From: AAAI Technical Report SS-01-03. Compilation copyright © 2001, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Probabilistic Pricebots Jeffrey O. Kephart IBMInstitute for AdvancedCommerce IBMThomasJ. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA kephart@us,ibm. com Amy R. Greenwald Department of ComputerScience BrownUniversity, Box 1910 Providence, RI 02912 USA amygreen@cs,brown, edu Abstract parable to probabilistic pricebots with high-informational requirements, and moreover,the profit earned correspond to the game-theoreticequilibrium values. This paper is organized as follows. First, we present our model of an economyconsisting of shopbots and pricebots. Then, we analyze the model from a game-theoretic point of view. Next, we discuss both the high-information and lowinformationvariants of the price-setting strategies of interest: no external regret learning and no internal regret learning. Then, we describe simulations of collections of pricebots that implementthese strategies, in both informed and naive settings. Wefind that no-regret pricebots can converge to an equilibriumthat is arbitrarily close to Nashequilibrium, although instantaneous price distributions need not converge. Weconcludeby discussing the profitability of deterministic pricing algorithms in comparisonwith no-regret learning in both high- and low-informationsettings. Past research has beenconcemed with the potential of embedding deterministicpricing algorithmsinto pricebots"softwareagentsusedbyon-linesellers to automatically price Intemetgoods.In this work,probabilistic pricing algorithmsbasedon no-regretlearningare explored, in both high-informationand low-information settings. It is shownvia simulationsthat the long-run empiricalfrequenciesof prices in a marketof no-regret pricebotscanconvergeto equilibria arbitrarily close to an asymmetricNashequilibrium; symmetricNashequilibria are typicallyunstable.Instantaneous pricedistributions, however,neednot converge. Introduction Pricebots, agents that employautomatedpricing algorithms, are beginning to appear on the Internet. An early example resides at buy. com. This agent monitors its primary competitors’ prices and then automatically undercuts the lowest. Driven by the ever-growinguse of shopbots, which enhance buyer price sensitivity, we anticipate a proliferation of Internet pricebots, potentially generating complexprice dynamics.This paper is concernedwith the dynamicsof interaction amongpricebot algorithms. Ultimately, this line of research aims to identify those pricebot algorithms that are most likely to be profitable, from both an individual and a collective standpoint. Recently, a simple model of shopbots and pricebots (Greenwald & Kephart 1999) was introduced, and a variety of (mostly deterministic) pricing algorithms were simulated (Greenwald, Kephart, & Tesauro 1999). Motivated in part by a game-theoretic analysis of this modelwhich yields only mixed-strategy Nash equilibria, this paper explores the use of probabilistic pricing based on no-regret learning (Foster & Vohra 1997; Freund &Schapire 1996), in various informational settings. Amongthe deterministic algorithms studied previously, one requires completeinformation about buyer demandand competitors’ prices, while a second dependsonly on the individual pricebot’s previous history of prices and profits. Oneof the early conclusions was that knowledgeis power--pricebots that have access to and makeuse of moreinformationearn greater profits. In the present workit is demonstratedthat probabilistic pricebots with low-informational requirements can earn profits com- Model In this section, we summarize a previously-introduced model of shopbots and pricebots (Greenwald & Kephart 1999). Consider an economyin which there is a single homogeneousgoodthat is offered for sale by S sellers and of interest to B buyers, with B >> S. Each buyer b generates purchase orders at randomtimes, with rate Pb, while each seller s reconsiders (and potentially resets) its price Ps randomtimes, with rate ps. The value of the good to buyer b is vb, and the cost of productionfor seller s is c~. A buyerb’s utility for the goodis a function of price. In particular, ub(p) = vb - p, ifp < vb, and ub(p) 0,otherwise. In other words, a buyerobtains positive utility if and only if the seller’s price is less than the buyer’svaluation of the good; otherwise, the buyer’s utility is zero. Weassume buyers consider the prices offered by sellers using