From: AAAI Technical Report SS-02-02. Compilation copyright © 2002, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Cooperative Case Bartering for Case-Based Reasoning Agents Santiago Ontafi6n and Enric Plaza IIIA, Artificial IntelligenceResearchInstitute CSIC,SpanishCouncil for Scientific Research CampusUAB,08193Bellaterra, Catalonia (Spain). {santi,enric}, Abstract Multiagentsystemsoffer a newparadigm to organizeAI Applications. Wefocus on the applicationof Case-Based Reasoning to Muitiagentsystems.CBR offers the individual agentsthe capabilityof autonomously learn fromexperience. In this paperwepresenta framework for collaborationamong agentsthat use CBR. Wepresentexplicit strategiesfor case barteringin orderimproveindividualcasebases andreduce biasis the ease’bases. Wealsopresentempiricalresultsillustratingthe robustness of the casebarteringprocessfor several configurations of the multiagant system. Introduction Multiagentsystems offer a newparadigmto organize AI applications. Our goal is to develop techniquesto integrate CBR into applications that are developedas multiagentsystems. CBRoffers the multiagent systemparadigmthe capability of autonomously learn from experience.In this paper we present a frameworkfor collaboration amongagents that use CBRand someexperiments illustrating howthey can improveits performanceusing case bartering strategies. The individual case bases of the CBRagents are the main issue here, if they are not properly maintained,the overall systembehaviorwill be suboptimal.In a real system, there will be agents that can very easily obtain certain kind of cases, and that will very costly obtain other types of cases, and for sure that other agents in the systemwill be in the inversesituation. It will be beneficialfor bothagentsif they reach an agreementto trade cases. This is a very well known strategy in the humanhistory called bartering. Usingcase bartering, agents that havea lot of cases of somekindwill give themto another agents in return to moreinteresting cases for them. Our research focuses on the scenario of separate case bases that we want to use in a decentralized fashion by. meansof a multiagentsystem, that is to say a collection of CBRagents that manageindividual case bases and can communicate(and collaborate) with other CBRagents. In this paper we focus on case bartering. Wepresent two protocols for case bartering that improvethe overall performanceof the systemand of the individual CBRagents without compromisingthe agent’s autonomy.This protocols will try to Copyright(~ 2002,American Associationfor Artificial Intelligence( All rights reserved. 77 minimizethe individual case base bias (howfar is a case base of being a goodsampleof the overall distribution). Thestructure of the paperis as follows. First, wepresent the collaborationschemethat the agents use, then the individual case base bias measurement is introduced.After that, the case bartering mechanism, including the bartering protocols is presented. Finally, Theexperimentsare explained and the paper closes with related workand conclusionsections. Collaboration Scheme A multiagent CBR(.MAC)system .M = ~(Ai, Ci)]i=l...n is composedon n agents, where each agent AI has a case base Ci. In the experimentsreported here we assumethat initially case bases are disjunct ~A~, Aj E .M: C~t3 Cj = 0), i.e. initially there is no case sharedby twoagent’scase bases. In this framework werestrict ourselvesto analytical tasks, i.e. tasks (like classification) wherethe solution achieved by selecting from an enumeratedset of solutions K = {$1...Sg}. A case base C~ = {(Pj,Sh)}j=I..N is a collection of pairs problem/solution. Whenan agent Ai asks another agent Aj help to solve a problemthe interaction protocol is as follows. First, AI sends a problem description P to Aj. Second, after Aj has tried to solve P using its case base Cj, it sends back a messagethat is either :sorry (if it cannot solve P) or a solution endorsement record (SER). A SERhas the form({ (Sk, E~)},P, Aj), wherethe collection of endorsing pairs (Sk,E~) mean that the CBRmethodof the agentAj has foundE]c cases in case base Cj endorsingsolution Sk-i.e. there are a number E~of casesthat are relevant(similar) for endorsingSk as a solution for P. Eachagent Aj is free to send one or moreendorsingpairs in a SERrecord. Voting Scheme The voting scheme defines the mechanismby which an agent reaches an aggregate solution from a collection of