From: AAAI Technical Report SS-00-01. Compilation copyright © 2000, AAAI ( All rights reserved. The Learning Shell Nico Jacobs Dept.of ComputerScience,K.U.Leuven Celestijnenlaan 200A, B-3001Heverlee, Belgium Abstract Inthispaper wepresent preliminary workintheareaof automated construction ofuserprofiles. We consider thetaskof modeling thebehavior of a userworking witha command shell(suchas cshor bashunderthe Unixoperating system). We illustrate howthetechniqueof inductive logicprogramming canbe usedto build a userprofile andhowthisprofile canbeusedto predict thefuture behavior of theuser.We describe a first setofexperiments totestthese hypotheses and present directions forfuture work. Introduction Computers are probably the most flexible tools mankind ever built. However most users are not able to optimally use all the features computers can offer because they lack the knowledge about these features or lack the time to optimally configure their hardware and software. By combining domain knowledge about potential optimizations with a user profile describing how the user (mis-)uses the computer changes can made to optimize the use. In this paper we focus on the automatic construction of a user profile as a set of rules in first order logic. Weimplementedthis technique to model users of a commandshell in a Unix environment and present some preliminary results on using this model to predict the user’s future behavior. with a description of the state of the environment if relevant. In the learning from interpretations setting (Blockeel et al. 1999) we represent input as facts in first order logic. The output is a general description of the behavior of the user represented as a first order logic theory. In the rest of the paper we will focus on modeling a commandshell user. Although this is a very old and basic user interface, it is still widely used. The main reason for selecting this user interface is that it’s very easy to log the user’s actions and state of the environment whenusing such shells. It’s also very easy to adapt the shell so that it uses the generated model. Modern graphical user interfaces (e.g. the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system) also keep a log of all actions performed, which is comparable with what a user types in at a shell. As a result, the technique we present here can be used to generate user models from the logs of modern GUIs as well. However, the main difference is how the resulting model will be used. We use the ILP system WARMR (Dehaspe & Toivohen 1999) to discover first order association rules in the user behavior. As input to the system we use the commands typed at the prompt of a Unix commandshell. Inductive logic programming (ILP) (Muggleton De Raedt 1994) combines machine learning with logic programming. ILP systems take as input a set of examples and produces an hypothesis which generalizes over these examples. Input as well as output are represented in a subset of first order logic. Also background knowledge can be used. This is information provided by a domain expert which can be used in building the output hypothesis. We canuseILP techniques to automatically builda modelofthebehavior of theuser.Theinputof thesystemconsists of actions performed by theusertogether Z cd rex Y, emacs-n. -q aaai.1;ex Thesecommands areparsedandtransformed intologicalfacts. Wesplituptheinformation in threefacts: inI formation aboutthecommandused,theswitches used andtheattributes (suchas filenames). Thefirstargumentof eachof thesefactsis a uniqueexample identifierwhichindicates theorderin whichthe command was entered, thesecondargument of switch/3 andattribute/3 predicates indicates theorderof switches and attributes withinthe commandbecausethe ordermay be important ( thecp (copy)-command). In it’spossibleto submitmultiplecommands one input line(usingthe pipe-symbol ’--’)in sucha way that theresult of thefirstcommand isusedas theinputfor thesecondetc.To incorporate thatin our knowledge representation schemewe caneitherintroduce a fourth Copyright © 2000,American Association forArtificial Intelligence ( Allrights reserved. la switch is a parameter provided toa command to modifyit’sbehavior Inductive Logic Programming 5O fact which takes as argument the identifier of a piped command, or we can add a third boolean argument to the commandfact. This feature is not yet included in the prototype system. For each rule we know the accuracy of the rule, the 3) deviation (an indication of how’unusual’ the rule is and the number of examples which obey this rule. Experiments command(1,’cd’). attribute(1,1,’tex’). command(2,’emacs’). switch(2,1,’-nw’). switch(2,2,’-q’). attribute(2,1,~aaai.tex’). To test the quality of the generated user models we performed tests in which we use these modelsto predict the next commandthe user will type based on a history of 5 previous commands. This raises the problem of how the user model can be used to predict the next command a user will use, because in most situations more Nowwe can start looking for regularities in these exthan one rule in the user modelwill be applicable, often amples using WARMm However, within one example with different conclusions. Therefor we tested 9 strateone can