one of the following strategies: (i) BargainHunter: buyer checks the offer price of all sellers, determinesthe seller with the lowest price, and purchasesthe goodif that lowest price is less than the buyer’s valuation. This type of buyer correspondsto those whoutilize shopbots. (ii) Any Seller: buyer selects a seller at random,and purchasesthe goodif the price charged by that seller is less than the buyer’svaluation. This type of buyer represents those whoare either uninformed,or interested in productcharacteristics other than price: e.g., quality, convenience. Fraction wAof buyers employsthe any seller 37 strategy, while fraction WBbehavesas bargain hunters, with wA + WB = 1. A seller s’s expected profit per unit time %is a function of the price vector/Y, as follows: 7r,(p-’) = (p, - c,)D,(~, whereDs(p-’) is the rate of demandfor the goodproduced seller s. This rate of demandis determined by the overall buyer rate of demand,the likelihood of the buyers selecting seller s as their potential seller, andthe likelihoodthat seller s’s price p, does not exceed the buyer’s valuation vb. If P = Y]bpb, and if h, (~ denotes the probability that seller is selected, while g(ps) denotes the fraction of buyers whose valuations satisfy vb 3, p,, then D,(~ = pBhs(~g(p,). Withoutloss of generality, define the time scale s.t. pB= 1. Now7r8 (~ is interpreted as the expectedprofit for seller per unit sold systemwide.Moreover,seller s’s profit is such that 7r,(p-) = (p, - c,)h,(~g(p,). Analysis Wenowpresent a game-theoretic analysis of the prescribed I , assumingc~ = c, for all modelviewedas a one-shot game sellers s, and vb = v, for all buyers b. 2 Recall that B >> S; in particular, the numberof buyers is assumedto be very large, while the numberof sellers is a good deal smaller. In accordancewith this assumption,it is reasonableto study the strategic decision-making of the sellers alone, since their relatively small numbersuggests that the behavior of individual sellers indeed influences market dynamics, whereas the large numberof buyers renders the effects of individual buyers’ actions negligible) Assumingthe distribution of buyer behavior is exogenouslydeterminedand fixed, and that sellers are profit maximizers,we derive the symmetric mixedstrategy Nashequilibrium of the sellers’ (and later, pricebots’) game,and then we derive an asymmetricvariant. A Nashequilibrium is a vector of prices at whichsellers maximizeindividual profits and from which they have no incentive to deviate. (Nash 1951). There are no pure strategy (i.e., deterministic) Nashequilibrium in the prescribed model whenever 0 < wA< 1 and the price quantum is sufficiently small (Greenwald & Kephart 1999). There exist mixedstrategy Nashequilibria, however,the symmetITheanalysispresentedin this sectionapplies to the one-shot versionof our model,whilethe simulationresults reportedin Section focus on repeated (asynchronous)settings. Weconsiderthe Nashequilibriumof the one-shot game,rather than its iterated counterpart,for at least tworeasons:(i) the Nashequilibrium the stage gameplayedrepeatedlyis in fact a Nashequilibriumof the repeatedgame;(ii) the Folk Theorem of repeated gametheory states that virtually all payoffsin a repeatedgamecorrespond to a Nashequilibrium,for sufficiently large valuesof the discount parameter.Weisolate the stage gameNashequilibriumas an equilibriumof particularinterest. 2Assuming uniformvaluationsis tantamountto letting g(p) O(v- p), the step functiondefinedas follows: _< v O(v - p) = 0 1 ifp otherwise. ric variety of which we derive presently. Let f(p) denote the probability density function according to whichall sellers set their equilibrium prices, and let F(p) be the corresponding cumulative distribution function (CDF). In this stochastic setting, the event that any seller is the low-priced seller occurs with probability [1 - F(p)] s-1. Wenowobtain an expression for expected seller demand: h(p) w.4(1/S) WB [1 -- F(p)] s-l, for p < v . Note tha t h(p)is expressed as a function of scalar price p, given that probability distribution F(p) describes the other sellers’ expected prices. Profits 7r(p) =(p - c)h(p), for all prices p _< v. A Nash equilibrium in mixedstrategies requires that (i) sellers maximizeindividual profits, given other sellers’ pricing profiles, so as there is no incentive to deviate, and (ii) all prices assigned positive probability yield equal profits otherwise it would not be optimal to randomize. To evaluate