SERscomingfrom other agents. The principle behind the voting schemeis that the agentsvote for solution classes dependingon the numberof cases they found endorsing those classes. However,we want to prevent an agent having an unboundednumberof votes. Thus, we will define a normalization function so that each agent has one vote that can be for a uniquesolution class or fractionally assignedto a number of classes dependingon the numberof endorsingcases. Formally,let.At the set of agentsthat havesubmittedtheir SERsto the agent As for problemP. Wewill consider that At E .At andthe result of Attrying to solveP is also reified as a SER.Thevote of an agent Aj 6 .At for class Sk is Vote(sk, c + E,=I...KEJ wherec is a constant that on our experimentsis set to 1. It is easy to see that an agent can cast a fractional vote that is alwaysless than 1. Aggregatingthe votes from different agents for a class Sk we haveballot Ballott(S,,At)= E Vote(S,,Aj) t AjE~ and therefore the winningsolution class is the class with morevotesin total, i.e. Solt (p,.At) = at# kma..x.x Ballot(Sk, .At) This voting schemecan be seen as a variation of Approval Voting (Brains &Fishburn 1983). In ApprovalVoting each agent vote for all the candidatesthey consider as posible solutions withoutgiving any weightto its votes. In our scheme, Approval Voting can be implementedmaking Vote(Sk, Aj) - 1 if E]~ # 0 and 0 otherwise. There are two differences betweenthe standard Approval Voting and our voting scheme.The first one is that in our voting schemeagents can give a weight to each one of its votes. The seconddifference is that the sumof the votes of an agent is boundedto 1. Thuswe can call it BoundedWeightedApprovalVoting (BWAV). In the experimentssection we will showsomeexperimentsillustrating the effect of changingthe voting scheme. Wewill show nowthe Committeecollaboration policy that uses this voting scheme(see (Ontafi6n &Plaza 2001) for a detailed explanationand comparisonof several collaboration policies). Committee Policy In this collaboration policy the agent membersof a .MAC system.A4 are viewedas a committee.Anagent At that has to solve a problemP, sends it to all the other agents in .M. Eachagent Aj that has received P sends a solution endorsementrecord ({(Sk, E~)}, P, Aj) to At. The initiating agent As uses the voting schemeaboveuponall SERs,i.e. its own SERand the SERsof all the other agents in the multiagent system. The problem’s solution is the class with maximum numberof votes. Noticethat the agents participating in the Committee Policy haveno reasonor incentive to lie whenprovidinga SER. First of all, it is rational for an agent to participate in the CommitteePolicy because it improvesthe accuracy of the agent itself in classification. Secondly,oncean agent has joined the CommitteePolicy there is no incentive to cheat the others (there is no benefit in the others beingworse). the contrary, if agents start to cheat causingthe Committee 78 Policy accuracyto diminish, the agents woulddecide simply to leave the CommitteePolicy. Thus, it is rational to participate in the CommitteePolicy and cheating provides no immediateor long term benefit. Noticethat the agents haveno incentiveto lie in its SERs, since their only goal is to improveaccuracyby cooperating. Whenan agent At asks counsel of another agent Aj, Aj has no incentive to lie becausethe outcomeof the voting scheme will only be used by As. Moreover,Aj in the future may need the help of As expecting a sincere answerfrom him. Therefore, the agents will only obtain somebenefit of the collaborationwith other agentsif all themare sincere. Case Base Bias In a previous work(Ontafi6n &Plaza 2001) we showedhow agents can obtain better results using the Committee collaboration policy that workingalone. However,in those experimentswe assumedthat every agent had a representative sampleof cases in its ease base. Whenan agent has a case basethat is not representativeof the overalldistribution, we say that the agent has a biased case base. In this section we are going to define a measureof the degree of biasing of an individual case base (ICB bias or Individual CaseBasebias), then we will showhowthe performanceof the Committeedegradesas the ICBbias of the agents grow.Later sections introducebartering policies to improvethe Committeeperformance. Individual Case Base Bias Let be dt = {d~,..., d~} the individual distribution of cases for an agent As, whered~ is the