at domainswith somedegree of unobservability.In such domains,the agents must communicate to attain mutualbelief. However,wecan also assumethat joint-intention theory does not apply to domainswith free communication.In such domains,we do not need any specialized prescription for behavior, since we can simplyhave the agents communicate everything, all the time. The joint-intention frameworkdoes not specify a precise communication policy for the attainmentof mutualbelief. Let us consider one possible instantiation of joint-intention theory: a simple jointintention communication policy, ~rsJI I; , that prescribes that agents communicate the achievementof the joint goal, G, in each and every belief state wherethey believe G to be true. Underjoint intentions, we makean assumptionof sincerity (Smith &Cohen1996), that the agents neverselect the special oa messagein any belief state whereG is not believed to be true with certainty. Wemakeno other assumptionsabout whatmessages~rs J1 specifies in all other belief states. Given the assumptionof sincerity, we can assumethat all of the other agents immediatelyaccept the special message,oa, as true, and we define our post-communication state estimator function accordingly. Withthis assumption,as well as our assumptionsof perfect communication, the team attains mutualbelief that G is true immediately uponreceiving the message,OG. Wecan define the negated simple joint-intention communication policy, ~r~sJx, as an alternative to 7r~Jx. In particular, this negated policy never prescribes communicating the oc message.For all other belief state, the two policies are identical. Thedifference between these policies dependson manyfactors within our model. Giventhat the domainis not individually observable,certain agents maynot be awareof the achievementof G whenit happens. The risk with the Individually Observable No Comm. a(1) General Comm. fl(1) Free Comm. n(1) Collectively Observable Collectively Unobservable n(t) n(1) o((ISl. IND") o((ISl- Inl)D fl(1) n(1) Table 2: Timecomplexity of choosing betweenSJI and -~SJI policies at a single point in time. negatedpolicy, Ir~.sJ1, is that, evenif one of their teammatesknows of the achievement,these unawareagents mayunnecessarily continue performingactions in the pursuit of achieving G. The performance of these extraneousactions couldpotentially incur costs and lead to a lowerutility than one wouldexpect underthe simple joint-intention sJI. policy, lr To more precisely comparea communicationpolicy against its negation, we define the following difference value, for a fixed domain-levelpolicy, 7rA: AT ----- vT(~A, "ffyt X) -- vT(~rA, =Z~X) (2) So all else being equal, wewouldlike to see that the simple jointintention policy dominatesits negation--i.e., A~jI >_ 0. Theexecution of the twopolicies differs only if the agents achieve G and one of the agents comesto knowthis fact with certainty. Dueto spacerestrictions, weomit the precise characterizationof the policies, but we can use our COM-MTDP model to derive a computable expression correspondingto our condition, AsTjI _> 0. This expression takes the formof a page-longinequality groundedin the basic elements of our model.Informally, the inequality states that weprefer the SJI policy wheneverthe magnitudeof the cost of executionafter already achieving G outweighsthe cost of communication of the fact that G has been achieved. At this high level, the result maysoundobvious, but the inequality providesan operational criterion for an agent to makeoptimal decisions. Moreover,the details of the inequality provide a measureof the complexity of makingsuch optimal decisions. In the worst case, determiningwhetherthis inequality holds for a given domainrequires iteration over all of the possible sequences of states and observations, leading to a computationalcomplexityof O((ISl. Inl)r). However,under certain domainconditions, we can reduce our derived general criterion to drawgeneral conclusions about the SJI and --,SJI policies. Underno communication,the inequality is alwaysfalse, and we knowto prefer -~SJI (i.e., we do not communicate). Underfree communication,the inequality is alwaystrue, and we knowto prefer SJI (i.e., we always communicate). Under assumptions about communication,the determination is more complicated. Whenthe domainis individually observable, the inequality is alwaysfalse (unless under free communication),and we prefer the --,SJI policy (i.e., we do not communicate). Whenthe environmentis only partially observable, then agent ~ is unsure about whether its teammateshave observed that G has been achieved.In such cases, the agent mustevaluate the general criterion in its full complexity.In other words,it mustconsider all possible sequencesof states and observationsto determinethe belief states of its teammates.Table2 provides a table of the complexityrequired to evaluate our general criterion underthe various