those profits, let p = v. Buyers are willing to pay as much as v, but no more; thus, F(v) = 1. It follows that h(v) wA(1/S), and moreover that It(v) WA (1/S)(v -- (th is implies, incidentally, that total profits are wa(v-- c)). Setting 7r(p) = 7r(v) and solving F(p)yields: (2) whichimplicitly defines p and F(p) in terms of one another. F(p) is only valid in the range [0, 1]. As noted previously, the upper boundary of F(p) occurs at p = v; the lower boundaryis computedby setting F(p) = 0 in Eq. 2: = p=c+ w~t + wBS (3) Thus, Eq. 2 is valid in the range p* _< p _< v. A similar derivation of the symmetricmixedstrategy equilibrium appears in Varian (1980). Greenwald, et al. (1999) presents various generalizations. In addition to the symmetricNash equilibrium, asymmetric Nashequilibria exist, prescribed by the following structure. 4 For 2 _< tr _< S, S - ~ sellers deterministically set their prices to the monopolistic price v, while the remaining tr sellers employ a mixed strategy described by the cumulativedistribution function Fo (p), derived as follows. In an asymmetricsetting, the event that one of the nondeterministic sellers is lowest-priced occurs with probability [1 - Fa(p)] a-1. Nowexpected demandfor the ~r sellers pricing according to mixedstrategies is given by: h(p) = w.4(1/S) + [1 -- Fa (p) a-1. Foll owing the argumentgiven in the symmetriccase, we set 7r(p) -- (p-c)h(p) equal to equilibrium profits 7r(v) and solve for Fo (p), which yields the followingmixedstrategy distribution (see Fig. 1): (4) (1) 3Nonetheless, in a related study weconsiderendogenous buyer, as wellas seller, decisions. 4Thesymmetric equilibriumis a special case of the asymmetric one in which5’ = ~. 38 1.0 5 NIRCDF (theoretical) M.) Mixedstrategy weights at time t are given by the probability vector q~ = (q~)l<~<,,~, wherera IM I. Finally, th e expected payoffs of mixe-dstrategyqt are denoted by E[Tr~]. Nowlet ht be the subset of the history of repeated game Ft that is knownto the agent at time t. Let Ht denote the set of all such histories of length t, and let H "--- [-Jo Hr. A learning algorithm A is a map A : H -+ Q, where Q is the agent’s set of mixedstrategies. The agent’s mixed strategy at time t + 1 is contingent on the elements of the history knownthrough time t: i.e., qt+l = A(ht). The no-regret learning algorithms of interest in this study depend only on historic information regarding the payoffs obtained through time t, unlike for examplefictitious play, whichexplicitly dependson the strategies of all players as twell as all payoffs. For an informed player, a history h has the form (i l, (~r~)),. ..,t, (i)), 7rt where (lrT) is vector of informed payoffs at time 1 < r < t for all strategies i. For a naive player, a history ht has the form ¯ 1 1 (3 , 7rjl),..., (jr,zr~,), whichrecords only the payoffs the strategy ff that is playedat time 1 < ~- < t. The regret p the player feels for playing strategy i rather than strategy j is simply the difference in payoffs obtained by these strategies at time t: p(j, i) = 7rt. - 7r~. Suppose a player’s learning algorithm prescribes t~at he play mixed strategy qt at time t. Thenthe regret the player feels toward strategy j is the difference betweenthe expected payoffs of strategy qt and the payoffs of strategy j, namely:p(j, qt) 7r~ - E[Tr~]. A learning algorithm A is said to exhibit e-no externalregretiff for all histories ht, for all strategies j, 0.8 _~0.6 a. 0.4 0,2 0,0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Pdce 0.9 1.0 Figure 1: CDFsfor mixed-strategy components of asymmetric Nash equilibrium price distribution, for values of tr = 2, 3, 4, 5; cr = 5 is the symmetricsolution. Learning Whenthe widespread adoption of shopbots by buyers forces sellers to becomemore competitive, sellers maywell respondby creating pricebots that automatically set prices so as to maximizeprofitability. It seemsunrealistic, however, to expect that pricebots will simply computea Nash equilibrium and fix prices accordingly. The real business world is fraught with uncertainties that underminethe validity of game-theoretic analyses: sellers lack perfect knowledgeof buyer demands, and they have an incomplete understanding of their competitors’ strategies. In order to be deemedprofitable, pricebots will needto learn fromand adapt to changing marketconditions. In this paper, we study adaptive pricebot algorithms based on variants of no-regret learning--specifically, no external (Freund &Schapire 