numberof cases with solution Sj in the the case base of As. Now,wecan estimate the overall distribution of cases D = {D1,..., D/c} where Di is the estimatedprobabilityof the class St, oJ= ~"~4=1 dt Tomeasurehowfar is the case baseCi of a given agent Ai of being a representative sampleof the overall distribution we will define the Individual CaseBase (ICB)bias, as the square distance betweenthe distribution of cases Dand the (normalized)individual distribution obtainedfromdi: rcB(ct) = 1=1 j=l In order to see howthe ICBbias affects the performance of the system,TableI showsthe accuracyof several multiagent systemswith increasing ICBbias (the .MAO ICBbias is calculatedas the meanof all the ICBbias of the agentsin the system). There we can see that whenthe agents have case bases that are not representative(those witha highICB)the agents using the Committeepolicy obtains loweraccuracies. In the followingsections, we will showhowcase bartering improvesaccuracyby loweringthe individual biases. MAC ICB 0.O 0.1 0.2 3 Ag. 88.36% 86.07% 81.46% 5 Ag. 8Ag. 10 Ag. 88.12% 87.50% 86.75% 87.50% 85.35% 85.00% 83.53% 83.00% 82.00% Table1: Classification accuracyfor the marinespongeclassification problemfor systemswith several meanIndividual Case Basebias. Case Bartering In the physical world, bartering involvesthe interchangeof twogoods.But as our agents will barter with cases (that are just information)they will only send a copyof the cases to the other agents without losing them. It’s a matter of the internal case deletion policy of each agent if a case mustbe forgotten or not. Deletionpolicies havebeenstudied (Smyth &Keane1995)but we will not be considering themin these experiments. In this section, weare goingto presentthe CaseBartering protocol that the agents use in order to improvethe overall performance. Case Bartering Mechanism To reach a bartering agreementfor bartering betweentwo agents, there mustbe an offering agent Ai that sends an offer to another agent Aj. Then Aj has to evaluate whether the offer of interchangingcases with A~is interesting, and accept or reject the offer. If the offer is confirmed,wesay that Ai and Aj have reacheda bartering agreement,and they will interchangethe cases in the offer. Formallyan offer is a tuple o =( A~, A j, Ski, Sk2 ) where A~is the offering agent, Aj is the receiver of the offer, and St~ and Sk2are two solution classes, meaningthat the agent AI will send one of its cases with solution Sk2 and Ai will send one of its cases with solution 5kl. Makingand accepting offers The CaseBartering Protocol is not restrictive in howmany offers can an agent send at a time. So, manystrategies can be used here, but in our experiments,the agents use a very simple one to choosewhichare the most interesting offers, as followsfor a givenagent Ai: ¯ For each solution class Ski E {Sx ...SK} ¯ Ai looks if increasing by one its numberof cases with solution Stc, will decreaseits ICBbias. ¯ If so, Ai chooseswhichagent Aj of the others is the best one to ask for cases of solution Skt (Currentlythe chosen Aj is the one with morecases of the solution class Sk~). ¯ NowA~determineswhichis its best class St,2 (the class for whichit has more cases), and makesthe offer o (Ai, Aj, Skt, Sk~), i.e. Ai offers to Aj a case of solution Sk2 if Aj gives one of solution Ski to Ai. Whenan agent receives a set of offers, it has also to choose whichof these offers to accept and whichnot. In our experimentsthe agents use the simple rule of accepting 79 every offer that reduces its ownICBbias. Thus, wewill define the set of interestingoffers Interesting(O,A~)of a set of offers O for an agent Ai as those offers that will reducethe ICBbias of A~. Moreover,an agent cannot send twice the samecase to the sameagent. So, the agents will only accept those interesting offers that can satisfy (i.e. can provide newcase for interchanging). Case Bartering Protocol Weare goingto present twodifferent protocols for CaseBartering, bothsynchronous (i.e. there are preestablishedstages ("rounds") wherethe agents can send their offers, then the protocolmovesto the next stage, etc). Thefirst one is called the SimultaneousCaseBartering Protocol, and the second one the Token-PassingCaseBartering Protocol. Whenan agent memberof the .MAG wants to enter in the bartering process, is sends an initiating messageto all the other agents in the A4AC.Thenall the other agents answer whetheror not they enter the bargainingprocess. Thisinitiating messagecontains a parametertR, correspondingto the timethat eachroundof the protocolwill last. Simultaneous Case Bartering Protocol In this protocol,in every roundall the agents send their offers simultaneously. Whenall the offers havebeen sent, all the agents send a messagefor the offers they accept. 