From: AAAI Technical Report FS-96-03. Compilation copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved. AN AGENT ARCHITECTURE AND ALGORITHM FOR SOLVING DISTRIBUTED CONFIGURATION-DESIGN PROBLEMS Timothy P. Darr ( William P. Birmingham( AdvancedTechnologies Lab The University of Michigan AnnArbor, M148109 Fax: (313)763-1260 1. INTRODUCTION Configurationdesign is a type of design problemin whichparts are selected from catalogs and connectedto meet the following problemrequirements:functionality, specifications, and constraints [7-9, 12]. Functionality defines whatthe design is supposedto do, specifications define optimality goals, and constraints def’methe feasibility relationships that mustbe satisfied for the designto operate correctly. A designis a collection of parts evaluatedwith respect to the problemrequirements(functionality, specifications and constraints). A design that meets these requirementsis a solution to the problem.Configurationdesign is a ubiquitous and economically important task, playing a prominentrole in complexproducts such as automobiles, airplanes or computersystemsthat contain millions of parts, including resistors, light bulbs, screws, microprocessors and engines. Parts are described by attributes and implementone or morefunctions. Configuration design is difficult becauseparts can implementmanyfunctions (the multi-function part problem) [7, 8], functions can be implementedby manyparts, parts maydependon other parts for their correct operation (the supportfunction problem)[9], and constraints and specifications defined over part attributes restrict the allowedconfigurations, introducinghorizoneffects. Thereexist several techniques to reducethe numberof designs to explore. If the functionality requirementis decomposed into required functions that individual parts implement,designs are constructed by selecting parts that implementeach required function. Heuristics based on design experienceor properties of the design problemcan be used to reduce the search space by ruling out certain part selections. Large-scale configuration design problemsthat consist of thousandsof required functions and millions of parts are too complexfor a single agent1 or small group of agents to manage.Such problemsare recursively decomposed into sub-problems,until they are manageable.At this level, parts are selected to implementa small numberof required functions, subject to constraints on the selected parts. However,manyof these constraints are shared amongsub-problems, the agents responsible for solving the sub-problemsare often geographicallydistributed, and the catalogs from whichparts are selected often reside outside the organization. Thus, solving large-scale problemsrequires communicationamongagents, and algorithms to resolve constraint violations on the shared constraints that link the sub-problems.Computernetworks,such as the Internet, facilitate communication amongagents makingalgorithms possible to resolve constraint violations, and provide a wayto makethe contents of part catalogs outside the design organization available to design agents. This paper describes the AutomatedConfiguration-Design Service (ACDS)[1-3], a system for solving large-scale configuration design problemsusing a networkof design agents that 1 In this work,an agentis a human or computer processpossessing designknowledge withthe capabilityto communicate withotheragents.ACDS agentsare computational processesthat reside ontheir owncomputer host, communicating with other agentsby passingmessages. 84 represent part catalogs and design constraints. TheACDS algorithm is guaranteedto terminate, with a solution if one exists. ACDS agents communicateusing design protocols and an attributespace representation that boundsthe space of all possible designs. ACDS agents concurrently shrink the space by applying local knowledge,properties of the domain,and heuristics, until a solution is found. Thecontributions of this workare divided into three areas: (a) distributed design algorithms and networks,(b) distributed design representations, (c) distributed design agents, and distributed configuration design problemrepresentations. Eachof these contributions is described briefly below,and in detail in the followingchapters. 2. ACDS ALGORITHM AND NETWORK The ACDS algorithm is executed by a network of computational design agents to solve configuration design problems.There are four basic ACDS agents: catalog agents, that represent part catalogs; constraint agents, that represent feasibility constraints; the systemagent, that represents a user interface to the ACDS network;and the search-control agent, that monitorsthe algorithmto assist the networkin recovering fromdead-endsand to ensure that a solution will be found, if one exists. In an ACDS network, a communicationlink exists betweena catalog agent and constraint agent if the feasibility constraint representedby the constraint agent restricts the selection of parts fromthe catalog represented by the catalog agent. Figure 1 showsan