1996) and no internal regret (Foster & Vohra1997)--emphasizingthe differing levels of information on which the algorithms depend. An agent algorithm that requires as input the relevant profits at all its possible price points (including the expected profits that wouldhave been obtained by prices that are not set) are referred to as informed algorithms. Those algorithms whichoperate in the absence of any information other than that whichpertains to the actual set price are referred to as naive algorithms. We also consider responsive variants of (both the informed and naive) no-regret learning algorithms, which learn based on exponentially decayedhistories, and are therefore moreapt to respond quickly to changes in the environment. T ;(j’ ¢) ’ lira sup 1 r-,oo (5) t=l where qt = A(ht) for all 1 < t < T. In words, the limit of the sequence of average regrets betweenthe player’s sequenceof mixedstrategies and all possible fixed alternatives is less than e. If the algorithmexhibits e-no external regret for all e > 0, then it is said to exhibit no external regret. No internal regret can be understood in terms of conditional regrets. Givenan algorithm A that generates sequence of plays {i t }, the conditionalregret _Rr (j, i) the player feels towardstrategy j conditioned on strategy i is the sumof the regrets at all times t that the player plays strategy i: RTa(j, i) = E p(j, (6) {l<t<Tli’=i} Analgorithm exhibits no internal regret iff in the limit it yields no conditional regrets on average. Expressedin terms of expectation,for all histories ht, strategies i, j, E > 0, T t ¯ lira sup 1 (7) T-+oo "~ E q~P(3, i) < Definitions Before describing our simulation results, we define no external and no internal regret, and describe the no-regret algorithmsof interest. This description is presented in generic game-theoretic terms, from the point of view of an individual player, as if that player were playing a repeated gamept against nature.5 Fromthis perspective, let 7r~ denote the payoffs obtained by the player of interest at time t via strategy i. (Let j, as well as i, range over the set of pure strategies t=l where qt = A(ht) for all 1 < t < T. It is well-knownthat an algorithmsatisfies the no internal regret property iff its empirical distribution of play convergesto correlated equilibrium (see, for example, Foster and Vohra(1997) and Hart and Mas-Colell (1997)). Moreover, no internal regret plies no external regret, and these two properties are equivalent in two strategy games. 5Natureis taken to be a conglomeration of all opponents. 39 No External Regret Learning Freund and Schapire (1996) propose an algorithm (NER) that achieves no external regret via a multiplicative updating scheme. Their algorithm is dependenton the cumulative payoffs achieved by all strategies, including the surmised payoffs of strategies which are not in fact played. Let R~ denote the cumulative payoffs obtained through time t via t strategy i: i.e., R~= Y’]~=I 7r~. Nowthe weightassigned to strategy i at time t + 1, for a > 0, is given by: qt+l i -- (1 + ~)R~ associated with those strategies. An estimated measure of ^t ^t expected regret ^tr~_+j is given by r~_+~ =^tqi(~rj - ~) ¯ ^t ^t t t t t ^t ^t (qi/qj)l~.Tr~ - 1iTri, whereq~ and qj are definedas in NERe. NIR~updates weights using Eq. 9, with estimated cumulative ^t ^t t internal regret IRi..+j , basedon Ri..+j , in place of IRi_+j. Nointernal regret learning can also be maderesponsive (NIRT) in both informed and naive cases via an exponential smoothingof regret. Given 7 E (0, 1], exponentially smoothedcumulative regret, denoted ~t.~._}j, is computedin t or r~__} ^t depending on whether the setterms of either r~__rj i, ~-t+i(1 -t t ting is informedor naive: i.e., K~__rj: - 7)Ri_.+j+ ri_.+j , =t+i (1 -t ~t ^t or Ki_}j : - "[)Ri_.+j --}- ri.._rj. NIR7 then uses IRi_.