1. Eachagent Ai broadcastsits individual distribution d~. 2. Eachagent computesthe overall distribution estimation D. 3. Theagents send their bartering offers. 4. Eachagent chooses a subset of acceptedoffers from the set of receivedoffers fromthe other agents and sendsaccept messages. 5. Whenthe maximum time tR is over, all the unaccepted offers are considers!as rejected. 6. Eachagent that has somebartering agreementssends the cases to interchangeto the correspondingagents. 7. Eachagent broadcastsits newindividual distribution d~. 8. If there havebeenno interchangedcases, the CaseBartering Protocolends, otherwisego to 3. Token-Passing Case Bartering Protocol The main difference betweenthis protocoland the previousone is the introduction of a Token-Passingmechanism,so that only the agent whohas the Tokencan makeoffers to the others. Eachagentbroadcastsits local statistics d~. . 2. Eachagent computesthe overall distribution estimation D. Eachagent computesthe ICBbias of all the agents tak, ing part in the bartering(includingitself), and sorts them. This defines the order in whichthe Tokenwill be passed through. 4. The agent with higher ICBbias is the first to have the Token. 5. Theagent whohas the Tokensends its bartering offers. Accuracy comparisonusing Nearest Nelghbour Accuracycomparisonusing 3-Nearest NMghbour 91 891 : m..--. I~ 87’ 83’ 81’ . , 79’ 77’ 7S 3 $ 8 Numberof agents I0 $ 8 10 Numberof agents Figure 1: Accuracycomparisonof systems wherethe agents use nearest neighborwith and without using case bartering 6. Eachagent choosesa subset of accepted offers from the set of received offers fromownerof the token and sends accept messages. 7. Whenthe maximum time tR is over, all the unaccepted offers are consideredas rejected. 8. Eachagent that has somebartering agreementssends the cases to interchangeto the correspondingagents. 9. Eachagent broadcastsits newindividual distribution dl. 10. If the Tokenbelongsto the last agent, go to 1 l, otherwise the Tokenis givento the next agent and wego to 5. 1 I. If there havebeenno interchangedcases, the CaseBartering Protocolends, otherwisego to 3. Protocol discussion In bothprotocols,if an offer is not acceptedneither rejected withinthe periodtimetR, the offer is consideredas rejected, and the protocol movesto the next round. To ensure the convergence of both protocols, we have only to have in mindthe only restriction that wehave imposed: an agent cannot send twice the samecase to the same agent. Withthis restriction it’s easyto see that both protocols cannot run indefinitely, becauseeach agent has a limited numberof cases to trade with. So, we can say that in a boundednumberof rounds both protocols will end. Comparing the protocols, we can see that the Siraultaneous protocol has the problemthat an agent has to decide if accept offers or not without knowingif its ownoffers are going to be accepted. The Token-Passingprotocol tries to solve this problemby letting only one agent to sendoffers at a time. Experimental results In this section we wantto showhowthe classification accuracy of the agents improveusing the case bartering protocols with respect to systems wherethe agents do not use them. Wealso showresults concerningcase base sizes after 8O Figure 2: Accuracycomparisonof systems wherethe agents use 3-nearest neighborwith and withoutusing case bartering ¯ . ’" i . 3 5 6 10 Numberof agents Figure 3: Accuracycomparisonof systems wherethe agents use LIDwith and without using case bartering the bartering and the numberof rounds neededto converge to a stable case distribution. Weuse the marinespongeidentification (classification) problemas our test bed----this data set wasalso usedto assess the relational inductive method!NDIE in (Armengol Plaza 2000). Spongeclassification is interesting because the difficulties arise from the morphologicalplasticity of the species, and from the incomplete knowledgeof many of their biological and cytological features. Moreover,benthologyspecialists are distributed aroundthe worldand they haveexperiencein different benthosthat spawnspecies with different characteristics dueto