Hypergame Analysis in Multiagent Environments

From: AAAI Technical Report SS-01-03. Compilation copyright © 2001, AAAI (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.
HypergameAnalysis in Multiagent Environments
B. Chaib-draa
D6partementd’informatique, Facult6 des Sciences
Universit6 Laval, Sainte-Foy, QC, G1K7P4, Canada
chaib@ift. u laval.ca
player’s perspective of the situation in question. Sucha set
of games was termed a hypergame.
In usual gametheory, it is normallyassumed
that "all
the playerssee the samegame",i.e., they are awareof
each other’s strategies and preferences. This assumption is very strong for real life wheredifferences in
perceptionaffecting the decision makingprocessseem
to be the rule rather the exception.In this paper, we
presenta hypergame
approachas a analyzetool that allowsus to analyzesuchdifferencesin perceptions.In
particular, weexplainhowagents can interact through
a third party whenthey havedifferent viewsand particularly misperceptions
on others game.Afterthat, we
showhowagents can take advantageof misperceptions.
Finally weconcludeand present somefuture work.
A Brief Formal Introduction to l-Iypergames
Wecan specify completely a hypergameby the following
In classical gametheory, it is normally assumedthat "all
the players see the samegame",i.e., they are awareof each
other’s strategies and preferences. This assumptionis very
strong for real life wheredifferences in perception affecting the decision madeseem to be the rule rather than the
exception. Attempts have been madeto incorporate misperceptions of various types fromat least as early as 1956(Luce
1956). Perhaps the most notable theoretical developmentis
the work of Harsanyi (Harsanyi 1968) on gamewith incomplete information played by "Bayesian"players, i.e, players
havinga subjective probability distribution over all the alternative possibilities.
Recently, uncertainty in gametheory has been addressed
under risk control by Wuand Soo (Wu1999). In this context, Wuand his colleague have shownhowthe risk control
can be carried out by a negotiation protocol using communication actions of asking guarantee and offering compensation via a trusted third party.
In this work, we have taken the sameroad but rather than
introducing uncertainty into the model, we have considered
that the players are trying to play "different games". This
approach suggested by Bennett (Bennett 1977) allows for
all types of differences of perceptionwhile still allowingthe
modelto remainreasonablysimple. In its first and simplest
form, this approachtakes as a structure not a single game,
but a set of perceptual games,each expressing a particular
Copyright(~) 2001,American
Associationfor Artificial Intelligence(www.aaai.org).
All rights reserved.
Players: They are the parties (individual agents, groups,
coalitions, etc.) that mayaffect the multiagent situation
that we want to study using the hypergame.
Strategies: Each player may see a number of combinations of actions available to herself and to each of the
other players. Notice that all players maynot recognize
the sameactions as being available for each given player
since they do not perceive the sameactions as relevant.
Preferences: For each player, her various strategies define
a set of perceived outcomes. Usually, she prefers some
outcomesto others and has somebeliefs about other players? preferences.
Definition 1 An n-person hypergameis a system consisting
of the following:
1. a set Pn, on n players,
2. for each p, q E P,~, a non-emptyfinite set 6’g whichreflects the set of strategies for player p as perceived by
player q.
3. for each p, q E P,~, an ordering relationship Ovq,defined
overthe productspace,_qlq,..., ,5’nq and whichreflects the
p’s preference ordering, as perceived by q.
Thus, Spq and Og express q’s perception ofp’s options and
aims. The set S~,..., S~ makes up q’s strategy matrix and
together with Pn and the ordering Oq,..., Oqnreflect player
q’s game Gq within the hypergame G. Thus, an hypergame
G can be considered as a set of n game,G1,. .., (7n, one for
each player. Weassumethat each player i makesher strategy
choice with full knowledgeof her owngameGi. Obviously,
a player mayrealize that others mayperceive the situation
differently: if so, she mayhave more or less an idea as to
what gamesthey are trying to play. Or she maysee only her
own game, which she assumes to represent her perception
sharedby all.