+j (fi~_~j)+ as its measureof internal regret. (8) Ej(i + R} Or) The naive variant of NER,namely NERe,is obtained by (i) imposing an artificial lower boundon the probability with whichstrategies are played, in order to ensure that the space of strategies is adequatelyexplored, and (ii) utilizing estimates of cumulative payoffs that depend only on payoffs obtained by strategies that are actually employed.For e C (0, 1], let ~ = (1 e)q~ + e/m betheweight assi gned by NER,to strategy i, and let ¢r~ = l~Ir~/~.6 Estimatedcut = ~=1 t 7ri ^ mulativepayoffs (notation ^Ri) * are given by^R~ NEReupdates weights according to the update rule given in Eq. 8, but fi~ is used in place of R~. NER,is due to Auer, et al. (1995)¯ NER can be also made responsive via exponential smoothing. Given 3’ E (0, 1], NER7 is defned by substituting ~ into Eq. 8, where in informed settings and naive settings, respectively, ~+i = (1 - 3’) R~+ 7r~+i and Simulations This section describes simulations of markets in which anywhere from 2 to 5 adaptive pricebots employvarious mixtures of no regret pricing strategies. At each time step, a pricebot, say s, is randomlyselected and given the opportunity to set its price, whichit does by generating a price accordingits current price distribution. Profits are then computed for all pricebots. The profits for pricebot s are taken to be expectedprofits, 7 given current price vector/~ 7rs(p-’)---- [-~-~--I-’~,,(~,O),rs(~B-..t_l.] (ps--c) (10) where)% (p-’) is the numberof competitors’ prices that less than p, and ~-~ (~ denotes the numberthat are exactly equal to p,. Givenits profits, pricebot s uses its respective learning algorithm to update its price distribution. At this point in our simulations, we measure the KolmogorovSmirnov(K-S) distance e between the symmetric Nash equilibrium CDFand the empirical CDF,computedas the average of the absolute differences betweenthese CDFsover all mprices pi: No Internal Regret Learning Wenowdiscuss no internal regret learning (NIR), due to Foster and Vohra (1997), and a simple implementation due Hart and Mas-Colell (1997). The regret felt by a player time t is formulated as the difference betweenthe payoffs obtained by utilizing the player’s strategy of choice, say i, and the payoffs that could have been achieved had strategy t t t j beenplayed instead: ri~ j = qi (Trj. - 7r~). Thecumulative regret R~__rjis the summation of regrets from i to j through t r. ~ . Nowinternal regret is defined t time t: Ri._rj =- )-’~x=l *-}a" as follows" ¯ IR~_rj = (R~__}-.)+, where X+ = max{X,0}. If . J . . the regret for havingplayed strategy j rather than strategy z is significant, then the NIRprocedure for updating weights increases the probability of playing strategy i. Accordingto Hart and Mas-Colell,if strategy i is played at time t, qt+i j 1 : IR~_.+j and .~+l ~/i 1 L.~ ~.t+l ¢/J ~#~ = -- e = --1 EmIFsymNash(Pi)-- Femp(Pi)[ m (11) i=1 Strictly speaking, Eq. 10 holds only if p, does not exceed the buyers’ valuation v; otherwisethe seller’s profit is zero. For simulation purposes, this property was ensured by constraining the pricebots to set their prices amonga discrete set of cardinality rn = 51, spaced equally in the interval [c, v], where c = 0.5 and v = 1. The mixture of buyer types was set at WA= wn = 0.5. Simulations were iterated for 100 million time steps for NIR pricebots and 10 million time steps for NERpricebots. (9) where p > (rn - 1) maxjeMIR~_U is a normalizing term. Like NER,NIRdepends on complete payoff information at all times t, including informationthat pertains to strategies that are not employedat time t. NIRe,whichis applicable in naive settings, dependson an estimate of internal regret that is basedonly on the payoffs obtained by the strategies that are actually played, and the approximateweights 7Wehave also experimentedwith profits based on simulated buyerpurchases,whichintroducednoise into the profit function. Whilethe amplitudeof the noise decreasesas the size of the buyer populationincreases,suchincreasesalso increasesimulationtimes. Expectedprofits enabledus to explorethe behaviorin the limit of infinitely large buyerpopulationswithoutsufferinginordinately longrunningtimes¯ 61~is the indicatorfunction,whichhas value1 if strategyi is employed at timet, and0 otherwise. 40 0.5 1.0 I I I I I I I I I Gum. K-8 distance: 3 NIR (~0,4) T=IO 0.8 0.4 2 o. 0.6 8 0.3 1.1 1.0 0.9 a. 0.8 ic~ 0,2 ~ 0.4 0.7 0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Price 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.6 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time (millions) 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time (millions) 80 90 100 Figure 2:3 informed NIR3, pricebots, 3’ = 10-6. a) Empirical CDFat time 100 million, with symmetric(~r = 3) and asymmetric (tr = 2) Nash CDFssuperimposed, b) K-S distance between empirical and symmetric Nash CDFsover time. c) Instantaneous averageprices over time. 1.0 0.05 I 1.1 5 NIR(~:=0.05,y=O) I I I I I I I I 5 NIR(~=O.O& ~0) 1.0 0.04 0.8 ~~..;~>,,~,~.~,.z~,~¯ i .............. 0.9 0.6 ,X "~\ . ......... 8 0.03 .: ~. 