the local habitat conditions. In order to showthe improvements obtained in the system whenthe agents use case bartering, we havedesignedan experimentalsuite with a case base of 280marinespongespertaining to three different orders of the Demospongiae class (Astrophorida, Hadromerida and AxineUida).In an experimentalrun, cases are randomlydistributed amongthe agents (e.g. if the training set is composed of 252cases and wehave .MAGICB bias Before After SCBP After TPCBP 20C 18C 3Ag. 5 Ag. 0.2 0.2 0.000040.0003 0.00003 0.0002 8 Ag. lO Ag. 0.23 0.15 0.0004 0.0004 0.0002 0.0003 18C Table 2: MAC ICBbiases of the multiagent systems used in the experimentsbefore and after the case battering process. 12C 10© SCBP TPCBP SCBP*n ¯ ..m m m -.,( 3 5 8 I0 3 Agents 5 Agents 8 Agents l OAgents 24.9 79.4 14.0 12.9 212.0 101.1 97.2 99.4 238.2 124.5 112.0 129.0 Table 3: Numberof rounds need to converge in the case bartering protocols. Number of agents Figure 4: Comparison of the case base size before and after the bartering process a 4 agents system, each agent will receive about 63 cases). In the testing phase, problemsarrive randomlyto one of the agents. Thegoal of the agent receiving a problemis to identify the correct biological order given the description of a newsponge. Oncean agent has received a problem,he will use the Committee collaborationpolicy to obtain the prediction. For experimentationpurposes, weforce biased case bases in every agent. Specifically, weincrease the probability of each agent to have cases of someclasses and decrease the probability to havecases of someother classes. For example, in the 3 agent scenario, the 70%of the cases for the class Astrophoridain the training set are in the individual case base of Agent1, and the other two agents only have a 15%of them. Analogously,the 70%of the cases for the classes Hadromerida and Axinellida are in the case bases of the Agents2 and 3 respectively. This process increases the individualcase-basebias of the agents in the .MAC; the first row of Table 2 showsthe averageover Individual Case-Base (ICB)biases for the agents in the experiments. Table2 also showsthe averageICBbiases for the agents in the experimentsafter the bartering process. Wecan see that both protocols ate able to reduce the ICBbias to very small values. This showsthat the bartering protocols effectively interchangecases until all agents drastically reduce their 1CBbias; only then the process ends and the overall accuracy has indeed improvedto the level we expected. Finally, notice that whenagents havea greater volumeof cases to barter (e.g. in the 3 agents scenario) the ICBbias obtained after bartering is one order of magnitudelowerthan whenthe agents have fewer cases (from 0.00003in 3 agents scenario to 0.0003in the 10 agents scenario). In order to test the generality of the protocols, wehave tested themusing systemswith 3, 5, 8 and up to 10 agents, and using several CBRmethods:nearest neighbor, 3-nearest neighbor and LID (Armengol& Plaza 2001). The results presentedhere are the averageof 5 10-fold cross validation runs. 81 The figures 1, 2 and 3 showthe results of applying the two case bartering protocols. Threebars are shownfor each scenario, the biased results represent the averageaccuracy obtained by the .MAC without using case-bartering with biased individual case bases; and the SCBPandTPCBP results represent the average accuracy obtained by the .MAC after using the SynchronousCase Bartering Protocol and TokenPassingCaseBarteringProtocolrespectively. Wecan see in those figures that in all the scenarios, the .MAC systemsusing case barteringobtaina significative gain in accuracythan those systems that do not use case bartering. This shows the independenceof the bartering protocols from the CBR methodused by the individual agents. Those figures also showthat case bartering is robust evenwhenthe size of the case bases decreases and the numberof cases an agent can barter is verysmall, as wecan see for the 10 agentsscenario whereeach agent has only about 25 cases (i.e. less than casesper class). Comparingthe accuracy obtained by the two protocols SCBPand TPCBP we see that both have nearly the sameaccuracyin all the scenarios. Wecan see that there is nevera difference greater than 1%betweenthe results of the Simultaneous protocol and the results of the Token-Passingprotocol. Thereforeno bartering protocolis significantly better than anotherbut both are