Havingdefined our hypergame,the final step is of course
to analyze it using general principles, and hence to draw
someconclusions about the multiagent situation one has to
be modeled. To achieve that, we have introduced (in the
completeversion) someset of decision rules for the players.
Such rules are based on the notion of a "dominant"strategy
(Rasmussen 1989).
One could hope to define a uniquely rational course of
action for each agent-player. Thus, if used in a normative
way, the hypergame approach would thus provide a very
definite prescription for the decision-maker to follow; if
used descriptively-under an assumptionthat agents will act
rationally-it wouldgive a prediction of the outcometo be
’s perception on p and q
In the case whereis trusted by p and not by q, the matrices reflecting p’s perception and q’s perception mightbe the
pAgent p’s GameG
Agent q’s GameqG
Coordination with a Third Party
Supposethat the two players p and q are two agents representing two companies, each desiring "not be aggressive
about the other (in the sense of market)" but suspicious
the other. Wecan give a hypergamemodelof this situation
by assumingthat that each player has a choice betweena cooperative ( ) strategy and an aggressive one (). Player
we suppose, places the four possible outcomesin the following order of decreasing preference: (1) ( , ) Co-existence;
(2) ( , ) Attack without q retaliating; (3) ( , )
without q retaliating; ( , ) Mutualaggression; ( , )
tack by q without reply.
In fact, these preferencesare not correctly perceivedby q.
Moreprecisely, q believest p to have the following preference order: (1) ( ,);(2)(
On the other hand, q has the same preferences as p and
these preferences are also not correctly perceivedby p which
perceives themas q perceived those ofp. This situation can
be represented by the following 2-person hypergame.
pAgent p’s GameG
Agent q’s GameGq
Thus, p’s perceptionis the right perceptionand it is identical to perception. Lookingat the situation from p’s point
of view, it will be seen that neither p nor q have a dominant
strategy and as the gameis considered by p as non-conflict
game,this player applies rule 3 and chooses ( , ) which
Nash equilibrium which dominates ( , ). Looking now
the situation fromq’s point of viewnow,it will be seen that
this player has not been convinced by and consequently
she maintains her misperception on p. His reasoning is: p
has a dominant strategy and she must act on the assumption that p will adopt this strategy (accordingto rule 2).
this situation, q is faced with two choices ( , ) and ( ,
As she is rational, she will opt for ( , ). From’s point
of view, p and q have opted for ( ,), that is that p will
cooperateand q attack. This is a very bad choice for p.
To avoid this problem,we suggest the following rule:
Rule 4: Anagent accepts to revise her perceptions on another agent on the basis of what a third party suggests
iff she is ensured by that q has the correct perception of
Accordingto this rule, if q does not trust and she does
not Wantchange his misperception of p, informs p and this
latter persists with her formerpreferences. In this case, p and
q will opt for ( , ) as explained previously. Wesuppose
here for simplicity that all players are sincere and in this
case, we exclude the case wherefor instance q might say to
he will changeher misperception of p and she does not do
it. As we see this case reflects somereality whereagents can
be insincere, a case whichseemsto be very difficult to deal
with and which needs further work,
In the case where p and q both trust , their respective
perceptions are the following:
Agent q’s GameqG
Agent p’s GamepG
Consideringthe situation from p’s point of view by looking at the gameGp. Since p does not have a dominantstrategy it cannot apply rule 1 introducedin the previoussection.
However,it can use rule 2 since q has a dominantstrategy
whichis . In these conditions, p assumesthat q will adopt
this aggressive strategy and consequentlyhe is faced with
outcomes( , ) and ( , ). Accordingto rule 2, it chooses
to be aggressive also, that is, it chooses ( , ) whichseems
to be for her a Nashequilibrium, q reasons similarly on G
Withclassical game, we cannot see the players’ differing
perceptions and consequently we cannot understand exactly
whyplayers deviate from cooperation. In fact, if each player
had not mistaken each other’s preferences, both wouldconverge on the cooperation option.
Nowsupposethat p and q want to verify their misperceptions by consulting a third party . As external observer
views the "exact" perceptions of p and q represented by the
following matrix:
tNoficethat with hypergame,
we are taking into consideration
"high-order"beliefs, that is players’ perceptionsof eachother’s
of the situation.