ACDS network for an exampleelevator configuration design problem. In this examplenetwork, there are two catalog agents and two constraint agents. Thecatalog agents represent sets of motors and machineunits. Themachine-unitis an assemblythat houses the motor that drives the elevator cab up and downthe elevator shaft. Theconstraint agents represent feasibility constraints betweenthe motorhorsepowerand machine-unit allowed horsepower, and a feasibility constraint specifying the maximum total weight. Asolution to the problemis a selection of a motorand machine-unitsatisfying the constraints that the horsepowervalue of the selected motor must lie within the minimumand maximum allowed horsepowervalues of the selected machine-unit, and that the total weightbe no morethan 2760lbs. Theseconstraints are represented by the expressions: ¯ machine-unit.min_hp < motor.hp, ¯ motor.hp < machine-unit.max_hp, ¯ machine-unit.weight ÷ motor.weight < 2760. Figure 2 showsthe set of parts for each catalog. Machine-Unit Min Horse Power ~ ~ machine-unit k I k klf .eight _< l \~\ L f Machine-Unit Max Horse Power ~ motor blO < machine-unit max-hp I motor /-~’’"~"~ ~ ~ Legend ~--~ Catalog Agent ~--~ Constraint Communication Link Agent Figure 1: ACDSNetwork The ACDS algorithm is based on the concurrent engineering (CE) design paradigm. transformsthe design process froma serial to a parallel one by concurrentlyapplyingall relevant knowledgeto the problem. Theresult of this methodis the shortening of the product development 85 cycle. The ACDS algorithm and network of distributed agents achieves concurrency through constraint-based decomposition.In constraint-based decomposition,constraint agents define problemdecompositionsand use properties of the domainand heuristics to concurrently eliminate designs fromconsiderationthat do not satisfy their constraint. part_name modell8 model28 model38 model58 min_hp i0 15 20 40 max_hp 15 20 40 40 weight ii00 1700 2400 2750 part_name hp weigh t 10HP 15HP 20HP 25HP 30HP i0 15 20 25 30 374 473 534 680 715 (b) motorcatalog (a) machine-unitcatalog Figure 2: ExampleConfiguration Design Catalogs The ACDS algorithm operates on spaces of designs. ACDS agents use operations to shrink this space until a set of solutions are found. TheACDS algorithmconsists of concurrentcatalogagent operations to construct the space from the agent’s individual parts, followedby concurrent constraint-agent operations to shrink the space, followedby concurrentcatalog-agent operations to removeparts that lie outside the constraint-agent generatedspaces. This cycle is repeated until a solution or set of solutions is found. 3. ACDS DESIGN REPRESENTATION Thesolution to a configuration design problemis described as an assignmentof values to a set of design attributes. In the examplepresentedin Section 2, the attributes that describe the design are {motor horsepower,total-weight}. Thus, one possible design is { 10, 1474} ({modell8, 10HP}).ACDS represents the design as an attribute space. The attribute-space representationis a set of intervals that compactlyrepresent the spaceof all possible designs[1-3]. In this representation, eachdesign attribute is an interval. Thecompleteset of intervals is an abstract, m-dimensionalspace, wheremis the numberof attributes that describe the design. As the following exampleshows, the attribute space representation has several desirable properties when applied to problemswhoseconstraints are monotonicand part attributes can be partially ordered. Figure 3 showsall possible designs for the exampleas points, and the attribute-space as a rectangle, given by {motorhorsepower= [10 30], total-weight = [14743465]}, that encloses the points. Clearly, someof the designs in the attribute space exceedthe weightconstraint. The attribute-space representation is also usedto represent the possible part selections fromthe catalogs shownin Figure 2. For example,the possible choices for the machine-unitcatalog are given by the attribute space {min_hp= [10 40], max_hp- [15 40], weight = [1100 2750] }. The first advantage of the attribute-spacerepresentationis that it is a compactrepresentationof a potentially large numberof designs. Eventhough there are only a small numberof possible configurations m Figure 3, the attribute space as shownencompassesany design within its boundaries. Thesecondadvantageof the attribute-space representationis that it facilitates certain inferences. Assuming that the constraints are monotonicand the part attributes can be ordered, sets of parts that cannotbe in any solution (inconsistent parts) can be identified and eliminated. Considerthe total-weight constraint. Solving for each term yields the equivalent expressions: ¯ machine-unit weight < 2760 - motor weight ¯ motor weight < 2760 - machine-unit weight Theseexpressions restrict the allowed assignmentsto machine-unit weight and motor weight, respectively, giventhe set of assignmentsto the other attribute. Usingthe attribute-space representationfor the weightattributes of eachcatalog, and interval arithmetic to evaluate the expressions, sets of infeasible weightscan be eliminated. For example,[374 715] is the set of 86 possible assignmentsfor the motorweightattribute. Inserting this value into the expression for machine-unitweight yields: ¯ machine-unit weight < 2760 - [374 715] < [2045 2386] Attribute Space (machine-unit, motorexample) 400O ..o.,,o°°O.