0.8 E~0.4 o 0.02 0.2 0.01 0.0 0.5 0,7 0.6 0.7 0.8 Price 0.9 1.0 0.00 0 0.6 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time (millions) 0.5 0 I I I I I I I I I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time (millions) Figure 3:5 naive NIRspricebots, e -- 0.05. a) Empirical CDFat time 100 million, with symmetric Nash CDFsuperimposed. b) K-S distance betweenempirical and symmetricNashCDFsover time. c) Instantaneous average prices over time. algorithm: i.e., 3’ = 0. The long-run cumulative empirical probability distributions coincide almost perfectly with the theoretical asymmetric Nash equilibrium for tr = 2: one pricebot alwayssets its price to 1, while the other 2 play the mixed-strategy equilibrium computedin Eq. 4 with e = 2. NIR Pricebots Wenowpresent simulation results for no internal regret learning. Our main observation is that NIRpricebots, both informed and naive, converge to Nash equilibrium. This is not entirely surprising, as NIRis knownto converge within the set of correlated equilibria (Foster & Vohra1997), whichNash equilibria form a (proper) subset. Furthermore, NIR has previously been observed to converge to Nash, rather than correlated, equilibria in gameswith small numbers of strategies (Greenwald, Friedman, &Shenker 2000). In the present model, wherethe numberof strategies varies between 51 and 501, we again find that NIR converges to Nash equilibrium. The detailed nature of the convergence, however,is quite different betweenNIRand NIRe. First, we consider informed NIRpricebots. In simulations of 2 to 5 NIR pricebots, the empirical price distributions have been observedto evolve to a mixedstrategy Nash equilibrium--usually an asymmetric one. A typical example involving 3 informedNIR.t pricebots is shownin Fig. 2a. In this experiment,the responsivenessparameterwas set to a relatively small value, 3’ -- 10-6; the results are qualitatively similar for the ordinary non-responsiveform of the learning Figs. 2b and 2c reveals that the convergenceto the asymmetric Nash equilibrium is not as regular as one might suppose: the system experiences a punctuated equilibrium. Fig. 2b displays the K-S distance between the symmetric Nash equilibrium CDFand the empirical CDEBy about time 3 million, the empiricalprice distributions for the pricebots begin to closely approximatethe symmetricNash equilibrium (tr = 3). This behavior continues until about time 30.92 million, with the K-Sdistance hovering close to 0.005 for each pricebot. Quite abruptly, however, at time 30.93 million, the K-S distance for one pricebot quickly rises toward0.378, while that of the other 2 rises to 0.146. These are precisely the K-Sdistances between the symmetric Nash distribution and the pure and mixedcomponentsof the asymmetric Nash distribution with tr = 2. The conclusion is clear: at time 30.93 million, there is a spontaneous and abrupt transition from the symmetric (or = 3) to the 41 asymmetric(cr - 2) Nash equilibrium. Fig. 2c provides someadditional insight into the learning dynamics. At a given momentin time, each pricebot maintains an instantaneous modelprice distribution from which it randomlydraws its price. Fig. 2c displays the meanof this modeldistribution as a function of time. The average prices are seen to be highly volatile. (Theactual prices set by the pricebots vary even morewildly with time!) The sudden shift betweenNashequilibria is again evident from this viewpoint: at time roughly 30 million, one of the average prices is pinnedat l, while the other prices start fluctuating wildly around 0.736, consistent with tr = 2. In numerous experiments (of 2 to 5 NIR pricebots), we consistently observed equilibrium shifts, alwaystowardlower values of tT. Fig. 2c, which portrays instantaneous average prices over time, suggeststhat volatility decreases with tr, whichpartly explains whyequilibria shift in this manner. Intuitively, the volatility of an equilibrium consisting of entirely mixed strategies exceedsthat of an alternative equilibriumconsisting of somepure and somemixedstrategies. Thevolatility of the averageprices suggests that the symmetric mixed-strategy Nashequilibrium is in somesense unstable. At any one moment,the various pricebots are likely to be generating prices according to distributions that diverge substantially from the Nashdistribution. Moreover, the instantaneous modeldistributions drift very quickly over time, with little temporal correlation even on a time scale as short as 10000time