domainproperties. STEAM In choosing betweenthe SJI and -~SJI policies, we are faced with two relatively inflexible styles of coordination: alwayscommunicate or never communicate.Recognizingthat practical implementations must be moreflexible in addressing varying communicationcosts, the STEAM teamworkmodel includes decision-theoretic communication selectivity. The algorithmthat computesthis selectivity uses 61 an inequality, similar to the high-level viewof our optimalcriterion for communication:7" C,,,t > Cc Here, Cc is the cost of communication that the joint goal has beenachieved;C,~t is the cost of miscoordinated termination, where miscoordination mayarise because teammatesmayremainunawarethat the goal has been achieved; and "y is the probability that other agents are unawareof the goal being achieved. Whileeach of these parameters has an corresponding expression in the optimal criterion for communication,in STEAM, each parameter is a fixed constant. Thus, STEAM’s criterion is not sensitive to the particular worldand belief state that the teamfinds itself in at the point of decision, nor does it conductany lookaheadover future states. Therefore, STEAM provides a rough approximation to the optimal criterion for communication, but it will suffer somesuboptimality in domainsof reasonable complexity. Onthe other hand, while optimality is crucial, feasibility of execution is also important. Agentscan computethe STEAM selectivity criterion in constant time, whichpresents an enormoussavings over the worst-casecomplexityof the optimal decision, as shownin Table 2. In addition, STEAM is moreflexible than the SJI policy, since its conditions for communication are moreselective. Summary and Future ExperimentalWork In addition to providingthese analytical results over general classes of problem domains, the COM-MTDP frameworkalso supports the analysis of specific domains.Givena particular problemdomain,we can use the COM-MTDP model to construct an optimal coordination policy. If the complexityof computingan optimal policy is prohibitive, we can instead use the COM-MTDP modelto evaluate and comparecandidates for approximatepolicies. To provide a concrete illustration of the application of the COMMTDP frameworkto a specific problem, we are investigating an exampledomaininspired by our experiences in constructing teams of agent-piloted helicopters. Considertwohelicopters that mustfly across enemyterritory to their destination without detection. The first, piloted by agentA, is a transport vehiclewithlimited firepower. Thesecond, piloted by agent B, is an escort vehicle with significant firepower. Somewhere along their path is an enemyradar unit, but its location is unknown (a priori) to the agents. AgentB’s escort helicopter is capableof destroyingthe radar unit uponencounteringit. However, agent A’s transport helicopter is not, and it will itself be destroyed by enemyunits if detected. Onthe other hand, agent A’s transport helicopter can escapedetection by the radar unit by traveling at a very lowaltitude (nap-of-the-earthflight), thoughat a lower speedthanat its typical, higheraltitude. In this scenario,agentB will not worryaboutdetection, givenits superior firepower;therefore, it will fly at a fast speedat its typical altitude. The two agents form a top-level joint commitment,GD,to reach their destination. Thereis no incentive for the agents to communicate the achievementof this goal, since they will both eventually reach their destination, at whichpoint they will achievemutualbelief in the achievementof GD.However,in the service of their top-level goal, GD,the two agents also adopt a joint goal, Gn, of destroying the radar unit, since, withoutdestroyingthe radar unit, agent A’s transport helicopter cannot reach the destination. Weconsider here the problemfacing agent B with respect to communicating the achievementof goal, Gn. If agent B communicatesthe achievementof GR, then agent A knowsthat the enemyis destroyed and that it is safe to fly at its normalaltitude (thus reachingthe destinationsooner). agent B does not communicate the achievementof Gn, there is still somechance that agent A will Observethe event anyway.If agent A does not observer the achievementof GR,then it must fly nap-ofthe-earth the wholedistance, and the team receives a lower reward becauseof the later arrival. Therefore, agent B must weighthe increase in expectedrewardagainst the cost of communication. Weare in the process of conductingexperimentsusing this example scenario with the aimof characterizing the optimality-efficiency tradeoffs madeby various policies. In particular, wewill computethe expected rewardachievable by the agents using the optimal coordination policy vs. STEAM vs. the simple joint-intentions policy. We will also measurethe amountof computationaltime required to generate these various policies. 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