-,,o,..,,,,,Oo°.,°,,.,,,,,,,,.%,,,o-,~ ¯ :.:-:.:.:.:ik:.:.:.:.:~..:.:.:.’.;.:.:.:.:.:. -: ~’":’:-".’.-’.:.":-:-:.:.’.:.:.’".’.:.’.:.:0 3000 2 .:.:.;.;.;.:~.:.:.:.:.:~.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.: ~ii!!iiiii:::!!iiiii~i:!:iiiiiii~ii!iiiiiiiiiii!i:" ¯ ....°,°°o,.°.....°°.Oo%.,.o.°..o.°,,,o. ° iiiiiiiiiii:~iiiiii:ii~iii:i:i:iiiiiiiii:i:K ~:::::::::.:====================================== ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ . 2000 + 1000 o I Horsepower (motorI-IP) Figure 3: ExampleAttribute Space This result indicates that givenany possible motorselection, the mostthat the machine-unit can weigh is 2386 lbs Fromthis, the parts model38and model58can be eliminated from consideration withoutlosing any solutions, since if either model38or model58is selected, there is no motorlight enoughto satisfy the total-weight constraint Notethat this inference waspossible without knowinginformation about specific parts In fact, any machine-unitwhoseweight is in the range 2386 < machine-unitweight < 2750, whichcould be a large numberof parts, is not consistent and should be removedAnattribute space that contains only consistent parts is a consistent attribute space [1-3, 10, 11, 16, 17] Figure 4 showsthe samecatalogs in Figure 2 with inconsistent parts removed.Any configurationof the remainingparts satisfies the weightconstraint, but there are still configurations that violate the constraint betweenthe minimum and maximum allowed horsepowerof the selected machine-unit and the horsepowerof the selected motor (for example, {modell8, 20HP}).The attribute-space representationsuggestsa heuristic for further eliminatingparts to identify a set of solutions. Anattribute space that contains only solutions is a decomposable space. partname modell81 model2B I minhp i0 15 max_hp weight [5 20 II00 1700 part_name 10HP 15HP 20HP (a) machine-unitcatalog hp i0 15 20 weight 374 473 534 (b) motorcatalog Figure 4: Catalogswithout Inconsistent Parts 87 To illustrate the heuristic for fmdinga decomposable space, consider the constraints between the machine-unit minimumand maximumhorsepower and the motor horsepower shown below: ¯ machine-unit.min_hp_< motor.hp, ¯ motor.hp _< machine-unit.max_hp, Replacingthe terms in the In’st expressionwith their interval values yields the expression: ¯ machine-unit.min_hp < motor.hp, ¯ [10 15] <[1020] In a decomposable space, every value in the interval on the left-hand side of this expression must be less than or equal to every value on the right-hand side. Byexamination,the space is not decomposable,since there exists an assignmentthat violates the constraint, namelymachineunit.min_hp= 15 and motor.hp= 10. Thus, to satisfy this constraint, an effective heuristic is to removethe machine-unit with value min_hp= 15 and the motor with value hp = 10. Removing infeasible designs using this heuristic movesthe attribute-space towarda decomposable space. 4. ACDS DESIGN AGENTS ACDS agents possess a set of operations to navigate attribute spaces. Catalog agent operations mapfrom the catalog agent’s parts, to an attribute space representation; and mapfrom an attribute spaceto a set of parts that lie within that space. Constraintagent operationstransform one attribute spaceinto a smaller attribute spacewith certain properties. This section outlines the agent properties and operations. Catalogagents havethe capability to: ¯ identify parts that implementrequired functions, ¯ create an attribute-space representationof the parts in its catalog, ¯ communicate its attribute space to constraint agents to achievedesign goals, ¯ apply an attribute spaceto its catalog to removeparts. Catalog agents use operations to mapfrom parts to the attribute-space representation and back. To illustrate, wereturn to the examplepresented in Section 2. Themachine-unitcatalog agent constructs the initial attribute-space representation by mappingfrom the parts shownin Figure 2 to the space {min_hp= [10 40], max_hp= [15 40], weight = [1100 2750]}, which bounds all possible part selections. To removeinconsistent parts identified by the consistencyoperation illustrated in Section 3, the machine-unitcatalog agent mapsfrom the constraint-agent generated space weight = [1100 2386] to the set of parts {model18,model28} by removingthe parts {model38,model58} since their weights exceed2386 lbs. Oncethe inconsistent parts are removed,the newmachine-unit catalog attribute space is {min_hp= [10 15], max_hp= [15 20], weight = [1100 1700]}. Constraint agents havecapability to: ¯ construct a consistent attribute space, ¯ movean attribute space toward a decomposablespace. Theconstraint agents use operations