only find relations between a commandand gies for selecting a rule to predict the next command: it’s attributes, a command and it’s switches or between using (the prediction of) the rule with the highest acswitches and attributes. Interesting rules describe recuracy, the highest deviation, the highest support, the lations between a commandand the previously used commandwhich was predicted the most often, the comcommands.WARMR. doesn’t automatically take into acmand with the highest accumulated accuracy, accumucount these relations, but using background knowledge lated deviation or accumulated support. Wealso used we can inform WARMR about these relations by definthe commandwith the highest product of accuracy and ing relations such as nextcommandand recentcommand. deviation, and with the highest accumulated product of Background information is represented as Prolog prothese two statistics. grams, see (Bratko 1990) if you are unfamiliar with the In this experiment we used data from real users. used Prolog notation. Some of the commandstyped by the user don’t exist (errors), other are only very rarely used. Weinstructed nextcommand(CommandID,Nextcommand) the system to only learn rules to predict commands NextID is CommandID - 1 , from a set of 30 frequent occurring commands4. We command(NextID,Nextcommand). logged the shell use of 10 users, each log consisting of recentcommand(CommandID,Recentcommand) approximately 500 commands. Wesplit up each log in command(RecentCommandID,Recentcommand),a training set consisting of 66%of the examples, the Recentborderis RecentcommandID + 5 , remaining examples were used as a test set. We perRecentborder> CommandID. formed two experiments. In a first experiment one general user model was built from the combined training Wecan also use this background knowledge to ’endata of all the users and we tested this general model rich’ the data that’s available. One type of background on the test data of each user individually. In a second knowledge is defining some sort of taxonomy of comexperiment we build an individual user model for each mands(emacs is an editor, editors are text tools, ...). user based on her training data and tested this on the Other information can be provided as well (is this new test data for that user. or old software, does it uses a GUI, network connection, The first experiment (’global’-column in table 1) conor other recourses, ...) firms that the most intuitive rule selection method (namely selecting the rule with the highest accuracy command(Id,Command) on the training set (maxacc)) leads to the best results: isa(0rigcommand,Command), 36.4% of the occurrence of frequent commandswas precommand(Id,0rigcommand). dicted correctly 5. Using the rule with the highest deisa(emacs,editor). viation (maxdev), with the highest product of accuisa(vi,editor). racy and deviation (maxpro) and with the highest acWhenall input data is converted and all useful backcumulated product of accuracy and deviation (accpro) ground knowledge is defined, WARMR calculates the set all perform almost as well. A clearly bad rule selecof rules which describes all 2 frequent patterns which tion method is selecting the commandwhich is prehold in the dataset. These rules can contain constants dicted by the highest numberof applicable rules regardas well as variables. less of there accuracy or deviation (count), resulting IF command(Id,’ls’) THENswitch(Id,’-l~). IF recentcommand(Id,’cd’) ANDcommand(Id,’ls’) THEN nextcommand(Id,~editor~). 3the proportional difference betweenthe numberof examples which obey this rule and the number of examples whichwouldobey this rule in a uniform dataset 4Is, cd, exit, pine, rm, vi, more, pwd,dir, make,cp, ps, finger, telnet, javac, export, pico, tt, lpq, elm, man,java, rlogin, w, my, grep, logout, less, ssh and mail Sail percentages are averagesover the 10 users 2we have to provide a language bias which defines the space of rules we are interested in 5] method maxacc maxdev maxpro maxrul accacc acedev accpro accrul count global 36.4 34.8 36.0 28.3 32.5 34.0 35.5 30.2 20.5 specific 44.7 43.3 45.3 34.4 41.3 40.1 42.5 40.0 31.2 Table 1: Prediction accuracies for different rule selection methodsand for global as well as user specific models a 20.4% accurate prediction. Rule selection methods based on accumulated accuracy (accacc), accumulated deviation (accdev), predictions from rules which cover most examples (maxrul) and commandswhich have the highest accumulated number of covered examples in the training set (accrul) all perform in between. The second experiment -- in which user models are built for each user individually -- shows the same results concerning the rule selection methods: maxacc, maxdev, maxpro and accpro perform well, count performs bad and the others are in between. The prediction accuracies are significant higher than in the first experiment, and this for all rule selection methods. This shows that constructing user models for each individual separately is beneficial for the resulting user model and confirms previous results in the domainof building user models for the browsing behavior of users (Jacobs 1999). Future Work The system and experiments described above are only