significantly better than using no bartering protocol. Figure 4 showsthe case base sizes reached after case bartering. Wesee that the agents stop interchangingcases before each agent acquires all knowncases in the system. Moreover,except in the 3 agents scenario, the case base sizes do not increase very much.The 3 agents scenario is special becausethe initial case bases of the agents are quite big, and to repair their ICBbiases the numberof cases neededto be bartered is muchgreater than in the 5, 8 or 10 agent scenarios. Wealso see that the case base sizes obtained using the Token-Passing protocol are slightly smaller than the ones obtained using the Simultaneousprotocol. Concerningto the convergenceof the protocols, they alwaysconverge. Table 3 showsthe average numberof rounds needto convergein both protocols. Wecan see that the Simultaneousprotocol is muchfaster than the Token-Passing one (taking only in considerationthe numberof roundsneed Voting Scheme comparison using 3-Nearest Nelghbout 91 83 Figure 5: Comparisonbetween Bounded.WeightedApproval Voting and standard ApprovalVoting for agents using LID. to converge).Thisis as expected,since in the Token-Passing protocol only one agent can makeoffers each round, so TPCBP needs about n times more rounds (being n the number of agents in the system) than the Simultaneousprotocol. Thethird row of table 3 showsthe numberof roundsof the Simultaneousprotocol multiplied by n. Wesee that the numberof rounds needed by the Token-Passingprotocol is alwaysa bit less than those numbers. For comparisonpurposes Figures 5 and 6 showsomeresults wherethe agents use standard ApprovalVoting instead of the Bounded-Weighted Approval Voting. These figures showa comparisonbetweenthe two voting schemesfor two different scenarios: in the first one the agents do not use case-bartering, and in the second one they use the SCBP. Theresults showthe accuracy for LIDand 3-NearestNeighbour (since in l-Nearest Neighbouragents vote for only one class, there is no difference betweenAVand BWAV). Figures 5 and 6 showthat there is no significant difference between the two voting schemes. Whenthe agents use LID BWAV worksbetter for systemswherethere are fewer agents (and thus more cases per case-base). But whenthe agents use 3-Nearest Neighbourthis difference is not so clear. When the case-bases are biased, standard AVis worse than BWAV with 3-Nearest Neighbour(specially in the 3 and 8 agents scenario). However,after the bartering process (whenICB bias is low), both voting schemesobtain nearly the sameresuit. Sumarizing,both voting schemesbehavesimilarly, but BWAV is morerobust with higher biased conditions. Related Work Several areas are related to our work:multiple modellearning (where the final solution for a problemis obtained throughthe aggregationof solutions of individual predictors), case base competenceassessment, and negotiation protocols. Herewe will briefly describe somerelevant work in these areas that is close to us. A general result on multiple modellearning (Hansen Salamon1990)demonstratedthat if uncorrelated classifiers 82 Figure 6: ComparisonbetweenBounded-WeightedApproval Voting and standard ApprovalVoting for agents using 3nearest neighbour. with error rate lowerthan 0.5 are combined then the resulting error rate must be lower than the one madeby the individual classifiers. The BEM(Basic EnsembleMethod) is presented in (Perrone & Cooper1993) as a basic way to combinecontinuous estimators, and since then many other methodshave been proposed:Stacking generalization OVolpert1990), Cascadegeneralization (Gama1998), Bagging (Breiman1996) or Boosting (Freund &Scbapire 1996) are someexamples.However,all these methodsdo not deal with the issue of "partitioned examples"amongdifferent classifiers as wedo--they rely on aggregatingresults from multipleclassifiers that haveaccessto all data. Theirgoal is to use multiplicityof classifiers to increaseaccuracyof existing classification methods.Ourintention is to combinethe decisions of autonomous classifiers (each one corresponding to one agent), and to see howcan they cooperateto achieve a better behavior than whenthey workalone. A moresimilar approachis the one proposedin (Vuurpijl &Schomaker 1998), wherea MAS is proposed for pattern recognition. Eachautonomousagent being a specialist recognizing only a subset of all the patterns, and wherethe predictions were then combineddynamically. Learning from biased