to create a consistent space, and create a space that movesin the direction of a decomposablespace. Theseoperations are implementedusing interval techniquesdescribedin Section 3. This section illustrates these operations graphically as spaceshrinking operations. Figure 5 illustrates the constraint-agent operations for the constraint betweenthe machineunit minimum horsepowerand the motorhorsepower.Theinitial attribute space for the constraint in Figure 5: is {motorhp = [10 30], machine-unitmin_hp= [10 40] }. Viewedas a projection onto the feasible space, there are slices along each dimensionof the initial attribute spacethat do not intersect the feasible space. In particular, the slice alongthe machine-unitmin_hpdimensionjust greater than 30 up to the value 40 does not intersect the feasible region at all, so any machine-unitwhoseminimum required horsepowerlies within this 88 slice can be removedas they are not consistent. Theconsistent space {motorhp = [10 30], machine-unitmin_hp= [10 30] } is shown.Theupdated space after the catalog-agent operations have been applied is {motor hp = [10 30], machine-unit min_hp= [10 20]}, shownas the space boundedby dotted lines. Eventhough this space intersects the feasible space along each dimension,it is not enclosedby the feasible space. Constraint Agent Shrinking Operation 35 3o ::::::::::.:.:.:.’ 25 iiiiiii.iiiiiiil Legend Current Space Consistent Space Updated Space Feasible Space Figure 5: Constraint-Agent Shrinking Operations Tofurther shrink the spaceso that it is enclosedwithin the feasible space, a second constraint-agent operation using the space-shrinkingheuristic described aboveis used. This operation directs the attribute space towardthe feasible region by examiningthe boundsof the current attribute space. In this example,the comerof the current attribute space defined by {motor horsepower= 10, machine-unitmin_hp= 20} lies outside the feasible space. To direct the space towardthe feasible space, the boundsthat define this comerare tightened by creating the space {motor hp = (10 30], machine-unit min_hp= [10 20)}, where the interval motor hp = (10 meansthe horsepowermust be greater than 10 and less than or equal to 30. Thesystemagent represents the user interface to ACDS, and has the capability to: * collect and broadcast design requirements, ¯ identify whenthe design process is complete. Thesearch-control agent monitorsthe design process, and has the capability to: ¯ detect dead-endconditions whenbacktracking is necessary, direct the agents to a newattribute spaceto explore, ¯ guarantee complete coverage, ¯ identify whenno solution exists. ACDS agents communicatethrough design protocols to achieve design goals. These protocols specify the format of messagessent and received, and the sequenceof messagesused within the protocol. For example,consistency and feasibility protocols allow catalog and constraint agents to achieve consistent and decomposablespaces by sending messagesfrom the catalog agents to the constraint agents to define the current space. Theconstraint agents use this spaceto construct newspaces whichare sent backto the catalog agents, whoremoveparts that lie outside the space. 89 5. ACDS DESIGN PROBLEM REPRESENTATION ACDS includes a precise definition of the configuration design problem, whichis mapped to a distributed, dynamic,multi-attribute domain,interval constraint-satisfaction problem(CSP) computationalmodel[14, 15]. ACSPis a general problem-solvingrepresentation given by a set of variables, a set of domainvalues for the variables and a set of constraints that restrict the possible assignment of values to variables. The ACDS CSPcomputational modelhas the following additional properties: 1. the variables and constraints havepreconditions that specify whenthey are active (dynamic CSP), 2. each variable or constraint is a separate computationalprocess that communicate by sending messages (distributed CSP), 3. the domainelementsare described by an attribute tuple (multi-attribute domainCSP), 4. constraints are evaluated over interval-valued variables (interval CSP). 5. Variable represent parts that cover the sameset of functions. The ACDS CSPcomputational model provides a precise frameworkfor applying established CSPproperties and heuristics to configuration design problems. For example,ACDS uses arc-consistency [4, 5, 16, 17] to reduce the numberof combinationsby efficiently removing certain configurations that violate constraints, and the forwardcheckingheuristic to propagatethe effects of design decisions [6J. Bymappingrequired functions to CSPvariables and design constraints and specifications to CSPconstraints, the ACDS CSPframeworkencompassesall types of configuration design problems,including those with multi-function parts and support components.This workextends the class of problemsto which a CSPmodel applies by defining the multi-attribute CSP, whichis a CSPwhosevariable domainelements are described by an attribute tuple. In the multi-attribute CSP,parts mapdirectly to CSPdomainelements. Anadditional property identified by the ACDS CSPcomputational modelis the boundarypart property. This property applies to a class of configuration design problemsin whichthe parts can be orderedfor each part attribute and in whichthe constraints that are definedover the part attributes are monotone.This property states the conditions under whicha single part can be selected to implementa function without losing any solutions. This property is used as a basis for the conditions for backtrack-free search, namelya boundarypart implementseach required function. 