Noweach agent supposes she is in cooperative-game and
applies rule 3 that leads her to the dominantstrategy ( , ),
a new equilibrium which dominates ( , ),
Wehave assumed here that the third party have convinced p and q on p’s order of preference ( , ), ( ,
( , ) and ( , ). If he have assumed that have convinced
p and q on q’s order of preference, i.e., ( , ), (
( , ) and ( ,), we obtain as final perceptions of p
q (after they have correct their misperceptionby trusting ):
Agent p’s GamepG
Notice that this case is similar to the case whereq sees
two options that p does not perceive and which can be represented by the following matrices.
p’s GameGp
q’s GameqG
Agent q’s GameqG
Gamenow turns out to be the famous "Prisoner’s
Dilemma"(DP) for which the dominantstrategy equilibrium
is ( , ). which is worse than the strategy ( , ). To force
p and q to adopt both the strategy ( , ), we add a newrule.
Rule 5: If two players and agree to choose an outcome
under the supervision of a third party , then as soon as
one of them deviates from this outcome, informs the
If our players p and q followthis rule, they adopt the dominant strategy "forced equilibrium" ( , ) since they know
if one of them deviates from this "forced equilibrium", the
other knowsit (informed by ) and both switch to ( ,
Our rule 5 reduces in fact the DPmatrix to only two outcomes ( , ) and ( , ) and where the first one dominates
the secondone. In this case, choices of players p and q are
Thus, the DPusually used to modelmanydifferent situations, includingoligopoly pricing, auction bidding, political
bargaining, etc. does give a rationale for somebehaviors.
But without an hypergamerepresentation, the essential elementof the story -misunderstanding-isleft out.
Gaining Advantage from Differences
Notice that the reasoning is similar for the following
cases: (1) p (or q) perceives one option (or) for her
whichis not available for q (or p); (2) p (or q) perceives
option (or) for the other agent but which is not available
for herself; (3) etc.
Supposenowthat the points of view p and q are the following:
qq’s GameG
¯ p’s GamepG
In this case, q’s reasoning is the sameas previously and
she believes that stable outcomeis ( ). p believes that
has a dominant strategy which is and consequently, she
will opt for the outcome However, as she is uncertain
about what q perceives as outcomes, she communicateswith
her in order to tell her the different options that she perceives: , and . Once q is convinced, both agents perceive the sameoptions and the samepreferences and in this
case, p and q opt for ( ).
Future Work
Suppose a 2-player hypergamefor which p perceives two
options and whichare not available for q. In p’s point of
view, option is an option for p and is an option for q.
p’s GameG
q’s GameG
Fromq’s point of view, it can be seen that q believes thatp
will play strategy and she will play in order to obtain the
stable outcome( ). The player p is far from this point
viewsince she perceives twoadditional strategies that q does
not see. Fromher point of view, q has a dominantstrategy
whichis and as she assumesthat q is rational, she believes
that q will opt for that strategy. Knowing
that, p will opt for
so that she gains the best payoff. Weare faced with two
points of views, according to p, the stable outcomeis ( ),
whereasaccording to q, the stable outcomeis ( ).
Supposenowthat p is curious and wants to knowif q has
or not the same perceptions. In this case, she could ask a
third party which knowsp and q for instance and this third
party informed her that q has a limited view and she does
not view options and . Knowingthat, p might let q opting
for with the intention to choose in order to obtain a more
preferable outcome ( ) than (
There are manyextensions to this work. Amongthese extensions, we see a lookahead-basedexploration strategy for
a model-basedlearning agent that enables exploration of the
opponent’sbehaviourduring interaction in a multiagentsystem. By adopting such strategy, an agent might correct her
misperceptions in our hypergameapproach. Another extension consists in seeing howwe can be selective about the
nested perceptions that we use in the recursive hypergame
in order to have a tractable approach.
Acknowledgment:Supported by the Nat. Sc. and Eng.
Res. Council of Canada (NSERC).
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Rasmussen,E. 1989. Gamesand Information: An Introduction
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