datasets is a well knownproblem, and manysolutions have been proposed. Vucetic and Obradovic (Vucetic & Obradovic 2001) propose a method basedon a bootstrap algorithmto estimate class probabilities in order to improvethe classification accuracy. However, their methoddoes not fit our needs, becausethey need the entire testset availablefor the agentsbeforestart solving any problemin order to makethe class probabilities estimation. Related workis that of case base competenceassessment. Weuse a very simple measure comparingindividual with global distribution of cases; wedo not try to assess the aeras of competenceof (individual) case bases - as proposed Smytb and McKenna(Smyth & McKenna1998). This work focuses on finding groupsof cases that are competent. In (Schwartz & Kraus1997) Schwartzand Kraus discuss negotiation protocols for data allocation. Theyproposetwo protocols, the sequential protocol, andthe simultaneousprotocol. Thesetwo protocols can be comparedrespectively to our Token-Passing CaseBartering Protocol and Simultaneous CaseBartering Protocol, becausein their simultaneous protocol, the agents haveto makeoffers for allocating some data item withoutknowingthe other’s offers, and in the sequential protocol, the agents makeoffers in order, and each one knowswhichwere the offers of the previous ones. Conclusions and Future Work Wehave presented a frameworkfor cooperative Case-Based Reasoningin multiagentsystems, whereagents use a market mechanism(bartering) to improvethe performanceboth individuals and of the wholemultiagent system. The agent autonomyis maintained, because if an agent do not want to take part in the bartering, he just has to do nothing,and whenthe other agents notice that there is one agent not followingthe protocol they will ignore it during the remaining iterations of the barteringprocess. In this article wehaveshowna problemarising whendata is distributed over a collection of agents, namelythat each agent mayhave a skewedview of the world(the individual bias). Comparing empiricalresults in classification tasks we sawthat both the individual and the overall performancedecreases whenbias increases. The process of bartering shows that the problemsderived fromdistributed data over a collection of agents can be solved using a market-orientedapproach. Eachagent engagesin a barter only whenit makes sense for its individual purposesbut the outcomeis an improvementof the individual and overall performance. The naive wayto solve the ICB bias problem could be to centralize all data in one location or adopt a completely cooperative multiagentapproachwhereeach agent sends its cases to other agents and they retain whatthey want(a "gift economy").The problem with the completely cooperative approachis that the outcomeimprovesbut redundancyalso increases and there maybe scaling up problems;the bartering approachtries to interchange cases only to the amount that is necessaryand not more. In the experimentsreported in this paper, the agents use strategies for choosingwhichoffers to generateand send to other agents and for choosingwhichoffers to accept from other agents. Currently, both strategies try to minimizethe ICBbias measure. The ICB bias estimates the difference betweenthe individual and global case distribution over the classes. However,we plan to study other kinds of biases that maycharacterize the individual agents’ case base. In order to computethese new bias measures, the agents may needto makepublic moreinformation. Thus, a modification in the bartering protocols wouldbe needed to managethe informationrequired. Wehavefocusedon bartering for agents using lazy learning but future workshould addressthe usefulnessof bartering for eager (inductive)learning techniques. 83 Acknowledgements The authors thank Josep-Liufs Arcos and Eva Armengolof the IIIA-CSICfor their support and for the development of the Noos agent platform and the LID CBRmethodrespectively. Support for this workcamefrom CIRITFI/FAP 2001 grant and projects TIC2000-1414"eInstitutor" and ISTo 1999-19005 "IBROW". References Armengol,E., and Plaza, E. 2000. Bottom-upinduction of feature terms. MachineLearningJournal 41(1):259-294. Armengol,E., and Plaza, E. 2001. Lazyinduction of descriptions for relational case-basedlearning. In 12thEuropean Conferenceon MachineLearning. Brams,S. J., and Fishburn, P. C. 1983. ApprovalVoting. Birkhauser, Boston. 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