5" 6. ACDS CONTRIBUTIONS This section summarizesthe contributions of this workand describes the experimentaland theoretical results that supportthese contributions. Thecontributions of this workfall into three areas: distributed design algorithms and networks, distributed design problemrepresentations, and distributed design agents. 6.1.1 Distributed Design Algorithm Contributions Aneffective algorithmfor large-scale distributed design is guaranteedto terminate, uses heuristics to managethe problemcomplexityand is scaleable. This workdefines a distributeddesign algorithmfor solving configuration design problemsthat is guaranteedto terminate. The contributions are the following: ¯ ACDSAlgorithm ¯ Soundand complete, ¯ Uses heuristics for particular design domainsand classes of designs, Scales to over 200 agents. This workprovesa theoremthat states the properties of the search-control agent that must hold for the algorithmto terminate, with a solution if one exists. Weshowthat for the VTelevator 9O configuration design problem[13], the space-shrinkingheuristics reduce the time to solve the problemover binary-search methods. Finally, we demonstrate that the ACDS algorithm solves an elevator design problemwhenscaled to over 200 agents, which is a limit on the numberof computerhosts available at the University of Michigan. 6.1.2 Design Problem Representation Contributions To incorporate domain-independent heuristics and into design algorithms, it is necessary to have a precise problemdefinition and a domain-independentcomputational model. This work precisely defines the distributed configurationdesign problemand casts it as a dynamic, distributed, interval constraint-satisfaction problem(CSP).Thecontributions are the following: ¯ Precise defmition of the distributed configuration design problem, ¯ Theattribute-space representation. ¯ Facilitates efficient reasoningfor a large class of problems, ¯ Effective for communicatinglarge design spaces. ¯ CSPmodelfor configuration design represents ¯ Multi-function parts, ¯ Support components, ¯ Multi-functioncatalogs. ¯ CSPtechniques reduce the search space using node- and arc-consistency. This workdefines the distributed configuration design problem, and mapsit to a CSP computationalmodel. Multi-function part, support componentand multi-function catalog design problemsare solved using ACDS to demonstrate that the CSPmodelcan be used to solve these problems.Experimentsare performedto demonstratethe effectiveness of node- and arcconsistency properties in solving design problems. Themulti-attribute domainCSPintroduces uniqueproperties that must be satisfied to extend the class of backtrack-free search problems.This workextends the class of problemsto whichthe basic CSPrepresentation applies to include problemswith multi-attribute variable domainelements. Thecontributions are the following: ¯ Multi-attribute CSP: ¯ Boundaryelement property reduces the numberof domainelements to a single elementwithout losing solutions, ¯ Precise characterization of the conditions for backtrack-free search. This workprecisely defines the multi-attribute CSP, and the boundaryelement property, and proves the properties of the boundaryelement. Theconditions for backtrack-free search are stated and a theoremproven. 6.1.3 Design Agent Contributions To create flexible design networksfor solving a variety of design tasks, design agents must be able to interact with other agents in well-definedwaysto achieve joint design goals. This work describes a set of generic design agents at the knowledgelevel, and a set of design protocols these agents use to achieve specific design goals. Thecontributions are the following: ¯ Knowledge-leveldescription of agent capabilities, design messageclasses, agent operations for distributed design. ¯ Protocols to achievespecific design goals. Theseagents and protocols are specialized for configuration design and incorporatedinto the ACDS algorithm to demonstratetheir effectiveness in solving distributed configuration design problems. 91 7. REFERENCES 1. Dart, T.P. and W.P. Birmingham,AutomatedDesign for Concurrent Engineering, IEEE Expert, 1994, Vol. 9, No. 5, p. 35-42. 2. Darr, T.P. and W.P. Birmingham,An Attribute-Space Representation and Algorithm for Concurrent Engineering, A/EDAM, 1996, Vol. 10, No. 1, p. 21-36. 3. Darr, T.P., Ph.D. thesis in preparation, 1996, TheUniversity of Michigan, 4. 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