preliminary work. It illustrates that it’s possible to learn user models from logs, and that it’s beneficial to learn individual models for each user. However, the system still needs improvements to become practical useful. In both experiments the best rule selection method doesn’t outperform the other methods: for some users other methods perform better than the method with the overall highest accuracy. This information could be used as input for a meta, learning task: which type of rule selecting method is best suited for which type of user model. An other possible improvement of the rule selection method is by defining new methods as combinations of the above methods (the product of accuracy and deviation is already an example of such a method). Voting or weighted voting techniques could be useful. The rules that the system builds up till now only predict the commandthe user will use. Often the parameters ¯ the user provides (such as filenames) can predicted as well. Since we use inductive logic programming as a induction technique, it’s easy to adapt the system such that rules can be constructed which not only predict the commandbut also (some of) the parameters, either as constants or as variables (in this way linking them to parameters of previous commands). Wefocused on how to generate the user model and how to select rules from this model. A next step is the actual use of these models to aid the user. An obvious use of these models is intelligent commandcompletion in which the computer tries to complete the command the user is typing. With these models this is even possible before the user has typed the first character of the new command!But other possible more useful applications of the models exist. One such application is the automatic construction of useful new commands (macros). The system can do this by selecting a ’good’ rule (for example a rule with high accuracy and deviation) if command(A) then nextcommand(B) and ating a commandC which just executes A and then B. Another application of this user modelis in giving the user information about howhe (mis)uses the shell. The system could e.g. detect that the user often removes file A after copying file A to B. The system can then inform the user that it’s more efficient to use the movecommand. The log file that the system uses to induce a user model lacks information which can be useful. Up till now the file only contains a history of commands,but no information at all about the state of the environment. Wecan inform the system by including information such as the date, the time, the workload of the machine and the current directory at the momentthat a commandis invoked in the log file. This information can then be used in the construction of new rules. Finally we considered the user model as static. In reality a user model changes often, so our system should build user models in a non-monotonic incremental way. This can be achieved with the current system by keeping a window on the log file and use those examples to construct a user model from scratch each time. But this is clearly a very inefficient approach and a truly incremental system would speed up the user model construction/maintenance. Conclusions Webriefly described howwe can use the inductive logic programming system WARMR to build user models and discussed the benefits of this approach: the use of background knowledgeto provide Ml sorts of useful information to the induction process and an expressive hypothesis space (horn clause logic) which allows for finding rules that contain variables. Weillustrated this in the domain of commandshells. Wealso presented 9 strategies to select rules from this model for prediction. We constructed a global user model as well as individual models for each user and tested their predictive accuracy on real user data, which indicated that individual models perform significant better than a global model. In future work we have to extend the system to predict the parameters of the commandsas well, improve 52 the rule selection method, incorporate more information about the environment and look for a truly incremental construction of the user model. Finally more attention should be paid to the use of the model to improve the user interface. Acknowledgements: The author thanks Luc Dehaspe for his help with the WArtMrtsystem and Luc De Raedt for the discussions on this subject. Nico Jacobs is financed by a specialization grant of the Flemish Institute for the promotion of scientific and technological research in the industry (IWT). References Blockeel, H.; De Raedt, L.; Jacobs, N.; and Demoen, B. 1999. Scaling up inductive logic programming by learning from interpretations. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 3(1):59-93. Bratko, I. 1990. Prolog Programmingfor Artificial Intelligence. Addison-Wesley. 2nd Edition. Dehaspe, L., and Toivonen, H. 1999. Discovery of frequent datalog patterns. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery3 (1) :7-36. Jacobs, N. 1999. Adaplix: Towards adaptive websites. In Proceedings of the Benelearn ’99 workshop. Muggleton, S., and De Raedt, L. 1994. Inductive logic programming : Theory and methods. Journal of Logic Programming 19,20:629-679. 53