steps. Even before the shift between equilibria is made,it is evident that the pricebots haveoften experimentedwith the deterministic strategy (always set price to 1). Remarkably,the pricebots’ learning algorithms exert the right pressure on one another to ensure that, averagedover a long period of time, the distribution of prices actually set by each pricebot is a Nashdistribution--typically symmetric at first, becomingmore and more asymmetric as time progresses. The time-averageprofits also reflect this: they are approximately 0.0838 for each pricebot, which is quite close to the theoretical value of 0.0833 for both the symmetric and asymmetric Nash equilibria. Wehave also conducted numeroussimulations of naive NIR,pricebots, finding that the empirical distributions alwaysconvergeto distributions that becomearbitrarily close to the symmetric Nash equilibrium, as the exploration parameter e --4 0. Fig. 3a showsthe CDFfor 5 NIR, pricebots with e = 0.05, all of which overlay the symmetric Nash CDFvery closely. The K-S distances, depicted in Fig. 3b, settle in the range of roughly 0.01 and 0.025. The instantaneous average prices computedfrom the pricebots’ model distributions are plotted in Fig. 3c. The volatile behaviorof the informed NIRpricebots is somewhatdiminished; average prices for NIRepricebots oscillate near the meanprice of the symmetric Nash equilibrium, namely 0.81. For e -- 0.02, the average NIR,pricebots’ profits were 0.0498, negligibly lower than the theoretical value of 0.05. In contrast, for e -- 0.1, the CDFsfor all pricebots are all extremelyclose to one another, but there is a consistent bias awayfrom the symmetricNashprice distribution--one that leads to somewhat lower prices on average. Moreover,the instantaneous average prices (and therefore the underlying price distribu- tions) are considerably less volatile. Increasing the amount of exploration leads to greater consistencyand stability, but not surprisingly this also leads to greater deviations from the Nashdistribution. NER Pricebots In this section, we present simulation results for no external regret pricing (NER,with a = 0.5). There are a number learning algorithmsthat satisfy the no external regret optimality criterion (the earliest are due to Hannan(1957) Blackwell(1956)). Since no internal regret and no external regret are equivalent in two-strategy games,no external regret algorithms converge(in empirical frequencies) to correlated equilibrium in two-strategy games. Greenwaldet al. (2000) report that manyno external regret algorithms convergeto Nash equilibrium in gamesof two strategies. As illustrated in Fig. 4, the learning dynamicsare quite different in the present case, where there are m = 51 different strategies. In Fig. 4a, 2 informedNERpricebots (with a -- 0.5) never settle at a deterministic equilibrium. Moreover, the empirical CDFdepicted in Fig. 4b deviates significantly from the Nash CDF;and the K-S distance shownin Fig. 4c oscillates indefinitely with an exponentiallyincreasing period, and is apparently boundedawayfrom zero. This behavior indicates that, unlike NIRpricebots, the long-run empirical behavior of 2 NERpricebots will never reach the symmetricNashCDF,even after infinite time. Instead, the 2 NERpricebots engagein cyclical price wars, with their prices highly correlated, behavior not unlike myopic (MY) best-response pricebots (Greenwald & Kephart 1999). NER price war cycles differ from MYprice war cycles, however, in that the length of NERcycles grows exponentially, whereasthe length of MYcycles is constant. This outcome results because NER (non-responsive) pricebots learn from the ever-growinghistory dating back to time 0, while myopiclearning at time t is basedonly on time t- 1. The play between 2 NERpricebots in the present setting is reminiscent of fictitious play in the Shapleygame,a 2-player gameof 3 strategies for whichthere is no pure strategy Nash equilibrium (Shapley 1953). In order to eliminate exponential cycles, we nowturn to the responsive algorithm NERo,, with responsiveness parameter ’7 ---- 10-5 that smoothsthe pricebots’ observedhistory. This smoothingeffectively limiting the previous history to a finite time scale on the order of 1/’7. Price war cycles are still observed, but they quickly convergeto a constant period of roughlyS/’7 (see Fig. 5a). In order to computean empirical CDF,we again used exponential weighting to smooththe empirical play, but rather than using a time scale of 100,000 (which would only remembera portion of the price-war cycle) we lengthenedthe time scale to 2 million. The smoothed empirical CDFthat results (see Fig. 5b) is extremely close to the Nash CDF,with a final K-S distance of only 0.0036 for each pricebot. Fig. 5c depicts the K-S distance between the smoothed empirical distribution and the symmetricNash equilibrium over time. Bothpricebots’ errors are plotted, but the values are so highly correlated that only one error function is apparent. The errors diminish in an oscillatory fashion over time, 1.1 I I I I I I I I 1.0 I 2 NER (~--0,1’=0) 1.0~ 0.8 0.9 ,4 .o ~. 0.6 ~. 0.9 I I I I I I I I 2 NER(~=0, ~0) 0.10’ 0,08 "5 0.06 co ~ 0.4 0.7 0.04 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.12 2.;.<,=o ’/ IIIIIIIII 12345678910 Time(millions) 0.0 0.5 0.02 0.00 0,6 0.7 0.8 Price 0.9 1.0 i 1 I 2 i 3 I I ] I I i 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (millions) Figure 4:2 informed NER pricebots, a) Actual prices over time. a) Empirical CDFat time 10 million, with symmetric Nash CDFsuperimposed, c) K-S distance between empirical and symmetric Nash CDFsover time. 1.1 I 1.0 I I I i I -s) 2 NER (¢=0,’t=10 i I I 1.0 I I L I 0,12 I -s) 2 NER (~=0, ~10 2 NER(~= 0.10 0.8 0.9 0,08 0.6 ~_ 0.6 0.06 0.7 0.04 0.2 0.8 0.5 O G’) ~=0.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time (millions) 9 10 0.0 ~= ~,,,~,f" 0.5 0.6 0.02 I 0.7 L 0.8 Price i 0.9 1.0 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "[]me (millions) 8 9 10 Figure 5:2 informed, responsive NER pricebots; 7 = 10-5. a) Actual prices over time. b) Empirical CDFat time 10 million, with exponential smoothingover time scale of 2 million, c) K-S distance betweenempirical and symmetricNash CDFs. reaching 0.0036 after 10 million time steps. The long-run empirical distribution of play of responsive, informedNER. t pricebots is boundedawayfrom Nash by a small function of %but approachesNashas 3, --4 0. Finally, we report on results for naive NERe pricebots (not shown). For non-responsive NER~pricebots, price-war cycles with exponentially increasing period can still be discerned despite being obscured somewhatby a uniform peppering of exploratory prices. The empirical CDFis somewhat closer to the Nash equilibrium than for non-responsive informed NER pricebots, with the cumulative K-S distance droppingto a minimum of 0.021 in the course of its oscillatory trajectory. However, it appears that it is not destined to convergeto Nash. For NERpricebots that are both naive and responsive, the price correlations are greatly diminished-prices over time appear randomto the naked eye. Nonetheless, the empirical CDF(computedjust as for the informed NER pricebots) is again quite close to the Nash CDF.The final K-Sdistances (after 10 million time steps) for the two pricebots are 0.0136 and 0.0182. Apparently, responsiveness makes an important difference in NERpricing. For non-responsive NER,the price dynamicsnever approach Nash behavior, but for responsive 43 the time-averagedplay approaches Nashas 3, --4 0. For responsive NERe,finite values of 7, e lead to near-Nash time-averagedplay, whichapproachesNashas 7, c --4 0. NER3,, Conclusion This paperinvestigated probabilistic no-regretlearning in the context of dynamicon-line pricing. Specifically, simulations were conductedin an economicmodelof shopbots andpricebots. It wasdetermined that bothno internal regret learning and (responsive) no external regret learning converge to Nashequilibrium, in the sense that the long-term empirical frequencyof play coincides with Nash. Neither algorithmgeneratedprobability distributions whichthemselves convergedto the Nashequilibrium, however. It remainsto simulate heterogeneousmixturesof pricebots, both deterministic andnon-deterministic.Preliminary studies to this effect suggest that MY(a.k.a. Cournotbestreply dynamics(Cournot1838)), a reasonableperformer high-informationsettings, outperformsinformedno-regret learning algorithms(both NIRandNER).MYhas no obvious naive analogue,however,and thus far the naive versions of no-regret learning have outperformedany naive implementation of MY.Thusit seemsthat no-regret learning would be morefeasible than classic best-reply dynamicsin pricing domainslike the Internet, where only limited payoff informationis available. Thescopeof the results presented in this paper is not limited to e-commercemodels such as shopbots and pricebots. 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